The City of Arch: Central Planning

Game Master Doomed Hero

Welcome to the City of Everywhere.

Arch Style:

Where the city is and what it is like will come up in gameplay. What you need to know before the game begins is what Arch feels like.

Arch isn't your typical fantasy setting. It's more like Shadowrun than anything else, but with even more magic replacing all the technology. Oh, and the whole city is made up of Runners. It's Full Metal Alchemist meets Blade Runner.

Arch exports adventurers. Every citizen is trained and dangerous.

Arch is what happens when the characters in the setting figure out the rules to the game. Class levels are broken down into military-style ranks and are how the city assigns threat assessments. Enchantments are categorized by Magnitude. Spells are categorized by Order (level), Sphere (arcane or divine) and School.

A Meritocracy social caste system.
A Socialist public service system.
A sometimes shockingly mercenary Capitalist economic system.
A Justice system that has no real-world analogue. The best description would be SHIELD and the Avengers backed up by psychics, prophets and a whole slew of Sherlock Holmeses. (Arch does not screw around when it comes to crime)

Character Creation:

Characters start at 2nd level

Each character gets a total of 35 points to divide between Attributes and Race Points.

Attributes: No attribute may be lower than 8 after Racial modifiers. Arch doesn't like Dump Stats.

Races: No custom races. Characters must be able to breed with humans (or be immortal). Arch sees each citizen as an investment in future generations. As such, genetic compatibility is essential. The exception to this rule are Dwarves, who have their own racial House in the city. The Bondsman trait overrides this rule, allowing for characters of stranger races.

Classes: Any Paizo. Unchained Rogue is used in place of the standard rogue. Unchained Monk is used instead of the standard Monk, but Archetypes are still allowed (some adaptation may be required). Antipaladins are Lawful Evil in this setting.

Alignment: Any except Chaotic Evil. If you choose to play an evil character, be warned that your character must be willing to work with the party for common goals, and must be devoted to the causes of the city. The Operative from Firefly is a good example of an evil character who would fit in well in Arch.

Religion: The Arch religion is a sort of Secular Humanism. They are not actually Anti-Theist, they just do not recognize any god as having authority over the city. Individuals may worship any gods they choose so long as their worship does not interfere with their oaths to the city. Because of this, most religious characters may pay lip service to certain gods, but the source of their divine power is an artifact called the Godstone, which collects and reflects the driving will of Arch's citizens.
The Godstone is a Lawful Neutral divine entity who's portfolio is Travel, Community, Nobility, and Void. Noble Scion followers of the Godstone may replace one of the Godstone's Domains with a domain associated with their own house. Orphan Scion or Petitioner characters who later join a house may replace one of their domains with a House domain when they join a house.
In place of a god's favored weapon, each House has a favored weapon. For Orphan Scion and Petitioner characters, they gain access to the Favored Weapon class feature only when they choose a house.

Equipment: Max starting cash for each class. Guns are Commonplace in arch.

Traits: One from any Paizo source, plus one of the following traits-

Noble Scion: You are descended of one of the noble houses of Arch. Knowledge Local: Arch is always a class skill for you. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to one of your House's associated skills. That skill is always a class skill. Your Wealth By Level allotment increases by 10%, representing aid from your wealthy family.

Orphan Scion: You were born on another world, but came to Arch as a child. You were raised at the Temple and joined the Academy as soon as you were old enough. Knowledge Local: Arch is always a class skill for you. In addition, your years of proximity to the Godstone has made your body more receptive to magical rejuvenation. Whenever you are magically healed, gain +1 Hit Point per Dice of magical healing. You also gain proficiency in one Simple or Martial weapon from the extra training you received at the academy.

Petitioner: You were born on another world. You came to Arch as an adult seeking to prove your worth in hopes of immigrating. You are the best your world has to offer. Whenever you gain a level in your Favored class, you gain two benefits rather than just one. Racial-specific bonuses may only be selected once, but hit points and skill points could be selected twice.

Bondsman: Sometimes the Houses require the services of creatures who do not fit the usual criteria for recruitment. These individuals are more like employees than members of a house. As a Bondsman you may choose a race outside the normal character creation guidelines. You gain an additional five points to divide between race and attribute points. You must choose a house you are bonded to at first level. When it comes time to graduate the academy and choose a house, you must choose the house you are bonded to. You cannot change allegiances.

General House Rules:

--Small Changes, because Martials deserve nice things--

Combat Maneuvers Do Not Provoke. In addition, all maneuvers can be attempted in place of an attack. All characters with a BaB of +1 or better count as having all "improved combat maneuver" feats for the purposes of feat qualifications. (note that this does not grant the usual bonuses to those maneuvers. Just the not provoking part. If you want combat maneuver bonuses you'll have to pay for them.)
Exception: Grapple checks to Pin are still standard actions.

Reposition and Bull Rush are for shoving people off cliffs or into campfires. The caveat about not being able to move people into danger with these maneuvers is removed.

Any creature with an Intelligence of 3 or higher receives Combat Expertise as a bonus feat at +1 BaB. Defending yourself with a weapon is instinctive and should not be taxed mechanically. You're already taking a penalty to do it. That's enough of a trade off.

Improved Unarmed Strike is a Martial Weapon Proficiency. Anyone trained in all martial weapons knows how to punch someone.

Dervish Dance is Weapon Specific, but can be used with any Finesse-able weapon. Think of this like Weapon Focus. Pick a weapon when you chose the feat. You get Dex to damage with that weapon.

Proficiency with Exotic Weapons cost a Trait. Because none of them are worth a feat, but they are cool and I like to see them used more often.

Spears of all kinds may be used in one hand by a character proficient in Martial Weapons. Because history.

Characters have a number of Attacks of Opportunity each round equal to the number of attacks granted by their BaB. More skilled martial characters should be better at exploiting combat opportunities. Combat Reflexes adds AoOs equal to a character's Dex modifier to their number of AoOs a round.

Characters have a number of Five Foot Steps each round equal to the number of attacks granted by their BaB. Mobility in combat is important. Nobody likes aborting attacks because they killed their enemy on the first swing.

Reach Weapons do not use the ranged weapon Cover rules. Attacking from behind other people is what polearms are designed to do. A character shouldn't have to invest in archery feats (improved precise shot) in order to use a polearm the way they are designed to be used.

Reach Weapons use the 3.5 Diagonal exception. Normally, pole arms do not threaten on diagonals, unless you are a large creature. Ignoring this little artifact of the grid makes pole arms more functional.

Armor Spikes, Spiked Gauntlets, Bite attacks and other weapons that do not need to be employed in hands allow a character to threaten squares adjacent to them, even if they have attacked with a Reach weapon that round.

Light Weapons can be drawn as a Free action. Treat them as ammunition. If drawing an arrow is a non-action, so is drawing a knife. Pistols count as Light weapons for the purposes of drawing.

No Rage Cycling. Don't even try it.

-- Fun Changes--

Spells don't Fizzle. Anyone that fails a concentration check doesn't simply lose the spell. Instead, the Scroll Mishaps rules will be consulted to see what happens to the magical energy when it is interrupted.

Size Matters: Creatures that are bigger than you might move you if they hit you. Slam or Bludgeoning attacks from a creature one size category larger than their target or any melee attack from a creature two or more size categories larger initiate a Bull Rush as a free action after a successful hit (regardless of damage dealt). This bull rush is not automatically directed by the attacker, and uses the Grenade scatter rules to determine which direction the target is moved. Any result that would indicate the target is moved toward the creature instead moves the target straight back away from them. If you get hit by something four or more times your mass, expect to go flying.

Drawing Objects From Pouches: Any adventurer worth his salt knows that sometimes it's handy to have things like caltrops, tanglefood bags or potions as accessible as possible. As such, bandoleers and pouches are treated exactly like (and cost the same as) Wrist Sheathes or Spring Loaded Wrist Sheathes. A typical belt can hold up to six of them. With a belt and two bandoleers an adventurer could have as many as 20 ready pouches. This rule exists mostly because the system for retrieving small objects is total b$+%#%&~.

City NPCs:

The Oracle: Jon Shepard. Dean of the College of Diviners and head of the Adventurer's Society. Diviner Wizard 15, Inquisitor Diviner 5
He is an amiable, easygoing and surprisingly young man who has the look of a former soldier. His accomplishments in the realm of predictions of the future are impressive. In spite of his good nature, he is a secretive person who can be quite ruthless when he has to be. While he does not appear ambitious or power hungry, he has had a meteoric rise into an incredibly influential position. He has secured his position by subjecting himself to many Truthtellings and Divinations regarding his goals and his reasons for keeping secrets. As of yet, he is beyond reproach. His skeptics say he is making himself indispensable, and that his position could be better filled by a small council rather than a single person with the authority to act without approval. These doubts are silenced by the Keepers of the Vaults, who have indicated that the secrets the Oracle keeps are for the benefit of the whole city, not for himself.
All city missions are vetted and approved by his office.

The Headmaster: Darian Kale. Half-Elf Brawler 20, Enforcer Esoteric 5
A rakish, middle aged half elf who has more legends spun about him than any other in the city. He became a Citizen as an adult, after an already successful adventuring career. After unexpectedly winning the Arch Games while still int he academy, he became a successful adventurer for nearly twenty years before being offered the position of Headmaster. He is, without a doubt, the most accomplished and versatile adventurer alive today, and It is argued that he is the most proficient swordsman in the city as well, surpassing even Lord Sever in skill, though the two have never faced each other, so at this point the comparison is only speculative.

The Hellguard: Lady Sabriel Solar, Knight-Commander of the Jury. Astral Deva Warpriest 9/ Jurer 5. Enforcer Paragon 4
A stern and serious Deva, formerly of the Heavenly Court of a God slain in the Gods War. She and her sister were the first to sign the Arch Accords and has been one of the city's staunchest champions ever since. She never expected to rise higher than the Celestial Chorus she was born into, but once free of the expectations of her rigid god, she became an ambitious and dedicated champion. Upon joining House Solar and being trained as a Warpriest, she began taking trophies of slain demons and working them into her armor. Today, her unique plate mail incorporates the hide of slain demon lords.

Azrael: Lieutenant-Investigator of the Census. Tiefling Synthesist Summoner VMC Inquisitor 9. Inquisitor Telepath 3
One of the most fear-inspiring names in the city. His specialty is in sussing out Abyssal corruption. The Carnival is his beat, and fear of him keeps the street devils in line.

Sir Link: Knight- Lieutenant of the Temple Guard. Kyton Evangelist Paladin 5. Minister Psychokinetic
Link was a Kyton who had a run-in with a Helm of Opposite Alignment. He fled his former life and wandered Limbo a guilt-wracked wreck. He does not speak of how long he wandered, but eventually he made his way to Arch. The city accepted him, but it was the Godstone that gave him back a sense of purpose. He spent years undertaking the test of the Godstone. He was an Initiate for so long that those who rose to become the heads of the temple remember him sitting in the outer rings when they were young. Now, he is a tireless force for good in the city. In much the same way that he was once born to inflict suffering, he has embraced his new life as once who relieves it. He receives no greater sense of joy than by rescuing others and knitting damaged flesh. His control over chains is now used to break them, and his mastery of surgery is now used to mend.