The Avalon Chronicles

Game Master lynora

This is a high level rules light game set in a school for magical kids, kinda a mash-up of Soul Eater, Harry Potter, and X-Men. :)

52,701 to 52,750 of 78,424 << first < prev | 1050 | 1051 | 1052 | 1053 | 1054 | 1055 | 1056 | 1057 | 1058 | 1059 | 1060 | next > last >>

Male Icy Catfolk Image Warlock/Rogue 16

"I'm sorry. . . . I can take it if I'll be a burden. I just feel like I can't do anything with that on. . . . ."
He rifles through his pockets.
"I have lots of string. In one of our stories they got through a maze by putting string on their path .. . "

"Ace" wrote:

Ace does whatever he must to teleport to wherever Headmaster Ryo is. If he appears busy, the young man will politely interrupt him, explaining he has urgent news. Once able to talk to the Headmaster, Ace tells him of his findings. "I used a psionic power to sort of trace the teleportation signature of evil Vai. I didn't get much, other than a sort of vague sense of direction, but I went to Tyrrin's observatory and entered what I could into her telescope. From what I was able to gather, its very likely she went to Imperial controlled territory.

Uh, I can't remember if Ace knew if what he faced was an evil Vai or not. If he doesn't know that, sub out "evil Vai" with the attacker.

"This is not good." Ryo says, his metal arm glowing and buzzing as he uses it to rebuild the wards with Taron. "You are sure? We'll still want to track her down and send her back to her own timeline if we can, but if that last part isn't possible..."

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Michael Dacamara wrote:
With Anthony safe, Michael moves on to another section of the makeshift infirmary, wishing he still had the healing power he'd borrowed before the War.

Renkai is laying over in a corner by himself... still bleeding minorly and shaking...

Male Half-Elf

Michael walks over and offers Ren a potion to drink.

"Stupid question, but are you okay?"

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Michael Dacamara wrote:

Michael walks over and offers Ren a potion to drink.

"Stupid question, but are you okay?"

completely unconcious, plus is wearing a mask

Male Half-Elf

Did not know that. Ignore last post.

Michael takes out one of his remaining jars of salve and begins to spread it over any cuts he can find.

Salve heals 4d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 3, 5, 5) + 3 = 21 hit point damege and diseases.

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Michael Dacamara wrote:

Did not know that. Ignore last post.

Michael takes out one of his remaining jars of salve and begins to spread it over any cuts he can find.

Salve heals 4d6+3 hit point damege and diseases.

another group of the cuts is healed up, but there are too many cuts for your salve, but he seems to be coming around...

"unnnnnn....." he groans

thats a total of 50 or so of my Hp back... only like 60 or 70 more left... that should give you an idea of how badly wounded I was when the slug abandoned me

EDIT Actually I have 150 HP left to get back

Dom Waverider wrote:

While turned away from from Rena Dom notices a boy with strange ears enter. In his arms is a bloody girl. Both looked about the same age as he and Tami, but the girl was covered in blood and not moving. "Oh gods. Tami I think I'm going to need more fresh water." He drops the shirt and bends all the water from the pitcher of water and rushes over to the boy and girl. "Quickly set her down on the table." He tells Keme while pointing out a clear table. "How long has she been like this?"

Keme gently laid Kitty's body on the table and pulled out the mangled body of her familiar from his pocket, laying it on her chest.

"I...I don't know. I brought her here as soon as I found her....she was still bleeding when I found her," he said, choking on a sob. "Whoever did this killed her familiar and all of her animal companions too...her animal hospital looks like a slaughterhouse...."

Right now Keme wasn't sarcastic or witty or any of the things that usually annoyed people about him. Right now he was a normal teenager having trouble coping with the violent murder of his best friend.

Male Human-Reaper/obitu Death Mage 11/oracle 1/grim reaper 10

grim walks up to michael "is there anyone who could use my healing magics, I've already used up like a third of my cure spells I want to be sure I heal the guys who really need it, you know who I should cast on?"

Image Alternate Image - all dressed up.
Rena, the Companion wrote:

When Kitty's body was brought in, Rena's stomach did something completely foreign to her. It twitched in revulsion, and it was all Rena could do not to spew vomit everywhere. Her eyes watered a bit, though after the almost-upchuck, she turns away from the horrific scene and instead "tucks" herself into Tamina, obviously seeking comfort.

Tami patted her awkwardly on the shoulder. "There, there," she said, softly.

Since she didn't think she could get away from this strange girl in a timely fashion she did the next best thing.

"Morrivan!"she bellowed.

When her friend stuck her head out of the kitchen to see why she was being yelled for she continued.

"We need water and lots of it! It's urgent!"


Morrivan nods and soon a huge glob of water is floating over the heads of the other students, headed straight for Dom.

Image (doesn't have wings)

Dom, Kitty is definitely dead dead. In need of a rez and she's been dead for at least a minute.

Male Half-Elf Gestalt: Cleric 6, Holy Vendicator 10, Paladin 16
Kitty Tanaka wrote:
Dom, Kitty is definitely dead dead. In need of a rez and she's been dead for at least a minute.

A powerful Cleric/Paladin is wandering the grounds... and at least half a dozen or more people know... not counting those who were at the demon-gate

female human Witch 5 / Pack Lord Beastmaster 0.5

A ways into their conversation Sara looks down at her Teddy Bear and listens to it.
"Ohmigosh! You're right. I forgot."
She looks back at Alley.
"I can help fix people. I forgot I could do that. I liked talking with you but I think I should help people too. Do you want to come with me?"

Male Half-Elf

He gestures to Renkai.

"This one is hurt beyond my own medical abilities. I don't think he's going to die, but iff we could at least get him conscious and out of this area, other may not use magic on him that could go to others in a more critical condition."

male Aasimar Muse-touched Image gestalt waterbender 11/Disciple of the Healing Waters 5/ Bard (street performer/song healer) 16
Keme Tokala wrote:

Keme gently laid Kitty's body on the table and pulled out the mangled body of her familiar from his pocket, laying it on her chest.

"I...I don't know. I brought her here as soon as I found her....she was still bleeding when I found her," he said, choking on a sob. "Whoever did this killed her familiar and all of her animal companions too...her animal hospital looks like a slaughterhouse...."

Right now Keme wasn't sarcastic or witty or any of the things that usually annoyed people about him. Right now he was a normal teenager having trouble coping with the violent murder of his best friend.

Dom looked at the girl with sad eyes. It was a shame someone could do this. Dom moved the water to her worst Injuries. "I'll she what I can do for her. I just hope it's not to late." Atempting to use return to the lifestream. The DC for this to work is 35 + 2 per round. Waterbending check. 1d20 + 39 ⇒ (18) + 39 = 57 It works if she died up to 12 rounds ago. Iirc each round is 15 seconds so I'm covering 3 minents.

I hate to say it, but a round is only six seconds...

male Aasimar Muse-touched Image gestalt waterbender 11/Disciple of the Healing Waters 5/ Bard (street performer/song healer) 16
Renkai Urmas wrote:

thats a total of 50 or so of my Hp back... only like 60 or 70 more left... that should give you an idea of how badly wounded I was when the slug abandoned me

EDIT Actually I have 150 HP left to get back

Did you count in the 3d8+24 from mass cure serious wounds I think it happened twice awhile you were there once off camera maybe once on.

The Dalesman wrote:

Okay, the site seems to be working better for me now...

The Materials and Supplies building looking like a modern warehouse/distribution center - high ceilings; large, configurable metal shelving brackets designed to hold pallets ov varying size; wide 'lanes' for pallet jacks and lifters; and several climate-controlled storage rooms for more sensitive materials (like food and certain medical supplies). It would probably be similar to one of Amazon's distribution centers in the sheer variety of goods that get sorted and stored there, if that helps.

The main delivery entrance is a large set of warehouse doors that are open most hours of the day and night, with a set of offices (with their own access to the outside) nearby. Fei's cot is tucked in a relatively low-traffic area of the warehouse that handles smaller, non-perishable goods.

Approaching the double doors to the large warehouse structure, Fei would immediate recognize the mindless moans and groans as those of zombie like creatures. None immediately in sight, however.

Whether or not he'd heard about the events in the Infirmary, he has a sneaking suspicion from the destruction he spots with his amazing perception, that various explosive events occurred, and just the tiny parts of such visible and smelled from outside the doors.

So far, as he stealthily walks up, however, nothing has seen him-- and with the flickering remains of lights and other bits, through the massive doors he can see a completely burnt out interior of the building. Destruction on a scale that really does nothing to tell him of positive news on any potential survivors...

Until he sees some zombies, dressed in the burnt out clothing of school workers, ambling about mindlessly, like the zombies they now are.

There's no 'threat' here, beyond the workers of this place having been re-animated as 1 HD zombies. They are in various states of burnt and de-limbed from numerous fireball like events. There is a lingering 'dust' or 'chemical' on the walls too, post explosions/burning, that suggest some sort of chemical attack that's faded at this point. The interior and it's contents was blown to bits and melted, especially any expensive and delicate materials. Clearly not a gas pipe blowing up, sabotage! Go nuts with the zombies, Fei-- not really a combat scene, but you're welcome to manage this however you want.

Male Human-Reaper/obitu Death Mage 11/oracle 1/grim reaper 10

Grim puts his hand on renkai.
take 2 castings of cure moderate4d8 + 22 ⇒ (1, 7, 7, 4) + 22 = 41

male Aasimar Muse-touched Image gestalt waterbender 11/Disciple of the Healing Waters 5/ Bard (street performer/song healer) 16
Agarthian Storyteller wrote:
I hate to say it, but a round is only six seconds...

To that means I'm covering 1 min 12 seconds. Depending on how far I miss it I can overbend. I'll need to rest After so now more heals for a bit.

Do you want krays to rez her? I imagine he's there raising people already...especially vials of dust...


"There you are, I've been looking all over for you," Ginni says as she finally finds where Melody was working. "Sorry about that....what did you need my help with?"

Image (doesn't have wings)
Dom Waverider wrote:

Dom looked at the girl with sad eyes. It was a shame someone could do this. Dom moved the water to her worst Injuries. "I'll she what I can do for her. I just hope it's not to late." Atempting to use return to the lifestream. The DC for this to work is 35 + 2 per round. Waterbending check. 1d20 +39 It works if she died up to 12 rounds ago. Iirc each round is 15 seconds so I'm covering 3 minents.

Percentile roll to see if she died within the time that would allow for. 1d100 ⇒ 20

That would be a no.

Number of rounds beyond that that she died: 1d8 ⇒ 7

Okay, so she's been dead for just one round short of two full minutes.

Female Human Teenager
Mithros Phoebus wrote:

"There you are..." he says when Ephebe arrives. When the capsule opens he jumps back.

When Anahita starts with the fire, he gets out of it, although it doesn't hurt him, he doesn't want to torch his flight suit.

"What's with the fire?! Are you crazy?"

He hears the girl scream, and starts to work firebending katas to extinguish the fire...

"She is spreading diseases and virus. She must be contained immediately. This fire is to stop the spread of those organisms."

Anahita is clearly concentrating at this point, and whether or not she is aware of the kata-foo going on, or what it means, she doesn't let off.

I'm going to be semi-off line, fairly soon, as a warning... sorry for any delays on my part. Hopefully Ephebe can help with the situation before my efforts are thwarted by Mithros.

M Firebird Firebender/ Testpilot/ Robot Jock

"Oh! Ok..." he stops his attempt to bend.
"Are you sure it's her doing it?"

Female Human Teenager
Mithros Phoebus wrote:

"Oh! Ok..." he stops his attempt to bend.

"Are you sure it's her doing it?"

Seeing as talking takes no time ...

Anahita doesn't nod or what not, but simply says, "My newfound sense indicates that /she/ is the source of these .. minute creatures that are spreading out-- intentional or not, she needs to be contained. I am ill prepared for combat today."

Unless I /completely/ mis-read what Lurch was posting. :D That has happened. I'm human!

Her concentration continues on attempting to keep the Wall of Fire 'enclosed' to prevent any further spreading of virus (things), and close off the top too, if at all possible.

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Grim Jr. wrote:

Grim puts his hand on renkai.

take 2 castings of cure moderate 4d8+22

Renkai stirs....


Most of his wounds closed

Image Male Human (Paragon) Gestalt Monk 14 / Fighter (Unarmed) 7 / Elemental Fist 5 / Enlightened Scholar 2 / [CLASSIFIED] 6 (^-^); Champion of Courage
Narrator! wrote:
Do you want krays to rez her? I imagine he's there raising people already...especially vials of dust...

I will be sending a call for Krays' aid presently, to further complicate matters in this crisis... (;_;)

Image Male Human (Paragon) Gestalt Monk 14 / Fighter (Unarmed) 7 / Elemental Fist 5 / Enlightened Scholar 2 / [CLASSIFIED] 6 (^-^); Champion of Courage
Damiani wrote:

Approaching the double doors to the large warehouse structure, Fei would immediate recognize the mindless moans and groans as those of zombie like creatures. None immediately in sight, however.

Whether or not he'd heard about the events in the Infirmary, he has a sneaking suspicion from the destruction he spots with his amazing perception, that various explosive events occurred, and just the tiny parts of such visible and smelled from outside the doors.

So far, as he stealthily walks up, however, nothing has seen him-- and with the flickering remains of lights and other bits, through the massive doors he can see a completely burnt out interior of the building. Destruction on a scale that really does nothing to tell him of positive news on any potential survivors...

Until he sees some zombies, dressed in the burnt out clothing of school workers, ambling about mindlessly, like the zombies they now are.

There's no 'threat' here, beyond the workers of this place having been re-animated as 1 HD zombies. They are in various states of burnt and de-limbed from numerous fireball like events. There is a lingering 'dust' or 'chemical' on the walls too, post explosions/burning, that suggest some sort of chemical attack that's faded at this point. The interior and it's contents was blown to bits and melted, especially any expensive and delicate materials. Clearly not a gas pipe blowing up, sabotage! Go nuts with the zombies, Fei-- not really a combat scene, but you're welcome to manage this however you want.



The word is barely a whisper on his lips, lost on the convection winds from the dying fires inside the building, all but unnoticeable. What is noticeable is the seeming...collapse...of something within Fei. His shoulders slump, and he sinks to his knees, his arms hanging limp by his sides.

The young monk sits silent and still in the dirt for a long moment. Finally, he tries to use his neural lace to contact someone for aid.

Both Vai and Aananda hear Fei's voice out of the blue, transmitting somehow on a radio frequency.

:Vai? Sabumnim? If either of you can contact Krays immediately, I need his presence at the Materials and Supplies building. There...are,: he says, his voice catching at the end. He resumes speaking a second or two after that.

:The building...was attacked as well. The interior is all but lost.:

male Aasimar Muse-touched Image gestalt waterbender 11/Disciple of the Healing Waters 5/ Bard (street performer/song healer) 16
"Kitty Tanaka wrote:

Percentile roll to see if she died within the time that would allow for. 1d100

That would be a no.

Number of rounds beyond that that she died: 1d8

Okay, so she's been dead for just one round short of two full minutes.

Well this will hurt. Overbending. Return to the lifestream succeeds. Dom works furiously pulling gallons of water from the glob Morrivan had brought to him. Kitties injuries started heal After a moment of Dom's work but the hard part was still to come. Dom pulsed his how ki through her body. After the first attempt failed he sent another. Untill he felt her pulse beat. "She lives."

Those watch Dom could see the determination on his face. He looked so strong and confident at first, but half way through his nose and eyes started to bleed. con damage: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3

Once he announced the girls survival he waved over anyone else that could take over. His vision was blurry. He had pushed to hard and he knew it. He stubbled his say to a seat while he tried wipeing away the blood from his face.

Male Maftet 16 Stalker (umbral blade)/Dread
Sara and Bee wrote:

A ways into their conversation Sara looks down at her Teddy Bear and listens to it.

"Ohmigosh! You're right. I forgot."
She looks back at Alley.
"I can help fix people. I forgot I could do that. I liked talking with you but I think I should help people too. Do you want to come with me?"

"Uhh...I don't think that's a good idea. You need to help those people, go on." he says with a smile of understanding. "I don't believe I'll be allowed to leave..."

Male Quasit (Demon) Gestalt Vitalist/Psion(Telepath) 16
Dom Waverider wrote:

Well this will hurt. Overbending. Return to the lifestream succeeds. Dom works furiously pulling gallons of water from the glob Morrivan had brought to him. Kitties injuries started heal After a moment of Dom's work but the hard part was still to come. Dom pulsed his how ki through her body. After the first attempt failed he sent another. Untill he felt her pulse beat. "She lives."

Those watch Dom could she the determination on his face. He looked so strong and confident at first, but half say through his nose and eyes started to bleed. [Dice=con damage]2d4

Once he announced the girls survival he waved over anyone else that could take over. His vision was blurry. He had pushed to hard and he knew it. He stubbled his say to a seat while he tried wipeing away the blood from his face.

As he sits, a small taloned hand comes to rest on his shoulder and a wave of refreshing energy washes through Dom. The fatigue fades from him and his vision clears. He still feels weak and feels the effects of straining too hard, but he is at least not exhausted. Looking up he can see a small demon with one hand on his shoulder, and a fading silver glow. The thoughts that appear in his mind are grave, ::That was a brave thing you did, Dom. I am sorry I cannot restore you fully. This has been a trying day. Thank you for bringing Kitty back.::

Female [Classified] Bard 16 / [classified] 16
Ginni wrote:
"There you are, I've been looking all over for you," Ginni says as she finally finds where Melody was working. "Sorry about that....what did you need my help with?"

Melody looks up from her work

Mel looks very distraught and upset.

Ginni...I screwed up, I mean big time, Kai got hurt badly, and I feel like its my fault. Mel is haveing some trouble communicating this to her. trying to be strong but not doing so well

and...and...I made lots of other people angry at me. but I guess I deserve that. inculding you ginni, I asked you to come her but then I left, I ...

Mel looks like she is fighting back tears Kai's condition is fresh in her mind. Ginni can tell Mel is trying to hide these thoughts but it is probably nothing for Ginni to break through those barriers.

I'm sorry Ginni, I really don't know what to do now. I came here, hoping that working will help me from thinking about it. I was wondering, if its not too much of a problem, I can't bear to see Kai right now I am so ashamed of what hhappened. please stay with him and tell him, where I am and that I still love him and will be waiting for him when all of this is over?

Male Human Gestalt Inquisitor/Dragon Knight 16

Spellcraft 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (10) + 24 = 34

"This is a peculiar thing here. Normally, a maze spell only lasts until a person can get out, or ten minutes. Perhaps we have 10 minutes each time try to find this book within the Maze? Normally there is some discernable pattern you may be able to figure out...but when getting out isn't the goal...?"

female human Witch 5 / Pack Lord Beastmaster 0.5

"OK. I'll see you later."
She braves the unnerving aura to give her new friend a hug.
Then she runs off into the crowd of hurt people. She sets her small hand on the least icky part of an injured person and channels her mysterious healing power into them.
She doesn't stay with one person for too long as it will only work on them once. The presence of the happy little girl is also something desperately needed among the injured people.

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Sara and Bee wrote:

"OK. I'll see you later."

She braves the unnerving aura to give her new friend a hug.
Then she runs off into the crowd of hurt people. She sets her small hand on the least icky part of an injured person and channels her mysterious healing power into them.
She doesn't stay with one person for too long as it will only work on them once. The presence of the happy little girl is also something desperately needed among the injured people.

Renkai finally wakes up after the child's bit of healing as well....

"ugh....what the....where is melody!"

female human Witch 5 / Pack Lord Beastmaster 0.5

"I don't know. I'm sorry." She seems saddened by her inability to help this person further before she has to move on to help other people.

male Aasimar Muse-touched Image gestalt waterbender 11/Disciple of the Healing Waters 5/ Bard (street performer/song healer) 16
Phaezeriel wrote:

As he sits, a small taloned hand comes to rest on his shoulder and a wave of refreshing energy washes through Dom. The fatigue fades from him and his vision clears. He still feels weak and feels the effects of straining too hard, but he is at least not exhausted. Looking up he can see a small demon with one hand on his shoulder, and a fading silver glow. The thoughts that appear in his mind are grave, ::That was a brave thing you did, Dom. I am sorry I cannot restore you fully. This has been a trying day. Thank you for bringing Kitty back.::

Dom looks up to see who was giving him energy. "Maybe I worked myself a little harder than I thought." He shrugs. "Guess it could be worse. No problem but she's not fully out of the woods yet. She still needs treatment so hold your thanks till she's fine. To and thanks for the pick me up... it's not addicting is it?" Dom starts to stand up though his head still hurts from the damage. Slowly he looks around to see where he's needed.

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Sara and Bee wrote:
"I don't know. I'm sorry." She seems saddened by her inability to help this person further before she has to move on to help other people.

I, thank you.... But... Wait....whose been messing with my mask....?" Renkai seems to be unbelievably pissed after only an instant...

He stands up, reaching into his jacket

female human Witch 5 / Pack Lord Beastmaster 0.5

"Mr, you need to lay down, please. You aren't fixed all the way yet."

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Sara and Bee wrote:
"Mr, you need to lay down, please. You aren't fixed all the way yet."

I'm fine," Renkai lies poorly

Then thanks the three and pushes past the group, looking for the person who messed with his mask and melody...

Female Zif Wizard 6/Mage of the third eye 10

riviarti isn't far off, nor is her Leonal.

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Reviarti wrote:
riviarti isn't far off, nor is her Leonal.

unless you are thinking about his mask Renkai doesn't know you did it

Male Quasit (Demon) Gestalt Vitalist/Psion(Telepath) 16
Dom Waverider wrote:
Dom looks up to see who was giving him energy. "Maybe I worked myself a little harder than I thought." He shrugs. "Guess it could be worse. No problem but she's not fully out of the woods yet. She still needs treatment so hold your thanks till she's fine. To and thanks for the pick me up... it's not addicting is it?" Dom starts to stand up though his head still hurts from the damage. Slowly he looks around to see where he's needed.

Phaezeriel shakes his head with a small grin, ::No, it is not addictive. Well, off we go then.:: Phaezeriel moves away looking for more people to help.

Female Zif Wizard 6/Mage of the third eye 10

she is, but it isn't her most prominent thought.

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Reviarti wrote:
she is, but it isn't her most prominent thought.

its up to you if he hears the thoughts about it

Imagefemale weredragon (amethyst) gestalt Soulknife17/oracle10/divine gunslinger7
Anahita bint Tariq wrote:
Mithros Phoebus wrote:

"Oh! Ok..." he stops his attempt to bend.

"Are you sure it's her doing it?"

Seeing as talking takes no time ...

Anahita doesn't nod or what not, but simply says, "My newfound sense indicates that /she/ is the source of these .. minute creatures that are spreading out-- intentional or not, she needs to be contained. I am ill prepared for combat today."

Unless I /completely/ mis-read what Lurch was posting. :D That has happened. I'm human!

Her concentration continues on attempting to keep the Wall of Fire 'enclosed' to prevent any further spreading of virus (things), and close off the top too, if at all possible.

"I think I'm already infected," Ephebe said, her eyes gone that dark purple-black. She feels the rage towards the others, but this was hardly a new emotion for her. "The first symptoms appear to be unreasoning anger. mind is starting to feel....fuzzy."

Fei, of the Sun Soul wrote:

Both Vai and Aananda hear Fei's voice out of the blue, transmitting somehow on a radio frequency.

:Vai? Sabumnim? If either of you can contact Krays immediately, I need his presence at the Materials and Supplies building. There...are,: he says, his voice catching at the end. He resumes speaking a second or two after that.

:The building...was attacked as well. The interior is all but lost.:

"Oh," tears dripped down her face and she stopped her work trying to get the security net back up. This was all her fault. If she'd prepared better...planned for more was her job to protect them and now....

Over the family link, ::Krays, it appears the Materials and Supplies building was hit in the same manner as the infirmary. There are zombies there that need to be dealt with....and we're going to have to figure out what to do...we're going to be dangerously low on food supplies among other things...:: Her mental tone was businesslike with a slight hint of hysteria.

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Renkai Urmas wrote:
Reviarti wrote:
she is, but it isn't her most prominent thought.
its up to you if he hears the thoughts about it

Renkai's surrounded by an aura of utter unadulterated rage....

Just being near him is uncomfortable

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