Skull & Shackles: Sails under a blood red sky.

Game Master DBH

To be continued.

Red Sky folder link

Shackles map

Island of Empty eyes

Ship combat

Loot sheet

Chelish Fort

Sumitha full


Battle order:

The party <============ May act!

Red, Orange & Yellow

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Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

Yeah Cassie:

I would recommend skipping 'Profession: Sailor' and 'Linguist' and take 'Craft: Woodworking and Stone masonry' at 1pt each. That should solve our time problems for rebuilding. We could rebuild the entire fort and add a dance hall (with requisite Poles for dancing on) in less than a week or so probably.

Sorry everyone: I should have time this weekend to update my character to 11th level.

Female Human Wizard (Poleiheira Adherent) 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 12 (16 mage armor) T 12 FF 10 | Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +9 | Initiative +2 | Perception +12 | Arcane Bond 1/1 | Flickering Step 3/3 | Inspiration 5/5 | Mount 22 hrs. | Pearls of Power: 1st—1/1 2nd—1/1 3rd—1/1 | Water Blast 5/5 |

Uuuuugh moooom I don't wannaaaaaaa

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Do what works for your character, and makes you happy. We'll figure the rest out at some point.

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Are you sure you want to do that?

You can always head back to a large port and hire people to do it for you. You will need people to live here and do the work after all.

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

that the plan long term anyhow... cant have our hottie wizard stuck with the druge work... unless of course she wants too.. then drudge away. so fun fact. i never did the level 10 level up >.> Bad captains are bad. so heres to both.

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

hps 10: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
hps 11: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

+2 BAB
Fort -+1 Ref - +1 Will +1
+10 skill points
+2 to sense motive
+2 to perception
+2 to diplomacy
+2 to bluff
+2 to intimidate
+2 background profession sailor +2 background knowledge enginieering

Armor training (Armored Sacrifice) - When damage would cause the fighter or an adjacent ally to be knocked unconscious or killed, the fighter can instead direct the damage to a suit of armor that he is wearing or a shield he is using as an immediate action. The original target takes no damage, but the armor or shield is treated as if it had only half its normal hardness. The fighter can use this option once per day, plus one additional time each day at 11th level and every 8 fighter levels thereafter, to a maximum of three times per day at 19th level.
Call out fighter bonus feat - As a standard action, you can make an Intimidate check against a hostile target within 30 feet that can clearly see and hear you. The DC of this check is equal to 10 + your opponent’s Hit Dice + its Wisdom modifier. If the target is trained in Sense Motive, the DC is instead equal to 10 + your opponent’s Sense Motive bonus, if higher. If you succeed at this check, the target enters a duel with you. The target cannot withdraw from the duel for 1 round + 1 round for every 5 by which the check beat the DC.
+3 Bravery - Bravery (Ex)
Starting at 2nd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.
Improved Overrun - You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing an overrun combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to overrun a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to overrun you. Targets of your overrun attempt may not chose to avoid you.

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Percy becomes the Juggernaut!

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:
Cassiopeia Nereus wrote:
Uuuuugh moooom I don't wannaaaaaaa

Yeah, but its so much COOLER if you do it all with magic! We could call it 'Castle Cassie' in your honor! And in the future, you will already have the skills if you need them when you cast the spells again too...

That really helps when you need a bridge built fast!

Are you sure you want to do that?

Sorry for going quiet. Had a family get together over the weekend and of course someone was carrying a cold but 'Didn't want to miss everyone.'

So naturally I'm now flat on my back with an awful head cold. Seems to be letting up but the weather down here is cold so I'm staying warm in bed.

Hopefully should be back tomorrow.

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

You're OK, I got distracted this weekend and didn't get my character leveled yet either...

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Ugh that sucks. If you're sick, just stay home!!

Get some rest and feel better.

Are you sure you want to do that?

I was a little too optimistic regarding recovery time. I've had an awful few days with this cold. Managed to not go to pneumonia thankfully.

Spent most of my time sleeping as being awake was unpleasant.

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

Yep. Been there and slept through that too.
Rest is best. Heard a great phrase again today...

"You can't set yourself on fire to keep other people warm."

Take care of you. That's what is best.

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

+7 Hit Points
+1 BAB

+5 skill points!

+1 to acrobatics
+1 to perception
+1 to diplomacy
+2 to Knowledge (local)

+1 background profession sailor
+1 background Craft (Woodworking)

11th level Feat:

Startoss Comet (Combat):

You can aim a thrown weapon so it strikes two foes.
Prerequisite(s): Dex 13, Point-Blank Shot, Startoss Style, Weapon Focus with the chosen weapon.
Benefit(s): As a standard action, you can make a single ranged thrown weapon attack at your full attack bonus with the chosen weapon. If you hit, you deal damage normally and can make a second attack (at your full attack bonus) against a target within one range increment of the first. You determine cover for this attack from the first target’s space instead of your space.
You can make only one additional attack per round with this feat. If you have Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, or Greater Vital Strike, you can add the additional damage from those feats to the initial ranged attack (but not the second attack).

+1AC with Nimble

*Bleeding Wound (Ex): At 11th level, a flying blade can deal bleed damage as part of an attack. This deed functions as the swashbuckler’s bleeding wound deed, but the flying blade can also use this deed when making ranged attacks with either a dagger or a starknife as long as the target is within 60 feet of the flying blade. This deed alters bleeding wound.
When the swashbuckler hits a living creature with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon attack, as a free action she can spend 1 panache point to have that attack deal additional bleed damage. The amount of bleed damage dealt is equal to the swashbuckler’s Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). Alternatively, the swashbuckler can spend 2 panache points to deal 1 point of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution bleed damage instead (swashbuckler’s choice). Creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are also immune to these types of bleed damage.

*Evasive (Ex): At 11th level, while a swashbuckler has at least 1 panache point, she gains the benefits of the evasion, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge rogue class features. She uses her swashbuckler level as her rogue level for improved uncanny dodge.

*Subtle Blade (Ex): At 11th level, while a swashbuckler has at least 1 panache point, she is immune to disarm, steal, and sunder combat maneuvers made against a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon she is wielding.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Sorry, rushed off my feet today. No time to update.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Sorry for the silence. My health is very bad at the moment. I caught another cold which is now bordering on pneumonia and am trying to stay warm and sleep my way to health again.

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

Best thing is sleep. That’s when the body does the majority of healing. Take a rest we are not going anywhere.

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

Indeed get well if I could channel some of the almost 100 degree weather we have this week I would. Pneumonia is nasty take all the time gyiu need to bot get jt.

CN Female Human (Varisian) Female Human Unchained Rogue 11 HP: 74/74 | AC 22/18/17 | Fort +3, Ref +11, Will +2| Init: +5 | Perc: +13+4 when overhearing a conversation or seeking secret things

Yeah pneumonia is not fun... you take time resting well from it! It can come back if you're not careful, so please take your time and be careful!

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Are you sure you want to do that?

I ain't ded!

Feeling better, just catching up on all the chores I missed while comatose. Should be posting in a day or two.

Thanks for your patience.

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

Woot! Congrats!

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

So where to next Captain?

BTW: I’m not complaining yet, but that monster took a decent bite of my HPs. Could I get some minor healing?

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

Im going to throw this out there and see if it sticks.

As the descendant of an ifreet, would it be possible for me to identify a similar being without the appropriate knowledge skill?

Maybe an Intelligence check?

My character’s mom is a priestess of Besmara too, is a goddess of elemental water too.

Are you sure you want to do that?
Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud wrote:

Im going to throw this out there and see if it sticks.

As the descendant of an ifreet, would it be possible for me to identify a similar being without the appropriate knowledge skill?

Maybe an Intelligence check?

My character’s mom is a priestess of Besmara too, is a goddess of elemental water too.

Nice try. :)

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

Worth a shot!

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Female Human Wizard (Poleiheira Adherent) 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 12 (16 mage armor) T 12 FF 10 | Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +9 | Initiative +2 | Perception +12 | Arcane Bond 1/1 | Flickering Step 3/3 | Inspiration 5/5 | Mount 22 hrs. | Pearls of Power: 1st—1/1 2nd—1/1 3rd—1/1 | Water Blast 5/5 |

I feel like Ashlei will always shoot her shot :)

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

Yep! Been thinking about taking a level in Gunslinger too! =)

Are you sure you want to do that?

Sorry, have to go out today. No update.

CN Female Human (Varisian) Female Human Unchained Rogue 11 HP: 74/74 | AC 22/18/17 | Fort +3, Ref +11, Will +2| Init: +5 | Perc: +13+4 when overhearing a conversation or seeking secret things

Uha... We finally get a new person trained and gets access, and another gets fired... I swear they're setting us up to fail.

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

so i like to mess around with those ai art things (mostly for npcs when i run my home game for friends but uh.... i got bored...anyone guess who this is? mystery person

Are you sure you want to do that?
Percival Asploric wrote:
so i like to mess around with those ai art things (mostly for npcs when i run my home game for friends but uh.... i got bored...anyone guess who this is? mystery person

Nice, though why was she given the elf ears?

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

sometimes try as i might the generator does its own thing

heres another i wonder

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:


Are you sure you want to do that?

Very nice. Doesn't have Ifrit's or Star-knives yet. Wonder if it will learn them.

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

i could have made it a bit more ifritti like i think, but ash has the mostly human trait so i thought i would just leave it with the glowy ish hair

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Love the top right one especially

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

for some reason it only wants to solo picture a first mate.

you know who

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

and of course lets not forget our lovely rogue.....
oh hi

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

and finally... while i dont feel he is "big" enough i can seem to get the danged ai to figure out whati mean so here her is

Your Captain... My Captain...

Are you sure you want to do that?

Tried it myself on some of my characters. Always makes the males too pretty. :(

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Finally back!

Are you sure you want to do that?

Very hectic week for me. No update today sorry.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Sorry, health is bad at the moment. Too medicated and sleepy to update.

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:


Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Rest well, hope your health improves.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Feeling slightly better. Hope to get moving after the weekend.

Arthritis has really flared up and the painkillers knock me out.

CN Female Human (Varisian) Female Human Unchained Rogue 11 HP: 74/74 | AC 22/18/17 | Fort +3, Ref +11, Will +2| Init: +5 | Perc: +13+4 when overhearing a conversation or seeking secret things

FINALLY! They're listening to me!

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

I'm sorry...did you say something?


CN Female Human (Varisian) Female Human Unchained Rogue 11 HP: 74/74 | AC 22/18/17 | Fort +3, Ref +11, Will +2| Init: +5 | Perc: +13+4 when overhearing a conversation or seeking secret things

Ha, ha, ha... uha... They listen in one area only to completely ignore another!

Are you sure you want to do that?

Apologies for my silence. I've had technical troubles the last few days.

Seem to be fixed now so normal service will start again Friday.

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