Skull & Shackles: Sails under a blood red sky.

Game Master DBH

To be continued.

Red Sky folder link

Shackles map

Island of Empty eyes

Ship combat

Loot sheet

Chelish Fort

Sumitha full


Battle order:

The party <============ May act!

Red, Orange & Yellow

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Dark Archive

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Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

will save dc 23 fascination: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

He swallowed, despite being unreasonable attracted to the gorgeous creature he had been a part of the sea long enought to by just wary enough to avoid and permanent wiles. He did take a few slow steps forward to be polite of course.

"We are indeed new to this island... and not looking to upset the balance of any fair breasted.... i mean minded folk who reside her. I am a captain of a ship and Human governments have decided perhaps it is my right to rule this island. But i dont intend to be tyranous with beautiful maids who already reside here.Whats your name miss."

He was oogling her, not that he could blamed he supposed but still it wasnt courtly.
" damn will one of you show me your tits so i quit staring at hers."

It was hard to tell if he was joking or not.

diplomacy i guess: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
add a +1 if she might be attracted to me due ot the charming trait

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

For what is likely the first time for anyone witnessing it, Rhialla is struck completely speechless for the moment, such is the woman's staggering beauty. "Uhhh....hello!"

Will vs Compulsion (DC 23): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

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Are you sure you want to do that?

You don't need to save against her aura. She's not trying to fascinate you. She is delighted to have intelligent company after avoiding the Cyclops for years.

"This?" she asks Ashlei, brushing her hair away from her breasts. "It just does that naturally."

Obviously to tantalize and draw suckers closer hoping for a nip-slip. :)

Sefina is friendly, delighted to met new people, with new songs and stories, after avoiding the unfriendly Cyclops. She gives Percy as pleased smile when he tries to charm her. Much like an adult praising a promising child.

Already helpful, and have you seen the stats for a Nereid? Damn!

She can tell you about the Kelp beds at 'O', the Sargassum Fiend that lurks there, and about the shipwreck at 'P'.

Anything else you wish to ask her? It would have worked better if you'd met her before exploring most of the island.

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Female Human Wizard (Poleiheira Adherent) 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 12 (16 mage armor) T 12 FF 10 | Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +9 | Initiative +2 | Perception +12 | Arcane Bond 1/1 | Flickering Step 3/3 | Inspiration 5/5 | Mount 22 hrs. | Pearls of Power: 1st—1/1 2nd—1/1 3rd—1/1 | Water Blast 5/5 |

Cass gets suckered in like a prey fish mesmerized by an anglerfish. She moves a bit closer, feeling like she's probably safe, which... she might or might not be.

Will save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

"How long have you been here? Uh, not that I'm asking your age, you don't look a day over delicious."

"Let me try again. Wet can you tell us about these other nearby areas? What. I mean what."

"Um. Sorry. We've already explored the body of the island, we're just trying to find the breast place to go next."

A bit flustered, she says, "Cap'n, just work your magic. Mine's shot."

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

HA shows what you know :P having a friendly neried with a hawt first mate means lots of future baths one hopes. *nods nods*

He stood there ooglin only slightly through his hands attempting to shield most her beauty away.... WHen it was clear she wasnt there to drown them, charm them, or what have you he relaxed. Listening to Cass fumble her way through speaking might have been worth the lack of flashings.

"damn none of you were willing to save us with your breasts? making that a mental note. Most jokes aside we are as delighted to see a friendly intelligent and beautiful face amongst the denizens of this island. Cleaning it of the riff raff has been troublesome. I plan on having a settlement at some point on this isle...what do you see as your territory and what are you rules for folk dealing with you?

He asked definitely making sure to hammer out the details of a mutually beneficial partnership with the nereid.

Shipwreck or fiend ladies?

Female Human Wizard (Poleiheira Adherent) 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 12 (16 mage armor) T 12 FF 10 | Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +9 | Initiative +2 | Perception +12 | Arcane Bond 1/1 | Flickering Step 3/3 | Inspiration 5/5 | Mount 22 hrs. | Pearls of Power: 1st—1/1 2nd—1/1 3rd—1/1 | Water Blast 5/5 |

"Cap, my flotation devices can't compare to those."

CN Female Human (Varisian) Female Human Unchained Rogue 11 HP: 74/74 | AC 22/18/17 | Fort +3, Ref +11, Will +2| Init: +5 | Perc: +13+4 when overhearing a conversation or seeking secret things

"It doesn't work as often as you think." Esmarelda said as she pulled out a few nuts from her pack to much on. "She has other worldly magic that goes along with hers."

"Also any suggestions on how to deal with the Sargassum?" Esmarelda asked, "Or do you think just giving it an area would be good? Do they roam?"

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

Squinting at the water-woman, Ashlei nods.

”My guess is the plant-thing has a territory or hunting ground. Like a wolf. If we avoid that, it should provide some protection to the island from intruders.”

We already explored the shipwreck. Right? That’s the one the crazy guy said was important.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Not as far as I'm aware? Sunken shrine at Q might be what you're thinking of?.

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

I must be mistaken, and thinking of some other game...

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Rhialla visibly relaxes, though she can't resist the occasional admiring glance at Sefina, much like everyone else. "It's a good point that the Sargassum Fiend being where it is, serves as a natural defense against a sea approach to the island, but I do consider how much it's claimed over the years."

Her ears perk up at the mention of a shipwreck to be explored. "Besides the cyclopes, are there any other creatures in the area that you've had to be wary of?"

Are you sure you want to do that?

While Sefina is happy to flirt and maybe more people she's really more interested in news and stories. She's starved for 'intelligent' conversation and fun gossip. Sex is easy. :)

"Only the big Spyglass Octopus in the bay, but he seems to have wandered off recently?" She responds to Rhialla.

A single nereid named Sefina makes her home in a submerged grotto on the edge of the bay. Sefina lacks any sense of modesty, preferring to swim and tan in the nude unless someone suggests she wrap herself in her shawl. Unlike many of the island's inhabitants, Sefina welcomes visitors, taking feylike amusement in their stories, songs, and customs.

Aside from O & P you've cleared the island and can start building your base.

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

Does she have anything interesting to say about the shipwreck? I can trade her tales galore from my desert home of Katapesh, or there was this time where I nearly burned down a accident of course...while we were all in it!

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Female Human Wizard (Poleiheira Adherent) 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 12 (16 mage armor) T 12 FF 10 | Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +9 | Initiative +2 | Perception +12 | Arcane Bond 1/1 | Flickering Step 3/3 | Inspiration 5/5 | Mount 22 hrs. | Pearls of Power: 1st—1/1 2nd—1/1 3rd—1/1 | Water Blast 5/5 |

We could have a tea party. Maybe a little light truth or dare.

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Essentially we're more than happy to entertain her, share tales of the sea, our crazy race that earned us the island, fun adventures to date,etc. I'm thinking this will be a regular place we enjoy relaxing and sharing...stuff.

Are you sure you want to do that?

The ship wreck is 40' down. Nothing nasty is lairing there, or in the area. She has seen a strong box lying in the wreckage.

Fun and games is up to you. I'm shy so won't be going into any detail. :)

Sargassum fiend if you want to deal with it? Some loot in the wreck. What now?

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

Party-time with the Water-chick! Probably some sort of elemental cousin of mine anyway... If the island is technically ours, then we need to finish rebuilding and send word that the island is pacified. We had a time limit...right? Maybe find someone who might want to purchase the magical 'Eye' artifact from us for a huge amount of treasure! We can explore the wreck at our leisure. Ashlei's not much for swimming... usually. Potential good loot is enough to draw her, if convinced.


Are you sure you want to do that?

I'll give you the loot from P now to save time. No enemies there anyway.

Strongbox hidden in the wrecks hold.

+1 keen cutlass,
a watertight scroll tube containing a scroll of transmute rock to mud and two scrolls of water breathing,
a jeweled scepter worth 300gp,
a coral statuette worth 125gp,
nine diamonds worth 100gp each,
380gp, 769sp, and 43cp.

Nothing world shaking. What now?

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

There was a big ol naked tea party with Sefina with the captain mostly playing matchmaker.... :P After we loot the wreckage we can gather up and make some planning. where shoudl we chat about this guys discussion?

Female Human Wizard (Poleiheira Adherent) 11 | HP 79/79 | AC 12 (16 mage armor) T 12 FF 10 | Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +9 | Initiative +2 | Perception +12 | Arcane Bond 1/1 | Flickering Step 3/3 | Inspiration 5/5 | Mount 22 hrs. | Pearls of Power: 1st—1/1 2nd—1/1 3rd—1/1 | Water Blast 5/5 |

After the tea-and-truth-or-dare party, Cassiopeia pulls her top back on and joins the crew in diving for treasure off the coast.

"My spells can help speed basic construction of buildings, a pier, maybe even a forge. We'll need a source of metal, though "

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