Last week was an 'interesting' one for me .
After seeing my Doctor about the continual internal discomfort despite not using anti-inflammatories for two months now I was sent to have a blood test.
The day after the blood test my Doctor called me to tell me I was Anemic. Which provided the reason for my lack of energy, shortness of breath and other complaints.
She grilled me as to any blood in my stool, urine, or if I was vomiting blood. The concern being internal bleeding causing my problems. So I now awaiting an appointment for a Colonoscopy & Endoscopy.
No news yet as to when I will be able to get on the list for these procedures.
She also prescribed iron tablets for me. I've been using these for the last two days and I do see a lot of improvement thankfully. More energy and a reduction in discomfort.
So I will be returning to regular posting in a day or two if my improvement continues.
Thanks for your patience.

Cassiopeia Nereus |

Wow, that's a heck of a ride. Glad to hear that something is helping you to feel better for a bit, at least.

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My eldest sister has a low grade issue with that. Has had it since she was a teen in her case the iron pills fix it right up. Hoping it's simular with you my friend nothing too complicated.

Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud |

I've had a colonoscopy a couple of years ago, and a another one is coming up in October for me.
Not exactly comfortable, but they are necessary from time to time. They found polyps last time and removed them, so that's why I have to go back and keep doing them for my future, in case I get more.
Good luck!

Rhialla "Buxom" Blackwater |

My wife had the anemia issue just recently. Two iron infusions seem to have resolved it. Still have a few tests to figure out the source o the microscopic bleed.

Esmarelda Valarie |

I'm slightly anemic myself. Lucky for me it is smaller enough that an increase of iron rich foods tend to balance it out. Likely would have never found it if they hadn't been actively looking for other things.
But take your time, I've been dying from allergies. Finally broke down and went to get an allergy shot from my doctor and now I can breath!!!
What I am saying, it's all good.

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seeing how red is under a serious amount of ouch from everyone i posted an action under the spoiler of what would I would do if red is dead.

Esmarelda Valarie |

Okay my work needs to learn the meaning of reasonable expectations.

Esmarelda Valarie |

Wanted 196 cases done in three days. We're lucky to get 50 out at day! And that is without calling... That is just grabbing information. I think they're trying to get us who work from home to quit.

Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud |

My boss explained it to me: They fear while you are working from home you are also doing a ‘side hustle’ or are looking for ‘better’ job at the same time. You cannot fight paranoia.

Esmarelda Valarie |

Yeah but that is so strange to me. I mean I make fair money, and remote work is slowly becoming harder and harder to find. Plus, I like my job! It isn't glamorous but I'm really good at it!

Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud |

I'm one of the strange ones who likes going into work, because there are fewer distractions and it helps me concentrate.
But I would love to find some decent on-line work for my mom: She's taking care of my dad who stays home in hospice care (we are unsure how much longer he will last) but she still needs to work more than part time to make ends meet money-wise.
She just had a mild heart attack last week becasue of all her stress, (shes OK) and its a wake-up call for all of us I feel. I just need to find a way to get her to slow down somehow.

Esmarelda Valarie |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I did like going into work, but then my husband got pushed to swing shift so now I get to see him during the day before he goes to work. And we get to have lunch together!

Rhialla "Buxom" Blackwater |

Yeah. The corporate anti-WFH paranoia is ridiculous. It's also driven by middle-management since employees being pretty much able to work independently with only the occasional email/ meeting contact, proves them relatively useless.

Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud |

I did like going into work, but then my husband got pushed to swing shift so now I get to see him during the day before he goes to work. And we get to have lunch together!
Been there. I used to work night shifts a lot when I was younger, but it got to hard on the marriage. We couldn't even finish a decent argument (Communication!) becasue one of us was always either leaving for work, or needing to go to bed on most days. That's assuming we even saw each other on weekdays.
I got a away from the night shifts, but I eventually wasn't able to save my marriage regardless. (That a whole different story!)

Cassiopeia Nereus |

I work from home, and my company isn't going back, as they are working on getting out of their lease and getting rid of their company building footprint. This is one of the major drivers of trying to force people back into offices: Downtown real estate areas are ghost towns now, and investors are desperate to force people back into old patterns before they can't pay their mortgages and all of the local businesses fold.

Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

And I read an article that shows my bosses' fears are silly. Studies show the people who are working from home with 'side hustles' or are applying for 'better work' while there would have more than likely been doing that anyway. Working from home really wasn't and isn't much of a factor. Unhappy employees are just unhappy employees in the end.

Esmarelda Valarie |

Yeah I think the only reason they haven't up and fired me is because I'm the only one who can do my work.

Rhialla "Buxom" Blackwater |

I work from home, and my company isn't going back, as they are working on getting out of their lease and getting rid of their company building footprint. This is one of the major drivers of trying to force people back into offices: Downtown real estate areas are ghost towns now, and investors are desperate to force people back into old patterns before they can't pay their mortgages and all of the local businesses fold.
My company's building finally shut down completely last month (there are other office locations but since my team works Social Media there aren't really plans to return as long as our results remain consistent).
And yeah, the main focus is the people losing money, because the pandemic brought to light many of the inefficiencies and lack of necessity in the existing workplace model.
Yeah I think the only reason they haven't up and fired me is because I'm the only one who can do my work.
Best workplace strategy: Make yourself as irreplaceable as possible.

Rhialla "Buxom" Blackwater |

Hope you feel better soon. Get some rest.

Esmarelda Valarie |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I burned all of the fireball beads in this place and I do not regret is at all! XD

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Im sure the captain will get you all (everyone else included)the beads if you ask nice enough... and rhialla okays it *nods and lawls*

Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud |

Actually Im thinking we need to start upping our power levels. I say let’s get some wands of Fireball or something like that. Max out the damage potential with higher DC saving. I can put points into use magic device. Wands are only DC 20.

Cassiopeia Nereus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As it happens, I do have the craft wand feat (I am angling to get the staff-like wand arcane discovery at level 13).

Rhialla "Buxom" Blackwater |

That works....also Acid Arrow (most underrated spell: no save, ignores SR, rare resistance incidence, ongoing damage, forces concentration checks)

Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud |

My Picks would be Molten Orb (no save), Glitterdust (why not!), and Mad Monkeys (pirate themed+humor factor+Swarm Damage!).

Cassiopeia Nereus |

Main problem with acid arrow is that you must roll to hit, and if you don't have Precise Shot, that can be a pain.
My hope is that with staff-like wand I can make cheap, minimum-level wands of spells like magic missile and haste and then activate them at my caster level. Very endgamey, though.

Rhialla "Buxom" Blackwater |

True, but you're attacking touch AC which often makes up for it.

Rhialla "Buxom" Blackwater |

So looks like Armor and weapons are actually the exception to the insta-resize deal.
"Size and Magic Items
When an article of magic clothing or jewelry is discovered, most of the time size shouldn’t be an issue. Many magic garments are made to be easily adjustable, or they adjust themselves magically to the wearer. Size should not keep characters of various kinds from using magic items.
There may be rare exceptions, especially with race-specific items.
Armor and Weapon Sizes: Armor and weapons that are found at random have a 30% chance of being small (01–30), a 60% chance of being Medium (31–90), and a 10% chance of being any other size (91–100)."

Rhialla "Buxom" Blackwater |

Finally putting together a proper loot list. May take a day or two to complete. I'll post a link when I'm done.

Rhialla "Buxom" Blackwater |

Okay to here's the Link to the Loot Sheet
We haven't tallied loot since we sold off stuff before heading for our island, so it's quite a bit. Merry Christmas stake your claims!
All 0 level spells.
1st-mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shield, silent image, ventriloquism.
2nd-detect thoughts, invisibility, minor image, mirror image, see invisibility, touch of idiocy.
3rd-deep slumber, dispel magic, silent dust of twilight, ray of exhaustion, vampiric touch.
4th-arcane eye, bestow curse, enervation, silent major image, shadow conjuration.
5th-feeblemind, nightmare, silent phantasmal killer, shadow evocation.
(All spells with Silent are using the Silent spell Metamagic feat.)

Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm already wearing the Magic Headband. And I grabbed the following items previously...
6x flasks of acid,
4x flasks of alchemist’s fire,
2x vials of antitoxin,
3x smokesticks,
1x tanglefoot bags
4x thunderstones.
1x Potion of Cure moderate wounds

Rhialla "Buxom" Blackwater |

Thanks Ash! Noted and removed.

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I'll use my captains rights and take that stength MW Longbow just for range more than 40 feet, the gloves of swimming and climbing for now, a cure serious wound potion and ... a coupon book of favors from ash *eyebrow waggles* . . . the last one is under the assumption that Rhialla says its okay *lawls*

Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud |

No problem! The coupon book will have a dozen each of 'Bloody Stab', 'Painful Evisceration', and 'Horrible Decapitation'....as needed of course.

Rhialla "Buxom" Blackwater |

Loot taken has been marked off. Add it to your sheet and I'll remove it from the list.

Cassiopeia Nereus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks to my special spell book, it only takes me time, not money, to copy stuff over.

Rhialla "Buxom" Blackwater |

Thanks to my special spell book, it only takes me time, not money, to copy stuff over.
Very cool. Next time we have sufficient downtime those are all yours, Cass. Do you have a ring of protection yet? You're our non-armor wearer and there's one up for grabs.
Claiming the following:
scroll of control water
waterproof satchel
1 Potion of CMW

Cassiopeia Nereus |

I do not. At this level, there's really not much difference between being AC 10 and AC 12.

Rhialla "Buxom" Blackwater |

Okay, Ash I think you could also make use of it. For a frontliner every point of AC matters, and is likely the difference between taking a hit or a crit

Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Its the one protection item I don't have. If no one else needs it, I'll take it.


I'm going in for a couple of procedures on Wednesday. Today I am preparing for those procedures. These are a Colonoscopy and a Gastroendoscopy. Preparations are very unpleasant. :)
Hopefully this will find the source of my internal problems and get a solution sorted.
So no update today or tomorrow. I hope by Thursday I will have recovered.

Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud |

I just did my colonoscopy Friday before last. Nasty stuff they make you drink. Take an extra day if you need it. No problems.