Skull & Shackles: Sails under a blood red sky.

Game Master DBH

To be continued.

Red Sky folder link

Shackles map

Island of Empty eyes

Ship combat

Loot sheet

Chelish Fort

Sumitha full


Battle order:

The party <============ May act!

Red, Orange & Yellow

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Are you sure you want to do that?

The idle chatter thread.

Current Status:
AC: 24 || HP: 69/69 || CMD: 26 || Effects:
Male half-orc fighter (lore warden) 2/unchained rogue 6 || Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14 || AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 17 || hp 69 || Fort +12, Ref +16, Will +9 Defensive Abilities danger sense +1, evasion, sacred tattoo

Checking in ;)

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

I'm here.

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

Captain on Deck!... :P

F Kobold Oracle 6

Hey, there's a game! Woohoo!

I stealth-dotted the other thread.

F Kobold Oracle 6

Separately, I've seen the request for game transfer take a while. We'll see if anything occurs. In the meantime, I endorse picking up in this new thread!

F Kobold Oracle 6
GM_DBH wrote:
Are you sure you want to do that?

Lol, love it!

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

I'm here!
Sorry my life is crazy busy wit work and family.

I didn't know we had moved.

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Same here, had a crazy couple of days. Getting caught up now.

F Kobold Oracle 6

Okay, that "You are up" you put on the top page is brilliant! I see it loud and clear when I'm reviewing my campaigns!

Current Status:
AC: 24 || HP: 69/69 || CMD: 26 || Effects:
Male half-orc fighter (lore warden) 2/unchained rogue 6 || Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14 || AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 17 || hp 69 || Fort +12, Ref +16, Will +9 Defensive Abilities danger sense +1, evasion, sacred tattoo

Guys, like I said before I am on vacations until the 30th. Feel free to bot me if needed though. Cheers.

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

I want to thanks GM DBH for picking us up and keeping the fun alive! We appreciate your willingness to be our GM, and I personally look forward to finishing this AP eventually! =)

Are you sure you want to do that?

Well my other S&S campaign is now onto book 4 and still going strong, I'm sure you guys can do the same.

Current Status:
AC: 24 || HP: 69/69 || CMD: 26 || Effects:
Male half-orc fighter (lore warden) 2/unchained rogue 6 || Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14 || AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 17 || hp 69 || Fort +12, Ref +16, Will +9 Defensive Abilities danger sense +1, evasion, sacred tattoo

Don't forget sneak attack damage if Herzag is flanking!! :)

(slides back into the swimming pool...)

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

Crazy weekend.

Two things have occured, My long term relationship has dissolved in a messy fashion, and the manager at the place I work has passed away in a car accident. I'm defacto in charge now for the next few weeks until The regional director can arrange for us to have someone in charge.

What that means for you all folk is that for the next two weeks (or so) I will probably be too busy to post daily, but i will post when i can.

Once again Im terrible sorry, but I will get full speed again in a few weeks.

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

RL is always more important! Just let us know if we need to bot you or just get your attention from time to time. The downside right now is that we are usually following the Captain's decisions here in these underwater tunnels...

F Kobold Oracle 6

Really sorry to hear about your breakup, and your manager's passing. Be well. Percival might even remain Captain by the time you get back! :P

Current Status:
AC: 24 || HP: 69/69 || CMD: 26 || Effects:
Male half-orc fighter (lore warden) 2/unchained rogue 6 || Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14 || AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 17 || hp 69 || Fort +12, Ref +16, Will +9 Defensive Abilities danger sense +1, evasion, sacred tattoo

Wow... I'm really sorry to hear about what has been going on Percival. Guess all I can say is hang in there, and ride it out. The game is just a game, and will be her when you are ready to get back onto it.

Ashlei 'Burnout' Mamoud wrote:
RL is always more important! Just let us know if we need to bot you or just get your attention from time to time. The downside right now is that we are usually following the Captain's decisions here in these underwater tunnels...

Ash, I will use Herzag's scouting to push the game and keep moving forward ;)

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Same here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Are you sure you want to do that?

Sorry people, too busy battling spiders in the attic to update today. Putting in insulation.

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

I love the visual of Ashlei's scorching weapons boiling the water around her weapons.

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

The weirdest thing about the red is that it doesnt seem to be affected any of the other threads im apart of

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

The red works for me!


F Kobold Oracle 6

I have another game with Red in the name and the font is also red. Bug or feature?

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Yeah same here. None of my other games have this.

Current Status:
AC: 24 || HP: 69/69 || CMD: 26 || Effects:
Male half-orc fighter (lore warden) 2/unchained rogue 6 || Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14 || AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 17 || hp 69 || Fort +12, Ref +16, Will +9 Defensive Abilities danger sense +1, evasion, sacred tattoo

Yep, this is the only 'Red' game for me.

Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

My only one.

Are you sure you want to do that?

I'm tempted to start another game with a color in the title just to see what happens?

Are you sure you want to do that?

Sorry all. I have a bad migraine and looking at a computer screen doesn't help. Last time I tried to run a game with a migraine the death toll was high. So I'm off to bed, update in 12 hours or so.

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Feel better.

Current Status:
AC: 24 || HP: 69/69 || CMD: 26 || Effects:
Male half-orc fighter (lore warden) 2/unchained rogue 6 || Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14 || AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 17 || hp 69 || Fort +12, Ref +16, Will +9 Defensive Abilities danger sense +1, evasion, sacred tattoo

Have a good rest GM_DBH.

F Kobold Oracle 6

Yup, we want a happy GM!

Are you sure you want to do that?

Looks like we're back, on the same day as my live group of course. :)

Normal service will resume tomorrow everybody.

F Kobold Oracle 6

Yay! Look forward to it.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Ok, trying again. We seem to be stable so I'll get things rolling in the morning.

@ Ashlei. What the Undead did to you was this.

Curse of the Deep (Su) On a successful grapple check, a mummy of the deep presses its lips against an opponent’s and regurgitates sea
water into the opponent’s lungs.
Each round thereafter, for the next 10 rounds, the victim must
succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or be dazed and take 1d4 points of damage that round.
Three consecutive successful saves means the victim has coughed up
enough water to shake off the effects of the attack and takes no further damage.
When a victim reaches 0 or fewer hit points, it falls unconscious. In the next round, it drowns. Holding one’s breath does not prevent drowning
(water is already in the lungs).
A remove curse, heal spell, or DC 20 Heal check halts the damage if
applied before the creature reaches 0 or fewer hit points. The save DC is

While you have water breathing going, this is water pumped into your lungs blocking you from breathing at all as far as I can tell?

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Does my knowledge check tell me this? I might be the only person with a chance of reversing this.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Looks like the board is mostly stable, sadly I'm not right now. So we will start again tomorrow. Sorry for those champing at the bit.

@Rhallia. Yes you know enough regarding a Mummy of the deep to guess what has happened to Ashlei.

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Human Fighter 11 HP 80/92 subdual 92/92 AC/Touch/Flat 19/12/17 | Fort/Ref/Will +14/+7/+7 | Init +3 perception +7, climb+9, Intimidate+12,Prof. Sailor +11,Swim+8,

Picked up a terrible case of food poisoning, at the hospital getting IV's will be back up to posting Monday i hope Sorry >.<

F Kobold Oracle 6

Yikes! Feel better, Percival.

Current Status:
AC: 24 || HP: 69/69 || CMD: 26 || Effects:
Male half-orc fighter (lore warden) 2/unchained rogue 6 || Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14 || AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 17 || hp 69 || Fort +12, Ref +16, Will +9 Defensive Abilities danger sense +1, evasion, sacred tattoo

All the best man.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Food poisoning is nasty, hope you're feeling better soon.

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Holy crap that was vicious!!!

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Now the perpetual cleric dilemma, get Ashlei back on her feet or join the fight.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Ifrit Swashbuckler Level 11(Flying Blade) | HP 99/99(0NL)| Init. +4 (+6) | Speed 30ft | AC 25, touch 19, FF 16 | CMD 29 | Fort +6 : Ref +12 : Will +4| Burning Hands: 1/Day (DC15)| Perc +14 | Panache: 5 Pts / -0| Active:

Join the fight. Every swing that creature makes is too dangerous. I'm not bleeding out.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Apologies, my health isn't good at the moment. Update tomorrow hopefully.

Current Status:
AC: 24 || HP: 69/69 || CMD: 26 || Effects:
Male half-orc fighter (lore warden) 2/unchained rogue 6 || Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14 || AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 17 || hp 69 || Fort +12, Ref +16, Will +9 Defensive Abilities danger sense +1, evasion, sacred tattoo

Hang in there GM_DBH. Speed recovery.

F Kobold Oracle 6

Definitely, rest is important.

Loot Sheet Female Human Cleric 11 HP: 73/73 | AC 21/13/18 | Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +11 (+12 vs Charm/Compulsion)| Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Channel 7/7 (6d6)

Hope you feel better soon.

Current Status:
AC: 24 || HP: 69/69 || CMD: 26 || Effects:
Male half-orc fighter (lore warden) 2/unchained rogue 6 || Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14 || AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 17 || hp 69 || Fort +12, Ref +16, Will +9 Defensive Abilities danger sense +1, evasion, sacred tattoo

Oh man... What Rogue's Edge am I going to pick? :P

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Are you sure you want to do that?

Interesting to note with Besmara's bones and the Captains locker, the first benefits straight out pirates, the other would be great for trader/smugglers.

So Paizo were thinking of the different play styles of their pirates :).

With my live group our Captain had already shifted her alignment to NE and was well on her way to being very scary. All those poor spell casters being dragged to her cabin for her to use the Blood transcription spell on.

Book Three is where you pull up your big boy panties. Heading into the heart of the Shackles to become a Free captain, dealing with the literally cutthroat politics. Plenty of sailing, intrigue and combat to sink your teeth into.

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