Shrina Xul (Inactive)

Game Master OmniChaos

The drow begin to move, they march to reclaim the lost city. Their agents sent forth to impose their will and shape the lands abandoned long ago.

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M Drow Noble Synthasist Summoner 7

Guys I am out. I do not think my play style is right for this game.

Female Drow Noble Ninja 7

I could use some healing, especially if we're losing another player. I'll take mid-watch, because my eight hours of sleep can be interrupted with no major issues as long as I get a total of 8. So how many watches do we need, assuming we can take a 10 hour rest (I think that would provide enough time for everyone to recover whatever daily resources they need)?

male Drow Noble Inquisitor 7

I think we should establish a watch that is always assumed to be the standard watch unless otherwise noted, assuming we have players still around.

Sadly I will be shutting down this game. I would like to thank everyone who played for their time and effort. You are all good players, hope you find a game soon after this. Again thanks for all your efforts.

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