Shrina Xul (Inactive)

Game Master OmniChaos

The drow begin to move, they march to reclaim the lost city. Their agents sent forth to impose their will and shape the lands abandoned long ago.

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Brang'el I dont remember you casting mage armor or bring out your eidolon. Let me know if or when you do. That way I dont have to guess which AC I am going against. ;)

We will be having 4 new PC's coming sortly. I will be PMing them their intro in the game once they confirm here in the discussion thread. You guys will be getting a cleric, ninja, monk, and fighter. Play nice. ;P

AC 24 (Adjusted), HP 40/45

Just checking in. I've updated my backstory to be a bit more appropriate.

I'll be playing a neutral female cleric focused on party survival, with some offensive abilities on the side. I've got positive spontaneous casting, with versatile channeling, so I can dish it out when necessary.

Feel free to ask any questions or make suggestions for any last minute updates before I get started.

Female Drow Noble Cavern Sniper 7

Nice to meet you guys.

Laele Tuin is a neutral Cavern Sniper Fighter who fires arrows at stuff for damage and can use her Imbude Shot to cast the Faerie Fire, Darkness and Deeper Darkness Spell-Like abilities as Swift actions, centered on arrows she fires.

Likewise as Brixana: Questions, suggestions and opinions welcome.

male Drow Noble Inquisitor 7

I will be nice to the cleric. The others have to carry my things. :)

Checking in.

LE Qinggong Hungry Ghost Monk. Zendross enjoys walks through the stalagmite parks and swims in stagnant underground lakes.

But seriously, he generally focuses on fighting in darkness/concelament, even in magical darkness where darkvision doesn't work. Still have to purchase the mundane gear.

As the others, any opinions, suggestions, questions are welcome.

M Drow Noble Synthasist Summoner 7

I think I mentioned I was the spider when we set out and I also cast mage armor.

Female Drow Noble Ninja 7

Solniss Darkholme is a neutral female ninja. Not afraid to get her hands dirty, she answers to her code and her employer. While generally working alone or with a partner, she is willing to follow orders as long as they don't conflict with or improve the odds of success for her mission.

Sent the new PC's a PM. Solniss please get your sheet up on your alias as soon as you can.

Welcome to the game ;)

Edit-Solniss I just noticed you worship a LG goddess of the sun, honor, and swordplay. All I can say is whaaat!?

Female Drow Noble Cavern Sniper 7

Thank you!

Was that alright? You were not very specific in your PM on how we were to enter this battle.

Perhaps I got its attention. If I did, all I can really do now is cross my fingers and hope to survive...

Do note that Laele moves stealthed at full speed, so being hidden before combat makes plenty of sense, especially since she would have heard the sounds of battle when she was getting close.

Female Drow Noble Ninja 7
DM Irthos wrote:

Sent the new PC's a PM. Solniss please get your sheet up on your alias as soon as you can.

Welcome to the game ;)

Edit-Solniss I just noticed you worship a LG goddess of the sun, honor, and swordplay. All I can say is whaaat!?

Yeah, I just noticed that too. Sorry, another holdover from the build I used as inspiration. I think Fenmarel Mestarine, Chaotic Neutral elven god of outcasts and isolation - which looks to be from Forgotten Realms - makes a bit more sense. Would he be acceptable?

Well you dont have to worship any god. If you feel the need to please stick with PF sense the setting is Golarion.

Edit- I agree with your reasoning, your good Laele.

DM Irthos wrote:
Well you dont have to worship any god. If you feel the need to please stick with PF sense the setting is Golarion.

Gotcha. The primary reason I wanted one was to justify the Indomitable Faith trait, and I was looking for one that would be unusual among the drow. To that end, I was looking for mostly neutral on one axis or another, but I'm unfamiliar with much of Golarion and the drow in particular. How about Calistria? As an elven CN goddess, she probably would not be held in high esteem by the drow.

Yeah I would suggest you just google pathfinder golarion gods. They give you the once over on gods, best know about the god you pick. Calistria is a lustful vendictive goddess, that could spell inter-party conflict real fast. Best to be warned. xP

DM Irthos wrote:
Yeah I would suggest you just google pathfinder golarion gods. They give you the once over on gods, best know about the god you pick. Calistria is a lustful vendictive goddess, that could spell inter-party conflict real fast. Best to be warned. xP

Will do, thanks for the tip. I'll update and post here when I have one.

Female Drow Noble Cavern Sniper 7

I am curious - how does Initiative work in this campaign? We don’t seem to roll initiative about which PC gets to act first, but what about the antagonists? Do all PC's act, all enemies act, all PC's act, etc. until one side is annihilated? If so, how is group initiative decided?

I group the init to keeps things moving and smooth. PC's can act in any order during their turn, an advantage for the PC's btw. As for the group init I use the average so having a high init does help.

On my tablet, so my posting is limited until I get to a real computer tomorrow morning EST. I'll post something short soon though. Did a quick read of the previous posts, here and in gameplay. I think I'll swap out the spidersilk type for the generic silk rope. That way I won't have any drowish equipment.

Question on the encounter. What is the current lighting situation? e.g. is it normal or dim illumination?

Your outside during the day, so its not dim. I hope you guys who did not use the insignia spell took your weakness into account. Your dazzled, sense you've been outside for a while.

Female Drow Noble Cavern Sniper 7
DM Irthos wrote:
Your outside during the day, so its not dim. I hope you guys who did not use the insignia spell took your weakness into account. Your dazzled, sense you've been outside for a while.

Oh yeah, this is a question I should have asked. With her Imbude Arrows ability, Laele Tuin can cast Darkness/Deeper Darkness as a swift action as long as the arrow fired hits(Which it probably will most of the time - she has good to-hit bonus), meaning as long as we stay within range of the shot creature, her ability will make sure we have the light level that fits us best. The issue here, of course, is that the monster moving out of range would probably qualify as "abrupt", which is to say, blindness.

I didn't take it into account for the last round of arrows, but 32 and 23 are still hits, so it makes no difference.

I could use the ability when our initiative comes around again, so if she goes first and does, it won’t come up.

Speaking of which, which PC has yet to act on this initiative?

Yeah if you go into a area of darkness and come out then expect to be blinded. As for who has yet to go thats Elrivor our magus.

Female Drow Noble Ninja 7

I guess I missed the fact that it was daylight. If I can't go ahead and use the amulet now, I will do it at the conclusion of the encounter, assuming I survive. If I can still use it, since I haven't attacked yet, I'd like to go ahead and use it.

Your on the surface during day, sunlight is expected. Sense you only used up a move and swift action thats fine you can use the amulet as I would think a standerd action is enough.

Female Drow Noble Ninja 7

Much obliged, thank you. Will work harder on my reading comprehension from now on.

Just like to say DR is murder.

Female Drow Noble Cavern Sniper 7
DM Irthos wrote:
Just like to say DR is murder.

It really is. DR 10 is ridiculous - turns my damage rolls into 1d8+1...

Ok because I am concerned for your life, Elrivor run. Your AC is 18 and your down to a 50/50 chance of being hit. As long as it does not get a nat 1 at least 2 attacks are going to hit you with its +19 atk. There I warned you. I feel no guilt for what may or may not happen. xP

Edit-I may have to impose a gag order on myself for combat from now on. -.-

M Drow Noble Magus 7

I gave myself some more HP's just in case with Vampiric touch, there are still 3 of me btw...I will probably withdraw if needed after it's attack....

Female Drow Noble Cavern Sniper 7
DM Irthos wrote:

Ok because I am concerned for your life, Elrivor run. Your AC is 18 and your down to a 50/50 chance of being hit. As long as it does not get a nat 1 at least 2 attacks are going to hit you with its +19 atk. There I warned you. I feel no guilt for what may or may not happen. xP

Edit-I may have to impose a gag order on myself for combat from now on. -.-

...Why would you need a gag order?

Light level is dim light now, in a 60 ft radius, btw. Dazzled no more!

male Drow Noble Inquisitor 7
DM Irthos wrote:
Your outside during the day, so its not dim. I hope you guys who did not use the insignia spell took your weakness into account. Your dazzled, sense you've been outside for a while.

I had forgotten about that. I think dropping a deeper darkness during a tough fights might have to be a standard procedure.

Be aware some party members did use the insignia spell and only have low light vision without the weakness to light. Not to mention now look like elves. So time and place for everything you know. Bet it would be very strange for an onlooker to see drow and elves fighting against something rather then each other. More so a demon which they are known to ally with. ;)

Mind letting me know how you have bane and judgement. You dont have the abilities on the weapon and you never declared the use of the ability before hand. As both bane and judgement use up a swift action, which you already used this round for that spell. I cant really explain it. I am not familiar with the Inquisitor class so I may ask you stuff from time to time.

male Drow Noble Inquisitor 7
DM Irthos wrote:

Be aware some party members did use the insignia spell and only have low light vision without the weakness to light. Not to mention now look like elves. So time and place for everything you know. Bet it would be very strange for an onlooker to see drow and elves fighting against something rather then each other. More so a demon which they are known to ally with. ;)

Mind letting me know how you have bane and judgement. You dont have the abilities on the weapon and you never declared the use of the ability before hand. As both bane and judgement use up a swift action, which you already used this round for that spell. I cant really explain it. I am not familiar with the Inquisitor class so I may ask you stuff from time to time.

I cast wrath +2 moral bonus to attack and damage.

activated bane as a swift action I did misread the ability and I thought it applied to whatever weapon I was holding, but if I change weapons I do have to reactivate it, so I don't get the +2 to attack and damage or the 2d6 with the melee weapon, but since I did not count wraith that makes up for the attack and damage.

It seems I never activated the judgement on this post. Darn it.

As of now I have 5 rounds of bane left from since it only stays up for the weapon I am wielding.

I will make sure the post takes as I intend for it take next time.

On the next round I will be activating Bane.

In short I am down 2d6(no bane), and down -2 to hit to whatever I rolled because I somehow messed up the judgement post.

male Drow Noble Inquisitor 7

As for the issue of some of use being elves, and the rest looking like drow I think that is because they came into the game later, but we do need to all be elves or drow. I think we should go with the elf appearance. Part of the issues with PbP is communication is more difficult.

AC 24 (Adjusted), HP 40/45

As things stand now, nobody should be at a penalty as I understand it all.

The only reason I'm not in elf form is for identification purposes, I mean we hopped into an encounter after combat had begun, though I do feel that having it active at all times is crucial.

Before second darkness, the Drow were myth, but rumored to be evil. People would freak out if they saw us. Elves, especially those of the Celwynian, hunt and kill Drow on sight. So we're either a walking encounter, or we can seek to achieve our goals through more thought out means... though i'm not quite sure what those goals are. I need to do some reading up and get briefed!

Female Drow Noble Cavern Sniper 7

It is true that our goals are easier to complete if we are elves, but in a combat situation, we all have both Darkvision and BOTH spells that capitalize on Darkvision in Drow form. that is a tactical advantage against everything without Darkvision (such as real elves) if I ever saw one.

So ok, maybe elves are default, but we should plan ahead and take advantage of it when appropriate.

male Drow Noble Inquisitor 7
Laele Tuin wrote:

It is true that our goals are easier to complete if we are elves, but in a combat situation, we all have both Darkvision and BOTH spells that capitalize on Darkvision in Drow form. that is a tactical advantage against everything without Darkvision (such as real elves) if I ever saw one.

So ok, maybe elves are default, but we should plan ahead and take advantage of it when appropriate.

If any elves see us they will know drow are around, and that makes things harder for us. We are just outside of the elven city at the moment and being in drow mode when we are this close is a bad idea, in case we get spotted by a patrol, and they make it back to the city.

Ok, back at a computer.

Zendross would have used the insignia as soon as he hit the surface. We have the insignias for ID if necessary. I'm less concerned about darkness as Z has Blind-Fight. One of his tactics, in the past, was to, in a darker situation, cast Deeper Darkness in dim light or darkness to make supernatural darkness (so not even Darkvision works) and fight within that. Of course, tactics will need to change. It's too bad we all have Deeper Darkness but not regular Darkness. It would be nice to stack and get to superdark easier.

M Drow Noble Synthasist Summoner 7

I a couple of level, when in eidelon form, I will be able to see even in supernatural darkness.

Solniss you have to declare pressure points before you make the attack. It is not something that is always present on your sneak attacks. You dont declare it then you dont have it. Sorry but you cant declare it after the fact. Save it for the next round. ;)

Female Drow Noble Ninja 7

Okay, no worries. I had forgotten about it any way, so I'll add it to the next attack. :)

Female Drow Noble Cavern Sniper 7

We have Darkness. Its 1/day, but we have it. Will be 2/day for me once I get to level 9.

Guess not, combat is over. Time to loot and get to know each other. Nothing like a life threating exp to bring people together. ;)

Oh, we keep the SLAs of regular drow or something? I was under the impression that the darkness SLA becomes deeper darkness. There's even a feat tree in the ARG for regular drow to turn themselves into noble drow that does precicely this.

But I see the Cavern Sniper gets two extra uses of faerie-fire and darkness... Doesn't make sense with the Noble's at-will faerie-fire and deeper darkness. And they come from the same book. Wow.

The books assumes you use drow as drow nobles are not considered suitable for normal play because they are more powerful. You do not add things on top of drow noble from common drow. As this is a bit of a problem for Laele I will rule that she adds those SLA's as normal for her class training. Also be aware that deeper darkness is the same as darkness just better, so any ability making use of darkness can work with deeper darkness. While with that class it can be abusable very easy, I think the fact that your going to be dealing with sunlight alot to counter it a bit, you can only hope to get dim light during the day afterall. Anyways if your playing yourself off as an elf it would be unwise to use any of your drow SLA's as well.

I hope everyone remembers (telling you new guys now) that Nathmir made it clear the elves do not know about that elf disguise spell and should not no matter the cost find out about it. It would be unwise to anger Nathmir. ;)

Female Drow Noble Ninja 7

Can I get some clarification on whether the amulet continues to work once we're dead? Or does the corpse revert back to a drow? Also, how long does the transformation last? I see it can be cast once a day, so presumably it requires time to recharge. Thanks!

I was planning to hold onto a specific item whenever I used an SLA (specifically the DD) to pretend I was using an item rather than an inherent ability. A la: "Those pesky Drow like to think they own the darkness. Using this, even they can't see. Then I move in to take them out."

Looking at the spell description, it looks like it lasts 24 hours but it dismissable. Ancestral Regression

The spell can be found in the pfsrd or ARG. Sense it's dismissable I would say it ends upon death. Unless someone can point me to something that says otherwise.

If you try to play off SLA's then you can bluff, but their are a number of ways you can be exposed. Do as you like just giving you a heads up. ;)

You guys may want to let me know where you intend to go. If its not back to the base I will need a survival check like the last time.

m half-elven Lich 15 DM/10 Grandmaster DM

Are we still going to the place with the spirit?

I'm working under the assumption that we are. I also pictured the four of us "newbies" not necessarily knowing that, only knowing that we were to reinforce the original and given directions to where they were last seen heading, but that may just be the way I picture things and might not necessarily reflect the actual current situation.

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