Arcaneumkiller |

Sorry if my post is repetitive, my friend insisted that I ask to be sure;
I just want to confirm that detect evil, works the same way as Magic Detect, meaning that when Alahazra power examine 1 addtionnal card, that the additional card return on top, then the first card can be encountered if it is a monster. Or if Alahazra, can encounter the 2nd card if it is a monster.
Thank you in advance

Hawkmoon269 |
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It works exactly the same.
Detect Magic wrote:
During your turn discard this card to examine the top card of your location deck. If it is a blessing or has the Magic trait, you may immediately encounter it; otherwise, return it to the top of the deck.
Detect Evil wrote:
During your turn discard this card to examine the top card of your location deck. If it is a monster other than a henchman or villain, you may immediately encounter it.
The part in italics is the only difference. The key here is how the spell refers to the card(s) you can encounter. The word used is "it". What does "it" refer to? It refers to the top card of your location deck. We could right the power this way:
Detect Evil hypothetical wrote:
During your turn discard this card to examine the top card of your location deck. Ifitthe top card of your location is a monster other than a henchman or villain, you may immediately encounter it.
If we stuck CD Alahazra's power in there it would be this:
Detect Evil hypothetical for CD Alahazra wrote:
During your turn discard this card to examine the top card of your location deck plus one additional card. Ifitthe top card of your location is a monster other than a henchman or villain, you may immediately encounter it.