Shadows of the Sand (Inactive)

Game Master caster4life

Players start as newly-trained members of a Qadiran strike force, about to embark on their first mission.

Start date: 4718 AR, Gozran 9th
Current date: 4718 AR, Gozran 30th

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Considering I'm sticking with my mounted Oracle, he's versatile enough with the mount, I could join the elemental team as well, opening "heart" for Jereru.
The twist? My horse is the "Undine". It'll be a Tuanu, a Marid-touched horse.

Considering an Elf Illusionist (Mage of the Veil), it doesn't fit the planetouched theme but I liked this idea more than Emberkin Firemage.

I'd be happy to fill the tiefling aspect of the planetouched crew, if @Jereru is going Aasimar and @Cuan an Undine.

Silver Crusade

welcome aboard! So, how did all our characters HAPPEN to meet up haha.

Aipaca wrote:
I'd be happy to fill the tiefling aspect of the planetouched crew, if @Jereru is going Aasimar and @Cuan an Undine.

I can do that. Now on to think about a nice class and flavour, all being very Quadiran :)

rorek55 wrote:
welcome aboard! So, how did all our characters HAPPEN to meet up haha.

I'd say that isn't the problem. We're all recruits so we'd be put together.

The bigger question is, how did this eclectic bunch all end up as recruits?

Browman, Me'Mori,

Any particular way the three of us may have met, prior to being recruited?

Since the GM mentioned some of the things we'd be working on, how would we deal with social stuff?

Silver Crusade

we could have met as recruits, or we could have met before joining. Like, we were the only plane touched in our city, so we just formed a "gang" of sorts? Its possible. Eventually joined for group and personal reasons?

So what do we have? So far I've heard of:

-A Sorcerer
-An Oracle
-A Swashbuckler

And I don't know what else. I can work out something with an Aasimar, an Undine or a Tiefling, I have ideas for all xD Will work on the Aasimar, but feel free to tell me if you want to swap.

Alma the Soulborn wrote:

Browman, Me'Mori,

Any particular way the three of us may have met, prior to being recruited?

Since the GM mentioned some of the things we'd be working on, how would we deal with social stuff?

I would guess that I would know you through Me'mori's medium. The medium and the ninja probably met when I needed to make sure something I stole wasn't cursed or haunted.

As a ninja I will have decent Cha and a few skill points to drop on social skills.

Jereru wrote:

So what do we have? So far I've heard of:

-A Sorcerer
-An Oracle
-A Swashbuckler

And I don't know what else. I can work out something with an Aasimar, an Undine or a Tiefling, I have ideas for all xD Will work on the Aasimar, but feel free to tell me if you want to swap.

Could do Fetchling as well. I think the Oread was to be a frontlines type, so the two big holes right now are divine casting and a true rogue-type.

Silver Crusade

Ouachitonian wrote:
Jereru wrote:

So what do we have? So far I've heard of:

-A Sorcerer
-An Oracle
-A Swashbuckler

And I don't know what else. I can work out something with an Aasimar, an Undine or a Tiefling, I have ideas for all xD Will work on the Aasimar, but feel free to tell me if you want to swap.

Could do Fetchling as well. I think the Oread was to be a frontlines type, so the two big holes right now are divine casting and a true rogue-type.

oracle is divine casting, unless I missed something about his build. And as I said, I'm going to be light on "arcane utility" so a half-caster for arcane wouldn't hurt.

Just realized I had a post with the wrong alias. Sorry about that.

1. Qadiran language is automatic. Common is not.

2. You can have a rapier reflavored as a scimitar but it must still count as a rapier for all intents and purposes, e.g. wouldn't work for Dervish Dance.

3. General traits for the most part but other traits may be allowed if they fit the campaign well and are balanced. Finding Haleen, for example, will not be allowed.

rorek55 wrote:
Ouachitonian wrote:
Jereru wrote:

So what do we have? So far I've heard of:

-A Sorcerer
-An Oracle
-A Swashbuckler

And I don't know what else. I can work out something with an Aasimar, an Undine or a Tiefling, I have ideas for all xD Will work on the Aasimar, but feel free to tell me if you want to swap.

Could do Fetchling as well. I think the Oread was to be a frontlines type, so the two big holes right now are divine casting and a true rogue-type.
oracle is divine casting, unless I missed something about his build. And as I said, I'm going to be light on "arcane utility" so a half-caster for arcane wouldn't hurt.

Ok, yeah. I just saw the “mounted” in Cuan’s post and missed Oracle somehow. If I can take the Trapfinding trait from Mummy’s Mask, my Swashbuckler can probably cover that element of Rogue, and I’ll have a pretty good number of skill points. Should have pretty high stealth as well.

Side note: I wish you could send group PMs somehow. Would make coordinating a team much easier.

Dotting. Interesting idea.

Does everyone need to be a sneaky stealth-type character?

I'm actually debating whether switching to Hunter with the Courtly Hunter archetype might be a better move. That way I could shrink it for subterfuge missions starting level 2.

Browman wrote:
Alma the Soulborn wrote:

Browman, Me'Mori,

Any particular way the three of us may have met, prior to being recruited?

Since the GM mentioned some of the things we'd be working on, how would we deal with social stuff?

I would guess that I would know you through Me'mori's medium. The medium and the ninja probably met when I needed to make sure something I stole wasn't cursed or haunted.

As a ninja I will have decent Cha and a few skill points to drop on social skills.

The Medium is Charisma based as well, so it's a question of what our manner of approach to things might be. So far, we seem pretty light-handed, in that we'd be more inclined towards social influence, and some fighting, but perhaps only in an ambush capacity. The "Ghost" squad, indeed. Front lines, we are not.

Me'mori wrote:
Browman wrote:
Alma the Soulborn wrote:

Browman, Me'Mori,

Any particular way the three of us may have met, prior to being recruited?

Since the GM mentioned some of the things we'd be working on, how would we deal with social stuff?

I would guess that I would know you through Me'mori's medium. The medium and the ninja probably met when I needed to make sure something I stole wasn't cursed or haunted.

As a ninja I will have decent Cha and a few skill points to drop on social skills.

The Medium is Charisma based as well, so it's a question of what our manner of approach to things might be. So far, we seem pretty light-handed, in that we'd be more inclined towards social influence, and some fighting, but perhaps only in an ambush capacity. The "Ghost" squad, indeed. Front lines, we are not.

I agree we could use a heavier hitter, though preferably one that can still stealth.

Edit:If we are going full stealth team, is it worth having everyone take stealth Synergy?

Oh, I like that idea.

Looks fun.

I'd pick that up on lvl 3, provided i (un)live that long.
My 1st lvl feat is preferably being able to hit without a miss %.

Not everyone needs to be sneaky. Hard-hitting strength characters are actually strongly encouraged through the variant feat taxes rules and combat stamina. These characters can really help fill out team synergy with reach weapons, etc. But such characters should probably be capable of a little bit of stealth. Probably somewhere around a bonus of 1/2 their level in stealth or better.

Also a couple of notes for team discussion, if people could pick a team name then keep their team discussion in spoilers, that will make it easier for people posting general questions or still looking for a team. Speaking of which

Team Planetouched:

I'm trying to track what you guys are planning and it looks like a lot of people want to play as Team Planetouched. Maybe consider splitting to make a couple of teams? Remember, any player can submit with multiple teams. For example, 7 characters could make two teams of four if Alma the Soulborn is on both. Or Chyrone could submit a different character on each team.

Ouachitonian wrote:
rorek55 wrote:
Ouachitonian wrote:
Jereru wrote:

So what do we have? So far I've heard of:

-A Sorcerer
-An Oracle
-A Swashbuckler

And I don't know what else. I can work out something with an Aasimar, an Undine or a Tiefling, I have ideas for all xD Will work on the Aasimar, but feel free to tell me if you want to swap.

Could do Fetchling as well. I think the Oread was to be a frontlines type, so the two big holes right now are divine casting and a true rogue-type.
oracle is divine casting, unless I missed something about his build. And as I said, I'm going to be light on "arcane utility" so a half-caster for arcane wouldn't hurt.

Ok, yeah. I just saw the “mounted” in Cuan’s post and missed Oracle somehow. If I can take the Trapfinding trait from Mummy’s Mask, my Swashbuckler can probably cover that element of Rogue, and I’ll have a pretty good number of skill points. Should have pretty high stealth as well.

Side note: I wish you could send group PMs somehow. Would make coordinating a team much easier.

Wow, this Team Planetouched idea really exploded! I am the Oread as originally mentioned. I'm dealing with some nonsense at work so I haven't dug as deeply as I'd like, but I'm currently building toward an Oread Ranger or Slayer with a shield, which will be a front-liner but have at least some skill support. Might end up wielding a giant earth breaker instead of a shield. Or might somehow end up with both.

The core idea I had with Ouachitonian was having a pair of fighters with opposite elements and opposite styles. So a Sylph Swashbuckler fighting in an airy, dextrous way, and an Oread warrior that is powerful and tough. I mention that because since there's discussion about multiple team submissions, I think our pair has some flexibility outside of a planetouched theme as well.

Further note, people should be sure to look out for cool team synergy. Example ideas to show what I mean, not necessarily to copy:

1. Caster puts enlarge on reach fighter.
2. Caster creates pit for bull rusher to put enemies in.
3. Mounted paladin rides wild-shaped druid.
4. Two-handed barb takes advantage of AoOs from greater tripper teammate (maybe the enlarged fighter?).
5. Character with good performance skill creates distractions for sneaky characters/pickpocket.
6. Casters puts fly on the two characters with good survival skill and knowledge geography so they can get the lay of the land.

Most of these require greater than level 1 but are things that can be built toward and higher level combos can be mentioned

Silver Crusade

plantetouched group:

how many do we have atm? I thought we had 6, which I think works perfectly. My sorcerer has heavy Arabian themes with a large helping of a magical lineage that may or may not have made a pact with an efreet for more magical power.... hehe. As such she isn't tied purely to this idea either, but I just think it would be cool to see it come to fruition. If need be though we can cut the group back down the merely the 4 "elements" so to speak. (Sorry to the aasimar and teifling! :( )

Actually, thinking about the Aasimar for the Team Planetouched, I was inclining myself towards a front-line Inquisitor, which has skill ranks enough to afford being slightly stealthy.

On the other hand, possible teams:

-The Planes walkers (Magic: TG mana colours)
-The Outcasts (Full Half-Orcs and Half-Elves)
-Nobody Expects... (Full Divine or Full deity, e.g. a party of Sarenrae's followers)
-Chess Event (Characters representing the different chess pieces)
-The Addams (all family, would grant access to family traits)
-I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together (A group connected mentally because they're all parts of the shattered soul of a powerful individual. There's a teamwork feat there that lets you speak mentally between yourselves...)

There's more, endless. But those occurred to me in a few minutes.

Silver Crusade

@ Jereru The Traveling Rock Band/music Festival where everyone plays a variant of the Bard class haha. (Arcane duelist, archeologist etc haha)

Planetouched Team:
Could definitely do a tiefling alchemist as a frontliner.

Jereru wrote:

-The Outcasts (Full Half-Orcs and Half-Elves)

Half-Elves aren't really outcasts within Qadiran society though. They like Elves and by extent Half-Elves. In fact are among the few non-humans they don't look down on.

Similarly, anything planetouched that isn't an Aasimar is looked down upon though. So much so that Ifrit and some Tieflings try to pass themselves off as Peri-kin Aasimar.

So within the setting, an outcast would be anything that isn't a Human, (Half) Elf or Aasimar. Dwarves are in an odd place as well. They are appreciated, highly valued outcasts.

EDIT: Which actually brings me to a hurdle for the planetouched team. Of the group we have so far only the Aasimar and my character (since the planetouched is my comapnion) would be official citizens of Qadira, based on their race.

Grand Lodge

A little late to the party and still bouncing the idea around in my head for a Suli Bloodrager with the arcane bloodline to gear him to potentially take out any casters.

To be honest part of the hold up is unsure about the feat taxes and the environment/setting to create a good backstory.

Silver Crusade

For the planetouched, I was thinking about taking the "human looking" equivalent, or we could have formed a group for mutual protection and then joined as a way to become citizens or something? My character is from a fairly prominent human family, I don't know if that would matter or not though.

bzl109 wrote:

A little late to the party and still bouncing the idea around in my head for a Suli Bloodrager with the arcane bloodline to gear him to potentially take out any casters.

To be honest part of the hold up is unsure about the feat taxes and the environment/setting to create a good backstory.

Don't worry at all about being late. There's plenty of time to find and make a team. I'm not going to close submission until I think we've had a good chance to get some solid teams together for me to look over. Also, don't be too concerned about having a perfect understanding of these things. Read on them a little bit but don't feel expected to understand all the details.

@Captain Moonscar: Sounds like a great idea. It'll be interesting to see how it fits into a team.

Planetouched team:

@rorek55: I think I miscounted some other people as expressing interest in planetouched who weren't. 6 is a little big but not problematically so.

@Cuan: You guys can feel free to come up with ways around the citizenship issue. A talented non-citizen could be noticed and recruited by the Shadows.

Enjoying seeing the synergy ideas coming together so far. Stealth synergy is definitely not a bad feat choice for this campaign. Keep the wheels turning.

Alma the Soulborn wrote:

Looks fun.

I'd pick that up on lvl 3, provided i (un)live that long.
My 1st lvl feat is preferably being able to hit without a miss %.

waiting until 3rd level is fine with me.

bzl109 wrote:

A little late to the party and still bouncing the idea around in my head for a Suli Bloodrager with the arcane bloodline to gear him to potentially take out any casters.

To be honest part of the hold up is unsure about the feat taxes and the environment/setting to create a good backstory.

Team Stealth could probably use you in that capacity if you can maintain some level of stealth.

Silver Crusade

also, I'll pick up mostly utility cantrips, like ghost sound, so I can provide distractions for anyone wanting to stealth.


Character has some social skills, stealth and survival for the hot climate. Owl Familiar helps with outdoor scouting and Spells would probably depend on party composition.

I'll read up and refresh on Qadira while working on a possible background.

Those interested in mounts:

To be clear, mounts are not outright discouraged. Characters heavily-reliant on mounts are discouraged, especially too many in one party. But a solid mount can be a great option if you need to chase down a villain fast, get a message somewhere, etc. I think I only made that somewhat clear before.

@Moonscar: Sounds good. Looking forward to everyone's submissions.

Tazo wrote:
Ouachitonian wrote:
rorek55 wrote:
Ouachitonian wrote:
Jereru wrote:

So what do we have? So far I've heard of:

-A Sorcerer
-An Oracle
-A Swashbuckler

And I don't know what else. I can work out something with an Aasimar, an Undine or a Tiefling, I have ideas for all xD Will work on the Aasimar, but feel free to tell me if you want to swap.

Could do Fetchling as well. I think the Oread was to be a frontlines type, so the two big holes right now are divine casting and a true rogue-type.
oracle is divine casting, unless I missed something about his build. And as I said, I'm going to be light on "arcane utility" so a half-caster for arcane wouldn't hurt.

Ok, yeah. I just saw the “mounted” in Cuan’s post and missed Oracle somehow. If I can take the Trapfinding trait from Mummy’s Mask, my Swashbuckler can probably cover that element of Rogue, and I’ll have a pretty good number of skill points. Should have pretty high stealth as well.

Side note: I wish you could send group PMs somehow. Would make coordinating a team much easier.

Wow, this Team Planetouched idea really exploded! I am the Oread as originally mentioned. I'm dealing with some nonsense at work so I haven't dug as deeply as I'd like, but I'm currently building toward an Oread Ranger or Slayer with a shield, which will be a front-liner but have at least some skill support. Might end up wielding a giant earth breaker instead of a shield. Or might somehow end up with both.

The core idea I had with Ouachitonian was having a pair of fighters with opposite elements and opposite styles. So a Sylph Swashbuckler fighting in an airy, dextrous way, and an Oread warrior that is powerful and tough. I mention that because since there's discussion about multiple team submissions, I think our pair has some flexibility outside of a planetouched theme as well.

Another good way to do both is go Phalanx Soldier, a fighter archetype that replaces Armor Training 1 with the ability to wield a polearm (like, say, a Lucerne hammer or dwarven longhammer) one-handed. Makes for a great entry into Stalwart Defender too, if we get to a high enough level.

Looks like if we’re missing anything, it’s a skillmonkey. I think I can make that work well enough as an inspired blade, but if switching to Slayer, unRogue, or Inquisitor would be worth it, I’m willing to. Or maybe a Fetchling Ninja?

Silver Crusade

Thats up to you on class choice, but Ninja does sound like a good fit thematically and would be fairly neat. It also is a pretty decently strong pick. Self invisibility is GREAT for scouting and the like. Like I said though, that's your choice. Should play something you want to play. We'll make it work either way.

Ouachitonian wrote:
Another good way to do both is go Phalanx Soldier, a fighter archetype that replaces Armor Training 1 with the ability to wield a polearm (like, say, a Lucerne hammer or dwarven longhammer) one-handed. Makes for a great entry into Stalwart Defender too, if we get to a high enough level.

That is an interesting one. I have some ideas about that which could be fun.

I have a build to suggest but want to check whether the GM thinks its okay or not because it seems potentially powerful. How do you feel about the Siegebreaker Fighter in view of the Feat Tax rules? The idea is to take Powerful Maneuvers which would act as Improved Bull Rush and Improved Overrun in a single feat, efficiently making a tank that just runs over enemies. Does that seem legit, or is it too efficient given the feat tax rules? I would likely also want to take at least 2 levels of Ranger/Slayer using Weapon and Shield Style for early access to Shield Slam.

Grand Lodge

Not sure how I would add to my stealth for the class though with the Suli's diplomacy modifier and will have a decent bit of Chr. Could be the case where I am the face of the group and having to try to stay back a little ways during the sneak parts of some of the missions.

Was trying to look at traits that I could use to try to add stealth to the class skills but the only thing was the +4 mod to stealth in a crowd that I could find.

bzl109 wrote:

Not sure how I would add to my stealth for the class though with the Suli's diplomacy modifier and will have a decent bit of Chr. Could be the case where I am the face of the group and having to try to stay back a little ways during the sneak parts of some of the missions.

Was trying to look at traits that I could use to try to add stealth to the class skills but the only thing was the +4 mod to stealth in a crowd that I could find.

If you take stealth synergy with the rest of us at 3rd level and stick some points in it you should be ok. With 4 people with stealth synergy there is a fairly good chance someone will roll high.

@Tazo: I have no problem with that. It would be cool to see it in action and powerful but I don't think it would be game-breaking. Are you discussing a build to add to Team Planetouched? I'm trying to keep track somewhat.

@bzl109: Browman's suggestion is a good one. Further, there are traits that make stealth a class skill and give you a +1 trait bonus to stealth. Easy boost there.

@Browman: You are planning a team with Alma and Me'mori, correct? Perhaps bzl109 and I may have missed a few others. Can we call your potential team something? Team Ghost or something?

Team Ghost Recon?

Shadows of Sand GM wrote:
@Tazo: I have no problem with that. It would be cool to see it in action and powerful but I don't think it would be game-breaking. Are you discussing a build to add to Team Planetouched? I'm trying to keep track somewhat.

Aye, I'm in Team Planetouched! Hope to get down to brass tacks soon so it's easier to talk synergy and make changes accordingly.

Hi everyone! Dystopiandream here with the aforementioned time thief. I wanted to create her in a vacuum to see if I liked the character enough, mechanically and background-wise, and I really do! So here is Ashivla al-Feraz. If anyone has a team that she could lend her skills to that would be great. I can change things around depending on what the team set-up is and what-not (stealth synergy is there as a placeholder, but I think it'd be really good for this campaign.), her mote of time ability being quite versatile.

Let me know. I can also think up a team as well and recruit people if there's no spots left in the current ones.

Silver Crusade

Okay, so here is the basic crunch of my build
She is an ifrit tattooed(maybe) sorceress, her two 1st level spells are snowball, and *undecided*, her cantrips will be Detect Magic, Ghost sounds, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost. If anyone has any suggestions on my second 1st level spell I'd like to hear them. Also not sure about tattooed sorcerer, it would give my spells more oomph, but I would lost the slightly more reliable 1d6+1 source of ray damage level 1 for the 1d3 tickle. Oh, the familiar would be a mongoose.

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Alma the Soulborn wrote:
Team Ghost Recon?

"Team Spirit"

Pretty dog.

Silver Crusade

you could call yourselves "the Spiritual Envoys" or the "occult operators" lol

Me'mori wrote:
Alma the Soulborn wrote:
Team Ghost Recon?
"Team Spirit"


@Ashivla: Sounds like a good idea. There are definitely still enough players and teams in flux for you to find/make a team to submit with.

Grand Lodge

Hmm was looking at traits but the only one I could find that would allow Stealth as a class skill was "Highlander" which wouldn't really fall into my thoughts for a background...though guess I could work that in if needed just dont know the surrounding areas that well.

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