Shadows of the Sand (Inactive)

Game Master caster4life

Players start as newly-trained members of a Qadiran strike force, about to embark on their first mission.

Start date: 4718 AR, Gozran 9th
Current date: 4718 AR, Gozran 30th

Current map
Qadira map
Mission log
Group loot
XP Tracker

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This is where I understand team Planetouched is:
Blue Lucien, Sylph Swashbuckler
Maja Weatherseed, Ifrit Bard
Water's Shadow, Undine Cleric
Gara, Master of the Living Sand, Half-Elf Summoner

All right, planetouched. I'm creating a separate gameplay thread for you which I'll link here in a second. It'll be a little weird for swordwhale as he's running the same mission twice in parallel but I'm sure he can handle it. Will edit this post with the link in a second.

Link for planetouched table.

I, for one, would be happy to have the additional character on the team. Either one, really.

Sounds good to me. Bring whichever you'd prefer to run with.

I’m good either way. I just need a statement either way. If it helps make a decision, I’m firmly of the mind that clerics only heal when they have nothing better to do, and that a good cleric is a primary combatant as much as anything else.

From the team-theme, it is very obvious: Drakar - having unarmed combatant AND deft maneuvers. Plus 6 lvl divine casting (I'm not en expert for warpriest' blessings, but your selection seems counter-intuitive for to me).
On the ... let's call it team-optimizations standpoint, a full caster is always awesome and Garry appears to be quite the tank, which is also fine.

Still, I am in camp Drakar for team deft to be honest.

Yes, sorry I thought I made my preference for Drakar known. He would fit best in Deft Maneuvers.

Rule of two: First two party members to weigh in decide what happens until there is serious objection from the rest of the party.

Vmaaxt, hop into gameplay or discussion with Drakar.

Hello All

Due to player attrition, the party is looking for a fifth member. The current party composition is hunter, cleric, bard, monk (zen archer). The group is looking for a rogueish-type party member meeting two requirements:

1. Good disable device skill.
2. Good stealth skill, preferably including the stealth synergy feat.

Build details: Level 3, 20 point buy, feat taxes rules in place, combat stamina feat granted for free to full-BAB classes, background skills.
This campaign has a very specific style as the party is a Qadiran spy team so please read the recruitment-relevant portions of campaign info. Ability to commit to posting 1/weekday and 1/weekend is also very important.

Re-recruitment will be open until there is a candidate that stands out.

Adding some coppers (I am the zen archer of the group)
- we have a trip-focused hunter with a tripping pet
- we do lack arcane magic a bit, so if you find a nice hybrid build, that might be cool
- our bard and I both are good stealthers and have stealth synergy in place and we had lot of stealthing going on until now
- bluffing might be quite useful as well and came up quite a bit recently
- if you do not know about feat tax rules: they are great for martials and dex-based ones in particular: check them out, you'll love it

Interested will read up and put something together late tonight.

Silver Crusade

hey! I remember this game back when you first opened! I had to withdraw back then due to life. Though now I have some free time.

I'm thinking an investigator or eldritch rogue.

Scarab Sages

You have my attention. I rarely play rogue-ish characters, so I'll give it a shot.

Unchained is allowed, btw. I know that I mentioned that in the original recruitment but wanted to clarify.

The character certainly doesn't have to be a rogue. But the classic rogue-like role will see a LOT of play in this particular campaign. Sneaking, scouting, lock-picking, and sneak attacking is almost all the party ever does. The fights tend to be pretty deadly so that running in to fight straight-up works poorly...

Scarab Sages

Duly noted. Have you seen the Cryptic by Dreamscarred Press? Seems like one of those would fit this campaign very well.

Besides that, well I'm still reading. :)

Cryptic looks fine to me. I'd need a player using that class to use some OOC to explain what they're doing until I get the hang of it.

Scarab Sages

Ok. I'll give it a go then. Should be able to have a character made up soon.

Ok, I definitely like this. I’ll have a concept up before long....

Scarab Sages

Do you want me to use standard wealth by level for this character?

Good question. Yes standard. There will be some extra loot for any new characters soon after introduction, however.

This is Choon.

Here is my submission. The Cryptic has quite a few moving parts, so if any of it is confusing just let me know and I'll explain. This is also first pass at nearly 11 pm, so there could be mistakes in there I'm just not seeing. I'm recycling an alias for this so if you feel this guy needs another name just let me know and I'll change it. The name is less important than the character of this diamond in the rough.

Sam is an unassuming elf wearing old but not worn clothes and carrying a well packed backpack. His only not to fashion and wealth that is endemic of Quadirans is a simple crystal headpiece with a good sized crystal in the center over his nose. He carries no obvious weapons.

Edit: and that sorry excuse for a post is all I can do right now. I'll probably try again tomorrow. :)

Interesting, Sam/Choon! Where did you get the elan race?

The name does feel like it clashes with the setting a bit.

My other main question is to know a bit more about Sam's motivation. Is he just looking for thrills during his long life? Is there anything in particular that he fears, cares about, or hates?

Note that the feat taxes rules eliminate Point Blank Shot and instead use Precise Shot as a pre-req for feats that would normally require PBS. I'm fine with you still taking PBS if you wish but it's not granted for free, unlike Deadly Aim which is free.

Scarab Sages

Oops. The race should be Elf. Typo. :)
The Elan are a psionic race similar to elves and are fascinating in and of themselves. One of my favorites, actually, but I chose Elf to fit in a bit more. I dislike super special snowflakes in more serious campaigns like this one and I'm already pushing that envelope with the Cryptic, I think.

Sam had been a useless drifter/street rat/beggar/theif all of his life, which is saying something as an elf. With his induction into the Shadows he finally feels like he's Doing something worth doing. And, if he does it well, people might stop trying to kick him in the street.

Thanks for that clarification. This will be my first time using those feat tax rules so I'll probably mess it up a time or two.

I'll come up with a new name and alias sometime today.

Ah ok cool. I read a little about elan so I figured you're background meant your were an elf turned into an elan.

No worries on feat taxes. I often forget what all is in there too.

Scarab Sages

Ahh! Post eaten!

I can't seem to edit profiles from mobile anymore. Im traveling this weekend so I'll get my guy sorted soon after my return home.

@Choon: try to switch to horizontal mode. The edit button should appear then ;-)

No worries. Even the horizontal phone doesn't work for me.

Here we go! Got it!

Looks interesting! Don't forget to change your name in the fluff.

I like your submission. But I'll give others until Tuesday to submit theirs or what they have by then.

I'm allowing until 5 pm EST Tuesday for other submissions but I'm not seeing a lot of activity in this thread. Perhaps the others who were interested decided otherwise?

Scarab Sages


I should be able to get mine cleaned up today. Unless today decides to go nuts.

Working on getting my submission up this afternoon....

I have cleaned up and updated my submission some. I was missing some power points from my Int bonus.

Do you want me to write up some experience in the Shadows or would you like to leave that for after selection?

I present Cirus, Harrow Warden and Knife Master. Strikes with precision using twin Starknives and highly stealthy.


Male human (Keleshite) unchained monk (harrow warden) 2/unchained rogue (knife master) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: The Harrow Handbook, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 72, Pathfinder Unchained 14, 20)
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +9
AC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+1 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 Wis)
hp 24 (3 HD; 1d8+2d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +3
Defensive Abilities evasion
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk starknife +6/+6 (1d4+3/×3 ) or
mwk starknife +6/+6 (1d4+3/×3) or
unarmed strike +5/+5 (1d6+3)
Special Attacks flurry of blows (unchained), idiot strike, sneak attack (unchained) +1d8/1d4
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +5 (+7 grapple); CMD 19 (21 vs. grapple)
Feats: Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Combat Stamina, Deadly Agility, Deadly Aim, Dodge, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Stealth Synergy[UC], Unarmed Combatant
Traits: harrow born (varisian), varisian wanderer
Skills: Acrobatics +9 (+13 to move through a threatened square or enemy's space), Appraise +5, Bluff +6, Climb +4, Diplomacy +4, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +7, Perception +9, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +9 (+9 to conceal a light blade), Stealth +14, Survival +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Stealth, +2 Survival
Languages: Common, Draconic, Kelish, Orc, Tien, Varisian
SQ: agile maneuvers, combat expertise, combat reflexes, deadly aim, dodge, finesse weapon attack attribute, hidden blade, improved grapple, improved unarmed strike, mobility, point-blank shot, power attack, rules changes
Combat Gear: oil of magic weapon (4), potion of cure light wounds (3); Other Gear mwk starknife, mwk starknife, belt of tumbling[UE], bracers of armor +1, belt pouch, blanket[APG], glass cutter[UE], glue paper[UE] (5), grappling hook, masterwork backpack[APG], masterwork thieves' tools, mess kit[UE], sack, silk rope (50 ft.), soap, trail rations (5), waterproof bag[UE], waterskin, 78 gp, 2 sp
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Agile Maneuvers [Combat Trick] For a Combat Maneuver, treat self as size category larger for each 2 Stamina spent (up to Dex bonus)
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Combat Expertise [Combat Trick] Ignore penalty from Combat Expertise for stamina spent.
Combat Reflexes (4 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Combat Reflexes [Combat Trick] 5 stamina points to make a second attack of opportunity at -5 for the same provoking action after missing.
Deadly Agility Use Dex for damage with light and finesse weapons
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Deadly Aim [Combat Trick] 4 stamina points reduce penalty from Deadly Aim by 1.
Dodge [Combat Trick] Up to double Dex bonus in stamina points, increase dodge bonus from Dodge by stamina spent.
Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Flurry of Blows (Unchained) (Ex) As full-rd action, gain extra attacks with unarmed strike/monk weapons.
Idiot Strike (2/day, DC 14) (Su) Unarmed strike jinx: target rolls twice on atk, saves, skill or CL checks.
Improved Grapple [Combat Trick] Spend stamina points up to Str/Dex, bonus against grapple equal to stamina spent.
Improved Unarmed Strike [Combat Trick] Up to 5 stamina points to increase nonlethal damage from Unarmed Strike by double stamina spent.
Mobility [Combat Trick] Double bonus of Dodge combat trick vs. Attacks of Opportunity provoked by movement.
Point-Blank Shot [Combat Trick] Up to 6 stamina points to increase Point-Blank range by 5 ft per stamina spent.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Power Attack [Combat Trick] 2 stamina points to use Power Attack only until end of turn, instead of the start of the next turn.
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +1d8/+1d4 +1d8 damage with a dagger-like weapon if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Stealth Synergy Take the highest roll made by you and your allies on Stealth checks
Left as an toddler at the Windsong Abbey (and Qadiran by birth), Cirus grew up in a world far from his birthplace. Had it not been for Xai Fei, a Tian expat and follower of Desna, Cirus might never have taken steps into the outside world. For many years Fei watched over the boy, subtly teaching him of the world at large, including Tian methods of defense since many of the other children bullied the youth.

When Cirus turned 10, after several years at the Abbey, Fei took him on a pilgrimage with a pair of Varisian scholars so Cirus might learn the history and culture of Varisia. Along the way, he learned much and even learned to incorporate much of Desna’s holy weapon as well as he ideas and expressions of the Harrow into his martial style.

His life truly took a turn when, just as Cirus turned 15, Fei extended their pilgrimage on into Qadira so that Cirus would learn that portion of his heritage. For two years they wandered Qadira, listening and learning as they journeyed alongside all manner of traveller. Then, at that point however, fate frowned upon them and the caravan they travelled with was attacked and destroyed, with Cirus being one of he few survivors. Mourning his mentor, Cirus sought honorable vengeance against the attackers, in the end being part of a military expedition to wipe them out.

After that, Cirus struggled to decide his path. But, Desna smiled on him once again as the Kaliphate asked him to join a small group who were being assembled to take on missions of a sensitive nature...

I’m hoping you’ll allow this adaptation of the Harrow Warden Monk Archetype. It fits the UncMonk by replacing ki powers in the same manner Monk of the Mantis is adjusted for the Unchained Monk. If not, I can adapt. :)
Harrow Warden for Unc. monk:

Harrow Warden
Some who study the mysteries of the harrow do so to restore lost knowledge and pride to the Varisian people. The harrow warden fulfills this role as she seeks to bring her mind and body into alignment, and she protects her people by invoking the folklore that has guided them for so long. In mastering her own place in fate, a harrow warden learns how to misalign the destinies of others.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The harrow warden is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as with the klar (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 31), rapier, short sword, and starknife. Additionally, harrow wardens treat starknives as monk weapons.

Idiot Strike (Su): At 1st level, the harrow warden can make an unarmed strike against a target and curse the creature with bad luck. Foes damaged by an idiot strike must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the monk’s level + the monk’s Wisdom modifier) or become jinxed. A jinxed creature must roll twice whenever it attempts an attack roll, a saving throw, a skill check, or a caster level check for 1 round, taking the lower result in each instance. The harrow warden can use idiot strike once per day per monk level. She must declare that she is using an idiot strike before making the attack roll; thus, a failed roll wastes the attempt. At 4th level and again at 12th level, the jinx effect lasts an additional round. At 16th level, a harrow warden can expend two uses of idiot strike to instead curse her target as the bestow curse spell.

This ability replaces stunning fist.

Mute Hag Stance (Su): Beginning at 9th level, the harrow warden can block opponents’ metaphysical ties to one another. Enemies threatened by the harrow warden do not gain the effects of any morale or insight bonuses on attack rolls or skill checks as long as they are within the harrow warden’s threatened area. This ability replaces improved evasion.

Big Sky Stance (Su): At 10th level, the harrow warden becomes secure in her role within the larger story. She gains immunity to curses and polymorph effects. This ability replaces the Ki Power gained at this level.

Eclipse Strike (Su): Beginning at 14th level, the harrow warden can strike a target with enough force to realign its place in the world. Foes damaged by the harrow warden’s idiot strike can attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the monk’s level + the monk’s Wisdom modifier). Those that fail are transmuted into a harmless form, as per the baleful polymorph spell. This ability replaces the Ki Power gained at this level.

Background before joining the Shadows is sufficient.

Looks good, Cirus. I'm fine with Harrow Warden UC monk.

Grand Lodge

Not sure if it matters but everyone else in the party has taken a point in Linguistics to allow using Al'Fahd (Sign) as a method to communicate.

I can easily do that. Is it a shadow secret language thing? I know your monk is silent, but are you using his own language just for him or the whole organization?

Grand Lodge

Originally was just for the monk though to be honest it has been very useful and could be something that the shadows "recommend" during their training after reading the after-action reports from our earlier missions.

Ok. I was just asking to check on the feasibility of knowing it before joining the group.

I imagine that most languages have their own version of sign language so knowing it ahead of time is quite feasible. Looks like the submissions are done. Hadha, I'll PM you about integration into the current campaign.

TClegg1024: Thanks for the submission. It looks really great. Unfortunately, we're only taking one player right now and I want to ensure it will be someone who can help keep the campaign's momentum up. Hadha got a really strong recommendation from a third party and is a very experienced player. I really wanted to take both of you but don't think it's right for the party at the moment. Thanks!

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