DM ShadowBloodmoon |

From what I'm reading, you were deciding which lead to follow after Zarque took you into a back room.
Track Nualia
Question Vhiski
Search for Erylium
Remember after this you were invited to the Mayor's home to brief her on the current situation as well.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Hmm.. 1000gp, straight up. Continuous use item. Otherwise, the spell itself is fairly cheap and you can buy scrolls of it for far less...

Aurica Movici |

Hi all, I am finding myself increasingly busy with work and other responsibilities, so I need to cut back on my activities here on the boards. I am going to withdraw from this game, at least for the time being. If the situation changes enough for me I will be sure to reach out to ShadowBloodmoon via PM. Until then, good luck in your ongoing adventures!
ShadowBloodmoon, if you can go ahead and mark me inactive for the campaign I would appreciate it.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

That is unfortunate to hear, Aurica. I understand though, I myself have had trouble lately with some recent events Going on. If you get a chance to return, we will leave a space for you in Sandpoint. I'll get that marked off for you shortly.

Moa'Taar |

Posting this to all my games, so sorry if you see it multiple times:
This week both my office and I personally are going to be moving. It's been crazy busy and I am not going to be able to post until Monday at the earliest. Please bot me if I am in your game, and if you are in a game I am running, I will get a post up as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience.

Moa'Taar |

So I am posting from work:
Apologies about not posting sooner, but I have been down internet wise for roughly a week, and will not have internet back up yet for a week or so.
This means that I haven't had internet for the last 4 days (as we had 4 days off at my work for the holiday).
It's been...an experience where I learned that I use the internet more than I thought I did.
With all of that being said, I will try to post from work as I can, but if I am in your game, please bot me as needed.
If I am running your game, please bear with me while I try to post when I can. Hopefully, sooner than better, but I want to be up front about this issue.
again, I apologize about the delay.

Moa'Taar |

I am posting this to all of my games, so apologies if you see this multiple times:
Unfortunately, I have some bad news.
A combination of work-related stuff has lead to me having to take some time off from the forums. I am, in all honesty, going to need to be gone for several months, as I am going to be travelling for extended periods of time (weeks or more) and I'll likely not have good access to the internet.
As I am not someone who would want to have you all sit and wait for me here, I am going to be withdrawing/closing all of my open forum games.
I want to thank everyone who I have had the pleasure to game with over the last couple of years here, as I have immensely enjoyed my time on the forums, and hopefully, once my work stabilizes, I will be able to rejoin the community.
Thank you again for your time and energy, and I am sorry that I won't be able to keep things moving forward in any of the games that I am running.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

As I said in the other thread, we are sad to see you go, but understand. Hope to see you around the boards soon.

Zarque |

Huh, timing is... interesting.
I apologize for my disappearance. Life got crazy. I am working 7 days a week and yet I remain hanging by a thread and nearly homeless (the extra holiday hours went entirely to ambulance bills). With little food and completely exhausted, pbp was my escape, yet I can't reliably focus on even that anymore.
I have therefore decided to quit pbp gaming entirely and in my spare scraps of time, I will instead devote to writing my hexchess and heavily modded d20 system, and perhaps a few supplements like my Ringlord class.
My hope is to earn enough to at least have a day off every week.
I will likely check in on the boards every once in a while, but not that often.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Been in similar situations, so I understand. I hope you can turn life around again and get back to us. Thanks for playing as long as you did.
Well, Milah, it's just you and I. I can close the game down or I can try to get more, which would work for you?

Milah Ashkenazi |

Either would work for me; I'm not terribly active, but enjoy what I can get. It's really up to you and how much work you want to put into finding a new party.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Other than Wesh, you guys are all set, so go ahead and make your way to Gameplay..

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

It definitely makes getting those bonuses vital. The whole purpose originally was to see just how much of an effect on the game it made, along with the other tweaks as well. So far it has made for some longer combats and other harrowing things, but I feel it has also allowed for more thinking and planning and role-playing things out for the players as well. We have noticed that the cascading dice for ammo rule has helped a bit too.

Sileven |

Camp out with the Scouts last weekend took far more out of me than I expected. Then the normal Scouting schedule, some extra demands from work, wife's been sick, etc.
I'm seeing what I can catch-up on and get through tonight.
I'm thinking the spell abundant ammunition probably makes the cascading dice less significant for ammo, making the spell more important than in core.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

No worries... now you can decide to follow Milah or try to find another way in...

Sileven |

Drek'thar, man, it is okay.
I'm playing an ifrit life oracle (burns with a passion for life) in an Emerald Spire run, and we made 4th level before he ever cast an offensive spell.
Few builds can do everything. Some are way specialized. The raging, power-attacking barbarian with no non-combat skills or attributes is the same thing. Just most groups spend most of their time chuking combat dice, so the player gets away with it.
A traditional bard has mad contributions in bigger groups while doing nothing but inspiring courage.
As long as a specialized build can do what it is supposed to do on demand, everything's good. As was noted, your sustaining vitality has been a HUGE benefit for the group. It is the only reason we weren't beaten down out of this running fight!

Sileven |

Cut'n'paste for all my games.
Thursday, 18 July, in the wee hours of the morning, I get on an airplane and leave for the international Boy Scout World Jamboree. I'll be 1 of the roughly 120 people working on JUST the archery ranges, helping the attendees have some fun.
I will have only my phone for electronic access, but AT&T has wired the dickens out of the facility, and a signal should never be my problem. Power on the other hand . . .. There will be a limited number of places to plug things in (compared to the tens of thousands of attendees) and no safe place to plug something in and walk away from it, which means time spent charging is time spent NOT doing any of the things people are there to do.
I am going to try to check in and cover anything I should cover, but I don't know for sure how well it is going to go.
I won't be home again until 3 August.
Actually, part of the reason I've been less responsive the past little bit is I've been getting ready to go. Still have a lot to do, honestly.
If you need to bot me to keep the story moving, BOT ME.

Sileven |

"Life is what happens while you are making other plans."
On my arrival day at the World Scout Jamboree, I got caught in a DELUGE of rain. My phone refused to charge because of water detected in the charging port. It has been drained of power sitting in a ziploc bag of rice for a couple of weeks, and STILL reports water in the charging port.
I'll find out later how bad off my phone really is. It can charge through induction, at the worst. Just didn't have any induction chargers at the Jamboree!
Posting this to my games, and I will come back later today and try ot catch up through them.
Thank you for your understanding!
Oh, and the group of 16 staffers (including me) running the 30-target 10m static archery range had people step up to the Shooting Line and throw arrows downrange almost 10,000 times (for 50,000 arrows), including 1 blind archer, 1 wheel-chair bound archer that we held up so she could hoot standing like everyone else, and 1 one-armed archer.

Drek'Thar |

Lol, came in with the intention of asking what happened to the game and what I find out is the game might be asking what happened to me. I was wary by the lack of updates and or seems the updates were there, I just didn't see them.
Sorry, guys, don't know what happened. I didn't disappear, as you can check out in the rest of my games. I'll try to catch up with the higher amount of posts some time today, after work.

Milah Ashkenazi |

Milah's transition to level 3:
+10 HP
+1 BAB
+1 Fort Save, +1 Will Save
+Class Skill: Nimble
+Deeds: Kip-up, Menacing Swordplay, Precise Strike, Swashbuckler Initiative
+Feat: Power Attack
+Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local), Perception)
+Background Skills: Knowledge (Nobility), Perform (Singing)

Sileven |

Hunh. I just realized the Thornblade/Leafblade are not part of any weapon groups.
Does the GM wish to change that? They could be added to Blades, Light or made part of a new group, such as Elven Weapons.
As the player, I feel a need to ask the question.
As somebody who has climbed around inside the rules for a while, I think an Elven weapons group (and Dwarvem and gnone, etc) is a big opportunity for abuse, so I would recommend against that, specifically, though a different new group could be possible and less abusive, both. Adding them to Blades, Light is less abusive, but flat out not a requirement.
There's also no rush, as a ruling won't matter until 5th level.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

That was written a while ago, but I haven't seen anything since to rule otherwise, so I'm probably going to go with Light Blades unless I find something different between now and then.

Drek'Thar |

Question: I had 1 spell point from a total of 8 before leveling. When leveling up, I gain 2 more spell points, so now I have:
a) 1 spell point from a total of 10
b) 3 spell points from a total of 10
Thank you in advance.
Also, apparently there has been a rewording of the Invigorate talent. It now states "this ability can only be used on an injured target", so no more free +4 Defense unless you received a wound first. That means Drek will have to rely on something else to fill his rounds actions.

Drek'Thar |

Well, according to the table, 1 equals to one while 2-4 equals to d4, so while having 2, 3 or 4 spell points would be exactly the same, having 1 would not.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

It would be d4 normally, but as none of you have rested yet, it won't go up until then and then it will go to d8 as your full allotment.
I just noticed that change in wording as well. Drek'thar will have to get a little more creative in combat.

Drek'Thar |

Re: the bow. Both of you guys have a penalty to hit, but Sileven's got a +2 to damage while Milah's got a -1.

Sileven |

Hey. I have surgery in the morning. Pretty minor, but it IS surgery. Outpatient, with a normal "don't work" period of 2 days, and a "no exertion" period of like 6 weeks.
I should be giving all my games another pass this evening, but I make no promises for the next day or two.
What is it? An umbilical hernia repair. Surgeon says I have multiple hernias right there together. All I know for sure is the general practitioner who referred em to the surgeon had it right when he said it looks like I'm going to give birth to a Titleist.