![]() About Ellyn FieldsEllyn Fields/The Devil of Masks
Coins 4.8 gp Ellyn never knew her parents, she only knew the order, the order of the faceless. The order raised her, taught her how to stay in the shadows, how to become the mask, how to kill. One of the orders core believes was that to become the perfect assassin, you need to kill your own heart first. But instead of dedicating hours of training each day to that goal, they chose a magical shortcut, an elixir called tears of the empty sky, a magical potion that erased all emotions. With hard training and methodically executed missions Ellyn became one of the orders most feared assassines The Devil of Masks, named afterher calling card a bank mask left behind whenever she completed a mission(A famous assassin is much more expensive then an unknown one) and after her ability to be almost everyone, ay oung girl selling flowers on the streets, an old fortune teller, a gruff sailor. This was her life for many years, till one faitfull mission, she wore the mask of Ellyn Fields, a young lady of minor nobility, grand niece of an old and reclusive living minor country noble, a girl of no political importance, but on the right level to be at a noble bancet. As fate would have it there was a certain famous or infamous, depending on whom you would ask, bard (plothook) at the same bancet as her target, the heir of one of the more important local families. As the night progressed, she managed to be introduced to Athur Gales, heir of the Gales familie, and managed, to be invided to his room, which wasn't an uncommon occurence. While she waited for the guard, that has been followed the young lord discreetly, but not stealtily, to decide that his attention should be elsewhere she drank from the wine that Athur offered her, what neither of them knew, was that this bottle of wine had quite a bit of love potion mixed into it. What neither of them expected, was the violent reaction of the love potion and the tears of the empty sky. Ellyn barely noticed the Gales heir shouting for the guard to fetch the healer because of poisoned wine (he wasn't worried for himself, the magic of his house ring taking care of things like that), as she was bussy puking on his carpent and passing out. The healer managed,with some help form the bard, to identify the presumed poison as a love potion, probably planted there to create some kind of scandal, but was baffled for the girl's reaction to it, even the bard hadn't heard of one as extreme as this one. After a few days had passed, Ellyns fever going down slowly, the bards warning shout and Ellyn's well trained reflexes where the only thing that saved her, as the sword of a man, wearing the uniform of a House Gales guard, struck where she had been lying a few moments before. Finding herself unarmed an still shakey, she grabed a decanter of water from the sidebord and waited for an opening, as the assailant turned towards the bard, as he audibly drew his rapie. A few seconds into the fight a thrown decanter turned one of the assasins doges into a stumble, that ended on the bards blade. The whole ordeal left Ellyn shaken and confused, which in turn confused her even more, as she has never been confused before. In the resulting confusion Ellyn succesfully feighted her shock from the torent of emotions bearing down on her, to be form the unsuccesfull assassination. Her thrown decanter that decided the battle was dismissed as a fluke, by everyone but the bard. The General assumption was that the assasination atempt was a ploy by the one that planted the potion, to further discredid the house of Gales. For someone as experienced as the Bard it was a trivial matter to get someone as emotionaly vulnerable as her to spill the true reson for her being here, but at the same time she choose him to be her ancor in the raging storm of emotions. Even after knowing what she was the bard couldn't bring himself to disclose her secret, which would have inevidably lead to her death, and he couldn't kill someone that was so much a victim in the whole thing. Deciding to give the girl a chance the bard suggested that he could take the girl back to her family, which would put an end to the atempts on her life, as she would be under the protection of a known hero and no longer connected to house Gale. The Lord agreed after some deliberation. After traveling trough the lands with the bard Ellyn learnd how to handle her emotions atleast with some skill. While they had managed to avoid any further assasins sendby the Cult by not staing in one place for very long, they agree that the tears had to be desroyed. Sneeking into the base of Cult was remarkably easy, it seemed like no one thought of it being ever atempted at least by someone that knew the defenses. They managed to stay undetected untill they reahed the sancturary, the place where the Tears of the empty sky where kept. The Tears where both the elexir and the artifact which produced them, a pitch black crystall, bleeding a bluish liquid. The one that found them happend to be the leader of the Cult, while he hadn't been on a mission for years, he was still an experienced fighter, The battle was vicious, a barrange of feights and dirty tricks, till one such trick managed to blind the Bard for a moment and Ellyn deflected the attack for the man she considered a father, parrying the blow with only a scratch. They say the only time a snake is unaware of her surroundings is when its about to strike, wich held true at that moment, Ellyn's unexpected intervention threw the leader just a bit off balance, giving the bard a chance to strike, wounding the Master assasins leg with a glancing blow. This loss of mobility spelled his end against his two opponents. A moment when he was too slow to turn after evading one of the Bards strikes was all the opening Ellyn needed to finish the battle. Just after smashing the Crystall and collecting the shards, Ellyn collapsed. When she woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar bed and very weak, worse than after the love potion. She tried to get up, but found her feet lacking the strenght to keep her standing, collasing again. When she woke up this time there was an elderlyp riestess sitting next to her bed, she explained to Ellyn, that she was in a Temple of Sarenrae and that she has been sleeping for almost a month. Thed dagger that nicked her had been poisoned, very nasty stuff the priestes said, even with Sarenrae's mercy it had been a wonder that she woke up again. She learned that the other Members of the Cult where here as well, they had been in a daze after the Tear was destroyed, they were still treated for the afterefects of the Tears. It took almost two month till she was well enough that she was allowed to leave, she packed her old equipment, said her godbyes and set out to find the bard, that had left while she was still unconcious, and to find herself, taking the guise of a simple adventurer on the road.
She apears to be a normal adventurer.