
Zarque's page

542 posts. Alias of DarkLightHitomi.

Full Name





Incanter 4 / Monk 1







Special Abilities

darkvision 60ft






Draconic, Common, Elven, Undercommon, Thassilonion

About Zarque



Zarque was taken as an egg by an elven wizard, named Trazza, (1) who kept the egg for study because of its unusual color (2) . When the egg hatched the wizard kept the kobald out of curiosity and used her as a servant. One day some people unknown to Zarque came and attacked the wizard (memory). Zarque managed to sneak away when the fighting stopped but the attackers started looking around for her (3) . Zarque believes Trazza is dead (though that may not be true).

She has become somewhat acceptable in Sandpoint, where she sells bags and other leather-crafted goods (4) .

Despite her rather intellectual nature (5) , she believes in physical capability is also important and trains herself physically to overcome the frailty of being a kobald (pc goal) . She sees her innate magic as coming from within and therefore she sees mastering that as her main goal. Her sense of mastering this, which she sees as mastering herself, has led her to worship Irori.

10 bg stuff,
the 5 step one bits are marked above as is her goal. The second goal will be whatever hooks her to the initial start of game.

Her secret is her feelings of superiority over others, but she understands that problems develop from being open about it, so she hides it. The second secret is the reason for her odd coloration, though obviously she knows of the secret, she doesn't know the answer.

Known people,
Albert a guard who hates Zarque because she is a kobald. Grunther the guard captain who knows Zarque through the wizard that raised her and thus knows Zarque is not evil (this is how Zarque managed to start relations with Sandpoint). And Tobias, an old friend of Trazza and Grunther.


Name: Zarque Sart Aurix
Race: Kobald
Age: 21 (Adult)
Size: small, (2'9" & 22Lbs)
Type: humanoid (reptilian)
Level: 5
Classes: Incanter 4 / monk 1
Faith: Irori
Home: Sandpoint
Jobs: scholar / leatherworker

Zarque has golden scales and stands about 2'9" and with an athletic build weighs only 22 lbs.


14, 14, 12, 16, 18, 12
10, 16, 10, 17, 18, 12
+0, +3, +0, +3, +4, +1

HD: 4d6 + 1d8
Aura: None
Spd: 30

Perception: +08 darkvision 60', normal

Languages: Common, Draconic, Undercommon, Elven, Thassilonion

Combat Basics:

Init: +3
Bab: +2 ([0.5*4]+[0.75*1])
Sab: +3 (2bab+1siz+0str)
Dab: +6 (2bab+1siz+3dex)
CMB: +1 (+0str+2bab-1siz)

AC: +8(+3dex+4wis+1siz)
TT: +8(+3dex+4wis+1siz)
FF: +5(+4wis+1siz)
CMD: +4 (-1siz+2bab+0str+3dex)

Fort: 3 (1/3*4 + 1/2 +2 +0con)
Refl: 6 (1/3*4 + 1/2 +2 +3dex)
Will: 8 (1/2*4 + 1/2 +2 +4wis)

Lose wis and mnk bonus to ac when wearing armor and/or a shield, when immobilized or helpless, or when carrying a medium+ load.

DR: None
Res: None

HP: 24


At Will,
-Flurry of Blows


Limited Uses,
-Stunning Fist 2/day (1 per monk lvl + 1/4 other lvls)


Casting tradition
Drawbacks: Emotion casting, Skilled Casting (Profession Mage)
The DC of this skill check is 15 + the ability’s caster level. For every 2 points by which this skill check falls short of this DC, the ability manifests at -1 caster level.
Boon: Easy Focus
Casting ability: wisdom
Spell Pool: d6 8 (class lvl + wis[cam])
Save DC: +6 (+1/2 cl +wis)

Warp Sphere
...Bend Space
-Extradimensional Storage 10lbs/cl, full rnd to place/grab, or swift @ 1sp
-Extradimensional Room, 10' cube/cl, exists while inside or @1sp up to 1 round/cl
-Teleport Beacon; unlimited distance, 1hour/cl, @ 1sp to make (place, object, or creature), @ 1sp to use
-Isoport; change direction and velocity (can slow but not speed up) of teleported object. if kept in same space, use as swift action. @1sp can be used as immediate action.

Life Sphere
...Cure 1d8+cl
-Revitalize; fast healing 1hp/rnd for 1min/cl

Destruction Sphere
...Destructive Blast
-Crystal Blast (reflavored as Gold Blast, a blast of molten gold that hardens)
-Crafted Blast
-Focused Blast
-Gather Energy

Divination Sphere
...Divine (magic)
....Divine Hostility
....Divine Life
....Divine Warp


17 ranks
12 Profession Mage 5r 3c 4a
11 perception 4r 3c 4a
14 stealth 4r 3c 3a +4siz
10 acrobatics 2r 3c 3a +2
09 fly 3r 3c 3a
05 heal 1r 4a
05 swim 2r 3c
07 spellcraft 1r 3c 3a
08 k arcana 1r 3c 3a 1trt
04 diplomacy 3r 1a
06 climb 1r 3c +2

bg skills 4ranks
08 craft leather 2r 3c 3a
09 craft carpentry 3r 3c 3a
10 k history 3r 3c 3a 1trt
08 sleight of hand 2r 3c 3a


  • Prehensile Tail:Alternate: Replace Armor; +2 climb and acrobatics, draw hidden weapon faster.
  • Gliding Wings:Alternate: Replace Crafty; can fall safely from any height with dc 15 fly, another dc 15 fly to glide 5' pre 20' fallen.
  • Light Sensativity:Dazzled in bright sunlight or daylight spell


  • Unarmed Strike: Always armed, deals 1d4 dmg
  • AC Bonus: Add Wis to AC


  • Nimble Moves: Move through 5' of difficult terrain as though it were normal. This allows a 5' step into difficult terrain.
  • Extra Talent: Extradimensional Storage; Can store up to 10lbs/cl in an extradimensional space.
  • name: stuff

  • Equipment:

    Weight: 28.625Weight equipped, carried, and body weight

  • Slot: Explorer's Outfit {-/2}
  • Slot: Dagger {2/.5}
  • Slot: Whip, Scorpian {2.5/1.5}
  • Slot: Q-Staff {-/2}

    Place: Backpack, Masterwork {50/1} (Bag + contents = 17.5)

  • Blanket {.5/.75}
  • Hammock {.1/.75}
  • Rope, Silk {10/5}50'
  • Pot {.8/4}
  • Grappling Hook {1/4}
  • Canteen {2/1 *2}Two leather wrapped steel canteens
  • 500 gp

    Place: Scroll Case {1/.5} (Case + contents = .5)

  • Chalk {.01/- *3}
  • Needle {.5/-}
  • Vial, Steel {1/- *2}Details
  • 300 gp

    Place: Belt Pouch {1/.125} (Bag + contents = .625)

  • Mirror, Steel {10/.5}
  • 100.57 gp

    Place: Pockets

  • 15 gp

    Extradimensional Storage max 20 lbs (10lbs/cl)

    Scrolls (that she can use)
    Jade Amulet of Natural Armor +1
    Everburning Torch
    1884gp 3sp 3cp

  • Fun Stats:


    Unconscious or dead

    Money Aquired

    Damage Dealt / taken 12/0

    Attacks made / Hit 6/4
    Skill Checks
    Perception 2

    Saves rolled, succeeded
    Refl: 0 / 0
    Fort: 0 / 0
    Will: 1 / 1

    Spells Cast
    Blast 7
    Divination 1

    Fires Started:
    Been Critted:

    Places Visited

    Knowledge Known
    Stuff learned from prior knowledge checks, so further knowledge checks are not required.


    Choices LVL 1:

    Race: kobold
    Alt Racial Traits: Prehensile Tail (replaced armor), Gliding wings (replaced Crafty)
    Class: monk 1 (plan on 1 per 3 monk/incanter)
    Feat: nimble moves
    Traits: Scholar of the Ancients (campaign trait), Unscathed (magic trait)
    Bonus Feat: Combat Reflexes
    Monk Skills: 7; perception, stealth, acrobatics, swim, diplomacy, fly, climb
    BG Skills: Carpentry, History
    Ab Scores: 14,14,12,16,18,12
    Casting tradition:
    Drawbacks: Emotion casting, Skilled Casting (Profession Mage)
    The DC of this skill check is 15 + the ability’s caster level. For every 2 points by which this skill check falls short of this DC, the ability manifests at -1 caster level.
    Boon: Easy Focus
    Casting ability: wisdom

    Choices LVL 2:

    Class: Incanter 1
    Talents: 2 +2 from Casting, 4 total; warp, life, destruction, dest (crystal blast reflavored as molten gold)
    Bonus Feat: Talent; divination
    Specializations: None
    Skills: 5; mage, mage, diplomacy, arcana, spellcraft
    BG kills: leather, sleight of hand

    Choices LVL 3:

    Class; Incanter 2
    talent: revitalize, fast healing 1 for 1 minute/cl.
    bonus feat: talent: teleport beacon.
    3rd lvl feat: talent; extradimensional storage
    Skills: 5; mage, perception, Stealth, acrobatics, heal
    bg skills: sleight of hand, carpentry

    Choices LVL 4:

    Class: Incanter 3
    Talents: Isoport, Extradimensional Room
    AB Up: Int: 16 -> 17
    Skills: Prof mage, perception, stealth, fly, swim
    bg skills: History, Craft Leather

    Choices LVL 5:

    Class: Incanter
    Bonus Feat: Extra Talent: Crafted Blast
    Magic Talent: Focused Blast
    lvl feat: Extra Talent: Gather Energy
    Skills: Prof mage, perception, stealth, fly, diplomacy
    bg skills: History, Craft Carpentry

    Choices LVL Template:

    lvl feat:
    bg skills:

    [dice=Cast dc 14/17]3d6+10[/dice]