Sileven |

Was at the hospital from about 0730 till about 1615. Home. reasonably awake, and medicated. The entire area over the hernia and belly button is under s bandage I'm not supposed to touch until Saturday, so all I know is I have some ugly looking injuries from where the laparoscopic entry points were on my left side. Not as limited in my movements this morning as I thought I would be, which is good. Abdominal muscles are a little tight, though. Don't think I can blame them. I figured they would be a LOT more mad than they seem to be.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

It may be possible to bring you in earlier, as it appears that the rest of the party is planning to rest by the gates. You could have changed your mind on the way back to Sandpoint and made your way back, slowly.. we will see how that plays out if that works for you.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

True... you could have finally found your way to the bridge that goes across to the front gate. They are there now...

Zarque |

That crit actually reminds me of a houserule I came across to prevent such lackluster crits.
The rule goes that when a crit is achieved, instead of doubling what is rolled, you roll normally then add an amount equal to the max possible roll. So in this case, (1d4+1)+(4+1).Triples and such max one but roll the additional multiples.
That way, any crit does exceptional damage even when rolling minimum.

Drek'Thar |

The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

Sileven |

Hey. Real life.
I live in a 3 generation home.
This last weekend, both of the youngest generation (one is 2 the other just had her first birthday) got sick. So did their mom. Monday so did their dad. Somewhere in there, grandma got sick, too. Now I'm sick. At least the youngest seems to be over it.
If you need to bot me to keep things moving, please do.
I'm sorry, but I'm not even managing to focus to play spades on my phone right now, and that's amazingly brainless.

Zarque |

Jere's a nit of funny for you, I just got woken up to go break imto my workplace because the new kids locked themselves out. I found myself thknking about the skill I used should be called. I didn't exactly pick the lock, that'd be too slow. I walked up. slipped the latch, swiped the badge, and swung the door open in a couple seconds. Faster than the key. Funny considering last time I did that, my boss told me she'd fire me if I did it again, amd now she asked me to. :)

Sileven |

The generic post to share before attempting to recovery post:
So, I got the flu. Not really over it, yet, but past the worst of it.
I went to get tested to verify it was flu, and the care providers went down the "better safe than sorry hole" a might to far, in my opinion.
Standard questions, designed to check for other, deeper concerns/problems, right? "Do you have any tightness in your chest?" "I've been coughing for about three days at this point, yes, I have a tightness in my chest!" So, they stopped everything about verifying the flu in order to check for a heart attack. Thing is, my fever had just started to break, and I was not only DRENCHED in sweat, but I was still actively sweating that hard. They couldn't get a good EKG read because the contact stickers wouldn't. Stick, I mean.
They called an ambulance and transferred me to an ER, to make sure I wasn't having a heart attack. The ER team was focused on EXACTLY one thing, for obvious reasons. First thing they did different? They took that super medical tape and taped the sensors down. EKG told them almost immediately that there was no heart attack going on. I was still in that ER for nearly 15 hours . . ..
IV fluids. Roughly 2.4 liters of fluid pushed into my system. Breathing treatment. Seems when I arrived in the ER, my O2 saturation was around 82. They started to admit me in order to watch my O2 saturation levels, but after I sat in their ER for that long without any further dips, they accepted it might not still be required and discharged me instead of continuing to wait for a room. Having an asthmatic wife means we have a nebulizer at home, and that helped sell the release, too. Still spending more time asleep than awake, for now.
Missed a couple of Santa gigs the family had lined up. Went to a photoshoot with a family yesterday. I was there for about 10 minutes, just needing to sit and smile, but I stumbled into the house when I got home, completely exhausted. I'm supposed to go get caught in a neighbor's house tonight. Very worried about going. Just as worried about denying their kids.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Wow! That's a heck of a holiday event.. here's hoping to a speedy recovery. We'll keep the tavern lights on for you..

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Hmm.. I thought everyone had taken their two... have to look over the character sheets again..

Sileven |

First, I owe everyone apologies for vanishing without a word. I've come back to try to apologize for doing so, and to let you know that I have no idea when I'll be able to meaningfully return.
That's as far s anyone needs to read. If you're curious, you are free to keep going, though.
Why did I vanish? My wife had started an evaluation of her knees, scheduled to run for about 2 months. First appointment was on a Monday. Late that same Thursday we were told the evaluation was over and they were going to schedule her for a full knee replacement in her worse leg. We found out that next Monday that surgery was that Thursday, a week after we were told she would be having surgery.
I took some sick leave to help her through the surgery and earliest recovery stages. I've been working half days, taking sick leave for the rest, for the past couple of weeks, trying to keep her from doing too much with the live-in grand kids and doing her exercises, with only partial luck.
She's doing her exercises while I type, and the grand kids are down for their naps. Today is going to be the last day I PLAN to do the half-day thing. Thing is, even having been home so much more than normal, I've been going non-stop. We were two weeks past her surgery before I even got into the office where my computer sits, and we're over three weeks past it now and I've had to steal the time to let people know what's going on.
I don't know how long it will be before I can reasonably expect the leisure time to properly contribute to these games again. I am sorry for vanishing, but I have to focus on my wife's actual needs before I play.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

I've probably said this a thousand times, but family first. I myself have had to take on a new job to help my own family out, so my time is more limited, but I am trying to make sure I give you guys the loyalty you've shown me and the game. That said, take the time for your family. If you need to exit out for any reason, I'll leave a space for you.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Hey guys, just so you are aware, I've taken on a new position IRL and it has severely limited my time during the week. That said, I will get back into the swing of things soon because I want to give you guys the time you deserve in game. I'm hoping to get things back on track before the weekend. Thanks for understanding!
Crossposting to all my games.

Milah Ashkenazi |

Milah's transition to level 4:
+10 HP
+1 BAB
+1 Dex
+1 Ref Save
+Bonus Feat (Weapon Specialization (Rapier))
+Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local), Perception
+Background Skills: Craft (Alchemy), Sleight of Hand

Drek'Thar |

Incanter 3 / Spirit Mender Druid 1
+6 HP
+2 Spell Points (to no effect T-T)
+1 Wis
Saves: +1 Fort Save, +1 Ref Save
Skills: +1 Climb, +1 Heal, +1 Perception, +1 Kn Nature, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Survival (Also, skills had a little revamp thanks to latest changes to Incanter)
Background Skills: +1 Appraise, +1 Handle Animal
Talents: Fountain of Life, Lingering Resilience
I think that's all, but I might forgetting something.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Have you guys been watching the recruitment thread? I want your opinions on who we add as well.

Milah Ashkenazi |

I noticed what I think are a couple of technical issues around Kejal (specifically, too many Bestial Traits), but as I've never done anything personally with Spheres of Power, I'd suggest someone more familiar with it take a good long look. Personally, I'm a little nervous about having a CN (or even N) character in the party, and RAW a Shifter can't be Lawful, so there's that. I'm also a little concerned that social stigmas against Drow might be an issue; without some reasonable fluff to justify it, it seems like just min/maxing.
Caprice is certainly an interesting concept. I'm a little concerned with a stacking bleed from any non-bludgeoning damage, but I suppose that's just a risk we'd have to accept. I don't have any other real concerns with her other than the vigilante fluff, but I would need to see how that plays out to know whether my concerns are really justified; I've never had a Vigilante in the party, so it's likely just that I haven't had enough exposure to them.
Archlich's dwarf Corsair seems to be a bit out of place for a campaign that isn't centered around sea voyages, but I'd certainly welcome a heavier-than-light-armor-wearing melee fighter. Not much else to go on at this point.
Albion's Shoanti barbarian would certainly help out with melee, but it's yet another light-armor-only character. I'm not saying we should reject everyone that isn't a medium-to-heavy armor wearer, it would just be nice to have some variety. I do like the fluff; I think a tough-as-nails-wish-they-were Shoanti would be a fun addition.
Albion's cleric would not be a front-line fighter, most likely, given the lack of a shield and light armor only. It certainly would be a good support character, and I think the focus between him and Drek'Thar would be sufficiently different so as not to be an issue.

Drek'Thar |

Okay, they all have nice things.
I'm not much of a fan when it comes to drow, to me it reminds me too much of FR and this is SparthaPathfinder, but well. The Alteration Sphere has always been gibberish to me, it seems overcomplicated to understand, but I guess he knows how to.
Vanilla Dwarf Fighter is good, only thing that makes me tremble is "grumpy goblins-and-orcs-hatred Dwarf". Could be an interesting interaction... or could be not.
Barbarians can use medium armor, right? Maybe she won't, but idk.
The others I don't have much of an opinion, I guess they're alright.

Zarque |

Honestly I still need to check on the changes to SoP and to see if they are using the new or the old. I've only ever used the old, thus far myself since that's the book I have.
You might consider asking for a "choices made" list similar to my alias' tab for 3rd lvl choices. I like to ask for that as it makes it easier to spot what I need to look up and where/why certain values might change, not to mention easier to double check correct values. (which reminds me I still need to put up my lvl1 & 2 choices)

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

I will have to look at those a bit closer then. Thank you for your input. You guys are free to post in the recruitment thread if you want to help make the decision. I'm thinking two more should be fine, but if you want more or less, let me know.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

The maximum amount you can spend on a magic item is 1300gp in Sandpoint. The current items available in Sandpoint are:
Minor: 3d4 ⇒ (1, 2, 3) = 6
Medium: 1d6 ⇒ 3
- Any healing potions are available from the Cathedral or other shops.
- Wand of Guidance (cr, 375 gp) (inscription provides clue to function), at Sandpoint Cathedral
- Oil of Magic Weapon (cr, 50 gp), at Bottled Solutions
- Wand of Detect Magic (cr, 375 gp) (design provides clue to function), at Feathered Serpent
- Wand of Disguise Self (cr, 750 gp), at Feathered Serpent
- Wand of Message (cr, 375 gp), at Feathered Serpent
- Scroll of Confusion (cr, 700 gp), at Turandurok Academy
- Scroll of Black Tentacles (cr, 700 gp), at Turandurok Academy
- Ring of Spell Knowledge I (1500 gp), at Turandurok Academy
- Buckler (+1 shield, Bashing) (4155 gp), at Savah's Armory
- Vansaya, +1 Light Repeating Crossbow- (2250 gp), at Savah's Armory.
- 75% chance of anything not on the list appearing.

Milah Ashkenazi |

So - recruits. At this point, I think my votes are:
Grenz - Aye
Khamul - Aye (assuming that not including him was just an oversight)
I would be fine with either Caprice or Beetly, I think, but both make me a little nervous for different reasons.
In Caprice's case, I've never played with a Vigilante before, but I don't see the point in this instance. If there was a reason to protect the character's identity (e.g., she's actually royalty or the daughter of a well-known but very domineering official), that would make more sense. Still, that's just fluff and I'm sure it can be worked out somehow.
In Beetly's case, I enjoyed the back story, and it's a very unique character concept, but I agree that given Sandpoint's recent history we'd probably end up having to protect him from the townsfolk, and "he wants to be good" might not be sufficient justification...
Kejal - Nay. I just can't see it, sorry - a drow that (apparently) regularly turns into a spider would be over-the-top weird.

Drek'Thar |

I'm sorry, but I envision the Goblin as coming with a shoehorn as a melee weapon.
I think I'm okay with most of the rest. I just hope the dwarven hatred vs orcs doesn't end up bad, though.

Zarque |

I haven't looked over all the crunch, but narratively, I think the goblin is a bad idea. If it was before the attacks, then maybe a bg of being already known, but it's a bit late now and even a previously known goblin would be met with suspicion since they didn't lift a finger in Sandpoint's defense and thus likely a spy.
I'm unconcerned about the drow, and I'm also unfamiliar with golarion's cultural view on drow, especially since it seems that this is before important events in that regard. If he is right and drow are mainly unknown at this point, he could be met with a wide variety of responses, both suspicious and curious.
Being on a list of favored enemies makes for either good intraparty tension (which I'm fine with and might even enjoy), or it could be disruptive to players. Risky.
Otherwise, I'm prettty neutral.
One thing that hasn't been mentioned though is our pacing. I'm pretty comfortable wuth it right now, but if they are expecting something much faster, they may drop out right quick.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

One thing that hasn't been mentioned though is our pacing. I'm pretty comfortable wuth it right now, but if they are expecting something much faster, they may drop out right quick.
There is that, and so I want to make that clear before we get everybody on board and going along.
As for the rest, the fluff stuff I can work with, but my main concern is interparty conflict. I want to make sure that's kept to a minimum. As far as being a group of outcasts, that can work for or against you, especially in Sandpoint.
I'll take a look at Khamul, somehow I missed that one going through the thread.

Khamul Froghoth |

From the Recruitment thread
Grenz and Khamul, you can dot in when you are ready. It's been about a week since the actual raid, so be thinking of what you've been doing since.
Well, Galduria is about 3 or 4 days away, so Khamul literally got into town last night, havng pushed hard on the travel…Today, he’s been asking questions about what went on, and after hearing about the party, what they’ve been doing. He will have talked to the Sheriff, the Mayor, and Ameiko.

Khamul Froghoth |

DM ShadowBloodmoon,
can I buy the equipment for a portable practice yard?
Favored Locations: Arenas, battlefields, places of violence, practice yards.
I'd say that's a dueling ring rope, icon's to Gorum and Cayden Cailean, some practice targets and stands... Price though?