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I'm not at all familiar with the spheres of power rules, so I don't know if there are any balance or other issues associated with them. I'm not clear on what spells they use, either, so couldn't personally say whether they would fill a primary healer role well or not, but I would assume that it wouldn't have been proposed if it couldn't.
Any Spheres of Power character can be a primary healer if they spend enough of their magic talents in the Life sphere. They can even do things that mimic channel energy, so the incanter wouldn't need the option with channel at all, necessarily. If you're curious you can read through this page to get an idea.
When the Vivomancer's Handbook came out a little while back they added a fair number of offensive options to the Life sphere, too, which is cool.

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I'm not going to presume anything here, but I just wanted to roll stats so I could work on the possible character in case we choose to use it.
4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 5, 1) = 9 - 1 = 8
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 4, 5) = 13 - 1 = 12
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 5, 4) = 14 - 1 = 13
4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 1, 4) = 12 - 1 = 11
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 2, 2) = 13 - 2 = 11
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 6) = 20 - 3 = 17

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In every build I come up with, I feel like I'm trying to make the character do too many different things, not being good enough at any of them. As much as I want to explore more Spheres of Power stuff, I'm starting to feel like we would be better off with a normal cleric.
It's also led to me reflecting on how I built Aurica and feeling similarly disappointed...

Milah Ashkenazi |

Level 2:
+10 HP
+1 BAB
+1 Reflex Save
+Charmed Life (3/3)
+Skills (Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Nobility), Perception, Sense Motive)

Maerra Solrinslag |

The main change of note for Maerra at level 2 is getting two-weapon fighting.
I took a look at some of Spazmodeus's (Zevs) aliases and found one that had been posted to yesterday. He's around.

Aurica Movici |

Well, I had almost everything updated and then lost the changes. :/ I'll get another try at it hopefully soon. Aurica is getting her 2nd level in hedgewitch. But I'm making a change that ShadowBloodmoon and I had discussed via PM--getting rid of the triple goddess archetype. Aurica will now have the legalistic oracle curse as well as the slumber witch hex. She won't have the Death or Destruction spheres any longer but she has a new talent in the Light sphere that can do some nonlethal damage and potentially cause fatigue and exhaustion.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Done.. opened it up. Once we have a few, you guys can vote in your new companion.

Milah Ashkenazi |

Mÿsari - This player's also been around a while (and is a 3-star GM, to boot), and while she doesn't have healing, the writing style seems to fit better with the others in the group. I would see her as a strong addition to the group.
Zarque - The player's been around a while, and does seem to fit the bill for what we're looking for: full caster, some healing, plus utility. I see her as a strong addition to the group, as well. Now if only I knew what a "kobald" was...
NOTE: the stats plainly visible in the profile appear to be wrong; the ones in the spoiler appear to be correct.
Anakim - The player appears to be newer, and I'm generally of the opinion that a magus is a magus not for utility but for martial prowess; I'm not sure the focus is where we want it.

Aurica Movici |

I agree that a magus isn't what we're looking for. We already have 3 characters who can fight well in melee.
I think both Mÿsari and Zarque would be able to cover the wizardly knowledge role that we're missing (including the Divination sphere, which has a Detect Magic replacement). Aurica will be able to cover the healing we need--she just couldn't hope to do that as well as the wizardly knowledge stuff.
My preference goes to Mÿsari.

Maerra Solrinslag |

It's possible to make a magus which can do any given role, and just rely on the base magus abilities to be adequate in melee. That isn't what AaT made though and the character name raises my hackles.
Of the other two I like Mÿsari better from the writing I see on the character - I didn't search further than that.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Sounds like all of you like Mysari the best. Haven't heard from Zev in a while, but even so, there isn't really a tie. If I were voting, I would probably vote for Mysari as well, due to writing and game knowledge. That said, I'm going to call Mysari our winner and work her into the story...

Mÿsari Wryazorwyn |

Hello everyone! And thank you for the invitation!
I'm quite excited to get another attempt at playing this AP as I've had two groups fall apart before we even got out of the first goblin combat at the festival.
I need to finish updating my profile, but will get that done right after I post in the RP thread.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Note to all my games: As mentioned to some of you before, I will be out of country with limited access to the Internet from January 4th to January 19th. I should return to full access by the 20th. I will endeavor to keep up as best I can, but should I not, attempt to keep the game going as I fully intend on moving forward when I return. Thank you everyone!

Mÿsari Wryazorwyn |

A quick heads up: I am headed on vacation starting this Thursday evening. I will be back next Wednesday morning. I believe I will have some Internet connection but unsure how reliable it will be. Please DMPC me as necessary

Aurica Movici |

I think we're ready to go to the Glassworks and enter the tunnel as soon as DM gets an opportunity to post.

Aurica Movici |

A nice 2 handed hit with a flail while the thing is prone would be in order, I think. Maybe nonlethal if we want to talk to it.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

I might have to bot him.. I was wondering if we lost some folk with the boards crashing and updating the other day..
edit: looks like he posted...

Mÿsari Wryazorwyn |

Flu bug is going through my house. I'll get a post up before Monday but feel free to BOT me if you need to keep momentum. I'd through another ice blast and move the vortex over the creature.

Mÿsari Wryazorwyn |

Sorry for the delay. I'm out of town and getting very spotty coverage on internet access. I'm back home late Sunday and should be fine going forward for some time. My apologies. I haven't had internet problems here in the past.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

I am posting this in all my games. I will be out of country from May 18th to May 27th with limited Internet access. I will try to keep up where I can, but make no promises that I can't keep. Game on and bot as needed, please!

Maerra Solrinslag |

It's become clear that whatever is required for a PbP to work just isn't here. We're back to a couple of ghosts, 2-3 players and probably a GM. Sorry but I'm not going to hang around with half an eye on this game as it limps along.
Maerra Solrinslag, signing out.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Maerra, you bring up a good point and I am sorry to see you go. I know I am not as active as many of you on the boards and I did place that as a caveat to being in my games, at least I thought I did. I know that with the many times I have had to leave for a couple weeks in a year makes it very difficult to continue where we left off, I do appreciate those who stick around to see where it takes us. I have had some serious IRL issues I've been dealing with in the last couple of months as well, but that is not your problem. We do have a couple of ghosts, I know, but I will endeavor to keep things going as long as I can. I am already closing out one of my games and if this one goes (or any of the others), I won't be running any new ones for the time being. That being said, I am going to go and see if we can at least get to Thistletop...

Mÿsari Wryazorwyn |

I apologize for the lack of communication the past 4-6 weeks.
Life has taken a crazy, but exciting turn for me. I've recently launched a business that is doing exceedingly well, but requiring about 60-70 hours of work per week from me. Outside of work, I've made my family time a priority, and my time available to game (and honestly my desire to game) has dropped dramatically.
I've made the decision to retire from the games on these boards in which I'm a player, so that more deserving and focused players can have the opportunities. Best of luck to you all and have a fantastic time playing this game we love so much. I'll miss it, but believe I'm making the right decision for now.
Take care,

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

That is unfortunate and fortunate to hear Mysari. We are sorry to see you go from the campaign, but are very happy for your new turn on life. As a business owner myself, I totally get the time constraints. We will try to be here should you ever want to return.

Zev Tenyr |

Hi Guys,
Recent events have had me re-evaluating my commitment to the games I'm currently involved with here on these boards.
As you've probably noticed I've had a few noticable absenses this summer, again due to the fact I've become quite
a bit more busy, usually leading to a rushed decision late at night...do I logon and get some posts in?
Ultimately, it began to feel more like a job than a hobby...<< I have to get a post in...don't want to hold the game up >>
It slowly dawned on me that I just wasn't looking forward to posting, even though I enjoy each of the games I'm in immensely.
When something you enjoy becomes something you don't, it's time to re-evaluate.
Though it's a hard decision, I've decided to take a hiatus from the boards.
Apologies to players and GMs leaving you in the lurch, so to say.
Extra thanks to GMs for allowing me in to your games.
Happy gaming and take care, Al.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Been there myself a few times, but it's understandable. Hopefully we will see you back around the boards in the future. Good fortune to you.

Milah Ashkenazi |

I am going to assume that we cannot really keep this going with only two characters. Question is, what should we do about it? A few options:
a) each of the remaining players could play another character
b) we could recruit at least another couple of players
c) we could end the campaign
Personally, I'd like to avoid (c) if at all possible. We haven't had much luck with (b) thus far, but who knows? What are your thoughts on (a)?

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

We could, with some minor adjustments. I'll be writing Zev out soon enough to keep with the story. I can open up recruitment again, especially now since you are in town, you could easily find some folk willing to join you on the next leg of your journeys. I'll post something up in a moment. I imagine we will need another caster, a tank, possibly a healer...
Otherwise, if we get no one, I am not adverse to allowing the two of you to create new characters to play in addition to your current ones. You both have stuck with me the whole time and I don't want to see this one die out either.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Okay, you two. Any thoughts on the three submissions this far? I want to get everyone started again soon and with the boards being down, it's been difficult, but let's get to it ASAP.

Aurica Movici |

I'm cool with all 3! They could probably use a quick introduction to the rules we're using--the 3d6 instead of d20, converting things like AC from a score to a modifier, and the recharge stuff.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

Are the boards back up for good now? Seriously. I will pass along those sentiments and I think Aurica is right, a quick introduction to the altered rules is probably in order. Now all you guys need to do is figure out two days worth of downtime, otherwise you can just pass the days away until you meet the new guys.

Zarque |

Thanks for accepting me. I've used all the altered rules before except for the cascading ammo/charges/etc rule.
I noticed the gm will notate what I presume to be the temperature. Are the degrees in celcius, or is it nearly winter?
I'd also like to know what we new folks might know about recent events beyond having had a goblin attack and some additional troops arriving. I haven't played or read beyond the player's guide, so I've gleaned a few bits from the last page, but a quick summery of what was circulated around town would be nice.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

The temp is Fahrenheit. I note it because of immersion and it maybe important later.. yes, it is the month of Lamamshan, its analog being October, that makes it the middle of Autumn and getting colder.
The attack on Sandpoint was unexpected as the many goblin tribes that surround the town are usually too busy fighting each other to bother with you, but this time they were organized. The Heroes of Sandpoint helped fight them off and have promised to investigate the reasons behind it. While doing this, they were deputized by Sheriff Hemlock in order to help keep the peace during the repairs. Unfortunately, some of the Heroes left for other realms, due to differences in goals and the last straw and latest rumor is that they brought a demon back into town with them and it has escaped. These two feline humanoids are all that remains of the original group.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

I'm still here, just watching the interaction between you so you can become part of the group and move on to the next part together. It seems you have a decision to make..