Grand Duches Trietta Ricia

Mÿsari Wryazorwyn's page

51 posts. Alias of Valjoen_KC.


Human Incanter/2 | Init +2 | Per +7 | HP 12/12| AC 12, 10fl, 12t | Fort +1 | Reflex +2 | Will +4 | MSB +2 | MSD 13


Current Status:
Current HP: 12 | Current AC: 15 | Spell Points: 6/7



About Mÿsari Wryazorwyn

Mÿsari Wryazorwynd
Female human (Varisian) incanter 2
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +3

Basic Stats:

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 12 (2d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4
Weaknesses energy focus, magical signs, protected soul, somatic casting, somatic casting, verbal casting
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee boarding pike +1 (1d8/×3) or
. . destructive blast +1 touch (1d6)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with boarding pike)

Str 10, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Cantrips, Extra Magic Talent, Extra Magic Talent, Sphere Focus
Traits scholar of the ancients, world traveler
Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ armored magic, barrier, casting, create water, deflection, destructive blast, divine, easy focus, explosive orb, fog, freeze, frost blast, geomancing, read magic, vortex, wave

Special Abilities
Scholar of the Ancients:
Seeker: You are always on the lookout for reward and danger. +1 Perception and is a class skill

Incanter Abilities:

Casting Abilities
Casting: Caster Level 2, MSB +2, MSD 13, Concentration +6, DC 15
Cantrips You can create a variety of small magical effects
Sphere Focus (Destruction [DC 16]) Gain +1 DC with abilities from chosen sphere

Sphere Abilities
Destruction: Destructive Blast 1d6 Ranged or melee touch attack deals 1d6 damage
Destruction: Explosive Orb (Radius 10 ft., DC 16) Deal destructive blast damage in a radius
Destruction: Frost Blast (DC 16) Your destructive blast deals cold damage and can stagger targets
Divination: Divine You can divine magical auras
Divination: Read Magic You can read and decipher magical writing
Nature: Create Water Create water, and use it to perform other water-based geomancy
Nature: Fog Create a fog that obscures vision and grants concealment
Nature: Freeze (DC 15) Freeze water into ice, trapping creatures inside
Nature: Geomancing (Water) You may command terrain and natural effects to act on your behalf
Nature: Vortex (DC 15) Create a spinning vortex in a body of liquid that sucks creatures and objects to its center.
Nature: Wave (Bull Rush +6) Create a wave of water than can Bull Rush targets
Protection: Armored Magic (+3 armor or +1 shield) You can put an aegis on a target that grants them an armor or shield bonus to AC
Protection: Barrier You can create a ward that absorbs damage
Protection: Deflection +1 You can put an aegis on a creature to grant it a deflection bonus to AC

Drawbacks & Boons
Easy Focus Maintaining a sphere effect takes a move action instead of a standard action
Energy Focus (Cold) You may only make a destructive blast of a single energy type
Magical Signs Your use of magic is obvious to all observers
Protected Soul You cannot target other creatures with your aegis, only yourself.
Somatic Casting You must have at least 1 hand free to use magic, and may be susceptible to ASF
Somatic Casting You must have at least 1 hand free to use magic, and may be susceptible to ASF
Verbal Casting You must be able to speak aloud to use magic, and may be susceptible to ASF


Acrobatics: +2
Appraise: +8
Bluff: +1
Climb: +0
Diplomacy: +2
Disguise: +1
Escape Artist: +2
Fly: +2
Heal: +1
Intimidate: +1
Knowledge (arcana): +10
Knowledge (geography): +8
Knowledge (history): +9
Knowledge (local): +9
Knowledge (nature): +9
Knowledge (planes): +9
Knowledge (religion): +9
Linguistics +8
Perception +3
Ride: +2
Sense Motive: +1
Spellcraft +9
Stealth: +2
Survival: +1
Swim: +0
UMD: n/a


Boarding Pike

Scholar's Outfit
Ioun Torch

Belt Pouch
Flint & Steel

Cold weather outfit
Trail rations (5)
Waterproof bag

842 gp, 16 sp

Mÿsari is young varasian woman who lives with her mother and father along the coast just north of Sandpoint. Her father is a fisherman who owns several small fishing boats. As a young girl, Mÿsari was lost at sea during a violent storm. Hearing the father's voice over the thunderous sounds of the storm, Gozreh answered his pleas for help and touched the young girl granting her insight into the wonders of the sea. Through her own force of will, Mÿsari lifted herself out of the ocean to safety.

The stories of the young girl who was touched by the seas has now faded into lore. Mÿsari has traveled far to the north, to the Land of the Linnorm Kings where she discovered her destructive power of ice. Sailing back home, she heard of the disturbances of goblins in Sandpoint and came to see what aid she could offer.

She is kind and charming socially but quite protective of family and those she calls friends. When angered, she shows no mercy and often is surprised by her own wrath.

Mÿsari is of average heigh with a slender build. She has long brown hair and bright blue eyes. She wears loose fitting dresses with many layers. She loves to wear jewelry and is vain to a fault.