Andjela Daywalker |

For the record... she couldn't afford ANY bow, not just being a snob and waiting on MW Composite +2.

Danica Quinn |

Mug - Please, continue to use caution/Inactivity. I never stated that Danica was going to open the door. I wanted confirmation that at least one of us was prepared when I open the door. You are perfect the way you are. :-)
If it's ok with everyone and to make things quicker, Danica will continue to be the point-woman especially when opening doors. We can use this strategy unless we need to change. Tolvan and Andjela, can be prepared with bow/xbow.
Historically, my inactivity usually happens at night and I tend to do most of my postings during the 8am-5pm EST. Please feel free to bot my motions to the above strategy if needed.

GM Mug |

Oh good. I love it when I'm perfect.
While the ideal situation would be for everyone to be able to post every couple minutes, that obviously does not happen very much. So I think some time-savers do make sense. For example, rather than you three stating at every single door "I draw my bow", "I open the door", "I draw my bow too". We can designate that a standard door-opening formation. However, perception checks, or any dice rolls would of course need to be rolled by each player. Also any non-standard door/hallway situation would require stated positions and intention, like a narrow crack in the wall, or ascending stairs or descending into pits, etc... Anyone got a problem with that?

Kimberly Snow |

everything works for me

Tolvan |

Yep. And there is nothing special to me about who rolls perception checks. In fact, maybe you should be rolling those passive or opposed rolls that we should not immediately know about.

Andjela Daywalker |

Sorry, seems end of year is busy for us...
I'm no good with Perception, but love breaking doors in! Whatever works.

Kimberly Snow |

Sorry, seems end of year is busy for us...
I'm no good with Perception, but love breaking doors in! Whatever works.
and I thought we lost our dwarf?

Andjela Daywalker |

The dwarf couldn't see the door! But that was the character concept, so it's all good!

Danica Quinn |

Tolvan - Sensei monks have an ability called Advice which is the same as Inspire Courage.

Andjela Daywalker |

Love that build... Gives up a lot of mobility, but very insightful... Like Master Po from Kung Fu.
David Carradine, not the panda.

Andjela Daywalker |

Best of luck... Wouldn't suggest too much posting from work. I know we do it, but.... Risky.

Kimberly Snow |

just a note that I will be a little less frequent during Christmas

Kimberly Snow |

don't know why but christmas reminds me of this song

Andjela Daywalker |

The never-ending pathetic rolls are sapping my creative energies... Must... Get.... Help. Thanks Kimberly!

Danica Quinn |

Danica just rolled a 4 to hit, that most likely missed with the added bonuses, and did max damage. The irony.

Javell DeLeon |

Hello! Okay, sorry for the threadjack but I just wanted to give you folks a heads up on something.
Those stats you guys have on your avatars, you can actually spoiler those. The way I do it, it looks like this:
I just thought I'd mention it only because it seems to really dominate your posts. Cleans it up a lot.
I apologize ahead of time if I've overstepped my bounds; just thought I'd throw it out there in case you all might be interested in such. Obviously it's totally a personal preference.
Just my 0.02 cents. Please, change is not necessary.
And again, sorry for the big interruption.
You may now return to regularly scheduled program. Nothing more to see here, move along, move along.
Keep rockin', folks!

Andjela Daywalker |

Andjela has been evaluating her performance on the investigation... and sees her skill set as lacking. Fighting is only one facet of success, she needs to acquire:
1. knowledges
2. perception
3. tracking
4. perhaps study these undead, learn more about them specifically... Her own history makes undead as a favored enemy poetic.
5. combat-wise, ranger enhances her archery focus/output
Honestly, they didn't do anything to make Divine Hunters... hunters.

Tolvan |

two levels of ranger adds a lot of synergy and a lot of skill points without sacrificing BAB...
Oh the other hand you are delaying spellcasting and extra smites and mercies, and whatever a higher level diving hunter gets. Don't try to do everything. I have knowledges. Anna has skills. We need you to smite things. :)

Andjela Daywalker |

No spells for me... Warrior of the Holy Light, gives up spells. Andjela is a double archetype.
Smites, mercies... eh...
Better archery, the better to smite you with! And, there's always Tracking! Hunter, stealth, perception, tracking... did I mention tracking?
Trying to get away from the "woodsie/furries", maybe Battle Scout or Deep Walker.
"All of Iomedae’s priests are clerics or
paladins, though she has many ranger followers serving
the church in important roles." - Council of Thieves

GM Mug |

Ok. Good to know. Not in a hurry, but I do want to stay on track as far as challenge level goes. I must have been channeling third edition AD&D. Not sure where I got the 4K number. My home games are all PFS and exp is counted in single digits.
Since we're on the subject :)
Personally, I prefer the discretionary leveling based on when the GM says so. Seems much easier when trying to keep on track with things like challenge level, AP progression, etc... You guys are actually my XP track experiment, usually I just decide when I'd like the group to level.
Tolvan |

That would be fine with me.
I suspect this mod is written tight enough that the exp will work out if we do not miss too much and you have not changed too much. By work out I mean we should level when we need to to keep the challenge level about right.

Kimberly Snow |

Sorry for the silence today been out all day and night will catch up tomorrow