About Kimberly SnowKIMBERLY SNOW CR 7
AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 20. . (+6 armor, +1 Dex, +1 size, +1 shield, +1 natural, +1 deflection)
Spd 20 ft.
Spell Like Abilities
Oracle (Reincarnated Oracle) Spells Known (CL 9, +7 melee touch, +8 ranged touch, concentration +13): 4 (5/day)(0/4) Cure Critical Wounds (DC 18), Greater Path of Glory, Purify Body, Restoration 3 (7/day)(1/6) Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Neutralize Poison, Searing Light, Chain of perdition, Remove Curse, Remove Disease 2 (7/day)(0/7) Lesser Angelic Aspect, Cure moderate Wounds (DC 16), Detect Thoughts (DC 16), Early Judgement (DC 16), Sound Burst (DC 16), Minor Image (DC 16), Levitate, Remove Paralysis, Lesser restoration, Shield Other 1 (7/day)(1/7) Bless, Cure Light Wounds (DC 15), Forbid Action (DC 15), See Alignment, Protection from Evil, Sanctuary (DC 15), Burning Disarm (DC 15), Shield of faith (+3), Magic Stone 0 (at will) Stabilize, Ghost Sound (DC 14), Mage Hand, Mending, Detect Magic, Guidance, Enhanced Diplomacy, Light, Purify Food and Drink (DC 14), Virtue, Create Water, Detect Poison, Resistance
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 19
Languages Celestial, Common, Elven
Other Gear Holy symbol, silver: Pharasma, Sunrod x2, Holy water flask x2, Scroll: cure light wounds x2, Scroll: Lesser Restoration, Potion Cure Light Wounds, wand lesser restoration, scroll detect undead, Potion lesser Restoration, Scroll: Protection from evil, Potion remove disease x2, Healer kit x2, Antitoxin x2, Antiplague x2, Bloodblock x9, smelling salts x3, sooth syrup x2, Potion Water breathing, small purple purse, smoky diamonds (75gp ea) x3, Cassock of the Clergy (Pharasma).
magic items list:
Amulet natural Armor +1 Ring of Protection +1 Sunrod x2 Holy water flask x2 Scroll: cure light wounds x2 Scroll: Lesser Restoration Potion Cure Light Wounds wand lesser restoration wand cure light wounds scroll cure moderate wounds (CL 7th) x3 scroll detect undead Potion lesser restoration Scroll: Protection from evil Potion remove disease x2 Healer kit x2 Antitoxin x2 Antiplague x2 Bloodblock x9 smelling salts x3 sooth syrup x2 Bone dagger +1 humanoid (shapechanger) bane dagger Potion water breathing bag of holding type 1 cloak of resistance +2 Cassock of the Clergy (Pharasma) Lesser Silent Metamagic Rod Wand of Command Undead (6 charges) Pearl of Power (1st level) Phylactery of Positive Channeling TRACKED RESOURCES:
Dagger - 0/1
Chance Savior Fate smiled on you and Professor Lorrimor one day in the not so distant past. Through a matter of pure chance, you were in a position to save the late scholar's life and did so. His gratitude was effusive, and he promised that he would never forget y
Kimberly Snow, or at least that is the name she likes to be called, never knew where she came from. In her earliest memories she wandered the misty moors lost in a daze. Her only comfort was the voice she would hear in her head. Believing it was her doll that she carried, she began to converse with it. She remembers meeting gypsies that took her in and fed her and clothed her. It was the gypsies that gave Kimberly her name. Kimberly remained a recluse many times talking to herself, or to her doll. This made the gypsies uneasy, and they left Kimberly with the church of Pharasma in Ravengro. Kimberly would always find a place to sleep and food to eat with the church of Pharasma, never realizing the power she held inside. Kimberly would often walk the streets of the small town watching the people go about their business, even found herself the butt of pranks or snide remarks from other children; but Kimberly was always comforted by her “friend”, and her doll. Even her “friend” would play jokes with Kimberly, moving objects from where she put them last, sometimes playing jokes on the other kids and leaving Kimberly to take the blame. But despite all this, the spirit was her friend. During an evening wandering the town Kimberly saw a man heading by the cemetery, she noticed that he forgot to make the sign before passing. This did not bode well. There was something about him, and Kimberly followed. Soon creatures from beyond the grave attacked the man, clawing and biting into his flesh. The horror of what was happening shocked her and she screamed. She wanted to flee but she heard the voice of her friend once more urging her to go to the man. Unsure what to do she obeyed her friend and ran to him. In such a confused state she also forgot to make the sign and when she reached him, the monsters went after her as well. Kimberly quickly remembered what she had forgotten to do. Quickly she stood over the battered man and made the sign over her heart. It was at that moment a wave of divine energy emanated from her driving back the monsters. At this time Kimberly’s “friend” revealed itself as a spirit of Pharasma, and declared Kimberly her oracle. Kimberly saved the man’s life that night; a deed that she never thought about again… until now. Kimberly was born from the mists of the Southwest of Canterwall. The villages consumed and left desolate reside there. All of her life, before finding the gypsies was gone from her, or perhaps they never existed. The “sign” mentioned represents the old superstition of making the sign of Pharasma “A spiral shape with the finger” across your heart before passing or entering the cemetery. Kimberly knows several of the other children in town but she would not be considered “friends’ with them since she is recluse and seldom conversed with them, but she would know them by name and some she would know where they lived. The man rescued was of course Professor Lorrimor the events of that night was within a year of the funeral. During that time Kimberly spent more time at the church. 1] Because she was scared from what happened and what her “friend” told her. 2] To secretly practice her new talents guided by her “friend” Kimberly’s “Friend” is really just fluff and has no game mechanic other than serving as an explanation for the Haunted curse. To those that don’t know any better, Kimberly could be considered to have Schizophrenia.
Current: 5000 Need to level: 5000 |