Rannik's Carrion Crown

Game Master Patrick Levasseur


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HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Good things are worth the wait!

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

Important message !!!

Hurricane Sandy is projected to make landfall near my home on Monday or tuesday. I may not be available during this time depending on the severity of the storm

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Yikes. Where is that? If you can make it to north Alabama you have a place to stay. :) Would be glad to put you up. But I bet you are in south FL and I am too far.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13
Kimberly Snow wrote:

Important message !!!

Hurricane Sandy is projected to make landfall near my home on Monday or tuesday. I may not be available during this time depending on the severity of the storm

Are you doing ok Ed? Where are you located? I hope you have power and not too much extra water.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13
GM Mug wrote:
Ugly work week and the next is looking only minutely better. FYI and apologies. I'll post as soon as I can. Just gotta get past this hellish time of year. Hang in there folks! I haven't gone to bed earlier than two the last three nights of this week, and this weekend is going to be anything but fun-filled. Yay for gainful employment!

Still hanging in, but wondering about you Mug. Everything all right?

Male Half-Elf Zen Archer Monk 8 / Mage 1
HP:49/80, AC:26, Saves F+11, R+11, W:+18, Speed:50, Perc:+20

Everyone fare well with Sandy?

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Wasn't close to it enough to get more than some wind and chill. Hope everyone weathered it without any trouble.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

without power (off and on for the next day or so) and a small leak in the roof developed (damaged my kitchen ceiling) posting from work at the moment.

lots of downed trees a large branch missed my car by inches. lucily I live in a rural part of NJ so plenty of farmland to absorb most of the water.

work place is another matter (right on the del river. storm surge sent a wall of water nearly 10' into the cooling pump house.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

Fared well here in Orange County, NY as compared to some in mid Jersey.
We have some down trees in the area but relatively unscathed.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Glad both of you are ok. I can empathize. A year ago last April North Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Tennessee were hit by a string of tornados. My house lost power for a week. I would have not thought it would have been possible.

I'm ALIVE! and I'm glad you're all doing ok too, especially those near Sandy! Be safe. This is the first time I've logged in since my last post. I'm not out of the work-woods yet, but I'm about 3/4 of the way there. Things have eased up slightly though and so I wanted to pop my head in and let you all know the scoop.

Have no fear of me disappearing - long term. I appreciate the patience and we will press on as soon as I can. Yay for gainful employment!

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Remind me what you do again, so that I never do it. :)

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

I'm rebuilding servers in Rochester,NY with my team... Sandy stuff. Our offices are in downtown NYC.

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

The bank I work in has barrels of good-old fashion gasoline. Servers never went down due to the many generators crackin'. Power is back up for the building but getting there is hard. All transportation has been suspended. Got word from the CIO to stay put until Monday.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

what is really funny ... I work for the electric company and I went without power for a while.

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

hehehe. The irony.

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12
GM Mug wrote:
Yay for gainful employment!

You keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means. :)

Seriously, glad you're still around and looking forward to getting back to the game.

And, glad everyone weathered the storm safely. Hope things get back to normal soon for you all.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Princess Bride, nice...

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

just posting to keep the game alive

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

Ok. I'll post too.

Still working from home. And to add insult to injury, we are getting a nor'easter tomorrow.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Been seeing that in the news. Hope its not too bad.

Do we have a plan on when we will resume?

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Still checking in daily.

Of course, I'm not one dealing with nor'easters, power outages and the like. So stay well, everyone, and get back to the game when you can!

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Checking in too. How is next week looking?

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Here if you need me!

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

keep alive posting

Ok, I am ready to resume!

I work in the benefits department of a huge payroll and benefits company. Every year many companies let their employees enroll in benefits for the next plan year. I am one of the guys who programs any and all changes these companies want for their employees. Add a benefit, change a maximum, generate mass emails, that sort of stuff. I have a bunch of clients and they all wait till the last second to give me the changes they want made, which equal me working crazy stupid hours for 3-6 weeks out of the year and then go back to chill for the remainder. Probably more than you wanted to know. :) But big bonus, my kids still remember who I am!

Alright, thanks for keeping the dream alive and lets get a head count. Sound off, oh ye faithful.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

:) Big smile here. Glad you are back. I know you said not to worry about you dropping, but I was worried. I actually had two campaigns drop while you were away, and a third is being taken over by a player.

I now better understand what you do. I am a consumer of those services you provide.

Lets explore this place!

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Reporting for duty!

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Still here.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

I am still here.
I am mostly not posting for a day or two since the wife came home from the Hospital.

I am reading some of the more active games but will not really available to post just yet.

life is slowly getting back to normal.

Just reaching out to Danica at the moment. I'll bot her in the meantime.

And I realized I need Andjela's post as well :)

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

Reporting for duty.

heheheh I said duty. lol

For those who celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving!

and for those who don't, Have a Great Weekend!

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Back to you. Happy Thanksgiving/Weekend to all. I will be traveling early tomorrow and then camping Friday so I may be sparse for the next three days, but will be on some.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Oh yeah... first time I can almost relax in about 3 weeks! Happy Thanksgiving!

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Many things to be thankful this year! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

Another Thankgiving and another visit to my mom's house. Can't wait to see the "entertainment" this year.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Heading over the river and through the woods myself. Happy Thanksgiving all.

Hey I know it's the weekend and people are probably busy, but come Monday lets kick this adventure back into gear. Meaning at least one post a day from everyone, myself included. Goooooo Team!

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

I am ready and willing here.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Lil lost. Not sure I'd it's because waiting on Danica, not sure how much time is passing , etc...

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

You and Dancia ran across the cold room into the room on its other side. The rest of us did not. Anna got hurt and drained from the cold. We defeated the haunt on the door (Kimberly channeled good into it) and figured our how to contain the haunt chilling the room (2 hanuts). To do that we had to build a quick fire, heat a dagger and then get the haunt to move into it. Then Anna tried to open the cage in the north of the cold room. She could not. Kimberly (unless she resists) and I moved across that room to where you and Dancia are. I am motioning for Anna to join us. Then we will be all together again. I guess you and Dancia have been waiting on us.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

Kimberly would not resist.

FYI I only have 2 more channels left

That is a correct summation Tolvan, with only 1 minor correction. Anna is attempting to open a large metal door, not a cage.

Andjela and Danica just moved east through the cold room into the room with the pit in it, and stopped. While the other three have been attempting to get across the cold room, and just succeeded.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

do we have an updated map yet?

I anticipate your needs :) (in the gameplay thread)

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

OK. I thought I recalled something about a cage and still do not see the door she is trying to open. There is a door to the East below the door we entered in the entrance room. Is that the one she is trying to open?

Yes, the back wall of S15 is a series of evenly spaced metal bars. It leads to the room just south of the one you all entered, as you guessed.

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