Rannik's Carrion Crown

Game Master Patrick Levasseur


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HP 9/9 AC 17 Touch 11 Flat 16 CMD 12 Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1/x4), Dagger +1 (1d4/19-20) F+1 R+1 W+2 INIT-3 Perc+0 CMB +1) Dwarf Oracle 1
Kimberly Snow wrote:

wanted to add that in about one and a half weeks I will be:


The weather looks nice, but be careful; you don't want to be crushed by that boat.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9
Kimgald Angreilssen wrote:
Kimberly Snow wrote:

wanted to add that in about one and a half weeks I will be:


The weather looks nice, but be careful; you don't want to be crushed by that boat.

i will be on the boat not under it

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Well, have fun on your trips, all of you.

Looks awesome Kimberly. I've always wanted to do a cruise. We were this || close to going to Cancun the year the swine flu broke out. But they rerouted us to Alaska! So we got our money back. I hear Alaska is awesome, but we wanted warm weather.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9
GM Mug wrote:
Looks awesome Kimberly. I've always wanted to do a cruise. We were this || close to going to Cancun the year the swine flu broke out. But they rerouted us to Alaska! So we got our money back. I hear Alaska is awesome, but we wanted warm weather.

I will be in Cozumel and jamacia and anywhere else I can find a well stocked tropical bar

Male Half-Orc Redeemer 2
HP 8/22; AC 19, T 10, FF 19; CMD 16; F +7, R +2, W +4 (+1 vs. fear); Init +0

GM Mug and Everyone,

I received a surprise promotion (or well, advancement within my position) at the end of June. It was a bit of a work-around to rearrange my schedule and get everything situated. But, I thought, once through July, things would be much more settled.

As it turned out, the whole advancement was only a preliminary to a significant career bump. While this is outstanding for me professionally, I'm now staring down the barrel of a murderous August-September.

I'm struggling as it is to manage to get a post per day of any significance, and it's going to get much worse before it gets better. So, in the hope that I can be quickly and easily replaced without too much difficulty or interruption, I'm afraid I have to drop from the group.

Please know, you guys have some great character concepts, and this looks to be shaping up into a wonderful, fun group. Hope all goes well!

Pyotr =)

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

Orc go bye-bye?

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Congratz on your promotion. I would have enjoyed playing this game with you and watching your character concept develop.

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Yes, good luck with your new position. It's a shame you can't keep this up, but careers come first.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

Kimberly will give Pytor a big hug.

And teddy will wave bye-bye all by himself.

HP 9/9 AC 17 Touch 11 Flat 16 CMD 12 Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1/x4), Dagger +1 (1d4/19-20) F+1 R+1 W+2 INIT-3 Perc+0 CMB +1) Dwarf Oracle 1

Get out of here, you ugly green elf. :P

You'll be missed; I wish you the best.

Thanks for the heads up and good luck on the promotion. Dropping out stinks, but Big-Time promotions will ease the pain I'm sure :). Good luck!

For the rest of us, I'll reach out to the next one wanting to join, and any requests for character-type or party role?

Also still vacationing and trying to check the thread as often as I can. apologies for the slowness, but I'm very much here and the game will resume full speed after vaca.

I'm thinking Ajdela Daywalker - a dhampir paladin. (I'm sure I had some spelling errors in there)

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

a dhampir may have issues with Kimberly. the channel positve energy thing. and since many times Kimberly channels without a warning this could be either entertaining or hazardous to either of us.

HP 9/9 AC 17 Touch 11 Flat 16 CMD 12 Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1/x4), Dagger +1 (1d4/19-20) F+1 R+1 W+2 INIT-3 Perc+0 CMB +1) Dwarf Oracle 1

Hehe, Ajdela would have Kimgald's positive energy headaches beat, that's for sure.

In actuality it would have no effect. When you channel positive energy you have to decide how it functions: you can use it to heal the living, or use it to harm the undead. Both effects do not occur. In other words if Kimberly is reactivity channeling to heal, the effect would inflict no damage.

I like Ajdela's concept myself. I think the character would be an excellent addition to the group, though we may have to take extra precautions to ensure she survives; a dhampir is unaffected by most forms of healing, as the majority rely on positive energy to function.

I'm a neutral oracle, and I can't channel energy. If you would allow it, Mug, I could learn the inflict line of spells instead of the cure line. This would allow me to heal Ajdela, but it would leave the task of healing everyone else to Kimberly; I would be unable to help in the task.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

I like it too, and was hoping for a Pally replacement. :)

But I am pretty sure that when Kimberly is frightened she is channeling the Harm Undead type, as in her background story.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

I am sure Ajdela would be a good addition. I just wasn't sure on the channel thing. but I am clear now

as far as party healing that is pretty much Kimberly's thing for everyone.

@Kimgald, that's a good point I hadn't considered about the channeling positive energy. And I'd be fine with you switching those spells from cure to inflict. I don't think you've even had to use them yet anyways, so no in-game effects from that.

I've extended an invite to Andjela Daywalker to join us. I'll allow some time for her response and tonight I'll get a substantive post up for the campaign. Thanks for being patient!

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

I'm in. Let me know how you want me to "show up".

And although the concern over healing is appreciated (as are the comments above)... I wouldn't switch to inflict.

Maybe we can create/purchase an Infernal Healing or Inflict Light Wounds wand. Perhaps something the church wanted destroyed (and we put to better use).

Andjela is just one character.. the rest of the party needs positive energy, I think it would be too detrimental.

Just suggestions.


HP 9/9 AC 17 Touch 11 Flat 16 CMD 12 Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1/x4), Dagger +1 (1d4/19-20) F+1 R+1 W+2 INIT-3 Perc+0 CMB +1) Dwarf Oracle 1

Don't worry about it, Andjela. You're one character, but as the group's primary front-line fighter you're one character that will need reliable healing. Going with the inflict spells may prevent me from healing everyone else, but both you and Kimberly can take on that task. Besides, it fits thematically with this character and I'll be able to use the spells offensively as well; if I'm going to do anything in combat, I'm going to have to remain in melee range. I can't see anything beyond it. :P

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Welcome Andjela. I agree with Kimgald. Inflict is a great offensive spell at our level. Its a touch attack and basically does long sword damage, albeit with a save for half.

And I think an oracle could choose to know both cure and inflict if he wanted to. no?

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

welcome to the party Andjela. I hope you can be patient with little Kimberly

Kimberly merely looks at her and shyly hides behind Kimgald, her head peering from behind him. Her Teddy clutched tightly.

she eventually speaks a quick and blunt greeting Hi.

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

This is just great. We've still got our creepy child and half-blind, deaf dwarf and scatterbrained elf. Now we've lost our soft-spoken orc in exchange for a half-dead lady?

So much fun being the normal one in the group. :P [jk]

Seriously, welcome, I'm sure it'll be fun!

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12
GM Mug wrote:
I've extended an invite to Andjela Daywalker to join us. I'll allow some time for her response and tonight I'll get a substantive post up for the campaign. Thanks for being patient!

Awesome. I've been jonesing this week. Ready to get back into it!

(BTW, Mug, that breath on the back of the neck... creepy! I still get shivers thinking about it!)

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Hey, I'm normal... Nothing says Dhampir look all that out of place. We can be Laverne and Shirley... in the Twilight Zone.

Andjela isn't advertising she's Dhampir. We can RP "coming out of the closet/coffin"...

Inflict it is!

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9
Andjela Daywalker wrote:

Hey, I'm normal... Nothing says Dhampir look all that out of place. We can be Laverne and Shirley... in the Twilight Zone.

Andjela isn't advertising she's Dhampir. We can RP "coming out of the closet/coffin"...

Inflict it is!

I'm thinking the Addams family in the twilight zone.

ohhhh can I be Wednesday Addams

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Umm... can I swap Archetypes? And go Divine Hunter/Warrior of the Holy Light?

I'll keep the Elven Curved Blade... and still be the "tank". Just helps with Range and better party buffs. Since you all are busy healing me... I should reciprocate.

@DM Mug - That OK?

Also, DM ruling needed. Warrior of the Holy Light uses "light" which works on "Good/Evil" axis not "Living/Dead" one. I'm seeing this as a different manifestation than "channel positive energy".

So with it, can Andjela benefit from it's healing? They NEVER say positive energy in that Archetype. It's always "nimbus of light".

HP 9/9 AC 17 Touch 11 Flat 16 CMD 12 Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1/x4), Dagger +1 (1d4/19-20) F+1 R+1 W+2 INIT-3 Perc+0 CMB +1) Dwarf Oracle 1
Kimberly Snow wrote:

I'm thinking the Addams family in the twilight zone.

ohhhh can I be Wednesday Addams

That makes me an Itt/Lurch/Fester combo platter, doesn't it. XD

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9
Kimgald Angreilssen wrote:
Kimberly Snow wrote:

I'm thinking the Addams family in the twilight zone.

ohhhh can I be Wednesday Addams

That makes me an Itt/Lurch/Fester combo platter, doesn't it. XD

All three are awsome and all three in one: triple awsome

Motivational inspiration?

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Ooh, can I then be a combination of Gomez and Morticia? That's like awesome squared!

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

And I'm... Grand Ma-ma? I am over 100.

@Andjela - You can switch archtypes and let me check out the Warrior of the Holy Light for a minute... EDIT: Let's go with the 'nimbus of light' aiding you as well as the others. I like the flavor of the paladin being just a little off, and the nimbus of light being granted her by whatever God decided that was a good idea making it beneficial to Andjela and others.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Sweet! Grand Ma-ma thanks you!

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Am I Gomez, or Lurch? lol

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

You're tall... so Lurch. Anna seems to be a gestalt Gomez/Morticia.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Any number of reasons could call a Paladin away from personal activities. As to Andjela, she was delayed having had to cross great distances of both land and sea/water.

Let's go with you just being late to the funeral. I think that'd be easiest and tie you in with the others well. You were away and didn't receive notice until it was too late to arrive on time. You came with all haste anyways, to pay your respects. You can arrive in town, or the Restlands (graveyard), or the Professors house. I'll leave that up to you, but now you have your 'late' excuse and tie in. Enter at your leisure :)

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

I am posting to give the group fair notice !!!

I will be leaving for vacation Wed Aug 15th and plan on returning either the 29th or 30th. (depends on how many stops we make while driving).

I may be able to keep updated while on the road but I will be completely unavailable after the 17th (I am not going to pay the wi-fi fees on the cruise ship).

Mug can you please bot Kimberly if you like.

I may have let you know before but wanted to announce it again so there is no confusion.

and just a note for everyone I will have a margaritta (or Mojito, or something else made with rum) for each of you on a Cozumel beach, and another at a Jamacian night spot, and probably several more pool side on the deck of the ship.

Sounds good and thanks for the reminder. I'll bot her as needed after the 17th.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

As the new addition or edition (if we consider Paladin of Iomedae)... Not having Andjela take a leadership role... So tagging along for a bit, with suggestions when seemingly appropriate. Glad to assist with skill checks and such.

When she's more integrated, she may become bolder leadrship-wise... We'll see.

Didn't want anyone thinking I was being inactive.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Thanks Anna! That's what I needed to play off of.

Restlands is graveyards?

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Yep! You're welcome!

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Smacking my forehead about leaving the child home alone! Well, at least she's got Teddy!

Teddy'll keep her safe!

That is my new favorite picture.

Continuing from Gameplay...

Well everyone had posted at least once, with no effort to retcon a waking up of the young girl. I know the retcon/flextime stuff is sometimes annoying to deal with, but from my perspective I'll usually give everyone a chance to 'fix' something within 1 post after. For future reference. And what in the world makes you think anything is going to eat her? >:)

HP 9/9 AC 17 Touch 11 Flat 16 CMD 12 Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1/x4), Dagger +1 (1d4/19-20) F+1 R+1 W+2 INIT-3 Perc+0 CMB +1) Dwarf Oracle 1
GM Mug wrote:
That is my new favorite picture.

It's a long-time favorite of mine as well. I created a variant of it several years back when my niece was suffering from nightmares, and when her parents gave her a teddy she promptly named Jello; the original work is a tad too detailed for a three-year-old.

And it's worth noting that I never noticed Kimberly going to bed; don't expecting the near-sighted dwarf to keep tabs on someone; I already lost a half-orc! :P

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Sunday around 4PM:

"...not even finishing the song before she dozes off to sleep curled up with her little stuffed bear..."

He did have a bit of a headache at the time...

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

I puposely had her go to sleep since I am preping to go on my vacation and didn't want to holding up advancing the story.

busy work day today, I'll get an update in this evening for sure.

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