Tolvan |

OK, but where is the door Anna was trying to open then? Sorry to be slow getting this.

Tolvan |

OK. I am finally with you. So that little hall between S2 and the locked room was also getting cold?

Andjela Daywalker |

Sorry folks! Looks like I screwed up and missed Danica's post... And I didn't spoiler my action!

Kimberly Snow |

i have never played this before never even read the mod

Andjela Daywalker |

I find Andjela walking around relatively clueless. Knowledge isn't her 'role', but I still feel bad. And when she's up in a fight , she rolls 1 dmg, lame...

Tolvan |

Never. I've played a lot of PFS, but never any any of the APs until recently. Playing in this and Kingmaker now, and in a few homebrews based on others I think. Delving the Drowning Stones, Age of Worms, and something based on the Worldwound.

Kimberly Snow |

I find Andjela walking around relatively clueless. Knowledge isn't her 'role', but I still feel bad. And when she's up in a fight , she rolls 1 dmg, lame...
Kimberly like you around you are more help than you realize.
Kimberly learns by watching those she is with You (as well as the others) are a role model for her

Andjela Daywalker |

Syphon might heal Andjela, then... She was listening to the description by Tolvan, to Danica.

Danica Quinn |

Syphon might heal Andjela, then... She was listening to the description by Tolvan, to Danica.
Think that was OOC speak.

Kimberly Snow |

are you sure? I may have had a couple of oops momnets in my channeling then

Kimberly Snow |

No, you're good. You're using positive energy. Tolvan mentioned negative energy.
ok.. I was refering to when I channeled to harm undead I selected to not affect you

Kimberly Snow |

with my rolls that ain't much

Andjela Daywalker |

We don't get a Save subsequent rounds? Running would be quad moves... We're back in town!

Andjela Daywalker |

Things may not be so bad. Under Fear, Frightened.
Sorry, not linkified!

Andjela Daywalker |

Was imagining one room over, back slammed to the wall... Sliding down to a squatting position, breathing heavy... Thinking, "dammit!" Is it safe to go back in?

Tolvan |

So fear lasts the full 4 rounds. After that Tolven will move back to check on/help Danica.

Kimberly Snow |

How can anyone hear the ghost over Kimberly screaming like a little girl

Tolvan |

Had one at the office yesterday and will have a more formal one tomorrow night. I sooo understand.

Anna Dunsany |

Kimberly! Now's your chance to look over your shoulder and say, "They're heeeere."

Tolvan |

We have a number of magical arrows. Some are +1, a few are Ghost touch and a few are undead bane. We now have two less of the ghost touch.

Tolvan |

Andjela , Tolvan offered you magic arrows. Aren't you a Divine Hunter? And both the wizard and oracle "could" have a spell to enchant your weapon. We don't, but we could have. :) I always like this type of challenge. Oh, I could have Magic Missiled the thing as well, and would have next round if it had not dropped. Now I hope we can figure out how to put it to rest.

Kimberly Snow |

always nice to have a random monk appear to give sound advice