Rannik's Carrion Crown

Game Master Patrick Levasseur


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HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

I may have forgotten Bless.. not sure if still active.

Also with -2 to AC and no shield no Dex, she still misses? Just desperate.

Sadly, it is so.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

What attack bonuses/buffs are in effect, for Andjela? I wanna laugh real hard when I'm dealt a 1.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

Bless from kimberly

also I am sorry I excluded you from Kimberly's healing channel I don't remember if that effects you or not.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Excluding is fine, it's what she asked.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Just to elucidate... dang! SAT word!

The conditions blinded and flat-footed both deny Dex to AC, which in turn qualifies the target as eligible for Sneak Attack (precision) damage.

Neither having the blinded condition nor losing Dex to AC "make one flat-footed".

Being Flat-Footed (having that condition) makes one lose Dex bonus to AC, under normal circumstances.

Just getting the cause/effect in the right order. I was going around in circles for a bit!

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Aah, yes, the ghost of 3.5 rises again. Good points, Andjela.

I'm glad there are people out there thinking about things like that, if for no other reason than to offset my 'not' thinking about those things nearly as much as I ought. :)

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

It's not that... it's how we structured the builds... to be more effective.

So the rest of the party should be trying to deny the baddies Dex to AC, allowing the rogue to do crazy damage.

oic, you're a bunch of connivers. Also known as strategists.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

So many folks worked on these rules, only seems right to use them to their fullest. GM interpretation, a given.

I definitely see your point. You would have hated to be any of my coaches growing up. ;)

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Why so?

Just a small rules joke, I was never great at following them... sometimes to a fault.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

speaking of coaches growing up did you know you cannot play Basketball with the same tactics as Hockey. I got benched after 1 game and never played again.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

All: Two trips I need to mention.

1) Taking kids to a convention this weekend so will not be posting a lot after about 7:00 tonight. Playing 6 slots of PFS. :) Will be back late Sunday.

And 2) I leave on the 13th of March for a two week trip celebrating a significant wedding anniversary (I am an old Married guy :) ). Going to travel in Turkey. Not sure of price/availability of internet as I travel but will try to post at least evert other day during that time. Please bot me as needed.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

where is the convention?

@Kimberly, that's hilarious. I learned that if (in basketball) you 'accidentally' step on someones foot right before they jump up to get a rebound, they don't jump very high. The sad part of that discovery? My dad taught it to me. :) I'm a soccer man myself, but I respect that game too much to break them on purpose.

Tolvan, thanks for the heads up on your upcoming travels! Sounds like fun and I hope all goes well. You'll have to fill us in on how Turkey is, I know nothing about it except that I get hungry whenever people talk about that country.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

I do know that sometimes there is too much Greece in Turkey

Heeeyyoooo! :)

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

I live in North Alabama. Convention is called ConNooga and is in Chattanooga TN. They are running around 80 tables of PFS. I get to game with my kids. Great fun for me.

I am an ancient history buff, so Turkey is great destination. Will be traveling the Western coast. going to Troy, etc. Flying into Istanbul.

I have promised myself that every year for the rest of my life I will travel somewhere I have not been in the states and somewhere else internationally, as long as the cash will hold out.

Last year was Ireland and a trip that hit Death Valley, Mammoth Ski Area, and Zion National Park. This year is Turkey, and I a thinking Flathead Lake are of Montana for the US, but would be happy to take recommendations. :)

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

While we're on the topic of announcements, I'm starting a new, exciting job next week, so my posts during the day will likely drop off while I get the feel of the schedule. And when I do, it'll be from my phone so they won't be as lengthy. I'll try to make up for that in the evenings.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Congrats! Details?

Well there's good RL news all around. Congrats Stalwart! New jobs are always exciting things!

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

I'm going to be general counsel for a major state agency. No lawyer jokes, please :)

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

IT Dir here... NEVER post from your work PC or phone. :)

That sounds ominous Andjela! as a periodic infraction-er of that rule... me and the rules thing happening again :)

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Servers are logging, connections, origin IP (infractioner), destination IP (site) and length of session, if not what was done.

Simple enough to run a report, aggregating, etc... And the report could make it look worse than it was.

Someone just asked me this morning for such a report on a subordinate.

Sad but true.

Yeah, I remember running similar reports when I was the Sys Engineer. I'm hoping I'm too small to come up on the radar as a problem employee while my coworkers surf youtube and reddit all day. But I understand it's a fools hope. :)

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

Hi all. I'm back from training.
Thanks Mug for botting Danica. You did an awesome job.

I, too, work in IT. PM in Compliance to be exact.
By the way, most of my posts come from work. At time I keep the session up and refresh on occassion. Those IT reports that Andjela was taling about is performed at my place but never enforced. Give them a reason, like bad performance, and IT Sec and bosses are all over you.

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Yeah, well, for me, I'm gonna just stick with my home computer and my personal phone for posting.

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

Ok. Little confused here.
Did Danica take any damage and how much? I'll update her stats.

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

I thought the blindness negated what would have been a massive hit.

But I'm working from memory here.

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21
Anna Dunsany wrote:
Yeah, well, for me, I'm gonna just stick with my home computer and my personal phone for posting.

I agree. Play it safe. Once you have a good reputation then you can test the waters. I did that myself. Anyway, lots of luck at the new job.

@Tolvan, have a great time in Turkey. I need to live by your example and travel more than I do today.

Anna is correct, I just wanted you to see how much Danica almost got hit for. Kimberly, and others it seems, thought you had taken that much damage. It was a bit confusing to look at, I'll admit.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Umm, I thought we were downstairs for about 10 minutes, tops.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Searched a few rooms and doors. Opened some locks. Yea, 20 minutes on the outside.

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

I thought there was some studying of some spells as well.

Old topic but I was thinking somewhere around 20-25 minutes tops while down in the dungeon.

Just as an FYI, my internet at my new house was supposed to be turned on today, yeah they lost the order somehow... So it's going to be tomorrow that I actually have internet at home. Just a heads up if I'm not posting much tonight -again.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

My home game tonight anyway so I would not be around much. They are making me play Star Wars RPG. Some new version with crazy strange dice with little symbols on them to demote success, failure, threats, and such. Sorta hating it, but its the game of the week.

Well, have fun and whatever you do, don't turn to the Dark side! :)

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

played that game very difficult to DM need to run combat on the fly no real cut and dry outcomes. you can roll to attack and miss but the dice indicae you have anadvantage so the GM has to come up with how you missed blaster shot caused some other effect that gives you an advantage on your next attack (can go the other way as well and you could even shoot at someone with the blaster but miss completely but then you shot hits some power panel cuasing an explosion that shorts out the balst shiel cuasing it to slam shut killing the other bad guy coming through at that exact moment. all that indicated by a die roll and the GM had to suddenly come up with the result.

sometimes fun sometimes difficult never cared for it though.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

That's the game. Gonna play it again in a month.

Stupid busy at work today and no internet at home still, thus the quiet weekend. Fingers crossed for tonight! But I'm not gonna hold my breath. Just wanted to let everyone know I'm still alive. :)

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

No worries...

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Good hear - ready to roll when you are, but my posting might slow down a lot once I am traveling. I'll be on the road from mid day on the 13th through the 25th.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

All, this is a reminder that will be traveling for the next 13 days. Headed to the airport in a few minutes. I'll check in when I have internet but I do not know how often that will be. Please bot me as needed to not slow the game. Thanks!

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Safe travels! Have a great time!

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

Enjoy! Tolvan is in good hands. Muwuhahaha

lol, Tolvan have a great trip and a great time!

I'll probably just bot you unless you happen to beat me to the post. If you don't like that or find yourself in a position to post more frequently, just press STOP on the bot button and I'll cease and desist.

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