Rannik's Carrion Crown

Game Master Patrick Levasseur


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Yeah, nasty stuff that diabetes. I've known some people who've lost limbs due to it. You must keep your hands to type Skorn! ;)

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

We seem to be @ 4760xp.

Did we get anything for Spirit Board?
Did we get anything for fighting Dilerium Dwarf?
And Extra for not killing him?

Does it add up to 240xp?

LOL I was waiting for a question like this. Hmm yes you do, and, as luck would have it, it adds up to exactly 240xp each. Seriously though, you didn't get any xp for the fight, or the spirit board... and it makes sense to me that you would have. Since it was an encounter created entirely by myself I get to decide how much xp it was worth. Thanks for the reminder. Welcome to level 3!

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

Oh my. Grats everyone.

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Whee! Level 3!

Here's what I get:

Hit die: 1d8 ⇒ 7 Yay!
+8 HP

Feat: Dodge

+1 BAB, +1 Fort, +1 Will

Trap Sense +1, Sneak Attack +2d6

Skills Increased:
Disable Device
Escape Artist
Knowledge (local)
Sense Motive
Slight of Hand
Use Magic Device

Skills Added:
Perform: Wind instrument

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

I gotta spend some time on my character. Going down the Inquisitor line. Hoping the extra knowledge will help with monster weaknesses.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Would like to go Ranger or Rogue this level, will let you guys decide.

I'd appreciate it if you'd post your level changes here, like Anna did, so I can review. Thanks!

And dont' forget to update your mini-stats for me. If you'd care to put those mini-stats inside spoiler tags that would clean things up a tad. Not required or anything, but if you're updating it anyways... :)

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13


I vote Ranger for you. Maybe you can find a cool archetype.

Actually I vote Paladin, but you did not give me that option. :)

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Tolvan will take a level of Wizard. No surprise there.

6 hit points.

Skill points in:
Perception - 1, skill 10
Spellcraft - 2, skill 10
Knowledge Arcana - 2, skill 10
Appraise - 1, skill 8
Linguistics - 1, skill 9
New Language: Infernal

Fort +1
Reflex +1

Feat: Breadth of Experience

New Spells - Glitterdust and Flaming Sphere

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

yeahhh level 3 .

update wife doing better but still cannot be dicharged yet she is off the liquid diet we will see at dinner tonight how she does.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

I think Tolvan was looking for this Level 3, Divine Hunter:

Shared Precision (Su): At 3rd level, when a divine hunter hits a creature with a ranged attack, she grants her allies within 10 feet of her the benefit of the Precise Shot feat against that target until the start of her next turn. Her allies must remain within 10 feet of her, and must be able both to see and hear the divine hunter to gain this benefit. This ability replaces aura of courage.

But, it seems very circumstantial... Our tactics haven't come together as a team yet. And, you animal have Init +9, where Andjela is +6... so most time, you'd be "waiting".

Anna won't even use the heavy crossbow Pharasma just blessed us with! Well, she promised to try! :)

From Divine Hunter:

While all paladins are true believers, not all are the knights in shining armor with glimmering blades portrayed in legends—some paladins prefer unconventional tactics...

Most paladins rush into battle, meeting evil toe-to-toe. The divine hunter prefers to engage evil from afar, striking down her foes before they can threaten her allies.

Also, playing into racial advantages... low-light & darkvision, high Dex.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Good news on the update. All the best!

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

picked up extra channel feat so kimberly can damage Andjela more times per day.

just kidding of course.

but the channels now up to 2d6

picked up protection from evil and virtue spells

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

I've give in and stay Paladin until and including Level 4 or 5. Then go for a Rogue dip... having studied Anna for a while by then.

Ranger is too much of an investment and too tied to "nature" (even when they try to archetype/re-skin it).

Hit Die: 1d10 ⇒ 3

+4 HP (+1 from Favored Class)

Feat: TBD

+1 BAB, +1 Reflex

Divine Health, Mercy, Shared Precision

Skills 3 pts:
+1 Diplomacy
+1 Kn Religion
+1 Sense Motive

Remember you can take half your hit die +1 or you can roll +1, and take whichever's higher. Kimberly, glad things are on the up and up, and when you get some time could you post skill and hp increase as well? Thanks!

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1
GM Mug wrote:
...you can take half your hit die +1 or you can roll +1, and take whichever's higher.

roll +1?

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

Sorry bout that...

+5 HP

+1 rank in:
Handle Animal
Knowledge local
Knowledge religion
Sense Motive

new Revelation:
Location Memories (Su): As a swift action, you may search your past lives for memories of or insight about your current location. This grants you the scent ability, low-light vision, and a +2 insight bonus on Perception and Survival checks for 1 minute. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. You must take this revelation at 1st level or 3rd level.

BTW wife home and doing well

need to keep eye out for symptoms of diabeties

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

Iwanted to share a post from a player in my game that has been lurking this game

Its been very easy to imagine that group of people around a table: you can see the rules-lawyer, hear the jokester, watch the metagaming..... much more like a real table than I ever expected. But for all that, a table of people that seem to get along: none of the sniping or obnoxiousness Ive seen in other threads as strangers try to play. I can imagine you all knowing each other and wanting to play together.

I thought I would share this becuase I fealt it speaks positive of all of us in this game

I hope he doesn't mind the quote .

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

No worries, we've been watching them too. ^V^

It is nice to hear.

Yes, half +1 or roll +1 and take the higher.

HP 35/48, AC 21 (touch 13 / flat 20), CMD 16, CMB +5, Dagger +8/+3 (1d3-1), Init +3, Perc +7, F +4, R +5, W +10
current Batle map - Human Oracle 9

i'll try and roll just to see

1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

ahhh yeah 5 it is, just like last time

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Question - We still need to rest and study/prey to gain spells in our new slots, right? Hmm. It sorta makes sense to treat them as empty slots so that we could pause 10 minutes and fill them. Thoughts?

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

This time half +1, but last level I rolled, but never took the +1. May I correct that?

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

I am second guessing the feat I had selected. Seems better for a non wizard as I already have all knowledge skills as class skills and a good int. Thoughts?

@Andjela, that's fine.

@Tolvan, since I'm letting all the other leveling bonuses begin immediately then the new spell slots might as well be empty and just need filling, by rest or study, etc..

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

@DM - Thank you kindly.

@Tolvan - Craft Wondrous Item, I'll help you with the calcs/tracking/costs if you need.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

I had originally chosen that feat. May go back to it. One concern is that we have not yet found much money. I don't think it would come into play until after the prison. We are due to get a little cast from returning a book at the end of the mod...

Danica Quinn wrote:

Trying to get this done before end of day today.

Hit die: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

[ooc]Skills: 6 + 1 from Int
Knowledge (Arcana) +1
Knowledge (Geography) +1
Knowledge (Religion) +1
Perception +1
Survival +1
Stealth +1
Climb +1

Just moving this over to keep them centralized. Thanks everyone for getting that done, and you're more-powerful characters thank you too.

Last thing; would you mind updating your mini-stat bars for me? Also if you wouldn't mind putting those inside spoiler tags while you're updating that'd clean things up a little.

Kimberly Snow wrote:

Iwanted to share a post from a player in my game that has been lurking this game

Its been very easy to imagine that group of people around a table: you can see the rules-lawyer, hear the jokester, watch the metagaming..... much more like a real table than I ever expected. But for all that, a table of people that seem to get along: none of the sniping or obnoxiousness Ive seen in other threads as strangers try to play. I can imagine you all knowing each other and wanting to play together.

I thought I would share this becuase I fealt it speaks positive of all of us in this game

I hope he doesn't mind the quote .

Somehow I missed this, thanks Kimberly for re-posting it and I couldn't agree more. This has been a fun group to play with and I'm glad we lucked out and got the people we did!

HP 81/81, AC 29* touch 17, flat 23*, CMD 25, F+5 R+14 W+7 (+12 vs ench); heavy crossbow +15 (1d10+1 19-20/x2) (pbs), sap +14 (1d6+1 nonl), +2 dagger +16/+11 (1d4+7 19/20/x2), SA 6d6, CMB +8, CMD 26, Init +11, Per +20
Human Rogue 12

Wow, that's neat. Sometimes you forget that other folks can pop in and view the shenanigans. I'm glad we're entertaining. And it's been a blast so far.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

I had already updated my bar. Here is it in a spoiler.

What do you mean "more powerful than we think"?

Thanks for doing that Tolvan. I just meant that updating your characters to level 3 made them more powerful than their level 2 stats, and so they would be grateful to you for doing so. Small joke-very small.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Sorry folks, kids party 3 hours from home... I'm driving. AFK.

Willing to pool funds. We can sell stuff off if needs be. I think the customization is invaluable.

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

Looking for Sarenrae's domains. I know I found it before but can't seem to find it now. I know one of her domains is Sun. Anyone can tell me the other domains?
Update: Found it! Domains for Sarenae are - Fire, Glory, Good, Healing, Sun

As for the Inquisitor spells, I'll wait until we get a chance to rest to populate the spells list.

Tolvan, you can take the +1 long sword. I can take the mace but I will probably not use it. Sticking with the monk weapons cause Danica uses Wisdom mods for hit bonus. The only reason Danica would use a magic weapons is to hit creatures that require magic weapon to be hit.

Looking for a 3rd level Feat. Already have Dodge. Any suggestions? Was thinking Toughness, Endurance, Lighting Reflexes.

Update: Picking Fire Domain. Getting Fire Bolt as domain spell. Sun domain wouldn't be good for an Inquisitor cause they don't turn undead.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13


You can also take a number of the Inquisition domains as an Inquisitor. And I am not sure you looked at the subdomains.

Other domains I see for you that might be good include:
Agathion - Subdomain of good, grants touch of good
Banishment Inquisition - Righteous Awe - sounds pretty good for you: Unarmed attacks shake evil creatures for 1-4 rounds if they fail a will save
Conversion Inquisition - Use Wisdom instead of Charisma for bluff, diplo, and Intimidate
Restoration Domain - Touch removes Dazed, sickened, shaken fatigued, or staggered.
Revelation Inquisition - Burn Shroud - sounds good for you - Does extra fire damage on hits and other stuff
Spellkiller Inquisition - gain 2 points of AC for a minute when you kill an opponent. Once you have that bonus you can use it to stagger an arcane spell caster

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

Thanks Tolvan. Was reading up on Banishment Inquisition. I'd like to choose that one if Mug will allow.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

I'll rework my level stuff, to keep it all together...

But looks like "Point-Blank Shot" for level 3.

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

This is the first time taking an Inquisitor so any help would be appreciated in getting her set up.
Unlike Clerics who get 2 Domains, Inquisitors gain one Domain or one Inquisition. Am I reading that right?

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Yep... 1001 ways, how do you see her developing? What do you want her to be?

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13
Danica Quinn wrote:

This is the first time taking an Inquisitor so any help would be appreciated in getting her set up.

Unlike Clerics who get 2 Domains, Inquisitors gain one Domain or one Inquisition. Am I reading that right?

I am not sure you have it right Danica. Inquisitions are also domain choices you have. You get one total.

Of course you get a lot of other cool stuff.

Banishment is fine Danica.

As for the inquisitor, I'm not very knowledgeable. If anyone has some info please chime in. Ill probably do some research later on to satisfy my own curiosity, but I'm not much help in the here and now.

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

6 skill points, tracking, riveting stare, bane... what's there to say?

What % Monk, what % Inquisitor? Inquisitor has to get to Level 5.

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

Going forward, going to be an Inquisitor. I like the defenses of a monk, not using armor, using wisdom to help AC. So, for some time Danica will be using no armor, hoping to use whatever magical items, like rings, that help her defensive capablities. The next couple of level will be Inquisitor and we will take it from there.

The major plus here is Monster Lore, knowing strength and weaknesses of monsters and sharing that info to the group.

Danica can take the role as a primary/secondary tank, helping Andjela out and also creating flanking opportunities for the others. She also has the Inspire Courage ability so we can take advantage of that.

So far here are her level 1 abilities as an Inquisitor

•Monster Lore (Ex)
The inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures. Right now it is +4, +5 at 4th level

•Stern Gaze (Ex)
Inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1).

•Judgment (Su)
An inquisitor can pronounce judgment upon her foes as a swift action. Starting when the judgment is made, the inquisitor receives a bonus or special ability based on the type of judgment made. Ability can be used once per day.

•Inquisition - Banishment
--> Righteous Awe (Su): Whenever you make an unarmed touch attack against an evil creature, it must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your inquisitor level + your Wisdom modifier) or become shaken for 1d4 rounds. If the creature touched is an evil outsider, it becomes frightened instead of shaken. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Total 7, used 0

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

@Danica - You're doing fine, work the Wisdom synergies like you have been. Also, for a feat... you're the melee tank. So, maybe Combat Reflexes. I usually go down that route, but can't with the Divine Hunter build. All/most my stuff has to go archery related.

Craft Wondrous Item would allow Tolvan to make Bracers of Armor. Craft Arms and Armor @ level 5 would allow them to add Brawling! +2 To Hit/+2 Damage unarmed.

He could use some bracers, too!

Ooohhhh, could you make me a Holy Weapon? Like a +1 Holy Avenger Elven Curved-Blade! Or Repeating Heavy Crossbow?

Hey folks, had a death in the family today. Ill be posting when able, keep up the dialogue and feel free to start the gameplay moving at any point. Thanks

HP 58/82 AC 25 touch 15, flat 20, CMD 27, F+9 R+12 W+8, +1 xbow +15 (2d8+1 19-20/x3), +1 elven curved-blade +14 (1d10+1 18-20/x2), dagger +13 (1d4 19-20/x2), CMB +9, Init +7, Per +5 Dhampir Paladin 8/Rogue 1

Condolences, Sir.

Male Elf Wizard 11
HP 75/75 AC 15/19/23 (T= 15 FF= 11/15) CMD 28, +1 L Sword+9 (1d8+4/19-20/x2), Club+8 (1d6+3/20/x2) +1 Comp Long Bow (+2str)+11 (1d8+3/20/x3) F+7 R+9 W+10, +2 vs enchants INIT+11 Per.+23 CMB +13

Sorry for your loss.

Female Aasimar Sensei-Four Winds Monk 2/Inquisitor 9
HP 105/105 AC 25 (29 w/ Mage Armor) touch 23 (27), flat 20 (24), CMD 19, F+13 R+11 W+18, Temple Sw +16/+10 (1d8+4 19-20/x2), Lg Bow +8/+3, CMB +12, Init +9, Perc +21

My Condolences Mug. Take your time.

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