Anna Dunsany |

I'm going to be traveling today, so I probably won't be able to post again until tomorrow. See you then!

Andjela Daywalker |

Just found out that a day after you closed "original" recruitment... they Errata'd Exotic Weapons out of Heirloom Weapon Trait... NERF!
Could pick up another Trait and pick up Exotic Proficiency Feat (or find some other way to have it).

Tolvan |

imho Heirloom Weapon is no longer worth taking. Maybe in you were building a tripping or maneuvering type character, to get that bonus. But I doubt it it even then.
For PFS it was even worse until recently when they decided to allow a permanent way to convert normal weapons to masterwork. I think you can do that once is all. So at least there is a path to being able to enchant your Heirloom Weapon.

Anna Dunsany |

I was referring to me, staying in character and not taking a chance to back down. Just posting here to note that I'm not mad or upset and still having a great time. A little rivalry is a good thing, in my mind. Let me know if you think I'm crossing the line.

Kimberly Snow |

I almost was going to cast forbid action of anna to keep her from walking away until she apologized.
but I was concerned that you might interpret the spell casting the wrong way.

Kimberly Snow |

to Mug:
I hope i didn't mess things up with that question.
I am just thinking of what kimberly believes to be important to her and that was one of them.

GM Mug |

I certainly don't feel like anything was messed up, and I'm pretty sure you can't in this type of game, it's RP! I honestly was surprised by every question so far except one, and coming up with the answers has been pretty fun for me. I am loving this way more than I thought I would. Honestly at first I was sort of dreading it, and was almost hoping y'all would forget about the planchette. Now I'm glad you didn't.

Kimberly Snow |

I certainly don't feel like anything was messed up, and I'm pretty sure you can't in this type of game, it's RP! I honestly was surprised by every question so far except one, and coming up with the answers has been pretty fun for me. I am loving this way more than I thought I would. Honestly at first I was sort of dreading it, and was almost hoping y'all would forget about the planchette. Now I'm glad you didn't.
I think Tolvan disagrees with my question but thats OK Kimberly will still always think of him as her older brother, or at least that crazy uncle that everybody loves to be around.

Tolvan |

Well yes, Tolvan disagreed, but I thought it was fun. Tolvan, all business, asked for this session to find out about the ghost items, but he is the only one who has asked about them, even though they are laying on the tabel, and he went first. The other questions were mission related at least.
One point is that Kendra could do this once a week or so to ask questions not related to the mission - so this is not your once chance. It may have been out our one chance to learn how to use these weapons against some very powerful ghosts...

Anna Dunsany |

Sure! We're buying stuff anyway, so the items are slipped in with the other purchases. None's the wiser.

Tolvan |

hmm. This is gonna sound like a rant, and I guess it is.
We are role playing so everyone is suppose to be having a good time, but I suspect we also are up against some very tough combats with these ghosts. I really really wanted to learn all we could about these 5 items - how to use them as weapons, and how to not suffer their curses, that each one has. That was the purpose of this seance. Why was I the only one to ask about an item.?
I guess we can still use them. Hand Axe against the Lopper. Its a weapon. Wield it. Same with the hammer and the the Mosswater Marauder. But do we play the flute when we meet . the Piper of Illmarsh? And what do we do with the pile of holy symbols against Father Charlatan. We now know we RIP up the book against the Splatter Man, but we can't be sure what effect or curse will will suffer for it.
So, who wants to use what items. 5 items and 5 of us. Each of us take one? I will take the book I guess since I asked about it and can't use half the other items.

GM Mug |

@Danica, no worries! I'm sure we can all relate! :)
I feel a bit silly saying this as the GM, but from my perspective I wouldn't worry too much. Of course if everyone dies I'll feel really bad for saying this... but here goes. When I played this with a group IRL, we totally forgot the items, and just fought the ghosts without them. It was very difficult and took several days in game, but the items are not the end all-be all weapons. Helpful? Yes. Essential? Not really.
Also, the planchette only gives short answers. Plus there's an element of a possible lie from the spirits you communicate with. You have a chance to reveal the lie, but all 5 answers could have been a lie and basically 100% not helpful. A couple tidbits for thought, if you like.

Kimberly Snow |

Kimberly will take the holy symbols.
We are all smart we will probably figure out what we need to do.

Tolvan |

That does make me feel better Mug. I will try to quell the power game that resides inside of me, always trying to claw its way out. :)
I do worry about combating ghosts at such a low level. I suspect Channels and Cure Light would spells will be critical. We do have a few of those haunt siphons too. Andjela, does your archetype grant lay on hands? If so, that is more positive energy we can deliver if we need it.

Andjela Daywalker |

Lay your hands on me, lay your hands on me.... - Bon Jovi
Yes. Used it after the fire @ meeting.

Andjela Daywalker |

Sacrifice the few to save the many... classic Lawful Good. Why most of my characters are NG.

Tolvan |

Sacrifice the few to save the many... classic Lawful Good. Why most of my characters are NG.
Or Lawful Evil... You tread on thin ice...

Tolvan |

And I personally go back and forth on it myself. Is it ok to torture/kill a terrorist to find out where he hid the bomb and save hundreds of lives? If yes, is it ok to torture/kill an innocent man for the same result?

Danica Quinn |

That torture and killing for the good of the general populace is more a Chaotic Good trait. Lawful good is one who abides by the laws of a town or city.
At work right now. have to keep it short

Andjela Daywalker |

You get 2 hours worth of magic item crafting during an active adventuring day. Assumed to be broken up and happening between adventuring tasks.
Allocated time has to be in 4 hour increments. Crafting ONLY. Ring can help with that, but nothing breaks the "1 item/day" rule. It's a control.

Tolvan |

You get 2 hours worth of magic item crafting during an active adventuring day. Assumed to be broken up and happening between adventuring tasks.
Allocated time has to be in 4 hour increments. Crafting ONLY. Ring can help with that, but nothing breaks the "1 item/day" rule. It's a control.
Andjela, per the rules under both Scribe Scroll (p.132) and Magic Item Creation (p. 549) it appears you are incorrect. Perhaps if you only remember that a rule is a certain way but have not checked it you should explain that is what you recall.

Andjela Daywalker |

Scribe Scroll (Item Creation) - You can create magic scrolls.
Prerequisite: Caster level 1st.
Benefit: You can create a scroll of any spell that you know. Scribing a scroll takes 2 hours if its base price is 250 gp or less, otherwise scribing a scroll takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To scribe a scroll, you must use up raw materials costing half of this base price.
See magic item creation rules for more information.
Scribing a scroll requires 1 day per 1,000 gp of the base price. Although an individual scroll might contain more than one spell, each spell must be scribed as a separate effort, meaning that no more than 1 spell can be scribed in a day.
Creating an item requires 8 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item's base price (or fraction thereof), with a minimum of at least 8 hours. Potions and scrolls are an exception to this rule; they can take as little as 2 hours to create (if their base price is 250 gp or less). Scrolls and potions whose base price is more than 250 gp, but less than 1,000 gp, take 8 hours to create, just like any other magic item.
I don't have the book.

GM Mug |

Ok, found it in on the PRD:
The creator also needs a fairly quiet, comfortable, and well-lit place in which to work. Any place suitable for preparing spells is suitable for making items. Creating an item requires 8 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item's base price (or fraction thereof), with a minimum of at least 8 hours. Potions and scrolls are an exception to this rule; they can take as little as 2 hours to create (if their base price is 250 gp or less). Scrolls and potions whose base price is more than 250 gp, but less than 1,000 gp, take 8 hours to create, just like any other magic item. The character must spend the gold at the beginning of the construction process. Regardless of the time needed for construction, a caster can create no more than one magic item per day. This process can be accelerated to 4 hours of work per 1,000 gp in the item's base price (or fraction thereof) by increasing the DC to create the item by +5.
So while it would only take 2 hours to make the scroll, the 1 item per day limit does prevent additional scrolls (or any magic item) from being created that day.
The messageboards state the above snippet is on page 552 of the core book. Are we on the same page here?

Tolvan |

Loot summary: Please provide comments and recommendations for who should carry what.
While we have found some good items, we have found very little loot to sell to make money. Here is a summary of that with how much we should each get.
a set of thieves’ tools of very high quality -100go so sell for 50gp
a bronze war medallion from the Shining Crusade -40 gp so sell for 20
an unframed Taldan painting of Stavian I
-100gp so sell for 50gp
a set of a noblewoman’s silver hair clips
-35 so sell for 17.5
GM Mug, if we can sell any of this at full price let me know.
That is a total of 137.5 gold. Add to that the 1000 gold we found in the office and we have 1137.5. This comes to 227.5gp each. I think Anna has bartered away some of this loot. The easy thing to do is to just adjust your share accordingly, but if you do, make sure you only deduct the sell for price.
Other spoils and who I think is currently holding them - We can change this as we need to.
From the Crypt before Danica and Andjela arrived:
dozen silver arrows Tolvan
four sun rods - Everyone but Tolvan
six flasks of holy water - 2 Anna, 2 Tolvan, 2 Kimberly
10 shimmering +1 arrows - Tolvan
five +1 ghost touch arrows - Tolvan, 4 remaining.
two +1 undead bane arrows - Tolvan
five potions of cure light wounds - 1 each
two potions of lesser restoration - Tolvan and Anna
a scroll wrapped in red (detect undead) - Kimberly
two scrolls wrapped in black (hide from undead) - Kimberly
a scroll wrapped in white (protection from evil) - Kimberly
4 haunt siphons, 3 remaining - Tolvan, Anna, and Andjela? Dania used one already
Equipment Room
a punching dagger of very high quality
- Anna
a pouch containing a dozen shurikens of very high quality -Danica
a silver war razor of very high quality
- Andjela
a wand of wood with silver pressed into the handle – Lesser Restoration with ? charges - Kimberly
4 potions of cure light - One each except Kimberly.
2 healer’s kits - Kimberly and, Anyone else trained in heal?
3 anti toxin, - The rest of this stuff in a bag with Kimberly?
2 anitplague,
3 bloodblock,
3 smellingsalts,
2 sooth syrup
5 holy water - One each
scroll of lesser restoration - Kimberly
wand of cure light – 15 charges - Kimberly
4 potions of cure moderate wounds - Everyone but Kimberly
3 potions of lesser restoration Andjela, Danica, and kimberly - now we each have 1
2 potions of remove disease - Kimberly
This would mean that everyone has at least 1 Cure light Wounds potion and one holy water, and everyone but Kimberly (who can heal) has a second Cure light Wounds potion, and a potion of Cure Moderate Wounds as well. Everyone also has a potion of Lesser Restoration.

GM Mug |

First of all.... *slow clap* A round of applause for putting that hefty list together! I'm impressed and it does look right at first glance. Don't forget the 'other' items from the secret storeroom, where the painting and war medallion were found. The haunted items may be worth something one day... perhaps when they're less haunted?

Tolvan |

Right. I have not forgotten. Hammer, axe, flute, holy symbols, and spellbook. We should also choose who holds which items. Tolvan has claimed the spellbook, and is ready to try to fight off whatever its curse is. I would recommend Andjela take the axe and either Anna or Danica take the hammer, but IC Tolvan will not recommend Anna take it. Kimberly could take the holy symbols and/ore the flute. IC Tolvan will state that we should bring all the items and claim the book for himself. He will bag up and carry the items that no one claims himself.

GM Mug |

Everyone, I'll add my request to Tolvans to give the list a look-see and claim what you want. Anything left undesignated will be assumed to be at Kendra's house for safe-keeping. I prefer that to people making comments like, "Oh yeah, and I had item X on me the whole time so I'll use that now." when it's convenient to have item X. So please just state - I have nothing, or want nothing, or what you do want/have.
Thanks folks!

Kimberly Snow |

Kimberly can carry the holy symbols

Anna Dunsany |

Anna will take the flute, being rightly scared of the hammer. I was thinking about taking a rank in Perform if we leveled up again before encountering the Piper, but I'm not sure if that'll happen.
Also, FYI, the extra set of thieves tools and the silver clips seem to have turned up missing. Not really sure how that happened.