Andjela Daywalker |

revised earlier post taking Tolvan's suggestion into account and optimizing a little.

Danica Quinn |

OK. After further review I am taking Andjela's advice. Taking Sensei level 2. to hit will be +4 from Wis, +1 from BAB. Total of +5.
AC will be 16, 17 with dodge.
Mug, would it be ok to take 2 additional racial traits in place of the other traits.

Kwanjan Quinn |

I think these will work perfectly in being an advisor for the church of Sarenrae. Like your original plan was to have Danica on loan from an adjacent town/city to help ward of the baddies. Using that 'Understand your enemy' philosophy when Danica is ready to start taking Inquisitor level.
•Darkvision: Aasimar have darkvision 60 ft. (they can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.)
•Celestial Crusader - Some aasimars follow their destiny to war against the powers of ultimate evil. These individuals gain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and to AC against evil outsiders and a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (planes) and Spellcraft checks to identify evil outsiders or items or effects created by evil outsiders; they may use these skills untrained for this purpose. This racial trait replaces celestial resistance and skilled.

Danica Quinn |

Thanks. Wasn't sure if was asking for too much. I think my char should be done by tomorrow.

Danica Quinn |

1st level hp = 8+2=10
2nd level hp,total hp: 10 + 1d8 + 2 ⇒ 10 + (5) + 2 = 17

Andjela Daywalker |

Per DM: HP can be rolled or 1/2 HD+1, I'll allow you to take the higher of the two.
That 2 becomes a 5.

Danica Quinn |

What are you taking about Daywalker?
Max hp at 1st level, 8 + 2 from constitution modifier. hp at 1st level is 10
I rolled a 5 on 1d8 for 2nd level. Rolled a 5, +2 from con bonus, 7.
Total hp is 17.

Kimberly Snow |

Hey all, saw a movie that was actually pretty good
I don't know which character i like best Emma or Mary

GM Mug |

Here's the situations, whether it's the dhampir or a cleric doing the channeling. We haven't discussed this very much yet and I thought we probably ought to since we'll be getting into these situations soon. We did talk about one of your abilities Andjela, but it wasn't channeling or CLW type spell like these.
Positive to heal living : The dhampir takes damage instead of being healed.
Positive to damage undead : The dhampir is not affected, he's living, not undead.
Negative to heal undead : The dhampir is not affected, he's living, not undead.
Negative to damage living : The dhampir is healed instead of being injured.
Thoughts, questions or input on the ideas above?

Kimberly Snow |

that also sounds good to me.
I am sure Andjela would know this and after the little event at the town hall she now knows Kimberly can channel so I guess that the conversation would come up before an accidental effect.
since Kimberly has selective channel she can exclude Andjela when she heals the party. just need to figure out how to heal her since Kimberly cannot use negative energy at this time.

Andjela Daywalker |

Umm, I'd read it differently... "as if undead". I would posit that Andjela is only affected if the chaneller chose to affect undead. Then if the choice was to hurt undead, via positive channelling... She would likewise be hurt. If the choice is to heal undead via negative channelling, she is healed. She would not be affected otherwise.
We has discussed, Holy Light via her Paladin Abilities.
Kimberly's 30 ft radius to heal living would have no effect on undead, so should have no effect on Andjela. Which is in itself... Different.
So the threat would be defending Kimberly surrounded by undead... Kimberly decides to channel and harm undead... Andjela is hurt as well.
We have to consider who/what is being targeted... And consider Andjela as if undead

Kimberly Snow |

either way I can just have Kimberly always exclude you from her channels. (just to be safe)

GM Mug |

Right, I do recall discussing Holy Light, and I wanted to open this dialogue to make sure there wasn't confusion with other abilities like positive channeling. I'm honestly not overly concerned which way we interpret it as long as we know before hand and then stick with our decision. So lets go with your understanding Andjela;
Postive channels to hurt undead would hurt Andjela.
Negative channels to heal undead would heal Andjela.
@Kimberly, that would also help things quite a bit. Ok, on we go! :)

Andjela Daywalker |

I think the selective channeling should happen after the issue comes up in RP. I'm good with it.

Danica Quinn |

Just want to do a little RP. Starting off as somewhat racially bias. Later on having Danica realizing that not everything is black and white with regards to undead and dhampir. All part of her doing some soul and humility searching.
H, don't be so paranoid. Go with the flow.

Danica Quinn |

How does one default avatars to specific campaigns? I always seem to forget to change the avatar.

Andjela Daywalker |

Dhampir look like humans, no one knows she's Dhampir. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
If the town found out she was dhampir, they'd probably burn her at the stake.

Danica Quinn |

WHAT???? What kind of Daywalker are you? No little fangs? Not Blade? Just Blahh.
In all seriousness, if no one knows that you are Dhampir, then the 1st time someone does channel positive energy you would be damaged. If the healer is not selecting you then you are ok. Does the Oracle know what you are hence knowing not to select you with channel positive energy?
Yes I know this was discussed in previous post but you said that no one know you are Dhampir. Does this include the PCs?

Andjela Daywalker |

Gremlin? And yes, but only if she's targeting Undead. Healing won't help Andjela, but won't hurt her either.

Danica Quinn |

Will look very suspicious when your wounds wont heal after channel positive energy goes off. hmmmm. Perception roll anyone. Good side storyline can be created with this.

Anna Dunsany |

One suggestion is to use that edit tab. You've got a whole hour to check out your post, and your avatar is a pretty obvious thing.

Danica Quinn |

I have been using the edit tab but most of my postings come when I'm at work. Sometimes I do a quick post and forget to check the appropriate avatar. most of them get caught but there are some times I just completely forget due to work load.

Kimberly Snow |

While Kimberly has not been told in game she will most likely harm Andjela the first time but she will remember after that.
(at least as far as I remember Kimberly has not been told in character)
of course if Andjela remains out of her range she may never know.

Anna Dunsany |

No offense, Kim, but I think we might need to have an i/c discussion about bringing a young girl into a haunted prison. I'm sure we'll reach the right decision. :)

Andjela Daywalker |

I have no idea how far Harrowstone is, but it must be close... right? Young girl to an infamous haunted prison... Hmm.

Tolvan |

I've thought about this too Anna, but Kimberly is 12. Still young, but almost an adult in this society.

Kimberly Snow |

reponded in character
Kimberly insists on going
she wants to save Ravengro as much as everyone else and it is her home
Kimgald is counting on her. and she will brave anything to save her friends, (which is also all of you guys as well)

Danica Quinn |

Tolvan, correct me if I'm wrong, you were planning to get a wand of Mage Armor. Is this still the case? I can help with the cost or pay for it entirely as it will benefit Danica. I think the plan is for Danica to tank or be the off-tank.

Tolvan |

No, I do not have the funds for any such wand. I had 4 gold before we collect our up front payment of 250 gold. While we have found some good items we expect to be useful against undead in the prison, we had not found any gold at all besides 50 gold in Gib's house we gave to Anna towards masterwork thieves tools. And have already most of the 250 gold I hope to collect today as outlined (4 scrolls bought and then scribed into my book, enough ink and parchment to scribe 4 new scrolls and a potion of cure light).
It would be great for the party to have such a wand, if one is available in the town.

Danica Quinn |

Mug, can we get a list of items (potions, wands, scrolls, weapons, etc) that we can purchase in town? This will save the back and forth questions on items.

GM Mug |

By way of explanation, I'm in the 1st month of the busiest 2 months of the year at work. Things will be difficult but not impossible, and I'll do my best to post regularly... but mostly I'll just be trying to keep my head above water. Just gotta weather the storm a little. I like that you guys kept things going forward as much as you could, and I hope you continue to do so if/when I'm absent for any length of time. Just don't kill all the bad guys without me ;)

Kimberly Snow |

site down modt of the day will try and catch up tonight (at work all night and usually catch up on down time

GM Mug |

Ugly work week and the next is looking only minutely better. FYI and apologies. I'll post as soon as I can. Just gotta get past this hellish time of year. Hang in there folks! I haven't gone to bed earlier than two the last three nights of this week, and this weekend is going to be anything but fun-filled. Yay for gainful employment!

Kimberly Snow |

Kimberly might be all grown up when we come back.

Anna Dunsany |

I'm hearing the organ music of a lengthy intermission. At least we have the chance to go to the lobby and get some popcorn!