Anna Dunsany |

Canny Observer's a lot better than I realized. I didn't notice it also included traps. I think I'll go with that.

Anna Dunsany |

Anna Dunsany wrote:I didn't notice it also included traps.And eavesdropping...
Exactly. Something I may just make use of later this evening...

Tolvan |

Rolling for hit points.
Hit Points: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Second level Wizard:
BAB +1
Will Save +1
New Skills: +1 to
Knowledge Engineering
Knowledge Local
Knowledge Dungeoneering
Knowledge Nature
Knowledge Nobels
Knowledge Geography
+1 to Perception for a total of +2
Spells- Liberating Command and Windy Escape. Adding Windy Escape to spells memorized. Also adding Prestidigitation to level zero spells memorized

Kimgald Angreilssen |

Sorry for my prolonged absence; I may be gone a while longer, as my finances have crumbled out from under me. I'll try to get caught up and a post in tonight, though.

Kimgald Angreilssen |

I wanted to provide an update tonight: things are still rough, but I had a very promising phone interview this afternoon. I'm hoping things will start returning to some form of normalcy by the month's end. Or at least start resembling normal.

Tolvan |

Good luck Kimgald. Your personal page says you are a graphic artist. Is that what you are trying to land a job in? Very competitive field. My next door neighbor earned a 4 year degree from Auburn in Graphic Arts and is working for free trying to get resume experience.

Tolvan |

I am headed to my mother's house in another state this afternoon. I will have my computer, but am not sure about internet availability. Could be limited, but will try. :)

GM Mug |

So, I've decided to broach this distasteful subject with y'all; Kimgalds been out for awhile. He told us he's been having lots going on with some medical stuff and I think even some job stuff (??) if I remember right. However the game moves on and although this campaign was started largely on his request, I'd like to have the group with 5 active players driving it forward. So my question is this; does anyone have any objection to me opening up his spot if we/I don't hear from him by the end of the week?

Kimberly Snow |

I don't have any objection just a question.
Should Kimgald return after he is replaced would there be any chance of him rejoining? of couse that would bring us to a party of 6.
unless of course he decides not to re-join.

Tolvan |

I think we need him back, or someone else, before we venture into the prison proper. I liked Kimgald too and hope he returns. I sent him a PM and have not heard from him.

Andjela Daywalker |

I have a guy I can vouch for, he's usually up for Monk or Cleric... could use some positive channeling? Seranrae or Pharasma?
Yes, we need someone... should probably be a Cleric (it's an undead AP for cripe's sake).
Yes, I agree we should leave a slot 6 open for Kim.

Anna Dunsany |

I'm not going to object getting a replacement for Kimgald. It's a shame he's not here, and hopefully he's able to overcome whatever difficulty he's facing. I like the progress we've made so far, and am looking forward to (dreading) the prison.

Kimberly Snow |

just don't count Kimberly out on the healing front she still can be an effective healer just lousy at melee combat.
Still unsure how we are going to be handling our paladin's healing with the negative energy thing. in character kimberly would use her channels to try and heal her but I don't want to accidentilly harm her.

Andjela Daywalker |

Martico, he's in one game playing a Zen Archer. In R/L he's a 4th dan tae kwon do black belt, think that's why he likes monks. Feel free to PM him, if you'd like.
His name is Rich.
Not trying to circumvent any process, just keep things moving along.

Tolvan |

While I agree that a positive channeling cleric would be very nice, I too was going to point out that we have Kimberly and she can channel.
I have a friend who is reliable poster and good role player that you might want to consider. I can have him PM you if you would like.
And I want to state again that my ideal resolution here is to get Kimgald back. Come back Kimgald!

Danica Quinn |

Hi everyone. Creating the character. You guess are on level 2, so I was thinking half-elf female Monk 1/Inquisitor 1 of Sarenrae. I know this is 25 point buy. Anything else I need to know before I start creating this character? Items?

GM Mug |

Items from the core, apg, UM and UC are fine with me. You can have a starting gold of 800gp. That's a little less than the 'standard' 2nd level starting gold, but the group hasn't had many opportunities to get GP in battles.

Tolvan |

Welcome. Get your character done so that you can in in the audience of the town hall we are in right now. :)

Kimberly Snow |

Hi and teddy says hi too

Tolvan |

Tolvan had a reason for not being up front, but its fine that Andjela is up there. Actually he had a couple reasons - the first is that he does not show as well as the pally. :) The second is that we are broke as a party and I am hoping to negotiate some supply money up front from the town council. I mean we do not even have the gold to buy masterwork thieves tools. We do need some cash to equip up.

Kimberly Snow |

Kimberly has latched on to Tolvan and Anna as her mentors/guardians/friends. SHe will eventually get closer to the Paladin.

Andjela Daywalker |

Strombringer... or Stormbringer? Take a Human, get the feat and Skills... skills are big in this game.

Anna Dunsany |

Hello! I'm sure we'll get along great!
Umm, how's your perception? :)

Tolvan |

Danica, I was thinking about your build this morning (I do things like that when I shower lol) and it dawned on me that a Monk1/Inquisitor 1 would have a zero BAB. I am sure your concept is well thought out, but now I worry that you are paying a low level price to be great a few levels down the line. Totally your call, but have you considered Monk 2 or Inquisitor 2 and then making your third level a dip into the other class?
Again, I am sure your concept is sound, and I look forward to you joining us. But feel that the heavy role playing phase may be coming to an end as we move to the prison and we will be more focused on combat.
Thanks for considering my ramblings. :)

Kimberly Snow |

If you are concerned about healing, Kimberly is a fairly capable healer.
we also have our Paladin which can also provide healing.
I haven't really seen an iquisitor in play before though. but in the end play whatever you enjoy becuase that is the reason for playing.

Tolvan |

Inquisitors are very very versatile. Given a round or so to buff they are capable of always having what you need to succeed. Fun to play. I have one in PFS with the Preacher archtype. Preacher lets him allow re-rolls a couple times a day. Mechanic is, say a trap goes off, hitting you with a swinging blade. Preacher calls out a warning, after you were hit. "Watch out for that blade!" and the DM rerolls the attack.

Danica Quinn |

It's Strom...bringer.
I realized the point about the BAB being 0. I think some of the skills will come into play later on.
I love the idea of not wearing any armor, hence the dip in Monk 1. Monks use wisdom modifier for thier AC. So Danica will have +4 after racial modifier, also helping with Inquisitor spells. Dex will be 15 so +2 mod there. Total AC is 16 with no armor of any type. At 4th level Dex goes up by 1 and so will the AC to 17. One less character to fight for magical armor. Let's not forget about Dodge feat if selected.
Followers of Sarenrae get scimitar as thier perferred weapon.
Picking Aasimar race for the help with racial modifier. Also, Danica can be a thorn at Andjela's side for her being Dhampir, half vamp. Oh...the roleplaying.
Stats will be Wis:16 (10), Dex:15 (7), Str:14 (5), Con:14 (5), Int:12 (2), Chr:7 (-4)
Wis:18 and Chr:9 after racial modifiers
Perception....? Well +4 from Wis, + 3 class skill, +1 or +2 rank, and another +2 from racial trait. so..Perception may be 10 or 11.
Think of Maggie Q for the movie Priest.

Andjela Daywalker |

Maggie Quinn?
Or... if you wanna go nuts and use Tovlan's idea.
Monk 2, Sensei-Four Winds
Skills: A sensei gains Diplomacy, Linguistics, and all Knowledge skills as class skills.
Advice (Ex): A sensei’s advice is identical to bardic performance (using oratory), allowing him to inspire courage at 1st level, inspire competence at 3rd level, and inspire greatness at 9th level, as a bard of the sensei’s level, usable a total number of rounds per day equal to his level + his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This ability replaces flurry of blows, fast movement, and improved evasion.
At 2nd level, a sensei may use his Wisdom bonus in lieu of his Strength or Dexterity on attack rolls and combat maneuver checks with unarmed strikes or monk weapons.
This ability replaces evasion and the bonus feat gained at 2nd level. You weren't going that high in Monk anyway... so losing Fast Movement, Flurry, etc... shouldn't matter much.
Then switch to Inquisitor (maybe because of this mission).
Your attack would be +5, if you set up Wis with 19, +7 @ Level 4 (without masterwork, magic, focus).
I think the focuse is on hitting, because we can find energy type weapns to add damage. As well as special judgments, bane abilities, etc...
My 2 cents.

Tolvan |

Sounds very playable. Tolvan has Mage Armor. Invest in a partially charged wand of Mage armor, if allowed, and you can have +4 to AC any time you ask for it.