StephNyan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Which games will we be playing?
All the PFS legal scenarios from season 0, and the PFS sanctified parts of Dragon's Demand. These sanctified DD parts will be added to fill the gaps left by the retired season 0 scenarios, which can no longer be played for PFS credit. This is not a CORE run.
0-05 Mists of Mwangi (Subtier 1-2)
0-13 The Prince of Augustana (Subtier 1-2)
---Level 2---
0-02 The Hydra’s Fang Incident (Subtier 1-2)
0-03 Murder on the Silken Caravan (Subtier 1-2)
0-04 The Frozen Fingers of Midnight (Subtier 1-2)
---Level 3---
Dragon’s Demand – Part 1: The Blood Vow Lair (Subtier 1-3)
---Level 4---
Dragon’s Demand – Part 2: Hunclay’s Cave, Auction and Crypt of Tula (Subtier 3-5)
---Level 5---
0-06 Black waters (Subtier 4-5)
0-08 Slave Pits of Absalom (Subtier 4-5)
0-23 Tide of Morning (Subtier 4-5)
---Level 6---
0-07 Among the Living (Subtier 6-7)
0-14 The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch (Subtier 6-7)
0-17 Perils of the Pirate Pact (Subtier 6-7)
---Level 7---
0-24 Decline of Glory (Subtier 6-7)
Dragon’s Demand – Part 3: Monastery of Saint Kyerixus (Subtier 5-7)
---Level 8.1---
0-20 King Xeros of Old Azlant (Subtier 7-8)
0-22 Fingerprints of the Fiend (Subtier 7-8)
---Level 9---
0-16 To Scale the Dragon (Subtier 8-9)
0-27 Our Lady of Silver (Subtier 8-9)
0-26 Lost at Bitter End (In between Subtiers 7-8 and 10-11) --> We could first play a scenario from another season, to avoid playing in between subtiers.
---Level 10---
0-28 Lyrics of Extinction (Subtier 10-11)
---Level 10.1---
We could continue after this run, if the players want to! :)
Looking for 4 players who:
- haven't yet played season 0 scenarios;
- haven't yet played Dragon's Demand for PFS credit;
- can make at least 1 post a day on weekdays;
- plan to stay around the entire run (which may take about 2 years).
Other recruitment info:
- You'll have to start with a character who has 0XP, and you shouldn't apply GM credit to it during the run. Else your level will end up higher than a scenario's tier, which means your character cannot participate in the scenario.
- It's an open recruitment. So even if 10 people have already applied, you've still got a shot.
- I value roleplay a lot. I'd appreciate it if you only apply if you also do.
- Recruitment will run till at least March 22, and I plan to start the run soon after.
5th player:
I'd already promised a spot to someone else, but it turned out he'd already played some season 0 scenarios. He'll join the party once the others reach level 2, after the party's played the 3 scenarios he's already played.

DoubleGold |

Start with a character with 0 xp? We can't switch out characters if we have them? You want us to keep one character throughout? Like for example, if I have a character 1 xp we could play the first two senarios, switch to another character level 1 for senario 3, and then go back to character 1 for senario 4 and be right on track. I know that you will want balance, but I mean like switching out between a barbarian and a fighter, or between 2 sorcerers. The reason I ask is if the character has to be absolutely 0 xp, and that we have to use the same one throughout, is because many people have played at least 1 or 2 or 3 scenarios in season 0 and it would be hard to find people who played none. Not to mention, if someone played at least 1 scenario in season 0, they would have to switch out between 2 characters to make it work or start higher than 0 xp, like if you played Prince of Augustana but you bring in a 1 xp character, you are even with everyone else when the Hydras Fang start.
Any chance of letting people start out with a character of 1-2 xp in the event that they played 3 or less games? People who played zero season 0 games are hard to find, but finding someone who played 3 or less not so much. And for the people who played that game, just find a temporarily replacement for them.

ScrubKai |

I'll throw my hat into the ring for this one.
Since you don't know me from Adam a bit of my role playing biography:
I've been playing for 30+ years and over that time have Played: D&D, Pathfinder, RIFTS, Star Frontiers, Call of Cthulhu, FATE, Traveler, Battletech, Doctor who, and I'm sure a few more games. I've also GM every version of D&D with my main gaming group that has been going strong for 20+ years.
In the past couple years, I've played in a couple daily PbP games on another forum that I moderate, but both died after a few months as RL got in the way for both GMs. (A story I think we all know well.)
I have never played in a PFS game, (so obviously I haven't played any of the Season 0 scenarios) but glancing over the current PFS Guide I don't see much that would be a problem, as I normally don't optimize my characters too much. (I can if needed, but I find it takes the fun out of the game if you can't fail.)
I'll even play the cleric (or in this case Oracle) for the party, as I haven't had a chance to play the healer/support in a very long time. Plus the idea of a idea of being a wandering Holy - Man, always spouting wise saying, just seems fun. It also seems like it would work so much better in PBP then at the table, where I have to think in real-time.
That said, I'd prefer to not be the primary "Face" of the group as I am very rusty on my Golarian politics/history. (Most of my Pathfinder experience has been in a home brew world)
The only one thing I will warn you about is some Fridays (and Major US Holidays) I might not be able to post until the next day. Fridays because that's when my main game group is meets (about once every three weeks), and I'll probably be prepping for the game after work, and Holidays because that's Family time. I'll give you clear warning in advance any days this is the case, but if that's a deal breaker I'd rather have that on the table now.
Let me know if you like what you see above and I'll start putting some meat on the bones of the really rough character concept in my head.

StephNyan |

I decided to aim this run toward players who haven't been playing PFS for too long, but have enough enthusiasm to stick around for a prolonged time. This run isn't intended for players who've already played any of the season 0 scenarios. (The 5th player is an exception, because a spot was already promised to him when I was toying with the idea of doing this run.)
I do thank you for your interest! Maybe we'll see each other in future games. I plan to GM a lot more PFS games in the future, not just runs like these.
Nice to see you've decided to check out this format! PbP is an excellent format for roleplay, and the kind of character you've got a concept for does usually get a lot of opportunities to shine.
Missing a few Fridays isn't the worst, and it's greatly appreciated if you do indeed give me a heads up if you know you won't be around. Judging by your post, I don't expect you'd suddenly disappear. Don't worry about about Golarion politics/history if you enter the run. It's something you can learn about during the ride.
I look forward to seeing your fleshed out character submission!

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I would like to participate! Haven't played any season 0 games so far :) This is the character I would want to join with.
A man with his hood drawn walks into the nearest inn. At first sight he doesn't look out of the ordinary, looking down reveals two very large saw bladed swords. He orders a drink and observers what is going on in the inn.

Twigs |

I've played Hydra's Fang, Slave Pits, and Silent Tide before on my wizard. Could I still be considered? I have played through Reign of Winter here and could probably contact my GM for the credit?
I hadn't realised what a back-catalogue I'd amassed in a relatively short time playing PFS. I've been Play-by-Posting relatively consistently over the last two years, but have only seen a few groups stand the test of time. I'm also dying to play the Dragon's Demand. Is the above too much of a hindrance or could this be the group for me?
I'm a little busy at present with student theatre commitments (should wrap up by April) and coursework but will give some thought to a character this evening. I'm a Sydneysider, but generally don't find the time difference much of an issue. Let me know regarding the above and I'll get cooking on a character (and feel free to poke around my past games and see if you like my style.)

ScrubKai |

Sorry this took so long, I had to double check everything to make sure the character was legal.
The door to the Inn opens, and an attractive young female comes in carrying an overstuffed backpack with a buckler tied on the outside. Her long wavy dark brown hair is held out of her face by a white, blue and violet headscarf that is folded neatly on top of her head. She wears a lose fitting white linen blouse, multi-layered brown wool skirt and the orange sash tied around her waist all of which are dusty but otherwise look in good repair.
Although she does nothing overt to draw attention to herself, many of the patrons in the inn find their eyes drawn to her as she walks to the bar, for she moves confidence and the fluid grace uncommon among humans. She reaches the bar, smoothly turns around and rises up on her tip-toes to rest her pack on the bar, providing her watchers a peek of her dark leather boots under her long skirts. As she slides her arms out of the straps, she seems to notice the patron’s gazes for her hazel eyes widen slightly and just the hint of a knowing smile appears as she turns back to the bar.
She glides up onto a barstool and states in a musical but commanding voice, “Master Innkeeper, a glass of wine and room for ze night. For ze road has been long and ze rest well needed.”
Behind her unnoticed by the patrons who are just beginning to resume their conversations, the mugs of ale on the table behind her suddenly switch potions.
Without further ado, I present Tereze Amnell for your review.
It's a slight variant from my original concept, as that one felt too "Kung Fu", but I think it will provide plenty of opportunities for role play
(Varisian) Female Life Oracle 1
NG Medium Human / Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +0
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +1 shield, +1 dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2
Armor Scale Mail, Medium
Shield Buckler
Spd 20 ft/x4
Melee Club +1 (1d6+1) 20/x2
Melee Melee Dagger +1 (1d4+1) 19-20/x2
Ranged Sling +1 (1d4+1) 20/x2
oracle Spells Known
1 (4/day) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Summon Monster I
0 (at Will) Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Stabilize
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 18
BAB +0, CMB +1, CMD +12
Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT / MEDIUM) (PFCR 118), Augment Summoning (PFCR 118), Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133), Spell Focus (Conjuration) (PFCR 134)
Skills Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perform (dance) +5, Sense Motive +4, Use Magic Device +9
MC Oracle Curse: Haunted (EX) (PFAPG 44), Mystery: Life (PFAPG 48), Revelations: Oracle Channel Positive Energy (SU) 1d6 (5/day) (DC 14)
Traits Dangerously Curious (Magic) (PFAPG 329), Master of Pentacles (Faction: Dark Archive) (PFSc: GtPSOP 14)
Languages Common, Varisian
Gear Backpack, Bedroll, Fish Hook, Flint & Steel, Lantern, Hooded, Mirror, Small Steel, Rope, Silk 50', Sewing Needle, Waterskin, Outfit (Entertainers, Travelers), Holy Symbol, Wooden (Sarenrae), Stones (10), Oil (4), Trail Rations (4)
Let me know if you see anything you need me to change

ScrubKai |

Wow just realized the spelling fail in my last post... It should have said "the mugs of ale on the table behind her suddenly switch positions." not potions.
Although it would be cool if the spirits around me could switch the contents of cups via little arcing fountains, I didn't intend them to do something that flashy.
And just do you know StephNyan, I took that Oracle curse precisely because I expected you to be able to be able to instigate role play situations out of it. So use and abuse that to your hearts content. (assuming the rest of the players are also enjoying that)

Faelyn |

Very interested in a good long, PFS run! I would like to submit Gwendallyn to the game. I have yet to play any of the above listed scenarios and Gwendallyn has not yet seen any PFS play. I just need to finalize the profile with her equipment and background.
She is a Brawler with a focus towards grappling, but that will not be her only focus. I plan to play her as very versatile and want to use Martial Flexibility to it's full potential!

Faelyn |

Mowque, those terms are used in conjunction with Pathfinder Society (link), which is Paizo's living campaign. Check out the link for more information on PFS, but I think you are exactly the sort of folk that the GM is looking for.
Also, forgot to mention in my earlier post, my PFS experience is fairly limited. I've got a Hunter who has played through 3 scenarios, and an investigator who is on her second scenario currently. I played First Steps with a Lore Warden of mine, and have a dead heaven oracle lol.

Mowque |

Mowque, those terms are used in conjunction with Pathfinder Society (link), which is Paizo's living campaign. Check out the link for more information on PFS, but I think you are exactly the sort of folk that the GM is looking for.
Thank you for the explanation! All of the formal terms were a bit intimidating, but I do know how to post and play the game. Let's hope that makes up for my Pathfinder Society inexperience.

StephNyan |

@N N 959 , Twigs, DM Aron Marczylo:
I thank you for your interest, but the run's intended for players who've not played any of the season 0 games or Dragon's Demand. Unless I'm unable to fill a party with such players, I'm not adding anyone else to the party.
The entire run's for PFS credit.
@Urbar Anden:
Looks good! I'll put you on the list of players who want to join.
Also looks good, and nice writing! The haunted curse is my favorite curse, by the way. Just place that character sheet in your character's profile and get her an avatar which we can use on the maps. I'll put you on the list of players who want to join.
Gwendallyn looks like an interesting character to see in action! You've also been added to the list of players who want to join.
If you've not yet played the games in the list for PFS credit, you're qualified to enter! I suggest you take your time to read the PFS guide. Your familiarity with Pathfinder should help you. If you still have questions after reading the guide, feel free to ask them. I look forward to see your investigator!

Sentir Damutu |

And now I figured out how aliases work...This is some pretty accurate art for the guy.
Here is the stat block for him....if I screwed anything up, please tell me what I did! (I have a full and formal Character sheet prepared as well).
Vicard Inck
Male, Human, Investigator 1 (Sleuth)
Chaotic Neutral, Humanoid
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +3 Armor)
8 hp
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 ft.
Sword Cane (1d6 /x2)
Special Attacks
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Iron Will, Iron Will Improved
Skills- Acrobatics +6, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +3, Disable Device +6, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +6, Intimidate +6, Knowledge Dungeoneering +8, Knowledge Local +8, Linguistics +8, Perception +4, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +6
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Orc, Halfling, Gnomish
Other Gear
Studded leather
Mundane Equipment Incoming (got 80 gold left)
Resilient: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves.
(Exchange Faction Campaign trait) Upstanding: Your preferred means of doing business involves giving your clients a fair deal and winning their continued business and good will. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks, and one of these skills (your choice) becomes a class skill for you.
Special Abilities
Usual Investigator and Sleuth Stuff- All filled out on Character Sheet.
Spells: None
Standard Racial Traits: Human Standard
Report from the Absalom City Watch
Criminal File and Record
Name: Vicard Inck
Status: Active
Priority: Medium (Increasing)
Crimes Suspected: Breaking and Entering, Assault, Unlawful Imprisonment, Forgery, Begging, Public Drunkenness, Gambling, Cheating, Theft (minor and major), Perjury, Arson, Robbery, Murder.
Crimes Proved: None
Physical Description: Average height, brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, scarred hands and a number of burns on upper arms. Often dressed in patched cloaks or other clothes. Very rarely armed. Carries an elegant cane, suspect of being a weapon.
Mental Description: Extremely intelligent, cold, distant, incredibly focused on task at hand. Highly resistant to outside influence, be it positive or negative. Posseses vast range of skills and knowledge, which can be brought to bear at will. Exceptionally skilled at gaining advantage over others through tricks, deception, or confusion.
Known Habituation: Various disreputable taverns of the Puddles and the Docks. Previous known residences focused on the Coins and Westgate.
Family: Father- Jack Inck: Minor business clerk, deceased
Mother- Jaewina Inck: No occupation, deceased
Brother- Darvan Inck: Owner of a middle-sized trading firm in the Coins, suspected of illict smuggling
Sister- Indah Inck: Whereabouts Unknown
Known Associates, Comrades, Gang Affiliations: Known to work for varied commercial and criminal organizations. Often hired as an outside contractor, rather than integral member. Remains on the move, suspect that brother provides contacts for jobs.
-Guaril Karela, the Exchange
- The Muckrakers from the Puddles
Known Weakness and Vices: Bouts of excessive drinking to stupor, Gambling (including cheating at games).
History: Inck showed up several years ago, during the investigation into an illict diamond smuggling ring. In essence, he investigated, solved and caught the criminals involved. Instead of turning them over to the authorities however, he had been hired by a rival smuggling ring, who took care of matters.
Disciplined, driven and immune to blandishments and bribes, he soon made a name as the man who could find anyone, anything or any information. jobs have ranged from bounty hunting, union busting, various commercial investigation, industrial spying and sabotage, bodyguard work and private detective. Has worked on both sides of the legal line, usually skirting outright law-breaking. Recently fallen on hard times and has turned to drink. Jobs have gotten simpler and more violent. Is on the run from several crime syndicates.

StephNyan |

If you'd enter the run with a 1 XP character you'd end up out-of-tier later in the run. Hence the requirement of bringing a character with 0 XP.
Thanks, and you're welcome!
Thanks for showing interest!
With the interest this run has gained thus far, and my eagerness to start it, I wish to close recruitment this Sunday. If you've not yet played any season 0 scenario or Dragon's Demand yet, go ahead and submit your character that day or earlier. Nice to see you're interested!
@Eryzule, Lord of Tea:
I like your character's concept, but I wonder how you got a PFS legal dusk elf. Did you get a boon for that? The list of Additional Resources lists the dusk elf as banned from PFS: "Elves: all alternate racial traits, except darkvision; all racial subtypes except arctic and dusk elves, are legal for play; all favored class options, racial archetypes, elven special materials except wyroot, feats, magic items, and spells are legal for play."
@Vicard Inck:
Interesting take on a character background, I like it! Where'd your favorite class bonus go, to an extra skill point? Could you explain how you spent your skill points? You get 6 skill points for being an investigator, 4 for having high Int, and maybe 1 from your fav class bonus, but I think you spent 13 skill points instead of 11.

Sentir Damutu |

@Vicard Inck: You get 6 skill points for being an investigator, 4 for having high Int, and maybe 1 from your fav class bonus, but I think you spent 13 skill points instead of 11.
I also got +1 to Diplomacy from the Upstanding trait (The Exchange campaign trait) but didn't put any ranks in it. Sorry that wasn't clear! Does it check out now?
And thanks for the compliment about the backstory! I like unusual posting formats like police report, at least for backstory and stuff. It gives you a narrative structure that isn't often melded with fiction.

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Oh, whoops. Your right. Overly excited, didn't consider that. Apologies. Fixing. Question, It's a bit vague on this: Can I keep Dreamspeaker? I rid myself of Darkvsion but it outlaws Dusk Elf. So does that mean all the traits associated as well?
Think it's fine. didn't see any rejection for it specifically. Now it's fixed. He's just a 'dark' elf now. Heh.

StephNyan |

PFS is an organized play campaign and has a few strict rules on how to handle XP. One of those is you can't just reroll your character. If a chronicle sheet gives you XP, your character's stuck with the XP.
If you liked playing Aspex, you'll surely be able to find a game for her on these boards. If you want to join this run, you'll need to create a new character.
@Vicard Inck:
That explains the extra 1 there, but what else did you spend your skill points on? Sense Motive also gets an extra 1, but it looks like you also put a rank there. To me it looks like you spent 12 skill points, while you shouldn't have more than 11.
@Eryzule, Lord of Tea:
All alternate racial traits, except darkvision, are legal for elves. Also, you can't be a dusk elf. If you're just a dark-skinned elf with all the racial traits of a dusk elf except darkvision, you're fine.
The reason they did this is that PFS isn't for evil characters, and dusk elves and other elves with darkvision are highly associated with drow. In PFS drow are considered to always be evil.
@Rogar Valertis:
Go ahead and have your character submitted by tomorrow. Make sure you've read the requirements in the original recruitment post. this game's intended for players who haven't yet played any of the games listed in the spoiler.
@Arrack Arza Stormstriker:
Please read the original recruitment post. It mentions the run's intended for characters with 0 XP, which indeed means level 1. If you haven't yet played any of the games mentioned in the spoiler, you may apply with a 0 XP character.
I look forward to reading it!

StephNyan |

Showed interest + character (pretty much) ready:
Eryzule, Lord of Tea (Sovliss) - Sorcerer
Gwendallyn (Faelyn) - Brawler
Tereze Amnell (ScrubKai) - Life Oracle
Urbar Anden (Dinuci) - Ranger
Vicard Inck (Mowque) - Investigator
Showed interest:
Arrack Arza Stormstriker
karlprosek / Aspex
Rogar Valertis

bluntgamer |
Hi there,
I've been thinking about rpging again online, don't have much exp there but have done p&p intermittently for 10/15 years... I wan't going to sign up here for a while but thought I might jump in feet first since you're kicking off a long lasting game from 0 exp, specifically for ppl new to the Society.
If you're happy to deal with some noob actions, then I would like to submit a character. Obviously I'm prepared to make a go of reading up on things. I'd like to throw down with an Alchemist or Fighter (Gladiator)... sorry but I can't find the info for what you want from the build, point buy and so on.
Oh btw, I realise this isn't the place to ask but, can we upload our own avatar or do we have to use a preset?

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GM, some family stuff come up today and I don't believe I will be able to get my background typed up tonight; however, I will work on getting it hammered out first thing tomorrow morning! If something changes and I can get it done tonight I will let you know. Hopefully that will not keep me out of the running!

StephNyan |

Recruitment's open till tomorrow evening. As the evening of the average person on these boards is later than mine, I'll wait till it's Monday where I live before I pick the party members.
You'll find all the rules on character creation in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. If you're going to use abilities, items, etc from other sources than the core rulebook, you can check this page to see if they're legal in PFS. I suggest you first read up on the guide, and then everything will be much clearer to you!
The site only allows you to use a preset avatar for your character.
If you have more questions, feel free to ask them.
Noted. Thanks for letting me know!

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Here's Asarnil. He's a young and arrogant elf from Kyonin who joined the Society for glory (and a misplaced sense of revenge).
Edit: I failed to mention you can see Asarnil's sheet by clicking on his url page in the character's page.
Also I think I qualify with the requirements but I'm not completely sure. This character has not played any season 0 scenarios yet but I, as a player have done so (SS00-06 Black Waters, SS00-08 Slave Pits of Absalom).
Re-Edit: By checking the spoiler tag I probably don't qualify. That's too bad but it's ok. Just let me know if by any chance I can join in or not.

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"Well, seeing as many of us will be waiting for the word..." Eryzule speaks from a table at the recruitment office. His hood removed as he leans back in his seat, back to the corner of the room. Placed before him, a ceremonial tea set of black and yellow, a dagger along the side and a wasp toward the spout. Four cups, each striped with yellow against a black background. The elf looks about, taking a cup in hand, raising it to the group of hopefuls.
"Anyone care to join me?" He asks with a soft smile upon his face. "It's a simple tea, Gnome Garden Herbs, a little honey." The cup rises to his lips, a grin appears as he puts the cup down.