
ScrubKai's page

Organized Play Member. 59 posts (8,396 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.


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Sorry, ran my home game last night and have a bunch of stuff to do for the family this morning, so I won’t be able to finish my fluff and crunch till late tonight.

Immediate answers:
@All, I’ll go older elf good witch. It’s elf so physically she won’t look crone like but she does act old.

@Foxy: ok your background works just a couple changes I’d suggest:
She’s an elf so it’s more a shelter made from woven pine branches then a Shack.
It’s going to be a She not a He.
Other then that it pretty much matches what we had.

As for familire type issues I am good with that thought, with them understanding that if we feel like anything is particularly game breaking we adjust down the line.
As for if he dies: my suggestion is if we use find familiar we make Yorikata come back as a spirit that acts as a standard fox familiar until we either raise dead, or forever if foxy wants to play something else.

For the alternate action economy- I’m good either way the group wants to play it.
Standard boosts - I could be convinced, but not jumping up for it. Most bonuses probably don’t apply to a witch...

What do you all think.... I'm stuck between two different witches in my head flavor wise.

Older Elf who looks on all the younger races like they are children so she quietly keeps them safe from spirital/magic threats while leaving them to deal with the physical threats...
Is more amused by the younger races then grouchy.


Outcast Half Orc witch with a heart of gold but no clue how to act in polite society. Rough around the edges and with no clue about any social norms, he just bulls his way through life making due the best he can, and not understanding why people shun him for wearing things like uncured skins for clothing.
Think native Witch doctor and you'll get the general idea.

In either case I'm looking at a Hedge Witch who will be able to be your cleric, but with some battlefield control and single enemy debuffs.

Two mechanical questions:
1) DM RALTUS Are retraining rules allowed? Could I retrain a healing hex down the line to the Greater Healing Hex?
2) Foxy, I know Unchained Rogues can sneak attack in partial concelement. So will Obsuring mist screw you, or not? I'm thinking ahead, as those kind of spells are on my list and could help to stop Giant's AoO.

Seriously Foxy, just go unchained Rogue is my thought.

Dotting In

She is PFS legal, I Hero lab is good at calling me if I cross a line on that one.

I just forgot I needed to register the PFS number for her on the website and not just create a message board alias.
I was doing it late at night and not thinking....

So I'll dot in with the correct version of her. Go ahead and disable Wen Chen.

FYI, I'm also reaching out to see if any of the consistent people I do non PFS PBP with are interested. I'll PM you names if we don't have a full boat soon and I get a positive response.

I dotted in with Crystal... She's done enough to start, but at some point I've got to write down the history, appearance and personality that's in my head.

Sorry but Giri's post totally made me think of the old game Frogger...
I may be laughing about that this whole game...

Just wondering, what chronical sheet allows that race to be PFS legal?
Not challenging, just wondering, as that's probably an interesting adventure.

I don't know that much about any of the scenarios I haven't played, but I've heard good things about the Season 6 scenario: The Overflow Archive.

I know some other people have said that the Night March of Kalkamedes is good, but that looks like it's on your don't run list.

Hmmmm... I had thought to play an unchained rogue, but then I saw that my build was straight up almost exactly the same as Giri...

Hmmm maybe I'll play a classic blaster sorcerer.

We are starting new level one characters right?
Also this is not CORE I assume.

Maybe we start with one of the evergreen scenarios?
I've never played the wounded wisp, but would be open to any of them.

Now I just have to come up with a good character concept...

Dotting for interest

Yep, I'm not joining you on this one.

Real life is way too busy for me to commit to another AP PbP that I know as well as this one.

That said have fun, this Is truely an epic campaign.

I'll leave you with a couple non spoilerly hints if you want them:


1) Enjoy the dragon scales.
2) Play the long game with the NPCs.

Congrats to all those chosen!

Wow there is clearly a lot of demand for a CotCT game on the boards!

GM Foxy wrote:
I'm not opposed to fighters but a fighter might have a hard time to be useful at the harrowstone. A good played fighter getting more and more frustrated might have it's charme. But it would be a shame if the player gets bored.

Really.... I was considering a Paladin... Would that also fall under the fighter being hard to be useful category? Or are you talking specifically about fighters only?

Interested. Let me pull together a character concept and get something out over the next 24 hours.

Ok, I think I've got my character almost all worked out, just need to finish the background.

But I do have one question: With the a consolidated Athletics Skill, does this impact the number of skill points the characters should have?

6 + 2d6 ⇒ 6 + (2, 5) = 13
6 + 2d6 ⇒ 6 + (2, 2) = 10
6 + 2d6 ⇒ 6 + (4, 1) = 11
6 + 2d6 ⇒ 6 + (4, 1) = 11
6 + 2d6 ⇒ 6 + (1, 4) = 11
6 + 2d6 ⇒ 6 + (3, 3) = 12

Wow ok, looks like a 20 point buy for me. I'm all for playing flawed characters but I don't think I could make anything out of those rolls.

Can I assume an unchained Rogue is allowed? I've wanted to try one out and haven't Had a chance yet.

Please cancel my adventure path subscription, and if possible my pending order.
Thank you. I just have no desire to have an evil adventure path...

Double CD and monthly Releases!!!! You know how to make me happy!

Thank you Vic. And monthly two disk releases!!!!!
Color me very happy!!!

Wow it really is hard to make an effective rouge out of core. I am probably going to change to a bard/archer.

I'm interested... And have not played any season 5 adventures.
I'll have to build a Core character, I'm thinking a skill monkey which means a Rogue in core.

As for me I'm a long time D&D player who's GMed and played every version of D&D and some Pathfinder. I've played a few Pathfinder PbP games already, and am currently working though season 0 of PFS in PbP here.
I'll throw together a Core Rogue and post it here.

Well the fact that something is still in the works is good news... Hopefully not too many more months more...

So it's been 4 months, any more news about the next set of audio dramas?

Yes, I think there are a number of us hitting refresh this morning on this thread

rorek55 wrote:
are aasimars still allowed in PFS?

As I understand it no.

I think they used to be allowed, but have been removed In the latest season of the PFS as a playable race.

StephNyan wrote:
It's an open recruitment. So even if 10 people have already applied, you've still got a shot.

Given the above I would assume the deadline is the 22nd and no the characters aren't set yet so others can still jump in.

Wow just realized the spelling fail in my last post... It should have said "the mugs of ale on the table behind her suddenly switch positions." not potions.
Although it would be cool if the spirits around me could switch the contents of cups via little arcing fountains, I didn't intend them to do something that flashy.

And just do you know StephNyan, I took that Oracle curse precisely because I expected you to be able to be able to instigate role play situations out of it. So use and abuse that to your hearts content. (assuming the rest of the players are also enjoying that)

Sorry this took so long, I had to double check everything to make sure the character was legal.

The door to the Inn opens, and an attractive young female comes in carrying an overstuffed backpack with a buckler tied on the outside. Her long wavy dark brown hair is held out of her face by a white, blue and violet headscarf that is folded neatly on top of her head. She wears a lose fitting white linen blouse, multi-layered brown wool skirt and the orange sash tied around her waist all of which are dusty but otherwise look in good repair.

Although she does nothing overt to draw attention to herself, many of the patrons in the inn find their eyes drawn to her as she walks to the bar, for she moves confidence and the fluid grace uncommon among humans. She reaches the bar, smoothly turns around and rises up on her tip-toes to rest her pack on the bar, providing her watchers a peek of her dark leather boots under her long skirts. As she slides her arms out of the straps, she seems to notice the patron’s gazes for her hazel eyes widen slightly and just the hint of a knowing smile appears as she turns back to the bar.

She glides up onto a barstool and states in a musical but commanding voice, “Master Innkeeper, a glass of wine and room for ze night. For ze road has been long and ze rest well needed.”

Behind her unnoticed by the patrons who are just beginning to resume their conversations, the mugs of ale on the table behind her suddenly switch potions.

Without further ado, I present Tereze Amnell for your review.
It's a slight variant from my original concept, as that one felt too "Kung Fu", but I think it will provide plenty of opportunities for role play

Stat Block:

(Varisian) Female Life Oracle 1
NG Medium Human / Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +0
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +1 shield, +1 dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2
Armor Scale Mail, Medium
Shield Buckler
Spd 20 ft/x4
Melee Club +1 (1d6+1) 20/x2
Melee Melee Dagger +1 (1d4+1) 19-20/x2
Ranged Sling +1 (1d4+1) 20/x2
oracle Spells Known
1 (4/day) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Summon Monster I
0 (at Will) Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Stabilize
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 18
BAB +0, CMB +1, CMD +12
Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT / MEDIUM) (PFCR 118), Augment Summoning (PFCR 118), Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133), Spell Focus (Conjuration) (PFCR 134)
Skills Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perform (dance) +5, Sense Motive +4, Use Magic Device +9
MC Oracle Curse: Haunted (EX) (PFAPG 44), Mystery: Life (PFAPG 48), Revelations: Oracle Channel Positive Energy (SU) 1d6 (5/day) (DC 14)
Traits Dangerously Curious (Magic) (PFAPG 329), Master of Pentacles (Faction: Dark Archive) (PFSc: GtPSOP 14)
Languages Common, Varisian
Gear Backpack, Bedroll, Fish Hook, Flint & Steel, Lantern, Hooded, Mirror, Small Steel, Rope, Silk 50', Sewing Needle, Waterskin, Outfit (Entertainers, Travelers), Holy Symbol, Wooden (Sarenrae), Stones (10), Oil (4), Trail Rations (4)

Let me know if you see anything you need me to change

I'll throw my hat into the ring for this one.

Since you don't know me from Adam a bit of my role playing biography:
I've been playing for 30+ years and over that time have Played: D&D, Pathfinder, RIFTS, Star Frontiers, Call of Cthulhu, FATE, Traveler, Battletech, Doctor who, and I'm sure a few more games. I've also GM every version of D&D with my main gaming group that has been going strong for 20+ years.
In the past couple years, I've played in a couple daily PbP games on another forum that I moderate, but both died after a few months as RL got in the way for both GMs. (A story I think we all know well.)

I have never played in a PFS game, (so obviously I haven't played any of the Season 0 scenarios) but glancing over the current PFS Guide I don't see much that would be a problem, as I normally don't optimize my characters too much. (I can if needed, but I find it takes the fun out of the game if you can't fail.)

I'll even play the cleric (or in this case Oracle) for the party, as I haven't had a chance to play the healer/support in a very long time. Plus the idea of a idea of being a wandering Holy - Man, always spouting wise saying, just seems fun. It also seems like it would work so much better in PBP then at the table, where I have to think in real-time.
That said, I'd prefer to not be the primary "Face" of the group as I am very rusty on my Golarian politics/history. (Most of my Pathfinder experience has been in a home brew world)

The only one thing I will warn you about is some Fridays (and Major US Holidays) I might not be able to post until the next day. Fridays because that's when my main game group is meets (about once every three weeks), and I'll probably be prepping for the game after work, and Holidays because that's Family time. I'll give you clear warning in advance any days this is the case, but if that's a deal breaker I'd rather have that on the table now.

Let me know if you like what you see above and I'll start putting some meat on the bones of the really rough character concept in my head.

Each of the six adventures provide the characters with about the right level of experience to start the next section.

No additional adventures are required.

Kingmaker is interesting in that each book includes a number of little quests that can be fleshed out more if the PCs ever fall behind in XP

Agree Kretzer.
The series started as just OK to me, but I was fully on board by the end.

And yes I think they handled everything in the last episode well, including any romance that might be there.

it was a great ride, I highly suggest you pick up the series.

So when did this move to Febuary?
I thought this was supposed to be a late January release.

I've been using this product for a while now, and it's great both for the RotRL AP and for my own custom adventures. It's really simple to make this work without ever being intrusive/distracting from the game.

It's one of the very few tools I bring to the game every week. It's right up there with extra dice and minis on my usefulness scale.

This is the best Holiday present I could have gotten from you all.
I love those audio dramas. Seriously the first two chapters of RotRL may be the thing I have listened too most often on my way to work.

Great to hear they will be returning.
Want to drop any clues what the next AP might be?

Nope only 4 on this journey.
And it's a good call, it gives each character enough "screen time" to shine and still tell a good story with the othe NPCs.

If you haven't tried it you should, the story is great.
Hopefully Seoni and Kyra show up in the next story.

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As I understand it, The cult had a split. Some of he old guard wants to carry on the old ways, but the younger guard is saying, look guys you interpreted the founding prophecy wrong and it's not dead dragons we are supposed to bring back, but lost dragons.

That's why the younger members think they have failed for all these years.

So they think maybe lost dragon means a mama dragon who has been locked in hell for 1000 years.

Subject says it all.

We have a very simple rule. Anything is on the table if it fits the story. However, If anyone in the group holds up their hand and says stop, the subject us dropped off screen immediately and never brought on screen again. No questions are asked,

It's happened twice in the 20 some years that the various versions of the group has been together.

That said, adult themes are almost always brought in in shades of grey, and the full scope of consequences dealt with.

Heck the three primary themes of our current game deal with:
1) what does it really mean to be religious in a world where angels and demons are seen periodically?
2) how does one deal with rampant sexism against females in society at large?
3) what are the implications of socal expectations and mental state of an in the closet homosexual, who was previously raped, and who was partially"fixed" by an enemy to match society's norms, via mind magic.

Now that I have the full RotRL set, it's time to cancel my adventure Card Game subscription. That game is going to easily provide my kids and I plenty of enjoyment for the rest of the year.


I agree with blathers. It depends on what they are trying to do.
I would give them the +2 to save if they used the blanket as a real blanket would be used.
They need to be wrapped in it, not moving and in an enclosed space out of the wind where your body heat could keep you reasonably warm (like in a tent or makeshift shelter) and you are using prestdigitation to warm the blanket/area up.

If you are walking around or standing in the wind not so much... For that you would need endure elements for that.

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If you wanted to go outside of combat for your role, you could be your parties "Face" character.

You could also pull off a controller wizard (fog clouds, rays of enfeeblement, walls, grease, flaming sphere, etc) who messes with the battle field make the monsters tactics not work.

Heck you could run a sorcerer and combine those two roles.

If you want to do the rescue, then bringing along the extra monglemen for the players without PCs is the way to go.

As for why Hosilla has not killed them: after interrogating them and finding out they know nothing, have her throw them in a room to wait to become sacrifices for some demon.
You can even role play out the interrogation and capture over email before the game, and use it to feed the players the hints they need when they get back to the surface. (Rather then the blatant note that lists all the safe houses that the adventure uses.) Makes the capture seem like a bonus, and does not impact the rest of the adventure at all.
Heck you can still throw in the note, if the PCs don't bite on the info from your role play.

Male heterosexual in real life.

For characters too many to list, but some of the highlights I in the sex department were:

Asexual warforged sorcerer who was confused by why the humans chased each other around like they did.

Male straight really young human fighter who was grappling with his sexuality and crushing on all the females around him, but way too shy to ever do anything about it.

Female human with unearthly beauty (random rolls in front of witnesses) who was repeatedly abused as a pre-teen and had major sexual and self confidence issues. (Ended up marrying the party paladin because he was the only one she trusted wasn't after her body)

And the current character in 1890s era Dresden: average looking straight male catholic militant monk (knight Templar soon to be knight of the cross) who is having major issues holding to his vow of celibacy with the really cute barmaid he is friends with.
Interestingly this is the most sexual focused game we have played in a while due to another homosexual male character who was in the closet until he got mind probed by a socialite lady who then tried to "fix" him and make him marry a girl in town. We rescued him but not before she implanted a horror of homosexuality in his brain, so now he hates himself, and we all have been dealing with the fallout of that for many sessions now.

Male ex-space marine who would bed anything and anyone he could.

I would let fly beat a couple of the challenges, then have the person being chased adapt by running into a closed off area, sewer, warrens, dense forest, cave, etc.

Then the obstacles just get translated to something in the new environment. I would also give the PC with fly +1 or +2 on all his checks in the closed environment.

It makes the PC feel like they got an advantage and were smart for figuring this out, the NPC seem realistic for adapting, and the GM can still use the bulk of the encounter as planned.

Generally a win all around.

Unless of course you wanted to shorten the encounter then just roll with it.
PCs will always come up with something you don't expect. If it's a major problem for you session, don't be afraid to say, "guys let's take a snack break" and use the time to figure out a way to agree with them while making your encounter still happen just in a cooler way, with the PCs having an advantage or penalty.

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I so want this line to do well enough that Big finish does double cd versions of the next adventure path. Anything we can do besides just encouraging others to get copies of this?

Does digital vs cd matter or anything, or subscriptions here or there?

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I'd suggest that you split the difference.

Have the kings popular heir die in a tragic accident and the king beg the party to travel to x great temple where a great miracle was said to have been performed and x hero was brought back from the dead.

When the party travels there the high priest agrees to come back with them and try... In the groups travels back to the king role play out the high priest explaining that such spells don't always work, but rather are dependent on the favor the Soul being raised had with the power the spell is being asked from.

Then have the priest fail in his raising of the prince.

Oh and I would make it a ritual of some type that could call on any great power (god demon lord, arch devil, great primal spirit, etc) rather then just another spell of x level.

Shows that such a thing is possible but sets the bar high and leaves it up to the characters to decide if they want to do the work needed to earn an entities favor for the spell.

mikeawmids wrote:

The showdown with the Scorched Hands is only really necessary at all because the book indicates it should occur. Does it really matter who loots the temple as long as the third party necromancer guy gets the relic? It will have zero impact on the rest of the AP, with the possible exception of who does/does not come back to attack the party as an undead.

I'm waiting for book 2 to become available, but it does seem that you could probably start the AP there and miss book 1 out entirely, if you were so inclined.

You know I think that is my biggest issue with the book, unless there is something I'm missing it feels like it's just themed filler before the story starts.

There's not even much in the written module to make the PCs care about the town for the second book. I need to create that all based on the Gazetter.

One of the tropes of Pulp Egyptian stories, that I think Jim was going for, is everything is fine untill the tomb gets raided. Well I want to make it so that the PCs raiding the tomb directly kicks off what happens next. So does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

I'm thinking something along the lines of the players meeting Nebta-Khufre in the guise of a historian trying to write the history of the city of Wati. (He could be a underground competor to the church of Pharasmin who is willing to offer a bit more for historic docs) As part of the loot in the House of Pentheru the PCs find an old map of Wati. If they sell it to him, he pays them then seems to skip town, (Really leaves to get the mask) and they get a big suprise when they finally confront him in the next book.

Any other thoughts of how they could be responsible for what happens next? I want something as backup in case they don't bite on the historian angle or just dump the doc at the church.

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