PFS PBP - The Prince of Augustana (#0-13) lvl 1-5 (Inactive)

Game Master Revvy Bitterleaf

Setting Pools

Sewer Junction

Alsmans Sanctuary

Relios Emporium

Scarab Sages

Hi all,

Looking for 4 players who can post at least once a day with legal PFS characters to form a balanced party who can post at least once a day to play through this scenario. It's a season 0 scenario and if everyone posts at least once a day we should be able to get through this one in about 2-3 weeks.

The Exchange

Level 4 alchemist available :). My level 2 paladin archer is also available in case people want to play low tier.

Scarab Sages

If we get enough people and/or enough lvl differences I'm ok with running both a low tier and a high tier table

The Exchange

Cool, prefer the alchemist. He is so awesome :D.

The Exchange

I'd love a spot!

I have a level 1 Wizard who is just finishing up another adventure. If he doesn't quite finish, I have a level 1 Paladin I could bring instead.

[This is Clandelve from your other campaign...would love to join another!]

Liberty's Edge

I have this level 2 Ranged Fighter available.

I'd love to play.

I have a level 3 cleric if it's played at high tier, or a level 1 magus(kensai) if it's played at low tier.

Liberty's Edge

I'd love to join in on some Augustana fun with my f2/r2, Ilo.

Silver Crusade

I've played this before under you, on a different character, but I'd love to join you again if you need an additional person for the T1 table. I can keep it spoiler free :)

This chars a lvl 1/1XP Dawnflower Dervish with Voice in the Void completed.

Grand Lodge

Oracle/ Sorcerer blaster ready to go!

Silver Crusade

I have a 3.33 summoner for high tier and a 1.66 hunter or 1.66 bloodrager for low tier.

The Exchange

Here is my bloodrager. I would prefer to play on him, but I could post the stats for the others if necessary.

Silver Crusade

I have a level 4 oracle to play the higher tier.

Scarab Sages

I'm...very new to Pathfinder in general, but I do love the game, and I would like to see what these online campaigns are all about.
All I have to offer is a level 1 Summoner, if that interests you.

Would love to play through this with you Rev with a lv 2 blasting wizard type.
Be even better if his buddy Archie could come too (also a lv 2 wizard)

I have a level 1 Monk as well as a level 1 Barbarian available for this!

Scarab Sages

Just to summarize what we have right now;

Tarquin-RK - lvl 4 Alchemist (prefered) or lvl 2 paladin
Thael Silverstep - lvl 1 wizard (or paladin)
Tori Petrana - lvl 2 ranged fighter
Marko_d3 - lvl 3 cleric or lvl 1 magus
Ilo Havenshine - lvl2fighter/2 ranger
Delphinia Elsabis d’Calathes's - orcale2/sorceresses1
Old Iron Tyr - lvl 1 bloodrager
Hawk Lifebinder - lvl 4 oracle
Ilyjah Hightower - summoner 1
Evil minion - wizard 2
(Archie - wizard 2?)
Alex Mack - lvl 1 monk or lvl 1 barbarian
Hrothdane - summoner 3 or hunter 1

@Lore Jorison - this isn't one of the scenario's that can be replayed for credit, you could tag along but you'd risk loosing consumables and hps and you would get no chronicle at the end (so no gold and no xp), but if you want you are welcome to tag along with one of the lower tier tables but there won't be much variation since the other time you've played this..or you can wait to see if another table opens up

So I think that would a high lvl table of:
Targquin-RK lvl 4 alchemist
Ilo - lvl 4 (fighter/ranger)
Marko_d3 Cleric lvl 3 cleric
Hawk Lifebinder - lvl 4 oracle

and a low lvl table of:
Thael - wizard (or paladin) 1
Old iron - bloodrager 1
Ilyah - summoner 1
Delphinia Elsabis d’Calathes's - orcale2/sorceresses1

And then one more table with;
Evil minion - wizard 2
Tori Petrana - lvl 2 ranged fighter
Alex mack - monk or barbarian 1
Hrothdane - hunter 1 (or lvl 3 summoner since it won't effect the tier that will be played at)
(Archie - wizard 2?)

So if everyone agrees with this and can make sure their character profiles are up to date and they have registered PFS numbers we can get started.

High lvl table can stay here and check into gameplay and discussion and get started.

The first low lvl table can start as soon as I set up a second thread

The other low lvl table can get started as soon as I set up a third thread and Archie can join if he wants and shows up on time.

I'll post links here as soon as I've set them up

Scarab Sages

Thael - wizard (or paladin) 1
Old iron - bloodrager 1
Ilyah - summoner 1
Delphinia Elsabis d’Calathes's - orcale2/sorceresses1

please check in here

Evil minion - wizard 2
Tori Petrana - lvl 2 ranged fighter
Alex mack - monk or barbarian 1
Hrothdane - hunter 1 (or lvl 3 summoner since it won't effect the tier that will be played at)
(Archie - wizard 2?)
please check in here

Still have room? I have a level 1 gunslinger who wants in.

Scarab Sages

Sure, we haven't started yet and not everyone has checked feel free to join either of the low level tables if you have an updated PFS legal character

I have a level 4 gnome cavalier and a level 2 that I can rebuild into anything, so I'm open to what's needed.

Crap I just saw this. The Prince of Augustana is the only 1-5 scenario I haven't played from the early sets. Is there still room? I have a Cleric 2, Fighter 3, Barbarian 1, and who know what else.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

So far only 2 people have signed in to the high tier table, so I'm opening up check-ins for that one again so people with lvl 3+ characters can check into the discussion thread here, I'll start that game as soon as 4 people have signed in.

Both low level tables have started already; so everyone else..I might start a new table after one of these tables has finished, so you might still get a chance to play this..just later

Grand Lodge

Just saw this. Revvy, if you start a new table later, please consider Trig. Bard 2.

Edit:(Well he's supposed to be bard 2. Without a new game to place him in, I never leveled him up. Easily rectified.)

Sovereign Court

I will drop my F2R2 if you want another low table I have a level 2 as well Horef the 1/2 orc rogue

Liberty's Edge

Do you have room for a level 3 gnome alchemist?

Scarab Sages

3 people signed in for the high lvl one right now...could use an extra lvl 3+ to get that table ready to roll actualy

Liberty's Edge

np Ilo is here for ya

The Exchange

2nd level barbarian also looking for a game if you run a 3rd table at low tier at some stage.

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