PFS PBP - The Prince of Augustana (#0-13) lvl 1-5 (Inactive)

Game Master Revvy Bitterleaf

Setting Pools

Sewer Junction

Alsmans Sanctuary

Relios Emporium

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Scarab Sages

I think I didn't give you the room description of the second room just in case I did forget;
The next rooms are vaults lined with shelves thick with growing yellowcap mushrooms.

A DC 20 Knowledge (nature) check:
The mushrooms cause
hallucinations when eaten. Yellowcaps were a popular drug among the nobility decades ago, but fell out of fashion in the wake of the People’s Revolution so are now worthless.

More faerie effigies hide among the mushrooms, and on the very back wall, is painted a portal, a large circle of swirling color patterns. On the floor lies an open and empty scroll case next to a slightly charred, blank
piece of parchment.
A DC 10 Spellcraft check:
The parchment are the remains of a used scroll

Take 20 is fine, you have a lot of time here. You identify all the items listed above.
No lingering aura's though..other then maybe on the spent scroll that you found on the floor.

The Exchange

AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Corrosive Bite +7/9 (1d6+9/1d8+13) +1d6 acid, Corrosive Claws +9 (1d6+13+1d6 acid), Cold Iron/Silver Morningstar +7 (1d8+14), Mwk Comp Longbow +7 (1d8+6), Alch. Bomb +7 (3d6+7) 20/x2 Splash [Fire]
Craft (alchemy) +21, Disable Device +13, Fly +6, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Perception +13 [Find Traps +15], Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +8, Survival +6

Tarquin searches the room as well (take 20 for 30).

Liberty's Edge

Female Gnome Alchemist 8 HP 15/59; AC 23; TCH 16; FF 19; F +9; R +11; W +6; CMB+6; CMD 21; Speed 15FT; Init +2; Bombs 13/13; Alch. F. 10/10; Perception +12

Is Lymwin still sickened? If not she wants to know everythig about this room :)

"Hey, whats in here. Show me please! Can I eat this? I'm hungry, lost all my lunch outside." Lymwin points at the mushrooms.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Wizard [6] | HP 24/26 | AC14 [18] T14 FF11 [15] | F+4 R+8 W+8 | CMB+3 CMD 18 | Init+10 SM+3 Perc+11 | Spellcraft +14 |

Nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

I suppose you could but don't take my word for it.

Nivik will examine the "portal" a bit more closely. Take 10 or 20 with a +8

Silver Crusade

Human Male Oracle 5 HPs 31/41, AC 17 FF 16 T 12, CMD 16, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4, Init +3, Per +8
Current Effects:

k. Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Hrmmm. I wouldn't. Not unless you want hallucinations for awhile. Those are Yellowcaps. Besides I think it's safe to say that eating anything in a demon infested area is best avoided.

Liberty's Edge

Female Gnome Alchemist 8 HP 15/59; AC 23; TCH 16; FF 19; F +9; R +11; W +6; CMB+6; CMD 21; Speed 15FT; Init +2; Bombs 13/13; Alch. F. 10/10; Perception +12

All this assuming she's not sickened any more.

"I'll try." Lymwin says and takes a small bite. She's an alchemist and into drugs, interest-wise not abuse-wise. She wants to know what happens to the body, maybe she can use it in her potions and mutagens.

The Exchange

AC 19 (25 w shield, mutagen and haste) (T 12, FF 17). HP 45, Fort +8, Ref +8(+9 due to haste), Will +5. Init +2, CMB 9/CMD 21, Speed 30ft/40ft on charge, run and withdraw
Corrosive Bite +7/9 (1d6+9/1d8+13) +1d6 acid, Corrosive Claws +9 (1d6+13+1d6 acid), Cold Iron/Silver Morningstar +7 (1d8+14), Mwk Comp Longbow +7 (1d8+6), Alch. Bomb +7 (3d6+7) 20/x2 Splash [Fire]
Craft (alchemy) +21, Disable Device +13, Fly +6, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Perception +13 [Find Traps +15], Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +8, Survival +6

"I usually just collect rare samples and study them in my lab... I am not carrying you when you puke your guts out Lymwin." Tarquin says.

Liberty's Edge

Female Gnome Alchemist 8 HP 15/59; AC 23; TCH 16; FF 19; F +9; R +11; W +6; CMB+6; CMD 21; Speed 15FT; Init +2; Bombs 13/13; Alch. F. 10/10; Perception +12

"Ah, it will go away, I have an iron liver."

The reason why I let Lymwin take a bite of the mushrooms is to see if there is an effect between the mushroom hallucinations and the painted gate.

Scarab Sages

It's safe to assume you are no longer sickened by the time you start investigating everything in here

Tarquin finds all the stuff that I listed before when I said what you found when examining the area

Nivik studies the portal and finds out it's just drawn there by someone, and not even that great of an artist.

As Lynwin eats a bit of the mushroom she sees the portal start to spin and spark appear and it changes colors ..over and over

(nothing happens..she's just tripping)

Silver Crusade

Human Male Oracle 5 HPs 31/41, AC 17 FF 16 T 12, CMD 16, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4, Init +3, Per +8
Current Effects:

Assuming Lymwin relates his experience, I think I have a pretty decent picture of what happened.

So a tripped out 'Prince' see's what? His father, or possibly grandfather 'Emperor' Relios, do a planar summoning for a couple of Dretches that backfires. 'Emperor' Relios gets incinerated, and the 'Prince' gets chased down while still seeing things while on drugs. Wonderful.

Doesn't explain how he had a Wayfinder, but I suppose there are a variety of ways a drug lord could get one. At least a gang of thugs was stopped or at least slowed, and this mess cleaned up. I don't think anyone wants actual demons in the sewers.

If either one of you alchemists want some of this for study (or any other reason, but Hawk won't ask) then take your samples. I'd like to destroy the rest

Once that's done - Time to head back and make our report. After a bath.

Liberty's Edge

Female Gnome Alchemist 8 HP 15/59; AC 23; TCH 16; FF 19; F +9; R +11; W +6; CMB+6; CMD 21; Speed 15FT; Init +2; Bombs 13/13; Alch. F. 10/10; Perception +12

"Oh look! The portal spins! It opens! Look at those beautiful colors!" Lymwin says before she starts laughing crazily.

Grand Lodge

Male Elf Wizard [6] | HP 24/26 | AC14 [18] T14 FF11 [15] | F+4 R+8 W+8 | CMB+3 CMD 18 | Init+10 SM+3 Perc+11 | Spellcraft +14 |

Nivik simply grunts and agrees with Hawk. Ignoring Lymwin he nods and starts back with the party to make their report.

Scarab Sages

After setting the mushrooms on fire (and making sure to not inhale the smoke?) you return to report on your findings. Venture-Captain Caudron Wallace is more relieved than disappointed that there is no otherworldly portal in the sewers, but mostly self-satisfied that the whole thing was a waste of his time as he predicted.

He decides that Gandros can't return there and he has him committed to an asylum.
He magnanimously grants you anything they want from among the remains of the Emporium basement.
The conditions are little better than Gandros existing home, but he happily christens the place “his new royal palace" and goes on living in his delusion.

I'll send the chronicles out somewhere this weekend

And he got the wayfinder from his father, who used to be a pathfinder a long time ago

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