Marko_d3's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts (349 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


Dotting for interest.

Many lvl 1 characters and ready to make more if necessary.

I'm interested.

I'd like to pay with a Peri-blooded aasimar arcanist, but I have some others characters with 1 or 2 XP ready to play.

I'd lie if I'd say that I don't care about the rewards, but that's not my main concern. In my (little) experience, playing a subtier 2 with a 3+ level character makes it too easy to be fun.

But OK, I'm gonna trust you. If your impression is that this scenario is too risky to be played only by levels 1-2, I suppose it can be challenging enough.

So, ready to play :-)

Maybe we can reach a compromise :-)

I just finished GMing "The Confirmation". I can assign the chronicle sheet to a new cleric and buy him a wand of CLW with prestige points.

Do you think that would be enough for the scenario?

I find subtier 1-2 not challenging enough for a level 3, specially for early scenarios. Could it be possible to play with another character?

I'd love to play.

I can post almost every day. My timezone is GMT+1. Spanish is my native language, so I could play with no problem :-)

Available Characters:
Seinto: Aasimar Cleric 3
Espada: Human Magus (Kensai) 1
Sehrli: Aasimar (Emberkin) Arcanist 1
Waman: Human Rogue (Spy) 1

I'd love to play.

I have a level 3 cleric if it's played at high tier, or a level 1 magus(kensai) if it's played at low tier.