OutPost 1: GM Kate's Sanctuary of Drowned Delight, Table 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Kate Baker

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SP 54/54 HP 44/44 RP 8/8 EAC 16 ; KAC 17 Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +5 Init+9 Perc: +2

Slotted Faction: Exoguardians (Starting Reputation: 14)
Starting Wayfinder Rep: 0
Dayjob: None but I have:
True Savior of Tasch (Slotless Boon; Limited Use): You helped ensure a measure of prosperity for the Akitonian town of Tasch by enticing AbadarCorp to set up a shipping outpost in the town. You can forgo making a day job roll to instead devote time to assist with the growth of Tasch. Any time you opt to do so, check a box on this boon and make a note on the Chronicle sheet associated with that scenario, indicating you partook in this endeavor. Once all boxes on this boon are marked, you receive 500 UPBs as recompense from the people of Tasch for helping to develop their now-thriving town. These UPBs cannot be converted to credits and must be used to craft some form of equipment.

So if you could note on the sheet that I've done that that would be great.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male LG android icon envoy (starfinder forerunner) 6/operative 1/soldier 1 | SP 35/49 HP 23/53 | RP 5/8 | EAC 25; KAC 26 | Fort +4; Ref +11; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +8, SM: +10 | Speed 40ft | Field Fix 1/1 | Active conditions: None.

Ricardo Rosete
Slotted Faction: Second Seekers (Luwasi Elsebo)
Starting Reputation: 28
Wayfinders Reputation: 1
Day Job: Profession (Orator): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (7) + 16 = 23

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Shadow of the Vault Lord || Extinction Curse

Boon Rolls!

Omen-Seeker: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Dart: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Rocket: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Al2O3: 1d20 ⇒ 4
701: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Raia: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Kate: 1d20 ⇒ 8

Yay, Omen-Seeker!: 1d2 ⇒ 1
Yay, 701!: 1d2 ⇒ 1

Chronicle sheets are here except for Dart because I still need your information!

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male LG android icon envoy (starfinder forerunner) 6/operative 1/soldier 1 | SP 35/49 HP 23/53 | RP 5/8 | EAC 25; KAC 26 | Fort +4; Ref +11; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +8, SM: +10 | Speed 40ft | Field Fix 1/1 | Active conditions: None.

Thank you for running Kate! I had a blast here (And that boon roll =P, that's my second boon from Outpost, in 2 tables xD)


| ES 0/0 | SP 42/42 | HP 40/40 | RP 8/8 | EAC 25 KAC 26 CMD 34 | Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +5 (+2 vs. Disease/Poison/Mind-Affecting effects) | Init +8 | Perception +12 (Darkvision 60ft) | Speed 30' | Active Effects: Memory Module (*) |Combat Tracking (-) | Wireless Hack (-) | Energy Shield (-) | Environmental Seals (8) | Nonbinary CG Android Scholar Mechanic 6

Yar!! Congratulations to you both on the boon rolls!

It was a ton of fun playing this scenario, Kate! Thank you SO much for letting me take that last minute open spot!!!

I really enjoyed playing this scenario with all of you, friends! I hope to do so again either online or in person! :)

Sovereign Court

The chronicle sheet looks fine - thanks for running that :-)


SP 54/54 HP 44/44 RP 8/8 EAC 16 ; KAC 17 Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +5 Init+9 Perc: +2

Thanks for running this, it was fun. I got a bit confused on what they were up to for a while, but I'm glad that got cleared up at the end.


Male Kasathas Solarian 7 |SP 56/56 HP 53/53|Force field 10/10 (10) OFF RP 6/6 | EAC 19 KAC 21| Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +6|Init +3|Percep: +5 |Speed 60ft,fly 60ft (avg)| Current attunement: Photon 1 | Condition:

Name. Andrew Harasty
Pfs character. 3645-701
Slotted faction. Exo-guardian 20
Wayfinder 1

profession evangelist: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

Sigh. Well did not use it in game shirt reroll (with one nova)

profession evangelist: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 11 + 1 = 13

Oh well. No one seems to care about the story of The Drinkless God :)


Male Kasathas Solarian 7 |SP 56/56 HP 53/53|Force field 10/10 (10) OFF RP 6/6 | EAC 19 KAC 21| Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +6|Init +3|Percep: +5 |Speed 60ft,fly 60ft (avg)| Current attunement: Photon 1 | Condition:

Lots of fun with y'all. Great mod GM


HP 40, SP 38, RP 6; EAC 16, KAC 16; F+4, R+3, W+8; Init +2; Perc +12, SM +12

Thanks! It was really cool to play with the author! Was there anything cut from your original draft that you miss?

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Shadow of the Vault Lord || Extinction Curse

All right, Dart's chronicle is added to the folder!

There really wasn't very much cut! A few things were added, like the Easter Egg for Save the Renkrodas and the details of the former First Seeker in the painting.

Also, I need email addresses for 701 and Omen-Seeker since you won boons! Feel free to DM me if you don't want to publicly post it.


Male Kasathas Solarian 7 |SP 56/56 HP 53/53|Force field 10/10 (10) OFF RP 6/6 | EAC 19 KAC 21| Fort +6 Ref +5 Will +6|Init +3|Percep: +5 |Speed 60ft,fly 60ft (avg)| Current attunement: Photon 1 | Condition:

Thanks. Looks good.

I have enjoyed the idea that they are seeding the future scenarios. It is a nice bonus for those that pay attention when the play, or those of us that run them all and can see the hooks.


| ES 0/0 | SP 42/42 | HP 40/40 | RP 8/8 | EAC 25 KAC 26 CMD 34 | Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +5 (+2 vs. Disease/Poison/Mind-Affecting effects) | Init +8 | Perception +12 (Darkvision 60ft) | Speed 30' | Active Effects: Memory Module (*) |Combat Tracking (-) | Wireless Hack (-) | Energy Shield (-) | Environmental Seals (8) | Nonbinary CG Android Scholar Mechanic 6

Now that I'm prepping to run this scenario in just under two weeks, I've started to read through it. I'm suddenly super glad that I had also recently GMed #1-04 locally, which perhaps helped me to remember the "muncher" detail!

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