Once Upon a Time in Golarion

Game Master vayelan

A Kingmaker game with an emphasis on politics and the mundane

Loot, NPC, and Misc Tracker
Kingdom Tracker Spreadsheet
Settlement Tracker: Horace

Map of the Greenbelt
Kingdom Building Rules

Current Encounter Map:
Ambush at Varnhold Pass

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SmooshieBanana wrote:
Scarlet Grey … is a kitsune huntress who … is unusually stealthy in her fox shape

I love fox shape.

~The Vixen’s player

(…though the Vermilion Vixen is not Kitsune. My original concept for her was, though. Had I known more of the DEX-fighter feats, I might have designed her that way!)

I know! I can't play a kitsune without it!

@Trevor86: Piranha Strike is okay

@Katine: Devotee of the Green is okay.


Frankly, I'm willing to say that - in regards to feats, traits, and most other character creation facets - as long as it comes from Paizo-published material, I will give it the tentative green light.

If anything comes up that I fear might be problematic (which seems very unlikely), I will send a private message so we can work it out.

The big man takes a sip of the tepid ale. It wasn’t robust or especially flavorful, but it wasn’t bad, especially for an establishment that had only recently been pegged together out of green lumber. He sets it down as he considers the ingredients behind the slight aftertaste.

”Ah. That wets the whistle.”

He looks back at the person chatting with him at the bar and finished out the story.

”So anyway friend, that’s how I came to be out here and how I shed my old name to become known as Ivan the Blackshield, which has kind of just become Ivan Blackshield—Heh! Or even just “Blackshield” to some, but whatever works right!?”

”So hearing about this opportunity I was like, yeah, what a great chance to use my mechanical skills, engineering, and profession for once where I could be the master, the one in charge. Heck even the Lord General or Supreme High Warden of the West. Kinda catchy titles don’t you think!?”

”No, no, I’m not exactly sure where or with whom I apply for any of those positions, but hopefully my inquires will be responded to soon. I guess it gives me a chance to get to get a better feel for the place before my interview though, you know?”

”What do I think about the place you ask? Well, I was expecting it to be like any other core wilderness town, but there seems to be quite a lot of diversity around here, like swashbuckling clerk mages, half-simian deep gnome monk bards, and I even thought I saw what looked like a giant eye talking to a woman with a foxtail out front. ;) So I was like, damn. First off this place is happenin interesting and second, I need a drink.”

”Yes, yes. I can see myself getting settled in around here for a couple years is if I get the nod.”

”Yeah that’s true, I am just a human fighter, but I am damn good at it sir. That’s what I am, a professional soldier, with training in Siege Warfare, Engineering, Tactics, and Crafting Mechanics. A place like this could use a guy like me around.”

”Get your local militia turned into a real army company of professional soldiers too!”

”What's that now? Oh sure, I can get this next round.”

He motions to the barkeep.

Silver Crusade

DM Vayelan wrote:

@Trevor86: Piranha Strike is okay

@Katine: Devotee of the Green is okay.


Frankly, I'm willing to say that - in regards to feats, traits, and most other character creation facets - as long as it comes from Paizo-published material, I will give it the tentative green light.

If anything comes up that I fear might be problematic (which seems very unlikely), I will send a private message so we can work it out.

All right, thanks :) That makes it a bit easier to build the character. Should have him done somewhere tonight.

I updated my character's age, personality, and changed her alignment. While she now is listed as Lawful Neutral, I'd say she totes the line of Lawful Neutral/Good.

If being good is someone who generally helps others, and evil is someone who helps themselves, then neutral seeks to do what must be done. While she is like this, it is in the scope of preserving life and community, thus toting the line of Lawful Good.

I also added some FAQs to her personality. As players in the game, feel free to ask more questions and I may answer in her voice.

If you allow wickedness to grow within your heart, for whatever reasons you tell yourself, so too shall it bloom in your garden.

the FAQ bullet list for personality is a good idea though. I may steal.

Silver Crusade

I'm having some trouble finishing my concept. Bard is probably my favorite PF1 class and when working on statting out the skald I found myself really missing the lost bard features and skill proficiencies. If I'm honest, I guess skald wasn't the most thematically appropriate class to play, nor were the rage powers in-character.

I thought about remaking him as a swashbuckler 1 /court bard x and focussing heavily on being an arcane caster focused on enchantment spells, with some swordfighting skills as a backup. That would mean he wouldn't be a good tank or a scout though, and not exactly a full caster either. The skillfront seems covered by the investigator too. As that doesn't sound like someone the party would need I decided to scrap the idea for now. I had some alternate ideas for a swahbuckler/ranger or slayer but I couldn't fully get behind either :(

With the feat and source restiction lifted I'll probably instead go for a pure caster 'white mage' shaman, a locally known healer hermit and tentatively a bastard daughter of one of the noble houses. Someone the party might seek out on their way to find a cure for Wonky's dad, for instance. Is anything known about the previous attempt to settle the stolen lands, as in how long ago it was and how long the reign? And what was the Stag Lord's age when he was killed? Could he have had adult offspring?

Mechanically the shaman will go with the earlier concept of Life and Lore spirits, with a focus on channeling, hexes, healing through feats and a combination of the shaman's druid-like spelllist with some arcane spells for support.

Sovereign Court

hp: 1d10 ⇒ 10
hp: 1d10 ⇒ 1
hp: 1d10 ⇒ 6
hp: 1d10 ⇒ 2

Here is Thomas:


Thomas Caramash
Human fighter (aldori defender) 4/unchained monk (master of many styles) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Adventurer's Guide 23, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 59, Pathfinder Unchained 14)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +9
AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 18 (+5 armor, +1 deflection, +4 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 43 (5d10+5)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +2 (+1 vs. fear, +2 bonus vs. hexes, and spells or spell like abilities of fey)
Defensive Abilities defensive parry +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 aldori dueling sword +12 (1d8+5/19-20) or
. . unarmed strike +9/+9 (1d6+1)
Special Attacks stunning fist (2/day, DC 13)
Str 12, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 21 (25 vs. bull rush, 25 vs. grapple, 29 vs. trip)
Feats Additional Traits, Aldori Dueling Mastery[ISWG], Crane Style[UC], Dazzling Display, Improved Unarmed Strike, Quick Draw, Slashing Grace[ACG], Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (aldori dueling sword)
Traits aldori caution, bruising intellect, dominator (belkzen), hex-proof, sword scion
Skills Acrobatics +12, Appraise +0, Bluff -3, Climb +5, Diplomacy -3, Disguise -3, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Heal -1, Intimidate +10 (+12 to demoralize foes), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (engineering) +10, Knowledge (nobility) +7, Perception +9, Ride +2, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +2, Survival +5, Swim +5
Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant
SQ fuse style, meticulous
Other Gear +1 mithral chain shirt, +1 aldori dueling sword[ISWG], mark of the grinning skull, ring of protection +1, stagger-proof boots, 80 gp
Special Abilities
Aldori Dueling Mastery Gain initiative and defensive bonuses when wielding an Aldori dueling sword.
Crane Style Fight defensive pen reduced to -2. When in style, dodge bonus increases by 1.
Dazzling Display (Aldori dueling sword) Intimidate check to demoralize can affect those within 30' who see you.
Defensive Parry +1 (Ex) Gain dodge bonus to AC against melee attacks after making a full attack with Aldori dueling sword.
Fuse Style (2 styles) (Ex) At 1st level, a master of many styles can fuse two of the styles he knows into a more perfect style. The master of many styles can have two style feat stances active at once. Starting a stance provided by a style feat is still a swift action, but whe
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Meticulous -2 on all untrained skill checks
Quick Draw Draw weapon as a free action (or move if hidden weapon). Throw at full rate of attacks.
Slashing Grace (Aldori dueling sword) Treat chosen weapon as 1-handed piercing weapon and can add Dex instead of Str to dam.
Stunning Fist (2/day, DC 13) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.


Sent by his father to a monastery of Iori as a token of influence, it took Finnian less than a year to be completely dissatisfied with that way of life. Running off to Restov in defiance of his father, Finnian joined one of the famed academies there. Using the few techniques he acquired from the monastery, he quickly rose in standing. For a while he lived off of the wealth his mother sent to him until his father finally cut him off. Since, he has travelled to many places perfecting his techniques of swordsmanship. He is constantly fond of representing himself as the greatest swordsman in all of Golarion. The new Barony established in the Stolen Lands has attracted him for its opportunities for greatness.

Possible Roles:
Tactically he is a tank (not a traditional one as he relies on avoiding damage as opposed to taking it). As for kingdom role, I'm open to Warden, General, or any other deemed appropriate.

Okay, I got Katrine's sheet written into her profile and bought her gear. I had fun with Ultimate Equipment, hahaha! All that's left is to create her wolfdog's stats. Please let me know if I have any errors. I've done my best, but I have mild dyscalculia and numbers are hard. (Which is why I do my sheets on Myth Weavers first, it will do a bunch of the math for me so I don't mess up.)

Here is a little something extra to help define Darrien's views.

personality questionnaire:

-What is your relationship to the gods and religion?

I am a follower of Erastil, he was there for us in our darkest times, and to abandon him now simply because he is as some call "old fashioned" is laughable. After all, his teachings are valuable for any community large or small. As for religion, religion is something that provides support to people. Something they can fall back on, a way to shape and structure their lives... A place to find value. To many, religion is little more than an after thought. But its always there, just like the gods, to turn to when needed.

-Do you have an easy way with strangers?

Why of course, strangers are merely friends you haven't met yet! Sure, one should be cautious, but if I cannot trust a stranger, how would they ever trust me?

-Do you play well with others?

Son, you are speaking with a cleric of Erastil. That's like asking if a paladin of Iomeade fought demons. He gives a smile. Yes, we are at our best when supporting each other. We all must do our part. Even if sometimes I have to remind people about that.

-What draws you to the life of an adventurer?

I would be lying if I said a yearning to wander played no part. However, I do not abandon family or community without knowledge they will be tended. I also find that the more I travel, the more my wisdom grows. I would hope to be someone that can provide guidance to everyone one day. The more I see, the more I know, the more I know, the more I grow, and the more I grow, like a field, the more I can provide.

-Do you identify with a particular animal or element?
A bear He pauses before grinning. Where you excepting a stag or elk perhaps? It is true though, I would fiercely defend my home and family, much like a mother bear would defend her cubs. As for an.. element?.. perhaps water. I like to think I enable others to grow, much as a river or the rain feeds all things. Even as boastful as that sounds.

-What do you find creepy?

Aberrations literally don't sit right with me. Anything he can't deal with physically or a problem he can't work towards solving unsettles him.

-What specific goals do you have, if any?

What can I say? My goals are those of Erastil.
He smiles before laughing.
Alright, outside of keeping family and friends safe and keeping their bonds close knit... I would find ways to better grow food, and to better understand it in general. I would see that people do not forgo the simple joys, the bonds with each other, for perceived material goods. I would see that every man, and woman, has the ability to provide for themselves and contribute. I would see people happy.

-Do the ends justify the means?

No, your reputation is important. If a mans word cannot be trusted then what has he? No, the road to hell is paved with good intentions lad.

further personality building-

answer the following as your character would-
Loyalty, or Honesty?:
A: Why not both? One normally begets the other. If one is loyal, truly, to a friend they would not fear to speak ill of them. Or even to speak to others of their misdeeds. For how could you help them confront their failings otherwise?

Compassion, or Justice:
A: Justice can ring hollow. Compassion can save a life, Justice... Justice can't do that. And out here in the Desert, life is a precious thing.

Love, or Fear :
A: Love, Love, I believe, is fundamental in life. Without it, you lose understanding in many things. Love is what allows things to continue. It provides strength, after all a soldier who fights to defend what he loves is at his most powerful. Fear begets mistrust, hate... it breeds conflict. It can never create a community or family. It tears them apart.

Obedience, or free thinking:
Both have their place, however, if I must choose... Obedience. One must learn to think for themselves, this is true. However your elders have lived much longer than you, and have much more experience in this life. Their wisdom and knowledge should not be disregarded.

Pride, or Greed:
Pride, one should be proud of the work ones hands accomplish. To look upon a job well done instills one with a sense of pride, accomplishment and happiness. Be proud of a successful hunt, be proud of your wife or husband. Be proud of the life you bring into this world. But always remember, you are not inherently better than another.

Group, or Individual:
The group. Without the group, there would be no individual. It was by forming families, communities, that our weaknesses can be covered by another's strengths. An analogy if you will, a lone wolf could never survive against bear. However, a wolf pack has the strength to drive one away. After all, who will care for you when you are old and frail? Your family and community of course. A group.

What is Right?, What is wrong?
Right is hard work. Right is looking out for your fellows. Right is furthering the goals of the community as a whole. Right is making a life for yourself and your family. Right is pulling your own weight in the community. Wrong would be placing yourself above others, it is wrong to mooch of the effort of others. Wrong is trying to profit at your fellows expense. Something that hinder family or community is wrong.


It’s fun to flesh out a new character with a Q&A exchange.

I just entered a new campaign, but am still separated from the main party and my first in-game post was March 21st. Fortunately, my character (who is mute) has a chatty fey familiar, so I got a chance to play around with voice before meeting other players.

You know a new character is exciting when you want to play them before they’re even in a game. (Or in my case, if I draw them before they’re in a game.)

Haha, I like that art.

Let me know if you have any questions about Jasthegira. Sometimes things that seem perfectly clear to me are pretty opaque when others read what I wrote.

Basically the build is going to for making being-on-high-alert, into an art form. Paranoia to the max. He always expects something bad to happen.

Trevor86 wrote:
Is anything known about the previous attempt to settle the stolen lands, as in how long ago it was and how long the reign? And what was the Stag Lord's age when he was killed? Could he have had adult offspring?

After doing some research, I found no official information from the AP or lore detailing the previous attempt to settle the Stolen Lands.

I would say that the last major attempt to settle the Stolen Lands came about 200 years ago by Taldor. In the intervening decades, other smaller attempts have been made by would-be warlords from the River Kingdoms, retiring adventurers, homesteaders, and the like.

If you would like to fill in some details about previous attempts at settlement as part of your backstory, please take a shot at it.


Regarding the Stag Lord, he was middle aged when he died. Thus, he could have had adult offspring.

Incidentally, the battle against the Stag Lord and his bandits was handled in a way that deviated from the AP as written. One of the bandit lieutenants, Dovan from Nisroch, usurped the Stag Lord and cast him out. The Stag Lord actually traveled north, and the party found him on the doorstep of Oleg's Trading Post, delirious with fever. They took him in and cared for him, not knowing who he was. When his identity was eventually revealed, he was tried and executed.

Dovan and the other bandits were actually receiving aid from a recurring nemesis of the party, Baroness Althea Thrune, who was the leader of another one of the groups chartered by Rostland. This led to a siege launched against the trading post by an army of bandits, mercenaries, and even a coerced wyvern. The party obviously broke the siege and scattered the bandits. When they sent word of Althea's duplicity to Restov, her charter was revoked and she was branded a criminal. She is presently at large.

Just to post a status report, here are the character submissions I've documented so far:

Linnea the Diviner - Katrine Thalian - Changeling Ranger
Rorek55 - Darrien Vallor - Human Cleric
Jovich - Trakas Aeramirdal - Human Magus (Blade Bound, Kensai) / Swashbuckler
Revolving Door Alternate - Jasthegira - Tiefling Blood Arcanist / Diviner
Kydeem de’Morcaine - Gruingar Sootscale - Kobold Bloodrager (Rageshaper) / Sorcerer
SmooshieBanana - Scarlet Grey - Kitsune Paladin (Divine Hunter/Tempered Champion)
Darren Ehlers - Ivan the Blackshield - Human Fighter
Trevor86 - unnamed shaman
Galahad0430 - Thomas Caramash - Human Fighter (Aldori Defender) / Unchained Monk (Master of Many Styles)

Please let me know if I've missed anyone or if I have the incorrect information for anyone.

Got a dwarven ranger I've been hoping to get into a Kingmaker game for ages, I'll update him to the creation specs and post him soon.

DM Vayelan wrote:

Incidentally, the battle against the Stag Lord and his bandits was handled in a way that deviated from the AP as written. One of the bandit lieutenants, Dovan from Nisroch, usurped the Stag Lord and cast him out. The Stag Lord actually traveled north, and the party found him on the doorstep of Oleg's Trading Post, delirious with fever. They took him in and cared for him, not knowing who he was. When his identity was eventually revealed, he was tried and executed.

Dovan and the other bandits were actually receiving aid from a recurring nemesis of the party, Baroness Althea Thrune, who was the leader of another one of the groups chartered by Rostland. This led to a siege launched against the trading post by an army of bandits, mercenaries, and even a coerced wyvern. The party obviously broke the siege and scattered the bandits. When they sent word of Althea's duplicity to Restov, her charter was revoked and she was branded a criminal. She is presently at large.

Thanks for the information! I was able to incorporate a few elements of the ongoing campaign into my backstory. Especially the baroness fit well with an earlier writeup.

I thought about everything some more and eventually decided to go with what I originally wanted to play. After all, or so I thought, it's up to the party to decide who they want to take along, not me. All I can do is make a hopefully interesting build and character with a lot of potential plothooks :)

Thus, Ravis as posted here is now a complete submission! He is intended to be a heavily casting-focused enchanter bard, tailor-made for the Grand Diplomat role (or any other requiring charisma, though his dexterity is also pretty good). He also has some melee capacity (one level of swashbuckler) for a backup strategy, making it less optimized but more fun for me. I wanted him to be good swordfighter too and he eventually will be, I think :) Finally, he is decently good at stealth and perception and I could optionally add survival to make him act as a field scout when travelling. That I eventually managed to combine it while using my favorite pathfinder 1 class, the bard, in a new way is just a sweet added bonus!

Hello everyone! Just popping in to roll some hit points. I hope to have my full character submission up over the weekend.

L2: 1d10 ⇒ 8
L3: 1d8 ⇒ 8
L4: 1d8 ⇒ 1
L5: 1d8 ⇒ 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ravis Rogarvia wrote:
…decided to go with what I originally wanted to play. After all, or so I thought, it's up to the party to decide who they want to take along, not me. All I can do is make a hopefully interesting build and character…

^This is by far the best approach to get into any game.

You’re not ever going to fill someone else’s perceived expectations, but if you love the role you play and have fun with it, you’ll bring something special to the game that other players might never have expected.

Ha! That was kind of intended as a general “for those new to the board’s tip,” and I got ninja’d by Trustworthy Gentleman’s first post ever!

Welcome, Trusty Gent! (And to all the new members... I noticed a few with only a couple games.)

@Vermilion Vixen: I totally agree! I've been looking for a game in an area with hags that doesn't focus too much on optimization, because let's face it, ranger is not the best class for a changeling. The stat bonuses work much better for a primary spellcaster. But I think Katrine would be fun to play!

I like rorek55's personality questionnaire, so I'm going to steal it.

Personality Questionnaire:
-What is your relationship to the gods and religion?

I'm a follower of the Green Faith, so I don't venerate any particular god. I meditate upon nature and the elements, gaining the power to cast spells that way. I do respect the gods' power and pray on occasion if it seems appropriate. For example, I would pray to Pharasma at a funeral. I've had my differences with a few priests and lay worshipers of Erastil who don't like the fact that a young woman is unmarried, childless, and not planning to marry or have children any time soon. Most of Old Deadeye's followers seem content to live and let live though.

Gyronna and her followers can go die in a fire. I'm reluctant to fight them without someone who can lift curses, though. It's wise to be wary around Hanspur's followers, as they can be unpredictable. Some of them are helpful, some would as soon drown you as talk to you.

-Do you have an easy way with strangers?

Um... I'm a changeling, with all the baggage that that implies. People who know what my eyes and fingernails mean generally don't want anything to do with me. And the green hag who birthed me has been stalking me for years. Given that green hags can disguise themselves as anyone of roughly human size, I think a certain degree of paranoia is warranted.

It's easier for me to relax around smaller folk like gnomes and halflings. Most green hags can't change their size that much, so I know a gnome or halfling isn't my birth mother in disguise.

-Do you play well with others?

See above. I try! I know that most intelligent beings are social animals, changelings included, and I need allies if I'm ever to be free of the hag. (No, I don't know her name, nor am I particularly interested in it.) I want to trust people, but it's so hard. Hopefully once I've killed the hag it will get easier.

-What draws you to the life of an adventurer?

At first, I wanted to be like my parents. They're both rangers as well. Then I wanted to kill the hag so I don't have to worry about being kidnapped and forcibly turned into a hag. That's right, the ritual to transform a changeling does not require the changeling's cooperation! But I've found that I genuinely enjoy traveling and the thrill of combat. I like challenging myself.

-Do you identify with a particular animal or element?

This may be a bit predictable given my animal companion, but I identify with the wolf. I admire their cooperation, trust in their pack, and ferocity in defending their family.

-What do you find creepy?

Hags, naturally. Aberrations and undead are right up there too. They're just so... unnatural. Not in a static way like cities, they actively violate the laws of nature.

-What specific goals do you have, if any?

Kill my birth mother and any other hags I can find. Protect my family. Protect nature from those who would destroy it. Work with the folk who live in and around the forest to teach them how to live in harmony with the land. A lot of the time, people just don't know how to harvest natural resources in a sustainable manner, and that's where rangers and druids come in.

-Do the ends justify the means?

Sometimes. It really depends on the situation, you know? I might have stolen animals from owners who abused them in the past. Is it illegal? Yes. Is it right? Also yes.

...I might have also beat the hell out of animal abusers who didn't learn their lesson the first time. Don't worry, I didn't kill them. Definitely left some scars though, heh.

further personality building-

answer the following as your character would-
Loyalty, or Honesty?:

Can you really have one without the other? That said, my policy toward honesty is to ask myself "Is it kind? Is it necessary?". If the answer to both is no, it doesn't need to be said.

Compassion, or Justice:

I usually err on the side of compassion. Justice definitely has its place in society though. Without justice the strong will take advantage of the weak.

Love, or Fear :

Be loved by strangers and friends, feared by your enemies.

Obedience, or free thinking:

Free thinking! This is the River Kingdoms. I owe no person or god my obedience. I may choose to obey a person I respect, but if they cease to be worthy of my respect, I stop obeying. My parents will always be worthy of my respect though.

Pride, or Greed:

It's a good thing to take pride in hard work and a job well done as long as you don't let pride grow into arrogance. Remember, there will always be someone better than you. As for greed? Take only what you need and don't be wasteful. A few luxuries are okay (I enjoy spices for my food), just don't go overboard.

Group, or Individual:

Hmm... I prefer to balance the two. It's harder to do that than to always place one above the other, but ultimately more rewarding. If you always place the group above yourself, you'll end up overextended and exhausted. If you always place yourself above the group, you won't have allies when you need them. A wolf pack working together can take down prey that none of them could handle on their own.

What is Right?, What is wrong?

That which decreases suffering in the world is right, and that which increases suffering in the world is wrong. I strive for balance in all things, just as nature does.

Kingdom Role: I think Katrine would do best as Marshal.

Party Role: Primarily archer, survivalist, and scout. Between her Stealth ranks and hideously expensive mithral armor (0 check penalty, yeah!) she can be very very sneaky. If you need to track an enemy, navigate the wilderness, or find food and water, she's your woman. Katrine also has ranks in Knowledge: Geography and Profession: Cartographer for making maps, and ranks in Craft: Leather for tanning and leatherworking. All hail the background skills!

Substantially changed up my character concept, so now presenting Sir Gallant, repentant bandit, fey disciple, and faceless knight!


Sir Gallant
Human cavalier (hooded knight) 5 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Legacy of the First World 26, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 32)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2 (+4 when on the road); Senses Perception +10 (+12 when on the road)
AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+7 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural, +1 shield)
hp 50 (5d10+10)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4; +4 sacred bonus vs. effects that damage, drain, or penalize ability scores
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee +1 lance +10 (1d8+5/×3) or
. . mwk spiked gauntlet +10 (1d4+4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with +1 lance)
Special Attacks banner +2, cavalier's charge, challenge 2/day (+5 damage, +2 to hit while riding mount)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 15
Base Atk +5; CMB +9; CMD 21
Feats Fey Obedience, Mounted Combat, Nameless One, Ride-by Attack
Traits rostlander, seeker
Skills Acrobatics -1 (-5 to jump), Bluff +6, Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +10 (+14 to force this mount into an Unnatural Aura.), Intimidate +6, Knowledge (geography) +7 (+9 when on the road), Knowledge (planes) +5, Linguistics +1, Perception +10 (+12 when on the road), Ride +10 (+14 to force this mount into an Unnatural Aura.), Sense Motive +1 (+3 when opposing a Bluff check), Stealth -1 (+1 when on the road), Survival +9 (+11 when on the road)
Languages Common, Sylvan
SQ expert trainer +2, feytouched mount, hero of the roads (4 hrs. hustle), mount (horse named Animal Companion), order of the sword
Other Gear +1 breastplate, mwk buckler, +1 lance, mwk spiked gauntlet, amulet of natural armor +1, belt of giant strength +2, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, masterwork backpack[APG], mess kit[UE], soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 299 gp
Special Abilities
+4 to save vs. effects that hinder ability scores (Su) +4 sacred bonus on saves vs. effects that hinder ability scores.
Animal Companion Link (Ex) Handle or push Animal Companion faster, +4 to checks vs. them.
Banner +2/+1 (60 ft.) (Ex) Allies within 60 ft. who can see your banner gain +2 save vs. fear & +1 to hit while charging.
By My Honor (NG, Will) (Ex) +2 to Will saves as long as NG alignment is maintained.
Cavalier's Charge (Ex) Mounted charge grants +2 to hit and -0 AC rather than +2/-2.
Expert Trainer +2 (Ex) +2 to train mounts, reduced training time option.
Fey Obedience Daily obediences to prove devotion to an Eldest and gain benefits.
Feytouched Mount Mount gains feytouched template while being ridden.
Hero of the Roads (+2, 4 hrs. hustle) (Ex) Gain bonuses to yourself and the mounts of you and your companions while on the road.
Mount (Ex) Gain the services of a special animal companion.
Mounted Combat (1/round) Once per round you can attempt to negate a hit to your mount in combat.
Nameless One Ritual erases former identity and replaces with new one protected from divinations.
Ride-By Attack You can move - attack - move when charging mounted.
Sword's Challenge +5 (2/day) (Ex) +5 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, +2 to hit while riding your mount.


There was a time when brave Sir Gallant was not brave, gallant, or the noble, dashing warrior he is today. His past is vague, but he maintains that the tale he tells of it is as old as it is true. Judging from his voice, however, he’s not a very old man.

Some time ago, Sir Gallant was a bandit, travelling the back roads of the River Kingdoms, stealing from anyone who deserved it and many who didn’t. He was a villainous rake, robbing and plundering by day, cavorting with lovely lasses and lads by night.

He was lucky, evading capture by any authorities who would bring him to justice for his wicked deeds.

Sir Gallant’s luck did not last. One evening, he came across an old woman, walking alone. She was defenseless, and her dirty, ragged robes suggested she might not have much. Still, times were lean and the heavy bag on her back could have some gold or food in it.

He charged in, shoving her to the ground and knocking her senseless before she had a chance to fight back. Though he found some dried fruit and worn clothes in her bag, she wore an amulet around her neck, one like he’d never seen. It was wooden, made of tangled, thorny vines, twisted together, unable to tell beginning from end.

As he put it on, he felt something wash over him. It was terror, fear of the dark things that lurk just out of sight in the woods. No matter how hard he strained, he could not take off the amulet. Just as thorny vines cling to the rock, so too did the amulet cling to him.

A restless night turned into days, then weeks, then months. Nightmares of unfathomable creatures watching him from the dense forests of the River Kingdoms wracked his nights, inescapable.

Sir Gallant knew that things had to change, that he couldn’t sustain the husk of a man he was fast becoming. He wandered the back roads of the River Kingdoms, and on a few occasions saw a mysterious hooded figure tailing him. No matter how much he searched for the figure, it always disappeared just before he could track it down.

Weeks passed as the figure tailed him, and he saw it more and more each day. A fateful night brought him to his ultimate purpose.

He awoke from a nightmare, as was common. A figure loomed over him, and he thought he had awoken into another nightmare. This, however, was different. The figure pulled him to his feet, and as he looked into the hood he saw everything and nothing all at once. He saw his misdeeds and mistakes, the sins uncounted of his past. He saw the curse he’d been burdened with, one he knew he deserved.

And the figure spoke. Sir Gallant cannot remember exactly what the being said, but it offered salvation from his curse. It gave him an offer. He could renounce his name, his face, his very being and become a protector of the Hooded One’s chosen, a defender of the lonely wanderers who travel the roads that he once preyed on. Or, he could refuse, and let the nightmares swallow him whole.

The choice was hard, but when he awoke from the first easy slumber in almost a year he knew he had made the right one.

Since he took the cowl and swore himself to Ng the Hooded, Sir Gallant has wandered the roads of Avistan, protecting travellers from beasts and banditry. As of late, he’s found himself in the Stolen Lands, following rumors of a newly defeated bandit lord and a fledgeling kingdom.

Appearance and Personality:

The first thing one notices about Sir Gallant is the heavy hood he wears at all times. Even while he’s asleep, he pulls his hood down so that nobody has a chance to see his face. Only in direct light is any part of his face visible, and even then it’s covered by dark cloth. His oath to Ng the Hooded was to forsake his face and his name, and he takes it quite seriously. In battle, he wields a lance, in the image of a courtly knight, and rides atop a horse that takes an unearthly bearing when being ridden. When on foot, he uses a spiked gauntlet, his interpretation of Ng’s holy weapon. Off the battlefield, he prefers fine clothing, specially tailored to draw attention away from his face. Hidden from all others, he wears the very same amulet he stole so long ago. It’s magic has ebbed, and now it toughens his skin and protects him from harm.

Sir Gallant is an enigmatic character. He is larger than life, doing all he can to live up to the old ideals of chivalry and courteousness. Yet for all intents and purposes, he has no face, no name beyond what can be used to identify him. It is his penance to his master, and a calling he has sworn himself to completely. This does not mean, however, he is without humor. He sometimes bemoans how handsome the face he renounced was. At times, he’ll wistfully remark on the tales of a certain rakish bandit that’ll be sung about a man that no longer exists. Some traces remain of the man under the cowl, though just as his face is hidden, so too does the grandiosity of his persona cover who he was. In particular, he fears that some day his past will catch up to him. The bandits he ran with weren’t too pleased when he left them, and several of them swore they’d track him down.

HP Rolls:

L2 HP: 1d10 ⇒ 9
L2 HP: 1d10 ⇒ 5
L2 HP: 1d10 ⇒ 6
L2 HP: 1d10 ⇒ 10

Silver Crusade

that also makes me which I had submitted a green knight cavalier. Almost. I enjoy Darrien though. I like the fact he doesn't have his views/adventurer idea from past atrocities or wrongdoings. As wonderful as those are in most characters. I just felt like I'd made enough of those :3 stiff competition around here.

Silver Crusade

Thanks for the advice, vixen :)

It seems the competition is indeed fierce! Wonder what the results will be. Might do that questionnaire for Ravis too if time allows. Good luck, everyone!

I have an idea I'd like to submit for the role of treasurer (alchemist) in the character of a Razmiran "priest". I will see if I can get it put together tonight or tomorrow; I use hero Lab simply because that makes my life infinitely easier; any books used will be catalogued for GMs easy reference. Probably leaning towards neutrality in alignment.

HP: 1d8 ⇒ 4

HP: 1d8 ⇒ 2

HP: 1d8 ⇒ 2

HP: 1d8 ⇒ 7

So A bunch of upkicked averages and a 7; ouch.

I already have the pleasure of having GM Vayelan run for me for another Kingmaker-esque game but it is super tempting.

I forgot to make a sheet for Katrine's animal companion... oops. Storm the wolfdog is 5th level thanks to the Boon Companion feat.

HP rolls:

1st: MAX
2nd: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
3rd: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
4th: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
5th: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Wow, those are some bad rolls. O_o Looks like I'm taking average for 3 out of 4.

if we are rolling for AC hps...

1d8 ⇒ 5
1d8 ⇒ 8
1d8 ⇒ 6
1d8 ⇒ 7

34 hp base, not too shabby. The bear is healthy!

The armored man stared down into his half empty drink and gave his thoughts a slight smile. He lazily swirled the frothy malt beverage around in the cup for a few minutes then took another swig.

Glancing up he took in the small people, taking their night supper, greeting friends, or having their weekly drink at the bar—their guilty self reward for a hard week of scratching a living out of new ground.

He had heard an old man say that it takes three farmers to make a new farm. The first one breaks himself against the ground. The second breaks his coin purse trying to make the broken ground profitable, the third farmer to work the land would be the first one to see a bounty from it. Was that for real? Heck, he didn’t know, but he bet this place could benefit from some canals, maybe a few wells and if it was all done right, they could start a mill.

Nibbling on the inside of his lip he thought what his life could be like if he took the soft life of an engineer. He could draw up plans and direct carpenters rather than issue orders and direct fire of archers. Design schools rather than siege engines. Make line launchers to start ferry services instead of ballistas leading to mass graves. Build for the sake of building up, to build a city wall rather than focusing on bringing them down.

He smiled to himself. It was a nice thought, but in a place like this, the land would have to be conquered, held, calmed and pacified first and afterwards the boredom of peace breeds problems all of its own.

That is what excited him though, the freedom of this place. This could be whatever he wanted it to be.

Okay, Storm's stats are up on my profile under the Animal Companion spoiler. Since Katrine has raised him from a puppy, I took the liberty of assuming that she taught him the maximum number of tricks for an Int 2 animal in addition to the animal companion bonus tricks.

Snuffles the bear will have an Int of 3 at start. As well as his own alias if selected.

Four days left in the recruitment.

I've been enjoying reading everyone's character ideas, so let me take a moment to thank everyone for your enthusiasm.


Also, as a side note, one of my other games may also be in the market for a new party member.
Therefore, when making my selections, I may also reach out to one or more of you for this "second chance" opportunity.

futher thoughts on Jasthegira:

The more I think about him, he definitely neutral-neutral right now. Has no real thoughts on either axis of the alignment grid. None of it ever had an impact on his life that he noticed. So he helps people when it helps himself. Maybe even if just the possibility of a future favor.
Eventually though, I figure he will start looking for self interest excuses to help people. Then maybe finally admitting to himself that he actually does like helping people.

Put at this point it is all about survival and at least comfortable prosperity. He is intelligent enough to realize survival depends on making himself useful and that his main utility is magic. So he is definitely interested in gaining more magical power.

Do you have any questions about Jasthegira or how he would be played?

I enjoyed my previous submission but I was wanting to offer a submission a bit closer to what you were looking for and I enjoy this one as well! I have decided to enter Pelipe into this entry instead.

Pelipe is a decent scout if need be, a decent tank if the frontline falls, full arcane caster, and has the ability to spam ranged damage--sort of a combo!

She also is good alignment, so that is another preferred checkbox.

I think for kingdom positions, she would be decent as a treasurer. She can be beneficial also by beautifying the city in downtime with her art. I've never played kingmaker, so I am unsure if that would come into play, but I can't see how it would hurt.

Beautifying the capital can certainly fit into the campaign. Addison (the Vixen’s social persona) is a Shelyn worshipper whose craft is ladies’ fashion. She made human-fey relations sort of a personal project, simply because it fit her backstory to have a fascination with fey. (I have three daughters… a little girl’s fascination with fairies, mermaids and princesses is something I’m exposed to on a daily basis.)

The Crystalhue RP was a mix of joyous celebration and trouble! But if you have the time and/or patience to read p.75-77, that will give you just one example of how some characters—particularly Wonky and the Vixen’s gentler half—strive to beautify the capital.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I present, Arcius Silversoul, wandering Razmiran "priest" (alchemist). He is best suited for a role as a treasurer, or any INT based position.


Arcius is a young man in his mid-20's, pitch black hair framing a set of crystal blue eyes of a narrow handsome face. A charming grin and knowing eyes accompany his lithe frame. A magnificant gray silken shroud is wrapped around his neck and shoulders layered up, and two distinct rings adorn his hands; one an onyx gargoyle, and the other is a gold ring with a ruby engraved efreet.

Arcius' claim to the Stolen Lands extends a few generations as they have traveled about the River Kingdoms until they eventually settled into Thronestep, in Razmiran. As a child, he grew up in the lower class, his parents minor craftsmen. However, as Arcius turned into a teen he began fully understanding the grace of the Living God; highly intelligent and capable of great rationale, he took to listening to the priests preachings and deciphering their arguments. The priests were always finely dressed, living luxurious lives.

Arcius joined the cult on his 16th birthday; due to his innate cunning and ability to reason, Arcius began to be a natural at using whatever was around and his own innate essence to become a respected alchemist. Distinguishing himself from other acolytes (much to their jealousy, Arcius was always one step ahead of them), Arcius was soon awarded as an initiate of the faith after outwitting another acolyte rival named Goeth who was attempted to steal Arcius' tithe to the church in Thronestep. The acolyte was punished severely, though Arcius doesn't know the specifics. Arcius was awarded his specific gray cloak and the iron mask of Razmiran

Arcius soon felt he had a great understanding of the Living God; it was not the veneration that gave power, it was not even the deity that had power. It was ambition that gave power and the will to enact change. Arcius' became an emissary of Razmir, volunteering to travel to far away lands as a representative. His first mission took him to Katapesh to arrange trade for exotic goods. Arcius struck up a friendship with a kelishite merchant lord by the name of Yaqib al-Marah. It was a success, and Arcius had many great memories of his time spent in the company of his friend indulging the life of luxury in the Golden City.

After 3 years, when Arcius had barely turned 20, he was withdrawn by the church to serve in Ustalav. He was sent to the city of Karcau in the Sinaria. Initially horrified at the prospect of spending potentially years in a hellish uninviting swamp on the southern edge of the Worldwound compared to the luxurious previous years Arcius had, he was pleasantly surprised to see that Karcau was quite pleasant, a city of music lovers and especially opera. Arcius' objective was to help secure slaves and help facilitate some luxury goods down to Razmiran.

Even better, Arcius was smitten by the presence of Countess Sasandra Livgrace; inherited ruler of Karcau, magnificent beauty, and fantastic singer. The two began a romance that startled the noble circles; Sasandra fascinated by the cunning, charming, worldly alchemic priest while Arcius was enthralled by the womans general good nature, beauty and ability to rule where everyone was happy.

However, the Countess had other suitors who were willing to use less....savory solutions to get her attentions; many of them established nobles in Ustalav, and considerably more powerful than the priest. While Arcius isn't certain exactly who sent them, he began receiving threats indicating he should leave Karcau before something awful happened to him. When evidence 'appeared' that Arcius was stealing the tithing money that was supposed to go back to Thronestep (Arcius wasn't stealing anything, but he also was not being as aggressive as his fellow priests were towards getting tithes). When Arcius still refused to leave Karcau, his small house was burned down by unknown assailants. Using friends and contacts he had made during his time in Karcau, Arcius called in a favor from the local gravekeeper to get a "body" to place in the remains of the house, leaving his iron mask on the makeshift "dead Arcius." Arcius used his alchemy to protect himself from the flames as the house burned to ensure the body was burned beyond any recognizable or magically communicable form by additional bombs from Arcius. Calling in his last favor, Arcius got a fast horse from the local stablemaster and evaluated his next move.

With the evidence against him, the Razmirans would think he did indeed steal from them; as long as he didn't contact them, they would write him off as dead and call it good. Unfortunately, Arcius' options were few; to the north was the Worldwound, the west the orc held Holds of Belkzen, and the Numerians to the east. going south would only return him to the priesthood (which he was having misgivings about).

In the end, Arcius decided to risk crossing Numeria to hide in the River Kingdoms. Arcius managed to ride across Numeria to Brevoy. After arriving in New Stetven, Arcius learned of the expedition south where there was a new barony rising he could settle in to and help however he could. After resting for a few days, he rode off for the capital of Tamlyn.


Arcius is still a Razmiran in terms of faith; he believes in wealth, power, etc. and those are claimed by ambition. However, his time in Ustalav with Sasandra gave him a new perspective in terms of morality. While previously he had no issues with might makes right, he began to turn more towards a benevolent approach, or at least more honest. As such, he's begun to ponder how much the church has taken and twisted Razmirs teachings themselves.

He still does want a life of luxury, wealth, and power; but he wants to earn it in a way that would earn Sasandras respect. Unfortunately, as far as Arcius knows, she thinks he is dead after his small home burned down and the "body" found. He has not chanced attempting to contact her, though he still wears the onyx ring she gifted him and often stares at it when he begins to think of her.

In normal situations, Arcius is generally pleasant, a friendly person for discussion or debate. His time with the Countess and his issues with whoever tried to kill him over her have given him a resentment of bullies and those exploiting others. He keeps his old cloak as a upper body cowl as "it would be a terrible waste of good craftsmanship and material to just get rid of it."

Most of the stuff I pulled from other books were alchemical items. If there's any issues with these items/sources let me know and I can fix them.

• Adventurer's Armory 2 / Seekers of Secrets - Troll
styptic (equipment)
• Alchemy Manual - Firecracker (equipment); Skydragon
firework (equipment); Stormstone (equipment)
• Heroes of the Streets - Beloved of the Forge (spell)
• Inner Sea Intrigue - True Skill (spell)
• Ironfang Invasion - Incendiary catalyst (equipment) [alchemical item to make target have vulnerability to fire for 1 round]
• Quests & Campaigns - Student of Philosophy (trait) [use intelligence for Diplomacy or Bluff in social situations]
• Ranged Tactics Toolbox - Concentrated Splash (feat) [can remove splash damage to increase total damage against direct hit by 50%]

If any of the current players or the DM have questions for me in regards to the character...please ask away.

I guess tomorrow is the big day? Best of luck to all of you!

Good luck folks!

The Exchange

Looking forward to meeting and adventuring with our new party members. Good luck to you all!

Now that we have entered the final 24 hours, here is my updated list of character submissions:

Linnea the Diviner - Katrine Thalian - Changeling Ranger
Rorek55 - Darrien Vallor - Human Cleric
Jovich - Trakas Aeramirdal - Human Magus (Blade Bound, Kensai) / Swashbuckler
Revolving Door Alternate - Jasthegira - Tiefling Blood Arcanist / Diviner
Kydeem de’Morcaine - Gruingar Sootscale - Kobold Bloodrager (Rageshaper) / Sorcerer
SmooshieBanana - Pelipe Lightdriver - Human Arcanist (Brown-fur Transmuter)
Darren Ehlers - Ivan the Blackshield - Human Fighter
Trevor86 - Ravis Rogarvia - Aasimar Bard (Court Bard) / Swashbuckler (Falcata)
Galahad0430 - Thomas Caramash - Human Fighter (Aldori Defender) / Unchained Monk (Master of Many Styles)
Simeon - Sir Gallant - Human Cavalier (Hooded Knight)
ArendK - Arcius Silversoul - Human Alchemist
A_Trustworthy_Gentleperson - dotted

Once again, please let me know if I missed anyone or if I have any information incorrect.

Here's the "crunch" of my submission. I'll have his background/personality up tomorrow afternoon EDT (GMT-4) if that's acceptable. Basically he's an aloof aristocrat who's spent the last 10 years schlepping around the River Kingdoms in service to his wizardly mentor.

Antonín Niccolò Surtova (alias link)
LN Human Fighter 1 / Wizard 4

Init +2
Speed 30 ft.

HP 43; AC 17/20*, touch 12, flat-footed 15/18* (*with buckler)
CMD 17; Base Atk +3; CMB +5
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4

Base Atk +3 
CMB +5

Melee Masterwork longsword +6 (1d8 +2/19-20)

Ranged scorching ray +5 (4d6 fire)


Str 14, Dex 13(14*), Con 14, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10
*+1 enhancement: Physical Enhancement (Su) - Transmutation School ability

Senses Perception +0, low-light vision

Feats  Focused Study 1: Skill Focus - Perform (stringed); Fighter 1: Shield Focus; Level 1: Toughness; Wizard 1: Scribe Scroll; Level 3: Arcane Strike; Level 5: Arcane Armor Training

Traits Noble Born (Campaign) - Surtova; Clever Wordlplay (Social) - Perform; Magical Knack (Magic)

Drawback Pride

Skills Craft (armor) +12, Diplomacy +5, Knowledge (arcana, local) +12, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Linguistics +6, Perform (stringed) +15 (+17 with masterwork violin), Ride +9, Spellcraft +12, Swim +10

Languages Common, Draconic, Hallit, Skald, Sylvan, Varisian

Fighter Class Abilities Bonus Feat
Wizard Class Abilities Arcane Bond (bonded object - signet ring), Arcane School: Transmutation; Opposition Schools: Enchantment, Necromancy; Bonus Feat (Scribe Scroll)

Racial Abilities
+2 to One Ability Score (Intelligence), Focused Study (replaces human bonus feat), Fey Magic (River-know direction, light, purify food and drink, monkey fish, Fey Thoughts (Diplomacy, Perform), Low-Light Vision (all 3 combined replace Skilled)

Spellcasting Concentration +9; Caster Level 5; Spells per Day 4 / 4+1 / 3+1
Spells Known Cantrips - all; 1st - fastidiousness, mount, comprehend languages, grease, identify, magic missile, feather fall, dancing lantern, ant haul*, crafter’s fortune*, enlarge person*, magic weapon*, reduce person*, touch of the sea*
2nd - scorching ray, mirror image, instant weapon, knock, raven’s flight*, buoyancy*, fleeting defect*, make whole*
*purchased and copied to spell book @ 15gp (1st lvl) or 60gp (2nd lvl) each

Gear mithral chain shirt +1, mithral buckler +1, rod of metamagic - extend (lesser), ring of sustenance, hooded lantern, masterwork longsword, noble’s outfit, signet ring (bonded item), spell book, 128 gp

Build notes:

  • I would intend to level as Eldritch Knight starting at 7th level.
  • Antonín currently lacks the Charisma to benefit from his Fey Magic alternate racial trait, hence the strikethrough.
  • Not sure if the Clever Wordplay trait, when applied to Perform, applies to all Perform skills or only one subset. I’ve assumed it’s only applicable to one; if to all, I’ll likely move skill points around to pick up ranks in Perform (dance).

  • And here's his background. Antonín would be pleased to be Grand Diplomat, and willing to act as Spymaster or Treasurer.

    Nigh on 30 years ago Young Niccolò Surtova undertook a journey to survey the River Kingdoms. He returned three years later with his enchanting bride, Ailsing, and their infant son Antonín. Accompanying his wife was her “cousin” Twyll, a strange man of otherworldly charm and grace.

    Throughout Antonín’s childhood his mother suffered from long bouts of exhaustion and malaise, often unable to even leave her bed. While she languished under the care of a revolving cast of healers and physicians hired by his doting father, cousin Twyll was nearly always by Antonin’s side, tutoring him in music, dance, politics, and swordplay. Antonín lacked the charm of his mother’s side of the family, but had a keen mind, and took especial interest in the violin. He also learned some of his first cousin’s less savory habits; despite his many talents and personal magnetism, Twyll was proud and vain, never ignoring a perceived slight, and possessed a callous disregard for those he considered his ‘lessers.’

    Then suddenly, on Antonín’s 13th birthday, Twyll was gone. Soon after his mother recovered from her long illness. Now having the time and energy to actively raise their son, his father saw to it the gaps in his martial training were filled, while his mother delighted in his musical skill.

    Aisling recognized the strength of her son’s mind and believed he would have a talent for magic, while Niccolò believed he’d be better off serving as officer in the army or royal guard. When she heard a wizard sponsored by House Surtova was planning an expedition to study arcane sites in the River Kingdoms and was seeking armed escort, she convinced her husband it was a perfect opportunity for their son to prove himself.

    And so at 16 Antonín was charged with protecting Petrus Garro on his trip through the River Kingdoms. At the private request of Aisling, the wizard tested the young man’s capacity for magecraft and found him quite capable. He began training Antonín on the road, who found the study rewarding and was intrigued by the possibilities of incorporating wizardry into a unique style of fighting.

    Over the next 10 years Antonín served as Garro’s protection and apprentice, and they visited nearly all the nations of the Kingdoms, including his mother’s native Sevenarches, and in some courts has earned himself a reputation as ‘the wizard’s fiddler,’ a title which he not-so-secretly disdains. While he considers the whole region a ‘rustic backwater’ at best, he must admit to himself something about the rivers feel like home to him.

    Recently Garro decided to settle for the foreseeable future at Uringen so as to study the town’s bizarre magical idiosyncrasies, and amicably released Antonín from his service. Once again master of his own fate, the young Surtova has decided to stay in the River Kingdoms for the time being, intent on learning to blend his magical and martial skills while keeping an eye out for opportunity.

    Appearance & Personality:

    A tall, lanky man whose manner and bearing speak of education and privilege. A high-collared Inverness cape covers his pristine mitral shirt and black velvet doublet; his azure breeches disappear below the knee into polished leather riding boots. A fine sword and scabbard hang from his belt, and a violin case is strapped to the back of his mount’s saddle.

    Courteous but aloof, Antonín likes to prove his superiority by remaining calm in the face of others’ emotions. His facade of logic and civility, however, has been constructed to hide his lack of real personality. Only through his musical compositions and performances is he capable any real emotional introspection.

    Through play I'd be interested in boosting Antonín's Charisma and/or Wisdom via magic items and roleplaying the effects of his increased empathy and force of personality. I've always wondered if stat boosting items might not become addictive...

    All right! With the submission period closed, here is our final list of candidates:

    Linnea the Diviner - Katrine Thalian - Changeling Ranger
    Rorek55 - Darrien Vallor - Human Cleric
    Jovich - Trakas Aeramirdal - Human Magus (Blade Bound, Kensai) / Swashbuckler
    Revolving Door Alternate - Jasthegira - Tiefling Blood Arcanist / Diviner
    Kydeem de’Morcaine - Gruingar Sootscale - Kobold Bloodrager (Rageshaper) / Sorcerer
    SmooshieBanana - Pelipe Lightdriver - Human Arcanist (Brown-fur Transmuter)
    Darren Ehlers - Ivan the Blackshield - Human Fighter
    Trevor86 - Ravis Rogarvia - Aasimar Bard (Court Bard) / Swashbuckler (Falcata)
    Galahad0430 - Thomas Caramash - Human Fighter (Aldori Defender) / Unchained Monk (Master of Many Styles)
    Simeon - Sir Gallant - Human Cavalier (Hooded Knight)
    ArendK - Arcius Silversoul - Human Alchemist
    A Trustworthy Gentleperson - Antonín Niccolò Surtova - Human Fighter / Wizard

    I will announce the selections tomorrow, April 17, at noon.
    Thank you to everyone for their contributions!

    Best of luck to everyone!

    Thank you for taking the time to evaluate Pelipe.

    The time has come.

    After reviewing the most excellent submissions, I have made my selections.

    However, I found myself unable to abide by my own guidelines. Rather than restricting myself to two new party members, I have decided to select three.

    That being said, our new party members will be…

    Drum roll, please:

    Katrine Thalian, played by Linnea the Diviner

    Pelipe Lightdriver, played by SmooshieBanana

    Antonín Niccolò Surtova, played by A Trustworthy Gentleperson

    I invite our new party members to post in the Discussion thread to introduce themselves.


    For those not chosen, thank you for contributing your characters. The quality of submissions made this an exceedingly difficult decision.

    Furthermore, as I said, I may reach out to one or more of you with a "second chance" opportunity to join one of my other games.

    Thank you all for your interest.

    Congrats to those who got in!

    And I'll make sure to more regularly check my DMs.

    Happy gaming to you all!

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