
The Vermilion Vixen's page

936 posts. Alias of Legendary Sidekick.

Full Name

Addison Lane




Lv.6 Vigilante • Init:+2 • Perc:+0 • ♥️39/39 • AC:18~t14~ff14 • CMD:22/24v.Trip • F3~R7~W5/11v.Intimidate • CC:L153~M306~H460







Special Abilities

Dual Identity: Addison Lane






Common, Sylvan



Strength 18
Dexterity 15
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 12

About The Vermilion Vixen

Extremely Fashionable
Muscle of the Society

39 HP (3+6/Lv)
18 AC - t14 - ff14
CMD 22 / 24 vs Trip
Fort: 3 / Reflex: 7 / Will: 5 / 11 vs. Intimidate

Initiative: +2
Base Speed: 30'
CMB +10 / +12 Trip

Heel Attack: +11 / +9 Combo
Heel Damage: d4+12 / d4+8 @ 2nd Hit
(Piercing NonLethal, x3 Crit.)

Instep Attack: +10 / +8 Combo
Instep Damage: d3+12 / d3+8 @ 2nd Hit
(Bashing Nonlethal, x2 Crit.)

BAB +6
Heel +1 / MW
STR +4 / +4, +2 @ 2nd Hit
POW -2 / +4, +2 @ 2nd Hit
FotA — / +2, +2 @ 2nd Hit
TEA +2 / +2, +2 @ 2nd Hit

Feats & Vigilante Talents:
Lv.1 - Power Attack, Dirty Fighting
Lv.2 - Fist of the Avenger: Improved Unarmed Strike
Lv.3 - Two-Weapon Fighting
Lv.4 - Take 'Em Alive, (Enforcer)
Lv.5 - Improved Trip
Lv.6 - Shield of Blades: Combat Reflexes
Lv.7 - Vicious Stomp
Lv.8 - Vigilante Reflex: Greater Trip
Lv.9 - Lunge
Lv.10 - Magical Familiarity
Lv.11 - Throw Anything
Lv.12 - Sweeping Strike
Lv.13 - Improvised Mastery
Lv.14 - Vital Punishment
Lv.15 - Improved Vital Strike
Lv.16 - Shadow's Speed
Lv.17 - Greater Vital Strike
Lv.18 - Signature Weapon: Stiletto Boots
Lv.19 - Greater Weapon Specialization
Lv.20 - Shadow's Sight

Social Talents:
Lv.1 - Social Grace
Lv.3 - Bellflower Innuendo
Lv.5 - Always Prepared, (Renown)

Climb, Swim: +4+3+Lv = +13
Acrobatics, Escape Arts, Stealth: +2+3+Lv = +11/+16 item
Bluff: +1+3+Lv = +10 / Fashionable +1 = +11 (SG: +15)
Intimidate: +1+3+Lv = +10 / Fashionable +1, Mask +1, Renown +4 = +16
Disguise: +1+3+1 = +5 / Secret ID +20 = +25

Artistry (Drawing/Design): +1+3+Lv = +10 (SG: +14)
Craft (Ladies' Clothing): +1+3+Lv = +10

Gear & Money:
VV's Outfit (crafted, 50g total)
• Vermilion Qipao: Noble Dress with Decorative Trim
Long Gloves
Stiletto Boots
+versatile design: natural (500g per boot = 1000g)
+masterwork stiletto heels (300g per boot = 600g)

Battle Mask (50g)
Mithral Undergarment (1100g)
• Covenant Ring
• Ring of Feather Fall

Masterwork Handbag (25g)
Courtesan's Kit (10g)
Artisan's Tools, Masterwork (55g)

Addy's Outfits (crafted, 100g total)
• Noble Dresses x3
Fashionable Accessories

Money: 10g

Origin Story ~ 'Never the Bride':
Addy entered the mansion, for the massive mahogany door was not locked. She set the gift aside and called out to Vikki. There was no reply. But who could hear a lady in such a labyrinth? Addy snooped about, gently announcing, "Just me, Addy the artsy bridesmaid. I come with a gift," she added to explain the breaking and entering.

What could not be explained was the smell. Mansions smell of fireplaces, flowers, fine wine—yet it was the door to the wine cellar where the stench was especially potent. Instinct told Addy to flee. But Love told her, Vikki needs you.

The sound of a swing brought childhood memories of the subtle emphasis two ropes, a board and a fluttering skirt placed upon feminine beauty. Addy clung to this happy place in her past, until she descended the steps to a reality where her friend now swung, not from the old oak tree, but from a rafter in Gill's cellar.

Tears did their best to mask the horror, but the eyes—faded to a soulless ice-blue—had already imprinted their image on Addison's frontal lobe. The whole of it was overwhelming. Vikki was still clad in her bridal gown. And she was not alone. The rotting corpses of six other Mrs. Bluebeards dangled about the room.

The wooden ladder was still set by Vikki's body. Addy took out her fabric shears and cut her friend free. She must have spent the next hour holding her, sobbing.

Then Addy had a thought. You're a fox, she imagined her friend saying. "I love ye," she replied as she took out a hairbrush. It took a very long time for Addy to straighten her own curls, and even longer to braid them. "I love ye," she repeated as she stripped her friend. "I love ye," she said again as she dressed Vikki in her own clothes.

Naked Addison carried her fallen friend past the other brides, laid her body behind a wine rack and said, "Goodbye, me love." She embraced her friend for as long as she dared—then sprang into action.

Addy hastily streaked upstairs. Front door closed? Check. Gift? Grab it! Leaving the upstairs as it was prior to her arrival, Addy bolted back down, stowing the unveiled attire alongside Vikki's corpse.

Addy donned the bridal gown and those pointy white shoes. She practiced balancing with both stiletto heels on one step of the ladder, practiced clutching the broken noose with chin and neck. Only a fool would mistake her for hanging—but at a glance, this would work. A pale redhead is where she should be, Gill would see.

By the time he did, Addy's performance was well-rehearsed.

The unsuspecting husband tromped loudly down the steps. Tromp. Tromp. Tromp. He admired the disheveled frailty of the pale redhead at the end of her rope.

Until his eyes met the Vixen's. Green. Lively. Cunning. Predatory. Addy sprang like a fox, embedding a stiletto heel in the big man's throat! There it remained affixed to Gill's blue goatee. Addy stumbled on her lopsided footwear, grinning at the absurdity until calloused knuckles struck away her snarky satisfaction!

Thick fingers wrenched her neck, but Addy was stronger than most men. Vikki's killer would not be the exception. She broke free, dropped the man with a stomp to the kneecap, and as Gill Bluebeard lay prone, the Vermilion Vixen proceeded to bash the man's face against the basement floor until it was littered with teeth, blood, and Mr. Bluebeard's last bowel movement.

Addy left him in that undignified state. As for Vikki, she was laid to rest in the master bedroom, dressed in the vermilion qipao painstakingly crafted by her dear childhood friend.


The funeral did not bring closure. Addison wanted closure, wanted love, happiness, a bridal gown and a bride of her own.

But all the Vixen wanted was a pair of stilettos that don't break when you kick a man in the throat.
