Once Upon a Time in Golarion

Game Master vayelan

A Kingmaker game with an emphasis on politics and the mundane

Loot, NPC, and Misc Tracker
Kingdom Tracker Spreadsheet
Settlement Tracker: Horace

Map of the Greenbelt
Kingdom Building Rules

Current Encounter Map:
Ambush at Varnhold Pass

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After a long time away from these forums I'm back and with a vengeance.

I'm interested in GMing a campaign based heavily on Kingmaker, my intention would be to keep it more focused on the mundane difficulties of founding and mantaining a kingdom letting the Fey aspects of the original campaign take a lesser role.

The campaign would start on Restov, and take its first steps there. Once the characters have something of a reputation they will be chosen to take part on the Reclamation of the Stolen Lands.

What I want from the Players:

At least posting once a day, more will be welcomed. I understand real life can get in the way but please try to give warning if possible. I will try to wait for you to post but if you don't may take control of your character. If a player is dissapeared for a whole week with no warning the character will become an NPC.

I want players willing to take the initiative, to explore the sandbox of Kingmaker, make choices, advance the plot and create plot on your own. I feel I'm a much better GM when the players are invested in the campaign and show it and would like to take advantage of that.

What I want from the Characters:

I want characters that feel interesting, no need to be a complete snowflake but having a couple plot points would be most welcome. I will take my decision based on the backstories and personalities of the characters so you can take care of that part before even getting onto the crunch... but if you like the crunch...


No 3rd party material, sorry, I'd like to keep the game confined to things I already know

Races All core and featured
Classes All classes will be accepted. Archetypes will be considered on a case by case basis.
Alignments Good characters are preferred, Neutral characters will be considered, Evil character are a No-No I'm terrible Gming for them.
Feats All Core Books, other sources will be considered on a case by case basis.
Traits Characters should choose two traits. An aditional trait will be given based on the backstory.
Abilities 20 point buy, no ability beyond 18 none below 9 before racial modifiers 
Starting gold Standard starting gold. 
Other things Although the first few days of the adventure will take place on an urban environment the bulk of the campaign will follow a more similar story to the standard Kingmaker. So don't create a character unable to survive the wilds :)

I hope there will be interest in this game. I intend to pick four adventurers but if there are not enough of too many interesting prospective characters I may change my mind.

If you have any doubts, advice, suggestions or anything I'm more than willing to listen.

Interested, so this is my submission. Mostly done just need to tweak abit.

I'm very interested...I'll mock up something and get it in soon.

How are you planning on handling the mapping, may I ask?

Sovereign Court

I am also interested. This character I used in a previous game of Kingmaker so she should fit pretty well. I'll have to rewrite my background though it seems though as I've had to recycle this character a few times.


This guy was made for Kingmaker but never got very far, so if you like his backstory, then if he's not already at 20pt buy I'll adjust him to be so. :)

Alias etc is complete.

Always on the hunt for a kingmaker game, dotting for interest.

Dark Archive

Interested. Il put up a character soon. Thinking elven rogue with some heavy use magic mevice shennagins.

Any opposition to someone currently running a Kingmaker game participating? I've got a concept for an Android Magus that was built for another Kingmaker game I'd love to try out. He's a Bladebound Kensai Magus, to give you the used archetypes. I'd love to use the Cabalist 3rd party archetype for spontaneous casting, but oh well...

The Exchange

I would like to submit for consideration this character:

Ahto is an Inquisitor of Abadar, and a professional executioner.

He sees the execution of the vilest criminals (murderers, rapists, etc.) as of greatest benefit to civilization.

Submitting Petyr, the Wandering Friar.

Full disclosure - I have played the first book of Kingmaker IRL several years ago, and we TPK'd at the very end.

Couple of questions. What about Unchained versions of classes? Background skills?

Also, in regards to Traits, are we required to take a campaign trait or no? Are we allowed Drawbacks in order to gain an additional trait on top of those we already get? Finally, I would personally suggest opening 3rd party options up to feats and archetypes on a case-by-case basis; this allows you to vet things more easily without reading up on entire subsystems, but still allows for expanded options. Just ban any feats that are linked to a system such as Path of War's maneuvers, it's that simple. Of course, it's your choice but I figured I'd pitch it. Also, would you personally consider 3.5 material to be third party, or is that kosher?

I'd love to join this.

I'll echo the questions posted by Arianna above me.

I'd be interested in playing an Unchained Rogue using the Phantom Thief archetype.

He'd be the bastard child of Domani Surtova and as such the illegitimate cousin of Brevoy's current king. The Surtova's bought his mother's silence but as that money went to my character's education he has become a pain in the ass to the Surtovas. Basically they want to get rid of him but can't kill him because it would cause a scandal as too many people know too much.

Mechanically he'd be a skill monkey and knowledge guy more than anything else. In combat he'd be more of a control and support guy. If allowed I'd like to take him down (part) of the Possessed Hand feat line. This will help him a bit with combat potency but will mostly function as an rp tool (and an occasional comic touch). The possession would be the result of a plea for aid to his dead grandfather, mother's side, who was a swordlord.

Grand Lodge

Background skills?

Background skills

@Delgath: I guess you mean the exploring part of the game. My idea is to share a black and white version of the hex map and add colour to the maps as you explore it. If you have any ideas I'd love to read them.

@Arianna: Unchained classes are allowed. We won't be using the background skills system sorry.

@JDPhipps: No problem with allowing someone who is running the AP since I trust you'll keep player and character knowledge separate. And the campaign will be heavily modified nonetheless. I'm sorry but I'd prefer to disallow both 3rd party and 3.X sources. I may dispose of this ban once the game has started buy I don't want to spend half my day looking up feats and archetypes just to understand the characters submitted on this thread.

Can you clarify what you mean by standard starting gold?

Petyr, the Wandering Friar wrote:
Can you clarify what you mean by standard starting gold?

Each class will have the average starting wealth given in its description.

For feats you say 'All Core Books', what is a 'Core Book'?

For Tieflings, are we required to take the feat to have an altered bloodline? My character is descended from demons, with ties to Mendev.

Do you have anything against my best friend and I applying together?

Hotaru of the Society wrote:

For feats you say 'All Core Books', what is a 'Core Book'?

For Tieflings, are we required to take the feat to have an altered bloodline? My character is descended from demons, with ties to Mendev.

Do you have anything against my best friend and I applying together?

I consider Core Books the following:

Core Rulebook
Advanced Player's Guide
Advanced Race Guide
Advanced Class Guide
Ultimate Combate
Ultimate Magic
Ultimate Intrigue
Ultimate Campaign
Occult Adventures
Pathfinder Unchained *classes are allowed variant systems aren't*

I'll look into the Tieflings bloodlines and get back to you. Which book are you using for it?

No problems with a double application. Would you only be interested if both got in?

Thank you!

Sourcebook is Blood of Fiends; it adjusts racial bonuses such as ability modifiers, skill modifiers, and their spell-like ability.

Only together, yup. :)

Hotaru of the Society wrote:

Thank you!

Sourcebook is Blood of Fiends; it adjusts racial bonuses such as ability modifiers, skill modifiers, and their spell-like ability.

Only together, yup. :)

Are you thinking pitborn or another heritage? In any case you won't have to spend a feat to change your heritage.

Sovereign Court

Welcome back DM_Keddah!

Pitborn is my main leaning, yeah. I may stick with the standard.

Chosen One Paladin is the primary archetype I'm leaning towards, as well. it delays smite evil and divine grace, modifies lay on hands and channel energy, and never gains divine bond in exchange for starting with a divinely granted familiar. Is that archetype fine?

Dotting for interest. I got a Unchained Rogue I'm considering for the game.

Hotaru of the Society wrote:

Pitborn is my main leaning, yeah. I may stick with the standard.

Chosen One Paladin is the primary archetype I'm leaning towards, as well. it delays smite evil and divine grace, modifies lay on hands and channel energy, and never gains divine bond in exchange for starting with a divinely granted familiar. Is that archetype fine?

The archetype is fine.

I'm looking forward to your submission

Would you be ok with the Phantom Thief archetype? It's from Ultimate Intrigue and trades out sneak attack and trapfinding/trapsense for being better at skill and having more options when it comes to rogue talents.

In addition, would you be ok with the Possessed Hand feat? It's from Haunted Heroes handbook. The idea behind it is that my character accidentally made a deal with the spirit of his dead grandfather, an Aldori swordlord, to bring his family to glory in exchange for help. This help comes in the form of his grandfather's skill with a blade.
For that same reason I'd also like to use the Military Tradition alternate racial trait from Inner Sea Races. It trades out the human bonus feat for proficiency in two martial or exotic weapons. In my case that would be the Aldori duelling sword and probably the longbow.

Cuàn wrote:

Would you be ok with the Phantom Thief archetype? It's from Ultimate Intrigue and trades out sneak attack and trapfinding/trapsense for being better at skill and having more options when it comes to rogue talents.

In addition, would you be ok with the Possessed Hand feat? It's from Haunted Heroes handbook. The idea behind it is that my character accidentally made a deal with the spirit of his dead grandfather, an Aldori swordlord, to bring his family to glory in exchange for help. This help comes in the form of his grandfather's skill with a blade.
For that same reason I'd also like to use the Military Tradition alternate racial trait from Inner Sea Races. It trades out the human bonus feat for proficiency in two martial or exotic weapons. In my case that would be the Aldori duelling sword and probably the longbow.

The archetype is good. I've sent you a private message about the feat

DM_Keddah wrote:
I hope there will be interest in this game. I intend to pick four adventurers but if there are not enough of too many interesting prospective characters I may change my mind.

There is always significant interest in Kingmaker. I highly doubt that you will have any problems getting more than enough great submissions, and in fact see a few of them from my recent recruitment here :)

Good Luck to both DM_Keddah and the all of the applicants.

This is Aris. She's an aracanist. Do you feel okay about either the occultist or brown fur transmuter archetypes? I'm open to either, or to none if that's what you decide. Other than that, I'll need to check on her crunch to make sure she's in compliance.

Arisl'arial Tathmir wrote:
This is Aris. She's an aracanist. Do you feel okay about either the occultist or brown fur transmuter archetypes? I'm open to either, or to none if that's what you decide. Other than that, I'll need to check on her crunch to make sure she's in compliance.

Both archetypes are fair play but I'd say brown-fur transmuter fits the campaign better.

Perhaps you'd like a cauldron witch with a sassy familiar? This is my submission.

The concept behind my guy is that he's physically pathetic but mentally strong and focuses in Enchantments. I'd hoped to drop my Str and Dex to a 7 to give myself the following stats:

Str: 7
Dex: 7
Con: 13
Wis: 18 (+2 Human)
Int: 14
Cha: 16

High Wis because that's his primary casting stat and he'll only be using spells and abilities in combat. Sure, he can try and use a hand crossbow or something, but try is the operative word.

High Intelligence so I can roleplay him intelligently and get an extra 2 skills.

High Charisma so he can Channel to heal a useful amount of times per day.

If you're unhappy with that and want me to put my Str and Dex to a 9 then it can't be done however, but I thought it was worth putting it out there. I'm in the middle atm with an 8 in both of those and a 12 Con and Int. Everything else is complete, but yea, this guy was more about being a Leader who can support party members well, but is far more geared towards heavy roleplay than combat.

@DM_Keddah, what kind of hooks can we expect during the Restov part that'll bring the group together? Or will the PCs move about independently until the call for Reclamation is out?

I'm considering a freshly ordained paladin or cleric joining the resettlement both to aid this noble endeavour and to promote their religion, but if we're supposed to assemble earlier, it may require some background fiddling.

DM_Keddah wrote:
We won't be using the background skills system sorry.

I'm a bit curious as to why. It's been perhaps the most widely used variant I've seen so far, almost universally accepted if brought up at all.

Grand Lodge

Dwarven Hunter(patient ambusher) is that an acceptable combo

Dotting with a spiritualist. I really like the idea of a non-connected person who gets saddled with a phantom who was involved in Brevoy politics and insists the spiritualist joins the settlement to work toward revenge/whatever. I'm thinking of probably Hatred or Zeal phantom to make them decent at combat, although I really like the idea of a Despair phantom best. From the player's guide, it seems undead are not very common enemies in this AP. What do you think?

Archetype-wise, I'm considering Haunted for more melee ability for the phantom. Possibly Onmyoji if we are short of cleric spells.

Racially, either human or dwarf if they are a local or perhaps tengu or aasimar if they come from more exotic locales.

Let me know what you think about this and meanwhile I will work on nailing down a specific concept.

Is there anyone specific you would want to be the phantom?

Sovereign Court

I would like to apply with Titian Stagson a cavalier.

Dark Archive

Still working on this one - gnome cryptid scholar (investigator), originally from Ustalav. She's a later-to-life adventurer on a mission. Read up in her profile - I'll be adding stats and gear.

Grand Lodge

Thurgrin Boarhammer is an accomplished dwarven hunter who is tasked with hunting down criminals and gaints

Okay so the backstory is kind of vague so it can be built together, the build is working towards the Swordlord Prestige class and is starting with the Swordlord Archetype, if that is okay, and there is way way too much weird details in parts but... here is my fighter, any questions just ask.

Race Human
Gender Male
Age 29
Class Fighter (Swordlord Archetype) Lvl 1
Init +4; Senses Perception +0, Survival +4
Alchemist Kindness (5)
Bolts (20)
Rations (5)
Sunrod (2)
Torches (10)
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13
(+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
Hp 11 Temp hp [ ]
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0
Speed 30ft
Aldori Dueling Sword +5 (1d8+2(+3)/19-20x2)
Cestus +5 (1d4+2/19-20x2)
Dagger +5 (1d4+2/19-20x2)
Crossbow +5 (1d8/19-20x2)
Dagger +5 (1d4+2/19-20x2)
Special Attacks
Dueling Sword PA +4 (1d8+4(+6)/19-20x2)
Cestus +4 (1d4+4/19-20x2)
Dagger +4 (1d4+4/19-20x2)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori Dueling Sword), Weapon Finesse, Power Attack(Fighter Bonus Feat lvl 1)
Axe to Grind - Aurelius practices a form of combat that makes him flourish in the art of one on one combat, his skills at their utmost when he can fully engage an enemy by himself. (While in solo combat with a creature gain a +1 Trait bonus to damage)
Acrobat - Aurelius grew up rough, having spent his youth getting into many a scrape with the law from breaking and entering to petty theft. The many days spent running from Guards, escaping across rooftops and down narrow side streets, have honed his reflex to a razor edge. (Gain a +1 bonus on Acrobatics checks, and you take only a –2 penalty instead of the normal – 5 penalty when using the Climb skill to attempt an accelerated climb.)
Acrobatics +5 (+4 Ability, +1 Rank, +1 Trait, -1 ACP)
Climb +5 (+2 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class -1 ACP)
Intimidate +4 (+1 Rank, +3 Class)
Profession (Soldier) +4 (+1 Rank, +3 Class)
Survival +4 (+1 Rank, +3 Class)
Riddleport Slang, Taldane
SQ Bonus Feat Lvl 1 (Power Attack)
Combat Gear
Aldori Dueling Sword (Polished to a shine and razor sharp, well maintained) (20Gp)
Cestus (Made from black leather and blackened steel. Worn on left hand) (5Gp)
Crossbow: Light (Blacked to reduce reflection of light. Stirrup loading) (35Gp) -Bolts x20 (2Gp)
Dagger (Originally carried by an Ulfen. Hilt made of some old worn bone and wrapped in black leather) (2Gp)
Parade Armour: Taldor (Heavily battered and much repaired) (25Gp)
Adventuring Gear
Dice (Unlike the cards, completely legitimate and honest. Made out of Moose antler) (1Sp)
Explorers Outfit (A collection of garments for any situation, worn with a black cloak with a deep cowl) 10Gp
Eyeglasses (Worn to help with reading. Carried in a small leather and horn case) 5Gp
Fighters Kit: This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. (9Gp)
Marked Cards (A set of cards in a leather sleeve. The sleeve is stained with blood) (1Gp)
Alchemical Gear
Alchemist Kindness x5 (A gentleman's best friend!) (5Gp)
Sunrod x2 (Used when needing to have two hands to fight) (4Gp)
Assorted Jewelry (Silver earring, Two Silver Rings, Silver Torc Bracelet) 10 Gp
Guard Dog: German Shepherd (Hero) (Found during his travels abroad, Hero serves Aurelius faithfully) (25Gp)
Iron Holy Symbol: Cayden Cailean ( This symbol is worn on a leather cord around his neck and is dented but still recognisable)
Tattoo (Norse / Celtic styled knotwork tattoo done in blue, starting on his left shoulder and wrapping around his arm, stopping at his wrist) 30Sp
Tobacco (1lb) (Rich Tobacco with hints of cherry) 5Sp
16 Gp 20 Sp 40 Cp
Height 5ft 10
Weight 175 lbs
Eye Color Light Blue
Hair Color Blond
Region of Origin Taldor
Deity Cayden Cailean

Physical Description

Aurelius wears his hair long, tied back in a ponytail by a thin black leather cord. He keeps his facial hair cut short and styled, worn in a Goatee style cut. When relaxing, at camp or in an Inn or tavern, Aurelius usually wears his glasses.

He wears a small hoop earring in his left ear and around his neck hangs a symbol of Cayden Cailean. Aurelius wears two rings on his right hand, both silver, one depicting a fox chasing it's tail, the other a simple silver band with the initials E.F engraved on the inside. Around his left wrist he wears a Torc made of silver, the heads of which are fashioned into wolves.

His clothes consist of a white shirt, worn under a black leather vest. He wears a pair of black canvas trousers with a pair of turndown leather boots. His parade armour is heavily repaired and bears the marks of many combats but is a strong as when it was first made. Around his waist hangs a fine leather belt with a heavy silver belt buckle. From this belt hangs his blade, his most prized possession, a fine length of steel, polished to a gleam and maintained with a focus that he lacks in every other aspect of his life.


Born in the Taldan city of Restov, Aurelius was left on the doorsteps of an orphanage of Cayden Cailean, when he was less than a week old, give or take. He was raised partially within the orphanage by all of the men and women who ran it, though he became more connected with one in particular, a priest of Cayden by the name of Sylvanus Vitollio. Sylvanus was a kind middle age man who taught Aurelius much, from how to read, to how to track and trap creatures, during rare excursions to the wilderness. Aurelius so admired the man that he took his second name, with his blessing, upon leaving the orphanage.

Aurelius spent most of his childhood being raised not by the orphanage however, but by the streets of the city themselves. As a child he ran and played through the city streets with the other orphans, learning the ways of the city and all her people. As he grew, his focus turned from play to petty crime, vandalism, petty theft and the like. By the time he reached the age of twelve he began to run with a small gang called the Black Chain working out of a warehouse by the docks. Petty crime became something more sinister, assault, burglary and kidnapping, and by the time he turned 15, Aurelius had moved out of the orphanage and in to the warehouse. Aurelius began to learn the blade under the tutelage of the Gangboss, a disgraced Swordlord by the name of Viktor Florrint. Viktor became, in essence, a second father to the young man, teaching him the ways of the dueling sword, instilling in him all the grace, if not the skill, of the Swordlords.

His time with the gang was short lived however, as less than a year after he had joined, Aurelius fled the city just moments away from living his life in the dungeons below its streets. Aurelius signed up with a Mercenary group known as the Steel Sons that had been wintering in the city between jobs, and began to learn the life of a soldier.

It was during this time working as a mercenary that Aurelius learned the ways of the soldier and visited many different and foreign lands. During this time he began to mellow, becoming less rebellious, feeling sorrow for all the bad he had done as a younger man. He became closer to his patron god, even going so far as to consider swearing himself to the priesthood. Aurelis learned to love those less fortunate than him, learned to appreciate his childhood under the careful tutelage of the priest and priestess of the orphanage.

During this time he also became closer to his unit which consisted of a Half-Orc Captain by the name of Krask One-Tooth, his Lieutenant, a Halfling woman named Bliss and Ulfen twins, Yuri and Ori Haggersson. The unit travelled far and wide together, working with the Company when it came to pitched battles but also working seperate jobs when the coin was offered. They grew closer together and became more like a family than a unit. And that proved to of course be their eventual downfall.

As with every other time in his life, family does not last for Aurelius and, it was with a heavy heart that he returned to Restov, some ten years older than when he left and virtually anonymous. Aurelius returned to the Orphanage and began to help raise the next generation of unwanted that entered her doors, crawling into the bottle when no one was looking.

There he would spend the next four years of his life, till the modern day comes calling and with it a world of new opportunities.
Unsure Parentage - Potential for a Noble heritage.

Sylvanus - The man was alive last Aurelius heard of him, travelling somewhere in the River Kingdoms, spreading the work of Cayden.

Viktor - Fled the city when Aurelius became embroiled in his scandal, bringing the Guards down on the gang. Out for revenge.

Steel Sons - Aurelius did not serve out his contract and left when his unit was lost, taking the pay they had received for the job with him and not returning to give the Commander, an Andoran woman by the name of Chalise de’Fraye, the companies cut.

The Maiden Fair - Elise Florienta, a Chelaxian woman who was the daughter of a minor Lord fell in love with Aurelius when his unit took a job working protection for her father. They had a passionate affair till her father caught them in the act. The unit fled Korvosa ahead of his wrath and Aurelius misses her still. Word is the Lady has a young blonde haired daughter now.

The Unit - Aurelius is not quite sure what happened to his friends, the fate of which he knows but one, Bliss. He returned to their camp to find Bliss dead, her head ripped clean from her body, with drag marks leading away in to the dark Ustulavian night. Pools of blood and a lack of signs of a struggle, beyond the drag marks, coupled with the fact he searched for a week and could find no trace, lead Aurelius to believe his friends are dead.

Tavarokk wrote:

@DM_Keddah, what kind of hooks can we expect during the Restov part that'll bring the group together? Or will the PCs move about independently until the call for Reclamation is out?

I'm considering a freshly ordained paladin or cleric joining the resettlement both to aid this noble endeavour and to promote their religion, but if we're supposed to assemble earlier, it may require some background fiddling.

DM_Keddah wrote:
We won't be using the background skills system sorry.
I'm a bit curious as to why. It's been perhaps the most widely used variant I've seen so far, almost universally accepted if brought up at all.

My idea for Restov would be characters starting independently but getting involved in the same events and meeting then, shortly before the wall for Reclamation. I'll need all backstories to justify why they are in Restov. If it isn't it can be modified once you're chosen.

I'm not a fan of variant systems but once the recruitment is done if all players agree I may reconsider.

Ok let me see if I have accounted for everyone. Please tell me if I've forgotten any of the candidates:

Lord Christian D'Elgante: Human Cavalier (Courtly Knight)
Kalima Raustald: Human Sorecerer (Celestial)
Lelouch Vi Orlovsky: Human Cleric
Ahto Ulrych: Human Inquisitor of Abadar (Sin Eater)
Petyr, the Wandering Friar: Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean
Hotaru of The Society and Friend: Characters pending
Cuàn: Human Unchained Rogue (Phantom Thief)
Arisl'arial Tathmir: Elf Arcanist
Nevinia: Half-elf Witch (Cauldron Witch)
Tundran: Spiritualist
Titian Stagson: Human Cavalier (Beast Rider)
Wonky Prong Jr: Gnome Investigator (Cryptid Scholar)
Thurgrin Boarhammer: Dwarven Hunter (Patient Ambusher)
Aurelius Vittolio: Human Fighter (Swordlord)
Krayn: Cavalier (Ghost Rider)

I'll get back to all of you, with any doubts and answers for your questions. Thank you all for your interest. :)

Would you consider a Lizardfolk character? :3

Sorry, I thought I had made a pitch for Arianna but realized it was more of a question. Please add Arianna for consideration.

How do you feel about the divine commander warpriest archetype?

Sovereign Court

Backstory added.

Here I show Trind Anthel, A Dhampir ranger


Trind Anthel
Dhampir ranger (skirmisher) 1
Medium CG humanoid (dhampir)
Init +9
AC: touch 15 flat-footed (+ armor, + shield, + dex)
HP 11
Saves: Fort +3 ref +7 Will +3; +2 against disease and mind affecting effects
Defensive abilities: resist level drain,
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: +2 dagger (1d4+1 19-20/x2)
Ranged: +7 mwk composite longbow (1d8+1 x3)
Special attacks: favored enemy (undead +2)
Spell like abilities: detect undead 3/day
STR: 12 DEX: 20 CON: 13 INT: 18 WIS: 16 CHA: 12
BAB +1 CMB +2 CMD 17
FEATS: point blank shot,
SKILLS: stealth, survival, perception, knowledge religion, knowledge nature, craft (bows), heal, handle animal, climb,
18, 18, 16, 12, 15, 10
Languages: common, elvish, orcish, goblin, varisian,
SQ: track, Wild Empathy, dark vision, low light vision, light sensitivity, negavtive energy affinity,
Traits: chance savior (+2 init), reactionary (+2 init)
Gear: 43
Area map (restov), waterproof bag, compass, bat, backpack, studded leather armor, blunt arrows 60, light horse, arrows 60, 2 daggers


Trin had a different childhood than usual for his kind. When his mother died in childbirth her husband took him in as a final promise to her and raised him as his own doing his best to shield trin from the racial bigotry within his village. Nathan decided to call him trin after his late wife triana. Growing up he learned his father’s trade as a woodsman bringing in meat to sell in the village and other markets. Nathan helped trin to make his bow and he spent many a night carving it to just the right length and shape for his preferences. This life continued well into his 30s with Trin growing more and more competent with the bow and his woodcraft with each passing year. However three years ago rumors came into the village that the vampire that had seduced his mother was active once again, praying on villages in the west. Trin decided to leave home and seek vengeance for his Mother. Since then He has wandered the land learning what he can of this particular vampire and all other kinds of undead, helping those that he encounters in trouble whether that be from marauding beasts or bandits, or just need a hand with a broken wagon wheel. He has grown slightly distrustful of humans in his travels since he is no longer under his father’s protective wing but still bears no ill will to them in general.

"Quartermaster" Kai'itza wrote:
Would you consider a Lizardfolk character? :3

I may consider it but your backstory seems made for S&S not Kingmaker. If you could adapt it I promise to consider your submission

Derz wrote:
How do you feel about the divine commander warpriest archetype?

The archetype is accepted. Although there are several cavalier submissions that may be a bit similar.

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