About Goldilocks "Sugarsnap"Goldi
Languages Common, Druidic, Halfling, Sylvan
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Truffles
________________________________________ Born to the name of Goldilocks Sugar Ferrywarden but she prefers the name Lady Sugarsnap. But her friends sometimes call her Goldi. Her father is Fulito Fulto Ferrywarden and her mother is Lily Curry Ferrywarden. Sugarsnap was born in the forest town of Kassen, on the Tourondel River running through the great Fangwood. Kassen is named after the great Ekat Kassen, who led an expedition and cleared this town out of the stubborn wilderness almost 200 years ago. Goldi’s father is a well-known Bard and retired Pathfinder Chronicler, her mother a renowned cook, Well as far as Goldi was concerned. Her Mother would occasionally make baked goods for The Seven Silvers Inn. But mostly she made cookies for the local children and would always give each person heading out on their annual pilgrimage to the Crypt of the EverFlame, a small bundle of homemade baked goods for the trip. The Ferrywardens were the proud owners of “Small Adventures Book Emporium & Curio”, Fulito, being the scribe of renowned that he was, would right everything down. He did have a problem with his compass points though and sometimes that was evident in some of his writings. Who knows how many Pathfinders were led astray without that small piece of knowledge. Goldi was always an animal lover. She would chase squirrels all over the place and has even been known to take in the neighbor's cat thinking it was a stray. One day she was out attempting find a baby deer that she saw the day before and came upon a baby boar caught in a trap. Taking pity on it she freed him, but this upset Arnama, the local Ranger a little too much and chased poor sugar back into the village, warning her to never come on his property again. For the next several days she looked for that poor little boar but to no avail.
Thinking back, Goldi heard that Olmira would lure little boys and girls to her hut with Chocolate, and then she would eat them. But those were just stories, right? After all they wouldn’t say stories that weren’t true, right? Just outside the front door of the hut was that little baby boar from the trap. His little leg all healed up, but he had a nasty scratch across his eye. Goldi ran up to the little boar to see if he was alright, but she barely took three steps, when Olmira came from the hut. What are you doing here little girl? she asked hoping to shoo Goldi away. I saw this little piggy. I got him out of a trap a few days ago. Is he yours? she asked with a slight tremble in her voice. Why are you so scared? Do you think I am going to eat you? Olmira responded. I know the stories you kids tell. Besides, I don’t have any more Chocolate, that little pig there ate it all. Goldi couldn’t help it but she tried to hide a little giggle at seeing the boar, his face covered in chocolate. Is this all that brings you to my little abode, young Goldilocks. Goldi tilts her head in curiosity, how did you… she starts to say but Olmira quickly shushes her. The spirits of the woods told me that there was a new candidate to join the druidic order. Olmira interrupted. Of course Goldi had no idea who it could be and it took Olmira quite a while to eventually convince Goldi, it was her. For the next several months, Goldi kept disappearing into the woods as she met with Olmira to learn all about the forest and nature, and trees, and animals, and squirrels, and nut, and berries, and bushes, and….well you get the idea. All during her time with Olmira, Goldi and the little Boar became quite attached. Goldi decided to name him Truffles as he and quite the taste for Chocolate, and he had the belly to prove it. Truffles became her companion, she later added the title Admiral which came from his bath, but that is another story. Admiral truffles still bears many of the scars from his trials and fights and the traps. And he isn't much to look at, and he sometimes smells funny, (but maybe that’s because he's gassy).
Olmira arrived at the store one afternoon as Goldi was busy stocking some shelves with some new arrivals from the Pathfinder lodge in Absalom. Goldi loved to read those journals, she even dreamed of one day traveling the world just like her parents did. Truffles just slept under a table. Goldilocks, Olmira began, It is your time. Your final test will be the journey to the Crypt. Remember the lessons I have taught you and you will do fine. She finished. Goldi’s eyes lit up in excitement. Me?!? I mean I always wanted to, well actually, I never believed I, No, I am pretty sure I would, I... SHHHHH Olmira interrupted, just do your best. Goldi could barely keep still, she paced all about the house wondering what she would do, who she would meet. Finally, Fulito pulled her aside, Goldilocks, come have a seat beside me. I have a tale to tell you. her father told her as he pulled an old book off a nearby shelf. As though it was placed there specifically for this occasion. Goldi sat beside her father on the floor as he took a seat on his favorite reading chair. Olmira enjoyed a cup of tea that Lily made as she stood by to listen as well. Olmira knew this tale, she heard it numerous times, and still she enjoyed hearing it. And from a master storyteller no less. Kassen, Fulito began, as he opened the book to the marked page, was established in the year 4522 AR by former adventurer Ekat Kassen, the settlement that would become known simply as Kassen was named Kassen's Hold. Located where it was on the river, Kassen's Hold became a stopover for those traveling the river to and from the city of Skelt. He continued. Hoping to teach Goldi the importance of the event she was about to partake in. Truffles woke up and edged his way over to lay on Goldi’s lap. He remained mostly quiet but an occasional snort could be heard ever no and again.
Vergas and a group of mercenaries raided the settlement for a period of two months before their camp was located. It was during this part sounds of battle could be heard silently in the background, as shadows of soldiers danced along the walls in the candle light of the room. Kassen mounted an attack on the Asar's stronghold, slaying him and scattering the mercenaries before succumbing to his own wounds received during the fighting. A somber moment as the story continues. Those killed on both sides were buried in the crypt that served as the site of the battle. And it is here that the Everflame burns to this day. The Crypt is to honor those that fought so bravely for the prosperity of this town. Fulito looks to his bright eyed, yet a little high spirited daughter, I was not born in this town, but when we arrived here your ma was pregnant with you. The people here gave us shelter and helped deliver you. From that day on we have always felt welcome in Kassen, which is why we chose to retire here. Now it is time to solidify our family presence, by you completing this pilgrimage this town will officially be called, home.