Schwartz |

Are we going to be gaining XP individually? 'Cause if not, you don't really need to have a column for everybody.
And in case anybody's wondering, here's how much XP we should have to get to the next several levels:
9 37,500
10 53,250
11 78,750
12 108,750
13 157,500
14 221,250

Little Orphan Annie |

we still playing? seems nothing is happening.

DoubleGold |

holy crap, people are still fighting ankhegs? Did the DM add like dozens more, or is that a left over map?

Little Orphan Annie |

left over map
we are currently split cause nobody pays attention to the fire gnome.

Schwartz |

Also because I suggested cows first and didn't re-read the list of possible quests before taking an action and therefore didn't realize that the bandit quest was different from the cow quest.

Leo Silvertail |

The bandits were also described as only attacking people who deserve it--Leo would far rather fight a horrible chaos monster than a nice guy who happens to be a bit robbing-y. Of course, he also feels a bit protective of Moneez and Annie, and if they tried to persuade him it might make a difference.

Little Orphan Annie |

actually nothing was known about the bandits until Annie went researching it.
technically IC, only Annie knows this.
also how far along will you go before someone asks where Annie is at?

David Duebillon |

Hello everyone,
Aug 1-15 I will be out of the country with little-to-no internet. Feel free to NPC me during that time.

Schwartz |

IC Schwartz is probably unlikely to notice or care. Sorry. :/ Maybe Leo would have left a note or something since he seemed to be looking after you and Moneez?

Little Orphan Annie |

IC Schwartz is probably unlikely to notice or care. Sorry. :/ Maybe Leo would have left a note or something since he seemed to be looking after you and Moneez?
Yeah I expected that.
pretty common occurance with me actually.

Schwartz |

Well, it's not you personally. Since you basically just met, Schwartz likewise wouldn't care if Moneez or David ran off somewhere either. He might care if Leo ran off given that the guy killed something like 4 ankhegs in one round of melee combat solo, which was a pretty impressive feat. But he'd probably just sort of shrug that off as well.

Little Orphan Annie |

Well, it's not you personally. Since you basically just met, Schwartz likewise wouldn't care if Moneez or David ran off somewhere either. He might care if Leo ran off given that the guy killed something like 4 ankhegs in one round of melee combat solo, which was a pretty impressive feat. But he'd probably just sort of shrug that off as well.
yeah, and I find it hard to believe that so many actually think the summoner is over powered.
but If everything is revolving around combat power then perhaps this is the wrong game for Annie.

Schwartz |

The summoner ~can~ be overpowered if you choose to make it that way. I'm sure Leo, and perhaps to a lesser degree myself, could show you an OP summoner build (or you could probably just google for one. I'm sure there are plenty out there). But the default state of a summoner isn't that it's automatically OP. Give me any "OP" class, and I guarantee you I can make an underpowered character with it (just don't ask for a balanced character because I have trouble telling what "balanced" is).
Also, literally the only thing Schwartz has seen y'all do is combat. So that's really the only thing he has to judge you on. And Leo was pretty damn impressive.

Little Orphan Annie |

what I was referring to is the fact that many DM's outright ban summoners because of the OP builds. without giving them a chance.
this chaarcter was rejected from several games only becuse the Summer class. and nothing else.
I didn't even have to post much just summoner = NO way

Leo Silvertail |

Oh, I can show you 20 OP summoner builds. The big thing about the summoner is that their abilities don't really stack well with anything, so a multi-classed summoner will always be crippled in a way few other classes can relate to.

Schwartz |

Well, actually trying to figure out if characters are balanced from just their crunch seems pretty tough to me. Just outright banning summoners seems a lot easier than having to look at all the summoner characters. And summoner is probably one of the easier classes to make super powerful characters for.
If you really wanted to play summoners in a PBP, maybe you could try Pathfinder Society games? Unless I'm mistaken, they're legal for that.

Leo Silvertail |

The big problem with summoners is that the eidolon (or synthesist) mechanic lets you build a character whose stats and abilities aren't limited by the normal character-building rules. (Also, summoning 1d4 celestial tigers with smite and pounce can destroy almost any boss in a single round).
That said, the same reason is why lycanthropes are normally banned (and why I wouldn't even try to play one in a non-3pp game).

Little Orphan Annie |

In any event If nobody cares what happens with Annie, and since she does not measure up combat wise to garner any concern or care....
I have two options...
1. I will continue solo
2. quit the game.
and depending on the Dm's input, I have a feeling I know the choice.
I don't enjoy playing a game where fellow players quite frankly don't care what happens to their comapnions. or make an attempt to get to know them.

Schwartz |

I don't know why you're putting such an emphasis on the combat aspect of things. Schwartz is meant to be a stealthy skill monkey trap finder first, combat person second. All we've done so far is combat (because we haven't done much yet), so we haven't had a chance to show off any of our other skills, but I assume that will end up happening.
I honestly feel like the reason you got left behind is because I wasn't paying enough attention to what the different quests were and people wound up following me. Whether that's because I directly addressed them in character (which I had to do since my heal and tracking skills suck) or because I posted second, I don't know. But I misunderstood what was going on. Mistakes happen, and I didn't mean it personally.
If you want to quit, that's your right. But you could also just keep looking up on the bandits, we'll all meet up and share info or something. One advantage to PBP is that you can split people up and still have everybody doing stuff in parallel.

Leo Silvertail |

Yeah, the game kind of slowed down, and we're trying to ramp it back up—but that means we're still waiting for people to reply. Since Schwartz and I were the only ones who weighed in on a path initially, I figured we'd go with that, but we haven't heard from the other party members (there's three more).
It would be quite simple to split the party, which is what I was expecting. Not sure where Imperius or Moneez are going, but David requested that he be botted—it's not unreasonable for him to prefer to hunt bandits with Annie (although that doesn't seem like a very good-aligned quest, which is why some of the characters preferred the cow-eater), and one of us could control him on that path.

Little Orphan Annie |

again, IC, nobody knew (knows) about the bandit situation until Annie investigated. and while she was doing that everyone else split.
ONLY ANNIE knows that the bandit mission is what it is. she did not share that since everyone was gone before she could.
also, the reason I keep talking combat, it was shwartz that initially was judging party member's worth from combat ability.
basically said did not care if Annie ran off, she was not valuable enough to worry about.
what is really annoying is the fact that when everyone went on to the cow situation, nobody bothered to make mention of Annie, even to say "hey where's Annie, we should gather everyone up first."
and to be honest, nobody has yet.

Schwartz |

I think you are confusing me with my character. Schwartz is judging you thus far based on combat because that is all he's seen. I the player am not judging you based on combat as I know there are other things and that combat is that all I've seen.
Also, Schwartz is an android and doesn't have feelings. Therefore, people's value are only in what they can do for him.

DoubleGold |

um, are any of the players on vacation, or are some of them really inactive?
I placed all inactive players and characters who haven' posted in over a month in the inactive section on the character tab sheet, wasn't sure if there was someone who was just on vacation.
Anyway I should probably get back into this as a PC, otherwise it is kind of like just abandoning the game if I don't. When I first started this and players kept dropping out and replacements I found kept backing out, I actually believed the game would just go dead, but it doesn't appear that way, and it is better than ever. Plus I'm wanting to play homebrews again, so why not start with my own game.
DM, what are the new rules for character creation?
28 buy points, max HP, level 8. Any class? Races?
Edit: actually it seems like we only lost one player in the past month, it just seems like we lost alot, because I put non-characters in the inactive section, meaning they posted with the wrong alias.

The Voice from the Depths |

If you want to rejoin then create a character with 28 point buy, and any class or race but run third party stuff by me first.

Schwartz |

Anyway I should probably get back into this as a PC, otherwise it is kind of like just abandoning the game if I don't. When I first started this and players kept dropping out and replacements I found kept backing out, I actually believed the game would just go dead, but it doesn't appear that way, and it is better than ever. Plus I'm wanting to play homebrews again, so why not start with my own game.
DM, what are the new rules for character creation?
28 buy points, max HP, level 8. Any class? Races?Edit: actually it seems like we only lost one player in the past month, it just seems like we lost alot, because I put non-characters in the inactive section, meaning they posted with the wrong alias.
Is there any reason why you wouldn't just use the same character you had before?

DoubleGold |

Ogre, probably should have level adjustment, which isn't paizo official material anyway, plus since I'm not in control of creation guidelines anymore, it was best I ask. Also trying to simply things instead of doing some crazy multi-class character like I had before. Using same alias, but remaking him and not an Ogre this time, but will have a similar build.

Leo Silvertail |

DG: There are handy stats for playing an ogre, although they're quite a few RP.
Meanwhile, an excellent (balanced) 3pp option for an ogre-like character is Half-Giant, from Psionics Unleashed.

Schwartz |

Ogre, probably should have level adjustment, which isn't paizo official material anyway, plus since I'm not in control of creation guidelines anymore, it was best I ask. Also trying to simply things instead of doing some crazy multi-class character like I had before. Using same alias, but remaking him and not an Ogre this time, but will have a similar build.
Makes sense. Just wondering. :-)

Imperius |

I like annie and tibber a lot to be honest. Imperius likes her in character, as, even though she is not a child, her childlike countenance, is something that he shares. Seeing as Imperius in basically a magically created walking bag of madness and insanity that is tapering off in this mystical world we have journeyed to.
So IC is there no way for him to be near Annie, I know we left you and now you're at a mansion?

David Duebillon |

In an effort to help me focus on various aspects of life i've been neglecting i've decided to drop out of a few PBP games. This game being one of them. Thanks for having me onboard. It's been fun, but sadly real life comes first. Thanks again.
Feel free to NPC David if you wish.

DoubleGold |

got it, is david now an npc or is he just not there?
I'm doing some updating on the characters.
Edit: I also marked bane88 as inactive, he can continue posting if he wants to, but I'm thinking he won't be back for months or years, as he is most likely busy with real life.
Edit: do people want more recruiting done, or are they okay with 3 players?

Schwartz |

Just a heads up, I will be traveling/at a conference from this Monday the 10th to the following Monday, Novemeber 17th. I don't know how much time/internet access I'll have during that period, so feel free to bot me.

Little Orphan Annie |

Just wondering then about annie and the bandit leader, kind of left unresolved, maybe a little payout or contact or something to close that

DoubleGold |

okay, the bandit leader dies of a massive heart attack. and all his secrets with him dies. His group breaks up.

Little Orphan Annie |

okay, the bandit leader dies of a massive heart attack. and all his secrets with him dies. His group breaks up.
Well ok.. little anticlimatic but whatever..
Sorry if i upset you already... never mind on payout or anything.

DoubleGold |

sorry, but I had no idea what went on, and I figured the best way to handle it was to just automatically resolve all previous issues from this point forward and I'll Dming this again for a few months as I'm here to stay. Though I assure you, you will receive plenty of gold and other stuff Annie to make up for it.

DoubleGold |

Everyone make sure you are level 10 before you start these quests, I know 2 levels jump is a lot, but lack of 2 levels means you will be hurting if you don't.

Schwartz |

I'm still here; just trying to remember what I was actually trying to do with Schwartz. I think I might end up retraining all of his levels or something.

DoubleGold |

Can't guarantee anyone they will actually see level 50 as promised, as from experience homebrews on these forums die out pretty quickly, or they don't last as long as adventure paths, but I will try to keep this going as long as possible.
Plus keeping homebrews interesting and keeping a good story to it can sometimes be hard to do. That said, this being a horror/high fantasy homebrew, is there anything players would like to see? Since the game is flexible. It can be as small as I want to see a dozen more graveyards or something as big as I want an entire quest based off of this movie or that movie.

Leo Silvertail |

Hmm... Leo's character was designed to be able to kill anything small enough for him to jump on. It might be fun to fight really, really big enemies (once we level up some), or dragons, because nobody ever gets to fight dragons.

DoubleGold |

okay so collossal sized creatures, got it.
as leo is still only level 9, 1+5+3=9 not 10.

Little Orphan Annie |

Annie and Leo both have templates that take up levels

Leo Silvertail |

Well, they could certainly be interesting. It's rare that campaign monsters get beyond Huge.
And yeah, -1 level because Wereleopard.

DoubleGold |

things are just a little bit late updating because of the superbowl and because I was trying to recruit, reading and updating now. Also, it looks like we will be stuck at 3 characters for now.

DoubleGold |

okay, considering there is only 3 of you and getting new players is hard, I'm going to have you all level up after this quest or maybe after the next quest as I have one more quest to throw in before I do this to you. Level up a lot that is. But this will be a long quest, a long long quest hopefully and the one after this if I do it. You will gain a lot of gold too before going onto quest number two.
I know that this game will not last much longer, but I do want to test and see how people do against monsters above cr 20, as I'm curious and I have never seen it done. I will readjust the buy to 25 points probably to make it more fair and see what I can do about getting a 4th person to join. I might pm people who like high power games to get this to work. You will be level 25 using normal advancement and with 2.3 million gold to spend. This will be a while, but you might want to start planning now. Maps will be used too, they will come from certain modules, so they may look similar to some of you who play pfs games. Though stuff that is there in the module won't be there, traps may or may not be there and obviously the only thing the same might be the map, and I'll use the props that are there too, so if you have to find a switch or a key in the mod, you will have to find it here in the game too. But enemies and traps will be different and in possibly different locations. The enemies will range from 23 to 27 and no enemy will be used more than twice. I will use one module or two, and I'm talking about the actual modules, not the short scenarios.
So all in all this game has 4 quests left. This quest, the next hombrewed quest, the 3rd quest using a map from a module where you start at level 25 reduced to 25 point buy with 2.3 million gold and a 4th quest using a map from a 2nd module, and you will all get a set amount of gold to spend for having completed quest 3, and you'll probably be level 26 or 27 by then, and in the 2nd module, the enemies will range from 27 to 30 in cr with no monster being used more than twice. Then Game over
So who all is game for the massive level jump? This will be your chance to fight monsters you would never get to fight.
Or do you prefer to end the game at this quest? Or the next quest?
If you do the level jump you want to play one map or two?

Leo Silvertail |

I could do level jump. We could also see what people think about adding a few mythic ranks, if we're going to go do some legendary things..