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![]() The "Spirit Object" hex doesn't have the attack trait. That might be intentional - treating the target object as if it were an animated or summoned minion for one round. Or it may have been left off in order to avoid confusion if one casts the one-action version that doesn't attack, with the assumption being that the two-action version was "obviously" an attack spell. Or it might have been an oversight, since in the two-action version the attack roll is made using the caster's "spell attack roll." The answer to this question will held determine whether or not Baba Yaga witches should even bother considering carrying a sling. ![]()
![]() So, here's a Primal Druid build. What do you think? Everybody wants to be a troll. And this build aims to do just that! But not only is this build about being a troll, but it's about being a surprising troll! A troll that does some not-very-troll-like things, and which takes interesting advantage of it's troll-like abilities, and is PFS legal! This build includes some multi-classing, which does mean that BaB is going to ntake some serious hits – but being a troll makes up for that. And the build includes a lot of source-books – sorry. The first thing to understand, is that to be a troll you're really going to want to be a Goliath Druid from the Giant-Hunter's Handbook, and you're not actually going to get to be a full troll until level twelve. So let's go through the build, level-by-level! Kaikura is human. He starts with the Versatile Human racial trait from the Advanced Race Guide – which takes away the bonus feat and the bonus skill point, but gives him two ability scores at +2. You could make this build dumping intelligence to 7 in order to get Charisma to 14 (Charisma being the spellcasting stat for two of the one-level dips), but this is presented with intelligence at a minimal 10, and keeping Charisma to 11 (barely enough). Those two +2 attributes are going to be Strength and Wisdom!
Druid is your favored class, and you're going to take that +1 hit point every time (after all, you dumped intelligence but kept constitution high for a reason – your priorities are already set). Level 1: Druid (Goliath Druid) 1
Level 2: Monk (Flowing Monk) 1 from Ultimate Combat.(This is all about armor class. Your main spell-casting attribute as a druid is Wisdom, and the monk dip lets you add that attribute to armor class. But it's also neat on it's own.)
Level 3: Druid (Goliath Druid) 2
Level 4: Druid (Goliath Druid) 3
Level 5: Sorcerer (Eldritch Scrapper from the Advanced Class Guide) 1
Level 6: Druid (Goliath Druid) 4
Level 7: Druid (Goliath Druid) 5
Level 8: Druid (Goliath Druid) 6
Level 9: Druid (Goliath Druid) 7 (or 6)
Level 10: Druid (Goliath Druid) 8 (or 7)
Level 11: Druid (Goliath Druid) 9 (or 8)
Level 12: Oracle 1 from the Advanced Player's Guide
Level 13: Druid (Goliath Druid) 10 (or 9)
Level 14: Druid (Goliath Druid) 11 (or 10)
Level 15: Druid (Goliath Druid) 12 (or 11)
Level 16: Druid (Goliath Druid) 13 (or 12)
Level 17: Druid (Goliath Druid) 14 (or 13)
Level 19: Druid (Goliath Druid) 16 (or 15)
Level 20: Druid (Goliath Druid) 17 (or 16)
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![]() Wow, well I was excited to see the 9-00 boon, and have made a character accordingly! It's pretty clear that under RAW, any spellslinger must still pay full price for ammunition, regardless of ranks in craft alchemyy. To wit the Roleplaying guild Guide for season 9 wrote:
I do wonder if there are any plans to FAQ this, so that those with a spellslinger boon and craft alchemy can make their own ammunition ingame. Meanwhile I'll keep dropping points into craft alchemy, and toting around my molds and tools for melting lead, and for mixing saltpeter sulfur and charcoal, while paying Guaril Karela's exhorbitant rate for bullets powder and cartridges. Many thanks, Doctor Boem ![]()
![]() If a GM runs a sanctioned module, does s/he have the same options with that chronicle sheet that a player who runs a pre-gen has? In particular, may the GM (like the player of a pregen character) the Guide to Organized Play wrote: . . . opt instead to apply the Chronicle sheets earned with a non-1st level pregenerated character to a 1st-level character with the amount of gp gained reduced to 500 gp (or 250 gp for characters using the slow advancement track). And while talking about applying a higher-tier adventure to new first level character . . . What about sanctioned modules that award more than one XP? RAW says "amount of gp gained reduced to 500 gp" but common sense suggests "amount of gp gained reduced to 500 gp per XP awarded on the chronicle sheet." (Or, 1500 gp if applying a full 3-XP chronicle sheet from a sanctioned module of higher tier to a new level 1 PC.) Thoughts? ![]()
![]() Hello, Pathfinders. With this PFS character, I took advantage of the loophole, making it possible to achieve early entry to the Mystic Theurge career, by using special abilities and racial abilities to qualify. The Tiefling character qualified after getting one level of Sorcerer and two levels of Oracle. Three levels were needed to get the skill requirements; being a Tiefling and able to cast Darkness, I qualified under the "cast 2nd level arcane spell" requirement, and being a wood druid with "Warp Wood" I qualified under the "cast 2nd level divine spell" requirement. The old version of the FAQ, with the exact wording permitting this, is here: http://www.unseelie.org/assorted-rpg/Gretlin/FAQ.pdf Quote from the original FAQ:
Spell-Like Abilities, Casting, and Prerequisites: Does a creature
with a spell-like ability count as being able to cast that spell for the purpose of prerequisites or requirements? Yes. For example, the Dimensional Agility feat (Ultimate Combat) has "ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door" as a prerequisite; a barghest has dimension door as a spell-like ability, so the barghest meets the "able to cast dimension door prerequisite for that feat. Edit 7/12/13: The design team is aware that the above answer means that certain races can gain access to some spellcaster prestige classes earlier than the default minimum (character level 6). Given that prestige classes are usually a sub-optimal character choice (especially for spellcasters), the design team is allowing this FAQ ruling for prestige classes. If there is in-play evidence that this ruling is creating characters that are too powerful, the design team may revisit whether or not to allow spell-like abilities to count for prestige class requirements." The last time I played this character was November. But in February the FAQ changed, making my build retroactively illegal. Quote from the new FAQ:
Spell-Like Abilities, Casting, and Prerequisites: Does a creature with a spell-like ability count as being able to cast that spell for the purpose of prerequisites or requirements?
Only if the pre-requisite calls out the name of a spell explicitly. For instance, the Dimensional Agility feat (Ultimate Combat) has "ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door" as a prerequisite; a barghest has dimension door as a spell-like ability, so the barghest meets the "able to cast dimension door prerequisite for that feat. However, the barghest's dimension door would not meet requirements such as "Ability to cast 4th level spells" or "Ability to cast arcane spells". posted Feb 18, 2015 So before I play this character again (soon, I hope), I am trying to figure out:
![]() If a player with GM stars wants to use one for replay then
![]() I have an interesting problem and puzzle. Perhaps people can help. As suggested above, it has to do with oracles. In particular it has to do with oracle curses. The problem: A PC oracle has the deaf curse. Advanced Players Guide wrote: You cannot hear and suffer all of the usual penalties for being deafened. As to the game definition of deafened (which is pretty straightforward, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to quote): Core rules wrote: A deafened character cannot hear. He takes a –4 penalty on initiative checks, automatically fails Perception checks based on sound, takes a –4 penalty on opposed Perception checks The fore-mentioned deaf oracle is in the woods with his friend. The oracle casts "Comprehend Languages" and is under it's effect for ten minutes per level. Core rules wrote:
Nowhere in the description of Comprehend Languages does it say or suggest that the spoken character has to hear the spoken word. I'm putting my ruling in spoiler brackets, so that people have a moment to think on this problem before reading how I ruled, because I want others to have a moment to think about this before being biased by my own answer. Attempting to follow RAW, my ruling is:
If the friend actually manages to speak something (that is, the friend is not under a silence spell and could expect to be heard by other characters at the distance the oracle is) then the oracle "can understand" what is said. What say others? I am interested in a ruling for PFS Organized Play. Many thanks, Scott |