Wolf_Spider |
Theres a random.org card drawing thing that i use for my savage dark souls game thats pretty good, but still doesnt have a discard pile option. But, i just list the heroes in order, then the enemies, and draw one card per character and assign them in the order theyre drawn. Abilities that require re-rolls i would just use the app to draw another card or edges that allow pick n choosing i draw extras commensurate to the edge.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Wolf_Spider |
I took screenshots and disregarded cards with repeats
-Posted with Wayfinder
WhtKnt |
I use a physical deck that I keep at my computer desk and just post who got what card.
Jack of Clubs. |
I'm sorry all. Been having some rl issues. I am way behind. I might be able to post tomorrow but there are so many posts already, maybe I should drop and just let you all keep the pace going.
You are only one post behind Death Angel. We're just jawing here so dive in when you can!
Enkїdu |
Ya, what he said. Basically we've just described ourselves and our situation. There is very little to actually sum up in terms of actually planning.
Dr. Toxic is a liquid in a baggie, but could dissolve our neutralizer cuffs if cut free. Alpha One suggested that he'd be willing to pull his hand off in order to get free of his cuff, so long as somebody had a regrow limbs power he could copy afterwards. Instead Wolf Spider pulled a Hudini and slipped out of his. Presumably he'll have Toxic free in a moment and then Toxic will have us out a second later.
That's pretty much all you missed.
Edit: It occurs to me that I'm not used to thinking like a villain. I should have told Alpha I did have such a power so he would do it and get us all free, and then say, "Whoops, sorry" afterwards...
Wolf_Spider |
I'm still somewhat surprised that roll was so successful. Tell you what, they're not going to let me get away with that again.
GM_ZenFox42 |
ALL - in the past, when I've GM'd SW in PbP (wow, acronym soup!), I've used a d1000, because of something that no one's brought up - repeated numbers! I figured that with a thousand numbers to choose from, no one would ever get the same number as someone else. I treated Jokers as a 37 or less (same percentage chance as in a real deck).
But, that didn't account for re-shuffling (basically it was a re-shuffle on every round), and none of my previous players had Edges that affected what cards they got, so I'm probably just going to buy a real deck and use it at home. So you'll have to trust me on the draws...
Speaking of which, to save me the time of having to re-check 9 PC's, would anyone with an Edge which affects their Initiative please speak up here? Thanks!
Wolf Spider - no, no they won't. They already have a re-design in mind... :)
*Nature |
Zenfox, what superhero source are you using? As I mentioned before, I grabbed the Necessary Evil Explorer's edition and the Super Powers Companion Explorer's Edition and they both show Lightning Strike as +3, but if there is another source that is different let me know and I'll change it.
As far as having a parry of 4 goes, I'm okay with it. It's been my experience that Savage Worlds is a pretty lethal system, and there's no good way to make yourself truly unhittable (I suppose I could have gone with immunity to kinetic damage, but that's not really my character theme).
Also, the only edge that I have is Arcane Background.
GM_ZenFox42 |
Thomas - no, "Explorer's Edition" is the first edition of SPC.
Nature - oh...ummm...well, as I was writing my original answer to your post, I checked my SPC *2nd edition* (the only valid reference for this game, as I said in my Recruitment OP), and just now noticed that Storm only costs 3 points.
At some point in the past, I created a Word document with all of the PC's Powers, and wrote that Storm cost 4 points, because in your first posting of the PC in Recruitment, you listed Storm as 4 points (because you'd added Gale Force +1, which I thought was *in addition* to the 4 points for Storm). And I've been going by that document ever since.
You're fine.
However, for the future I would still strongly recommend that you increase your Parry, since a low Parry means a higher chance of a Raise on the Fighting roll, which adds an extra die to the damage. And statistically, 1 point of Parry is worth 2 points of Toughness in terms of survivability (because it's better to not be hit in the first place).
GM_ZenFox42 |
I'm going to be going over *everyone's* build, so don't you first few folk think I'm picking on just you...
Endiku - you have your Toughness listed as 18(4) in your Shape Changed form, but I get +2 to Toughness and +4 to Armor from Superpowers, and +1 from increased Vigor, so with a base of 6(1), I get 13(4). Where'd the other 5 points come from?
Jack of Clubs. |
I'm going to be going over *everyone's* build, so don't you first few folk think I'm picking on just you...
The Inspector General is coming!
Runs off to triple check everything......
Enkїdu |
That was the prospective Toughness for one of my altered shapes. His stats will be different in each, so for his stat bar i just picked what would likely be is go to fighting shape: a large bear.
In bear form his Vigor increases to d12, and he has a size increase of 2, leading to a base Toughness of 10 (which is what the Large Bear is listed as having in the core book). Adding to that the increased toughness, vigor and armour would be 17(4).
Think I still had the +1 Toughness from Growth added in there. I will fix that and make sure my other forms accurately reflect my current powers as well.
GM_ZenFox42 |
Enkidu - ok, thanks for the clarification, I forgot about you assuming the creature's physical stats.
Jack - ok, since you said something, you're next. :)
Your Powers are on all the time, yes? So you don't need to do Parry 6/8, just Parry 8. Same for RATN, just RATN 6. Otherwise, no problems.
Thomas - I did say in the Recruitment OP that you could only take 2 levels of Deflection, but you've got 3 marked down, so you'll have to move 1 PP to somewhere else. In addition, *all* attacks made against you while invisible are at -4 (-6 with a Raise, so please remind me when you use it and get a Raise!), so please add /10(invis) to your Parry, and change your RATN to 4/8(invis)/6(Def).
Jack of Clubs. |
Jack - ok, since you said something, you're next. :)Your Powers are on all the time, yes? So you don't need to do Parry 6/8, just Parry 8. Same for RATN, just RATN 6. Otherwise, no problems.
Actually they are not on all the time. Jack has to be aware of the attack for the deflection and parry to apply. So I listed both values.
hmmmm I don't have my book with me at the moment. Do the Dodge and block edges have that aware loophole?
Jack of Clubs. |
Hey Zen do you have this? There is a gridded map of Star City on page 8.
Also I found this annotated map.
Thomas Roland |
Thomas - I did say in the Recruitment OP that you could only take 2 levels of Deflection, but you've got 3 marked down, so you'll have to move 1 PP to somewhere else. In addition, *all* attacks made against you while invisible are at -4 (-6 with a Raise, so please remind me when you use it and get a Raise!), so please add /10(invis) to your Parry, and change your RATN to 4/8(invis)/6(Def).
Ah. So you did, so you did. Alright, I took it down one and got rid of Requires Activation. (This makes sense in math-numbers.)
For the invis penalty, I think you're mixing it up with a different, much cooler ability. Invis is -2 per level, and I have but one level of it. And even that modest modifier is halved if they make their Spot Check (but only if have an Armor Check penalty less than three. And it's dark, on a Tuesday.)
If it's okay, I traded my almost last ten dollars for a switchblade, because I just noticed those things exist.
GM_ZenFox42 |
Thomas - you're right, I must have had my SWD open (maybe to look up Block and Dodge?), and looked at the Invisibility AB Power.
Nature, Shackle, Wolf Spider, Dark Angel - no problems.
Alpha One - please list your Toughness in your stats line as 11(6).
Doctor Toxic - why is your Parry listed as 6/7? I don't see any need-to-be-activated superpowers that would boost it to 7. Same with RATN 4/5...
I think that's everyone!
GM_ZenFox42 |
I found this advice on PC advancement on the SW forums and found it very helpful :
"EASE" (per Rank)
1st advance: Take an Edge
2nd advance: Raise an Attribute
3rd advance: Raise/add some Skills
4th advance: Take another Edge
You don't have to do it in this order, but it's a handy way to remember to cover all the bases, and emphasizes SW's "Edge-based" philosophy.
Problem is at Novice, you only get 3 advancements before you hit Seasoned (becoming a WC is your "first advancement"), so one of those has to go. Which one is up to you, but I would suggest it NOT be raising an Attribute. Probably drop one Edge, you got at least one at creation.
Regarding how high to make a Trait die : while a d10 only gives you a 4% improvement over a normal success (TN 4, no penalties), d10's give you a LOT better chance of one-or-more Raises than d8's (40% vs. 25%!), so if the roll is something where getting a Raise makes a big difference (like your Attack roll for the extra d6 Damage, or your Arcane skill roll since many Powers get a boost with a Raise), that's a good reason to go from a d8 to a d10.
Wolf_Spider |
Im thinking increasing my agility some more.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Enkїdu |
I'll probably focus on various edges and non-combat skills, as my stats are pretty variable, and with things like sneaking and climbing I can typically find an animal form that is better than average at it.
Edit: Put the stats for my current form in a spoiler below my name.
Enkїdu |
Full disclosure:
I haven't been able to find official stats for all the animals I want to be able to shift into, so with some of them I am extrapolating what I think they would be based on similar animals. For example, there are no Crow stats, so I just generally assumed it would be slightly smaller/weaker than a hawk, but with the ability to speak.
Likewise for owl, I started with a hawk, and kind of blended in some of the nocturnal features of the Bat stats, plus stealth, as owls have "silencer" feathers that actually work to muffle the sound of flapping wings and even gliding to near silence.
There are likely to be other forms that don't have specific descriptions buy are useful in a certain set of circumstances (for instance, something like a weasel or ferret might be ideal for sneaking in through cracks in walls. I will do my best to source an official version of any creature I use, and say so if I was unable to find one and had to extrapolate/make one up.)
For Combat forms, like bear, tiger, or minataur, I've gone strictly by the book, including listing the source for the stats.
GM_ZenFox42 |
Enkidu - thanks for the full disclosure, and all your work on creating stats for your animal forms! Are you familiar with Zadmar's SW Bestiary?
zadmar bestiary
and go to the godwars2 link. There you'll find several resources for building monsters, and a Monster Finder that searches over 3000 pre-made critters.
GM_ZenFox42 |
ALL - more on "how evil is evil" : lies and broken promises.
It seems like villains are much more prone to tell lies, and make promises that they won't keep.
How much does your PC do these things? Will you continue to do them when you're working with a team, to your team-mates? Or just do them to others?
-- Dark Angel -- |
Dark Angel is actually incapable of lying (not that the others know this). If she gives her word, she will keep it or die trying. Thus, she makes promises very sparingly.
Jack of Clubs. |
No real gentleman will tell the naked truth in the presence of ladies.
- Mark Twain "A Double-Barreled Detective Story"
Jack always tells the whole and unvarnished truth.
Truth is mighty and will prevail. There is nothing the matter with this, except that it ain't so.
- Mark Twain, Notebook, 1898
Anything he says can be trusted absolutely.
I like the truth sometimes, but I don't care enough for it to hanker after it.
- Mark Twain, Ashcroft-Lyon manuscript
Believe everything he tells you, trust in Jack.
A lie is an abomination unto the Lord, and a very present help in time of trouble. –Mark Twain
Jacks word is his absolute bond.
Promises and pie crusts are made to be broken. ~Jonathan Swift
If he promises something, it is as good as done already.
The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present. ~Niccolò Machiavelli
You can trust Jack, you can believe in jack. I swear this is true.
Never take a solemn oath. People think you mean it. -Norman Douglas
Thomas Roland |
Oh, everyone, two quick things.
1) This thing is a quick cheat sheet for tricks you can do in combat, including the aforementioned Wild Attack.
2) This thing is a quick rules guide to Savave World. It's a good thing to have access to if you wanna look up a basic rule, and have access to the internet, but not access to your book. =)
Jack of Clubs. |
@GM ZenFox: The terms "drone guard" can have a pretty generic connotation for anyone not already familiar with the NE universe. Would you mind filling in some color or background on what exactly a "drone guard" is? i.e. Is it a robot? A gene-bred bee worker? A small robot with only a camera? =)
Seconding this. What, if anything, do we know about what these things are and what they can do.
And since I'm here. Could we get a description of the roof, the building, and the complex?
Roof:There is apparently HVAC units to hide behind. Unless one of those wounds was to Jack's head. That implies a flat roof? How big? Convenience store? Big box store? Mall of America? All on one level? Is there a visible way down? Trap-door or Elevator service box or stairwell or fire escape or window cleaners platform?
Building:Is this a post invasion alien building or an existing building that has been re-purposed? How many stories? Wooden? Sheetmetal? Cement? Brick? Hardened alien goo? Windows? Skylights?
Complex: How big? Lone building, office park or movie studio lot sized? How far away are the towers? Any visible vehicles? What is the landscaping like? Just dirt? Tarmac/concrete? Landscaped with attractive brick paths and decorative shrubs?
General: What time is it? What season? What was the weather like before Nature started playing with it. Is the complex in an urban, suburban, rural or wilderness area? Any landmarks?
Sorry for the wall o' text and perhaps this would be better in the game thread but Jack is not exactly a powerhouse (yet). He functions best in a detailed environment with things to use or hide behind.
-- Dark Angel -- |
@Thomas - Yeah, I thought about that but it really didn't fit the character concept. I wanted her to have a magical weapon, maybe a flaming sword, but the concept was too difficult to try to work out. I suppose that she could have a vibrosword and just call it a flaming sword, if ZenFox is open to it.
Enkїdu |
ZenFox said that Molecular Swords were available (houseruled to AP 2 instead of 4). Canonically they are just swords that have a supersharp edge. If it had been sharpened via magic instead of technology, mechanically it works out exactly the same.
GM_ZenFox42 |
Sorry, I missed (or forgot) Thomas' question about drone guards.
The majority of people believe that drones are robots. This is supported by the observation that the V'sori came to Earth with a limited number of drones, but their numbers have been increasing since they arrived.
But you all, having fought with many drones in the past, know that they're...humans! Well, some have been alien species that you've never heard of, but the vast majority of them are human. Apparently the V'sori take human captives, operate on their brains (they are immune to Fear and Intimidation), add bionics (eyes), and encase them in cybernetic armor with relatively powerful weapons.
This compound is located in the southern tip of Southpoint, a cesspool of drug-users and small street gangs.
The compound is about the size of a mega-plex movie theatre parking lot, with the towers located at regular points along the 12' high, barbed-wire tipped fence. There's one entry/exit point, with a guardhouse. A few vehicles are parked near it. The "floor" of the compound is concrete.
The prison building that you landed on appears to be only a couple of years old, so it was probably built by the V'sori. One story, flat roof, cement, about the size of a high school. No windows, no skylights, no visible way down.
Whew! Hope that helps!
GM_ZenFox42 |
Dark Angel - you have two choices : add "vibro" to a regular sword for $500 extra : "any bladed weapon, can be made to vibrate at extremely high frequencies. Vibro blades are extremely loud, but add +1d6 damage and AP +2".
Or, buy a Molecular Sword : Str+d8+2, AP 2, $500.
So, STR+d8+d6 and loud, or STR+d8+2 and quiet. Same AP, but $300 more for "vibro".
I'd be fine with you trapping either as a flaming sword.