Thomas Roland |
Yeah, I think I gave this speech at the very -very- beginning beginning, and this might be a good time to reiterate.
This isn't Mutants and Masterminds.
It's Shadowrun.
Our 'powers' are couched as having super-natural origins, but we're just-barely-above-human levels of powers.
Kinda like Shadowrunners.
But The Man is bigger and badder than us and we're just trying to pull of heists (or, 'runs') and keep our heads down (and in the 'shadows', as it were).
Hence, part of this game is just managing expectations. Yeah, you can shoot to make superman, but you're still gonna run from a gunship. You can try to Wolverine, but you're still gonna count on your friends to pull your fat out of the fire.
I don't know if this holds past Veteran or Legendary rank.
Or if your name is Enkidu. =)
WhtKnt |
Playing Dodge'em with hurricanes again. If I'm out for a few days, please bot me (if I'm in your game) or wait for me. This one looks to be a direct hit. See you on the other side.
"Biohazard" |
Just a quick note to say that I'm still here, but I'm working on cleaning out and reclaiming my man-cave (which has become a household storage/dumping ground). This is a lengthy process (as a couple of my bookshelves had broken and I got replacements). Anyway, I will try to update as possible, but please be patient if waiting on me, or bot me if I am holding things up. This should be done by next week.
Professor Paradigm |
Hey DM, since I've had some time while destroying the facility, I was going over my character sheet, which apparently, I should do more often, and I had some questions.
When I originally created him, I did it in HeroLab and then ported him into here via copy and paste. They only had the Supers Companion available and so I used those rules to create him. I was looking at one of my copies of Necessary Evil and noticed some differences in a few of the powers were different, some drastically so. My question is, which version of Necessary Evil are we going with and should I make sure to line up his powers with that version or stay with only the Supers Companion version? I have the 2004 edition and the 2008 edition. If it matters, I have the 2009 and 2014 edition of Supers. I believe I created him with the 2014 version of Supers.
I also noticed that it lists my Sorcery as d12, but in my skills it is only d10, so I have to go recalculate some points somewhere to figure out what I missed. I don't recall getting any raises yet, but I could be mistaken.
Thanks for any insight you can provide so that Paradigm can stay balanced with the others.
Professor Paradigm |
Still here. With school and work, slow posting is okay with me!
Kathrine 'Hellion' Mordonus |
Athletics? I'm checking the book and seeing
"Opposed Fighting roll to grapple. Raise=opponent Shaken; Defender makes opposed Strength or Agility to break free (any other action made at –4); Attacker can make opposed Str or Agility to cause damage"
So we both roll fightings? I guess me without lex's bonus since it's not an attack with the weapon, because i don't think i can grapple with only one freeish(holding the symbol) arm either?
Kathrine 'Hellion' Mordonus |
Hey all, sorry to go radio silent, but I think i'm gonna have to dip on this game. The concept is super neat but the pacing doesn't work very well with PbP. There's just slogs of rolling 18 times for the same action and it's all super duper rng dependant to the point where our supers kind of feel like they're trying to slap people with wet pool noodles. That mixed with the long lengths between posts(I am certainly not innocent of this) has just sort of worn down my will to continue playing. I hope ya'll fill up again in the near future though.
"Biohazard" |
I am going to be out-of-contact from Thursday, Apr 1 to Monday, April 11. I'm taking my niece and nephew to Disneyworld for their first visit!
GM_ZenFox42 |
So, we're down to 3 players, 2 of which are posting intermititantly (I'm not assigning blame, I know life gets in the way of the important things like role-playing).
I've done several re-recruitments, and have probably had every player who games in SW in Paizo in this game over the years (wow, I just checked, it's been 4 years!).
If everyone can re-commit to posting more regularly, I'd be glad to keep on playing. But things are going so slow now, I'm tentatively thinking about closing the game.
What do you all think?
Professor Paradigm |
I treat this one like I treat my other games. It is something I come back to I when I see a response, because I know how busy life is and roleplaying should be an escape from stress, not an additional stressor. So for me, if it takes a week or three for an update to happen, I’m cool with that because it’s like picking up an old book you haven’t read in a while. For others, I know it is a big let down to take so long and so I understand. I feel like I have been driving this one character wise for a bit and I would like more input from the others who are still around, but it seems we have lost so many as it is. Plainly put, if you are ready to shut it down to go on to a new project, go for it. I enjoyed playing Paradigm in this game (he was originally an MnM 1st Ed Character), and I am sure he will show up again sometime in the future.
If the others want to continue to play though, I’m good with that too. Perhaps they were like me and simply come back to it when they can. Either way, it is ultimately up to the GM running it, in my mind. More than once I’ve wrestled with shutting down the two I am running now, so I get it.
TL;DR: I’ll back your decision either way.
"Biohazard" |
I'm good either way. I can certainly make the effort to post more regularly if that is what is required, but if this game must end, then so be it. I apologize for my lack of posts of late, but I have been very busy in real life, and there has really not been much that I wanted to say. I can be more interactive, even if not vocally if the others want to continue.
Enkїdu |
I enjoy the game, and I enjoy the system. Perhaps the only complaint I would have about the storyline is that it is very repetitive; get a job, do the job, recover from the job, repeat. There is very little, if any, sense of getting any closer to the end goal. I've not read the the Necesary Evil book for obvious reasons, but is there actually a way to defeat the V'sori, or is the campaign set up only as a resistance fighting under occupation backdrop? In otherwords, is driving the aliens off an achievable goal, or just the setting/flavour of the game?
GM_ZenFox42 |
There is a final conclusion, but the way the setting is set up, there are lots of side-missions. I decided about a month or so ago to drop those, and focus on the main missions, which tend to give the PC's information about the state of the world and what's going on behind the scenes. There's 6 more main missions left.
For example, in this mission you learned something about the origins of most of the supers on Earth.
I'm willing to continue if the three of you can commit to posting at least once every 2-3 days, and I will try to commit to doing the same, I know I've been lax in frequency of posting as well.
Professor Paradigm |
Easily done. The weekends I usually do not get time to post, but I can posts almost every weekday.
GM_ZenFox42 |
Paradigm - I know we've talked about this before, but I don't have time to try to search for it.
I interpret Super Sorcery as allowing you to cast any existing Power, not to do anything you can think of. The manual even says "...she can use to give herself other powers as “spells.”"
But, I am allowing you to create a jamming spell until we can resolve this issue. It is centered on you.
Professor Paradigm |
It is part of the Interface Power and I was using it attempt to control their signal. I do realize that I should probably make two rolls though, Super Sorcery to activate the power and then Computers to actually do the jamming.
Professor Paradigm |
Just so all are aware, my family and I will be gone from Thursday October 28th through Tuesday November 2nd, so I may not get to post during those times. I should be back up and running by the 3rd.
"Biohazard" |
I will be on vacation from the 5th of November to the 17th of November, inclusive, and will have very limited access during this time (I'm going to Disneyworld). If I am in your game, please bot me. If you are in my game, please sit tight and we will resume on my return. I will try to get as much posting in as possible prior to this time, but we are still dealing with a death in the family.
Professor Paradigm |
So only those listed in the book, got it. I think I found it in Savage Rifts, but then it is not technically a super power then. I suppose just boosting my Notice will have to suffice.
Professor Paradigm |
Looking at my sheet, I believe I have 3, all of which went to skills. Actually maybe four, as I have 20xp listed.
Enkїdu |
That would be great! Looks like Sobok/Malinor wants to join as well, so the more the merrier!
I have no idea how many Advancements we have, as Enkidu was overpowered enough that I stopped applying them a long long time ago so as not to make the problem worse. I'm sure it was many more than 3 though; I think Enkidu had at about three before I stopped applying them, and that was literally years ago.
Professor Paradigm |
Since I run multiple systems at once, I sometimes get them confused, but I could swear that in one version of SW, damage dice did not Ace unless the campaign modifier for gritty damage was activated. It is entirely possible I’m misremembering. I haven’t had a chance to look through all my PDFs of the different versions.
Enkїdu |
I think you are confusing it for using a Benny to reroll. Usually that is not allowed unless you have an edge, or the setting rule is being used. I believe that setting rule is part of the default set of settings rules for Rifts, so anyone can Benny to reroll damage if they wish in that setting; I can't remember if we are using it here. Damage dice can Ace in all cases though.
Professor Paradigm |
You are probably right. I think that’s what I was thinking of. Or it could also be I was getting system confusion too. Happens a lot. No worries. The statue is down regardless. Until we find the Mark III version…