Bone Legion Soldier

Humerus Fetch's page

288 posts. Alias of motteditor (RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16).

Full Name

Humerus Fetch


HP 220, AC 35/37/39, F+22, R+22, W+20


Skeleton monk 14

Strength 19
Dexterity 18
Constitution 18
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 10
Charisma 19

About Humerus Fetch

[ spoiler=Quick stats]
HP 220/220
AC 35 / 37 in Mountain Stance or 39 if use Mountain Stronghold
Resistance 3 to cold, electricity, fire, piercing, and slashing damage
Fort +22, Ref +22, Will +20 (+1 vs. disease and poison; +2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude DC vs. Grapple and Swallow Whole; +2 circumstance bonus vs. being Shoved or Tripped while in Mountain Stance, +1 vs. fear)
Hero points: 3

[ ooc] ◈ Mountain Stronghold, ◈ Stride, ◈ Flurry to [ url=]Grapple[/url] and Strike, ◈ xxx [/ooc]
[dice=Athletics (master) to Grapple]1d20+ 25[/dice]
[ ooc]If successful, 4 bludgeoning damage[/ooc]
[dice=Athletics (master) to Grapple, iterative]1d20+ 25-5 [/dice]
[ ooc]If successful, 4 bludgeoning damage[/ooc]
[dice=Falling Stone, iterative]1d20+25-5[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning damage (forceful, cold iron and silver)]2d8+6+2[/dice]
[ ooc]Crit? The target must succeed at a DC 31 Fortitude save or be slowed 1 until the end of my next turn.[/ooc]

[dice=Falling Stone (foreceful, magical, nonlethal, unarmed)]1d20+25[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning damage, cold iron and silver]2d8+6[/dice]
[dice=Falling Stone, iterative]1d20+25-5[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning damage (forceful, cold iron and silver)]2d8+6+2[/dice]
[ ooc]Crit? The target must succeed at a DC 31 Fortitude save or be slowed 1 until the end of my next turn.[/ooc]

[dice=Athletics (master) vs. Fort DC to throw]1d20+ 25[/dice]
[ ooc]–2 circumstance penalty to your check if the target is one size larger than you and a –4 circumstance penalty if it’s larger than that. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your check if the target is one size smaller than you and a +4 circumstance bonus if it’s smaller than that. I throw it 30 feet on a success and do damage (it lands prone on a crit success); on a failure it remains grabbed, though only until the end of my turn [/ooc]
[dice=Bludgeoning damage]3d6+4[/dice]

[dice=Athletics (master) to Grapple]1d20+25[/dice]
[ ooc]Athletics (assurance) to Grapple: 32[/ooc]

[ spoiler=If it successfully Escape]
Clinch Strike (reaction) Your opponents can't slip your grasp without receiving further punishment. Make an unarmed melee Strike against the triggering creature (which successfully escapes your hold).

[dice=Falling Stone (forceful, magical, nonlethal, unarmed)]1d20+25[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning damage, cold iron and silver]2d8+6[/dice]

[dice=Punch (agile, finesse, magical, nonlethal, unarmed)]1d20+25[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning damage, cold iron and silver]2d6+6[/dice]
[dice=Punch, iterative]1d20+25-4[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning damage, cold iron and silver]2d6+6[/dice]
[ ooc]Crit? The target must succeed at a DC 31 Fortitude save or be slowed 1 until the end of my next turn.[/ooc]

Humerus Fetch
Birthplace: Yled
Gender & Pronouns: He, Him/His
Ancestry: skeleton (sturdy)
Background: Able Carter
Class monk; Level: 14
Medium skeleton, undead
AL LN; Deity: --
Languages: Common, Necril

Perception: [dice=Perception (expert)]1d20+17[/dice]
Special Senses: low-light vision

Hit Points: 205, negative healing (+10 class +4 Con +1 toughness; 10 ancestry)
AC: 35 [+4 Dex, +19 unarmored, +1 item]
Armor unarmored (+1 potency)
Armor proficiencies master in unarmed defense

SAVING THROWS (inc. resilient rune)
Fortitude: [dice=Fortitude (master, +1 vs. disease and poison, Path to Perfection)]1d20+ 22[/dice]
Reflex: [dice=Reflex (expert, +1 vs. disease and poison)]1d20+ 22[/dice]
Will: [dice=Will (master, +1 vs. disease, poison, fear, Path to Perfection)]1d20+ 20[/dice]
Notes: Immune to death effects
+1 vs. disease and poison; +2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude DC vs. Grapple and Swallow Whole; +2 circumstance bonus vs. being Shoved or Tripped while in Mountain Stance, +1 vs. fear
Successes are critical successes for Fortitude and Will
Class DC: 32 (expert)

Speed: 45 ft. (40 ft. in Mountain Stance)

Weapon proficiencies master in simple weapons, unarmed attacks


Acrobatics (E, Dex)
[dice=Acrobatics (expert), with boots]1d20+ 21+1 [/dice]

Arcana (U, Int)
[dice=Arcana (untrained)]1d20-1 [/dice]

Athletics (M, Str)
[dice=Athletics (master)]1d20+ 23[/dice]

Crafting (T, Int)
[dice=Crafting (trained)]1d20+15[/dice]

Deception (U, Cha)
[dice=Deception (untrained)]1d20+ 4[/dice]

Diplomacy (M, Cha)
[dice=Diplomacy (expert)]1d20+ 23[/dice]

Intimidation (U, Cha)
[dice=Intimidation (untrained)]1d20+ 4 [/dice]

Lore (Yled) (T, Int)
[dice=Lore (Yled) (trained)]1d20+ 14[/dice]

Medicine (U, Wis)
[dice=Medicine (untrained)]1d20+ 0[/dice]

Nature (U, Wis)
[dice=Nature (untrained)]1d20+ 0 [/dice]

Occultism (U, Int)
[dice=Occultism (untrained)]1d20-1[/dice]

Performance (U, Cha)
[dice=Performance (untrained)]1d20+4 [/dice]

Religion (U, Wis)
[dice=Religion (untrained)]1d20+ 0 [/dice]

Society (U, Int)
[dice=Society (untrained)]1d20-1 [/dice]

Stealth (M, Dex)
[dice=Stealth (master)]1d20+23[/dice]

Survival (U, Wis)
[dice=Survival (untrained)]1d20+0[/dice]

Thievery (U, Dex)
[dice=Thievery (untrained)]1d20+4[/dice]

Ancestry Feats and Abilities
* Basic Undead Benefits
* 1st: Collapse (reaction) Frequency: once per 10 minutes; Trigger An enemy's Strike against you is a critical hit; Effect You collapse into a pile of bones, mitigating the worst of the damage you would have taken, and the triggering attack deals only the amount it would deal on a hit (typically full damage instead of double damage). Any other effects caused by a critical hit still occur. While collapsed, you're flat-footed and can't act except to Stand, which re-forms you into a skeleton in a standing position.
* 5th: Well-Armed: Your detachable limbs offer flexibility. You Interact to remove your arm and wield it in the other one, increasing your reach by 5 feet for any one-handed weapon held in that arm. If your next action is a Strike with that weapon, creatures that were outside your reach that you can now hit are flat-footed against your first attack. You don't have a free hand while holding the arm. You can Interact to reattach the arm while holding it.
* 9th: Skeletal resistance: You gain resistance 3 to cold, electricity, fire, piercing, and slashing damage. This resistance increases to 4 at 17th level.
* 13th: Rejuvenation token: You tie yourself to the Material Plane by implanting a piece of your consciousness into a weapon, piece of armor, or other item that's precious to you. As long as this object is intact, even if your body is destroyed, you can be restored to the exact state you were in the last time you made daily preparations with this object in your possession. The soulbound object can be used as a special focus for raise dead, resurrect, or similar magic. This warps the spell to bring you back in your skeletal undead state rather than bringing you back to life. Pharasma can't prevent you from returning when the spell is modified in this way. When you return, you permanently lose a memory that was precious to you, in addition to any other side effects of the spell that brought you back. Your soulbound object becomes inert until you spend 1 week of downtime to anchor yourself to it again, further fragmenting your mind.

Class Feats and Abilities
* Feature 1st: Flurry of Blows (one-action) Make two unarmed Strikes. If both hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses. Apply your multiple attack penalty to the Strikes normally. As it has the flourish trait, you can use Flurry of Blows only once per turn.
* Feature 1st: Powerful Fist: You know how to wield your fists as deadly weapons. The damage die for your fist increases to 1d6 instead of 1d4. Most people take a –2 circumstance penalty when making a lethal attack with nonlethal unarmed attacks, because they find it hard to use their fists with deadly force. You don't take this penalty when making a lethal attack with your fist or any other unarmed attacks.
* 1st: Mountain Stance
* 2nd: Brawling Focus: You know how to make the most of your attacks when fighting hand-to-hand. You gain access to the critical specialization effects of unarmed strikes in the brawling group and weapons in the brawling group. If you have Monastic Weaponry, you also gain the critical specialization effects of all monk weapons in which you are trained.
* Feature 3rd: Incredible Movement: You move like the wind. You gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed whenever you’re not wearing armor. The bonus increases by 5 feet for every 4 levels you have beyond 3rd.
* Feature 3rd: Mystic Strikes: Focusing your will into your physical attacks imbues them with mystical energy. Your unarmed attacks become magical, allowing them to get past resistances to non-magical attacks. However, you still need an item such as handwraps of mighty blows to gain an item bonus to attack rolls or increase your attacks' weapon damage dice.
* 4th: Flurry of Maneuvers: You flurry is a combination of maneuvers. You can replace one or both of your attacks during a Flurry of Blows with Grapples, Shoves, or Trips.
* 6th: Mountain Stronghold (one-action) You focus on your connection to the earth and call upon the mountain to block attacks against you. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the beginning of your next turn. If you have this feat, the Dexterity modifier cap to your AC while you’re in Mountain Stance increases from +0 to +1.
* Feature 7th: You’ve learned how to inflict greater injuries with the weapons you know best. You deal 2 additional damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are an expert. This damage increases to 3 if you’re a master, and 4 if you’re legendary.
* Feature 7th: You have progressed along your own path to enlightenment. Choose your Fortitude, Reflex, or Will saving throw. Your proficiency rank for the chosen saving throw increases to master. When you roll a success on the chosen saving throw, you get a critical success instead.
* 8th: Whirling Throw
* 9th: Metal strikes: Your unarmed attacks are treated as cold iron and silver.
* 10th: Stand Still [reaction] Trigger: A creature within your reach uses a move action or leaves a square during a move action it’s using. Effect: You strike out when your foe tries to flee. Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If the attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a move action, you disrupt that action.
* 12th: Stance Savant (enter a stance as a free action when we roll initiative)
* 14: Mountain Quake: You stomp, shaking the earth beneath you. Creatures on the ground within a 20-foot emanation take damage equal to your Strength modifier (minimum 0), with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. On a failure, they also fall prone. After you use this action, you can't use it again for 1d4 rounds.

Special If you have this feat, the Dexterity modifier cap to your AC while using Mountain Stance increases from +1 to +2.

Free Archetype Feats
* 2nd: Wrestler Dedication: Your training in the wrestling arts has made you particularly adept at moving, striking, and grappling while unencumbered. You become an expert in Athletics and gain the Titan Wrestler skill feat. You don't take the –2 circumstance penalty for making a lethal attack with your nonlethal unarmed attacks. In addition, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude DC when resisting an opponent's attempts to Grapple you or Swallow you Whole.
* 4th: Crushing Grab: Like a powerful constrictor, you crush targets in your unyielding grasp. When you successfully Grapple a creature, you can deal bludgeoning damage to that creature equal to your Strength modifier. You can make this attack nonlethal with no penalty.
* 6th: Clinch Strike (reaction) Your opponents can't slip your grasp without receiving further punishment. Make an unarmed melee Strike against the triggering creature (which successfully escapes your hold).
* 8th: Submission Hold (one-action) Your iron grip slowly saps your opponent's strength. Attempt an Athletics check to Grapple the creature you have grabbed or restrained, with the following effects instead of the usual effects.
Critical Success The target is enfeebled 2 until the end of its next turn and enfeebled 1 for 1 minute.
Success The target is enfeebled 1 until the end of its next turn.
* 10th: Corpse Tender Dedication: You can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on mindless undead and to make very simple Requests of them; their mindless trait doesn't grant immunity to these mental effects. Most mindless undead are likely hostile toward you by default and must be kept at a safe distance to give you time to Make an Impression.
* 12th: Corpse Tender's Font (can cast harm 1/day, but only affect mindless undead -- which unless you count Humerus means I probably won't use this that much, but I'm not quite sure what to do with H's free archetype feats. I may end up retraining this dedication -- I think probably just going with a basic multiclass feat would be smarter.)
* 14th: Imbue Mindlessness: You grasp the mind of an undead creature and temporarily wipe it as empty as a zombie's brain. You can target any undead with your divine innate harm spell, not just mindless undead. When you target one non-mindless undead creature with this spell, you can transform its effects. Instead of harm's normal effects, the target must attempt a Will save.

General Feats
* Heritage 1st: Diehard: It takes more to kill you than most. You die from the dying condition at dying 5, rather than dying 4.
* 3rd: Toughness: Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. The DC of recovery checks is equal to 9 + your dying condition value.
* 7th: Numb to Death: The first time each day that you regain Hit Points while you are dying, you regain additional Hit Points equal to your level, and you neither gain the wounded condition nor increase the value of this condition.
* 11th: Incredible Investiture: Increase your limit on invested items from 10 to 12.

Skill Feats
* Background: Hobnobber: You are skilled at learning information through conversation. The Gather Information exploration activity takes you half as long as normal (typically reducing the time to 1 hour). If you’re a master in Diplomacy and you Gather Information at the normal speed, when you attempt to do so and roll a critical failure, you get a failure instead. There is still no guarantee that a rumor you learn with Gather Information is accurate.
* 2nd (from Wrestler Dedication): Titan Wrestler
* 2nd: Hefty Hauler: Increase your maximum and encumbered Bulk limits by 2.
* 4th: Nimble Crawl: You can Crawl incredibly swiftly—up to half your Speed, rather than 5 feet. If you’re a master in Acrobatics, you can Crawl at full Speed, and if you’re legendary, you aren’t flat-footed while prone.
* 6th: Slippery Prey: You're able to escape bonds more easily than others. When you attempt to Escape using Acrobatics or Athletics, you reduce the multiple attack penalty for repeated attempts to –4 and –8 if you're trained in the skill. The penalty becomes –3 and –6 if you're a master in the appropriate skill. If you're legendary in the skill, you don't take penalties for multiple Escape attempts in the same turn. Regardless of your training, your attempts to Escape still have the attack trait and incur a multiple attack penalty with other actions.
* 8th: Assurance (athletics): You can forgo rolling a skill check for that skill to instead receive a result of 10 + your proficiency bonus (do not apply any other bonuses, penalties, or modifiers).
* 10th: Shameless Request: You can downplay the consequences or outrageousness of your requests using sheer brazenness and charm. When you Request something, you reduce any DC increases for making an outrageous request by 2, and if you roll a critical failure for your Request, you get a failure instead. While this means you can never cause your target to reduce their attitude toward you by making a Request, they eventually tire of requests, even though they still have a positive attitude toward you.
* 12th: Powerful Leap: When you Leap, you can jump 5 feet up with a vertical Leap, and you increase the distance you can jump horizontally by 5 feet.
* 14th: Evangelize: You point out a detail that incontrovertibly supports your faith, causing a listener's mind to whirl. Attempt a Diplomacy check and compare the result to the Will DC of a single target that can hear you and understands your language; that target is then temporarily immune to Evangelize with respect to your deity or philosophy for 1 day. A creature that already agrees with you is unaffected, and at the GM's discretion, a target that genuinely changes its perspective to support your faith as a result of the argument is also otherwise unaffected.

Critical Success The target is stupefied 2 for 1 round.
Success The target is stupefied 1 for 1 round.
Failure The target is unaffected.

Magical Gear: +2 striking handwraps of mighty blows, boots of elvenkind (1/hour, ignore difficult terrain until end of turn), ring of the ram, lesser sapling shield (Hardness 6, HP 48, and BT 24), fearless sash (1/day, reduce fear), +1 resilient explorer's clothing, armbands of athleticism
Weapons: 10 darts
Gear: adventurer's pack, climbing kit, grappling hook

238.5 gp (updated after this point)


Book 3
* Bremeteria Veng, the Empty Chorus, the Yearning Sanctum in the Cathedral of Epiphenomena
*Capturing Rumin, learning about Lord Hyrune's plot, possible link to Chancellor Kemnebi
* Meeting with Kortash Khain, learning about his mission to Nodbones
* Meeting Harmony in Agony, Weeping Jack and Rumin Purgo
* Meeting Geb and Kortash Khain, Sovereign Ruler of the ghoul-depths of Nemret Noktoria
* Geb summons us
* Kemnebi revealed as the villain
* Confrontation with Vampire Iron Taviah, revealing Chancellor Kemnebi, one of the Blood Lords, is behind the plots
* The Zuntishans' story about the Aminda family
* Mission in the Field of Maidens
* Messages from the psychic vampires
* The Benefactor of Thornhearth? First mention (and Hollow Flesh)
* Meeting the graveknight Seldeg Bhedlis, Iron Taviah returns with a new employer

Book 2
* Mithralline dies :(
* Kyril's information
* Meeting Blood Lord Kyril Vonth and Blood Lord Zthni
* Meeting Tobias Highbridge
* Meeting the Shroud
* Arriving in Pagked
* Iron Taviah's sisters
* Iron Taviah's journal reveals details of the plot
* Learning about Graveclaw

Book 1
* First meeting with Taf-gekhta Seven Stomachs, the high governor of Graydirge; interruption by Vaskish Quicktongue, representative of the Tax Collectors Union
* Freeing Altinmered, of the Export Guild
* Meeting Minister Se-Maut-Get, of the Celebrants
* Bank document detailing ownership
* Gray paste clue, re: the Sallows
* First mention of Tylegmut, issues between the Builders League and the Tax Collectors Union
* Ortagar Stitch-Skull's invitation to the Empty Threshold for dinner
* A strange key
* Finding and claiming Smoke
* Meeting Arghun the Annihilator in our manor
* Arriving at our manor
* Rescuing Sifegtk, the zombie chargehand
* A gray paste in a pocket
* A pink powder at the farm
* [url=