With a slight frown and a sigh he took a deep breath.
"How many Symbols will there be from the first symbol to the last one before the cache? The real ones, not the red herrings i mean.
Also, were there any traps or guardians left at the cache."
"That wasnt my question. DID anyone put traps on the things that you know of or do you suspect there were traps put there by one of your compatriots."
He was beginning to hate to talk with spirits, it was like talking to a cleric of asmosdeus... or a lawyer.. or a clerical lawyer of asmodeus. He asked trying to keep his voice from well getting testier.
"Do the true symbols all look the same, if no what are the differences?"
Exxor mutters to Miro I know, but what items within the "cache" will aid in accessing Delvhaven... keys, weapons, cloaks, wizardly do-dads... I want details.
Not a question to the ghost of Coriana, it was a comment to Tram. I don't know if Tram wants to ask that or some of tho other questions we have; but Tram is speaking to Coriana. Exxor trusts him to ask what is needed. Thank you for asking!
He was trying really had to think of pertinant questions... for once he wished Miss Tarvi was there to insult him or something and angrily clear his mind.
She mentions a few locations of where some traps were that she knew of, but she acknowledges Exxor's statement. She tries to suggest where she thinks traps might be set.
as a metagame statement this will avoid a couple traps completely and will give you +5 looking for other traps in the lodge
We only have one question left - lets make it count.
Exxor shakes his head side to side and shrugs.
Talking to spirits from beyond the grave, I hope our questions and deeds are worth disturbing their rest. We will have much to do soon.
Tarvi, who has been hovering in the background frowning deeply at Tram, and avoiding his eye when he looks back, though giving Barksalot some jerky on occasion, speaks up
You have told us how to find our way to the cache, is there anything we need to know to open it?
Coriana smiles. Now that is a well phrased question. Many answers as part of one. To find the final door you will need both a way finder and know the poem hidden within Cugney's Wedding, would that I could remember it. As my friends Inerki and Donatalus had a falling out and Inerik left with half of the relic found in the Mwangi. I saw it once, it was a black and gold relic with both a bat head and bird head. Where Inerik went I know not, and I suspect Donatalus was sealed in the lodge itself.
With that she smiles and fades away. Tarvi smirks and she and Barksalot head off to treat themselves to some ice cream
Well, there goes my plans for a stuffed Shadowgarm in the foyer."
with a wave of her hand, Hippa dismisses the loss enjoys watching Sir Barksalot tear into it.
Hippa's relief for Tarvi's interjecting is obvious. A cloud of stress dispersed from her aura that became clear only after question asked and answered provided.
Alright, it does not take long to find the first of the symbols which will lead you on your way, in fact it is super easy once you know what you are looking for.
did you want to do something about that poem or just move on?
"But before we do go asking around, please let me have a gander at it. Perhaps it is convoluted, perhaps straight forward. Perhaps the meaning was lost in translation from having been transcribed from completely different language source. Who knows? I could use a distraction."
Grabbing a sheaf of papers, her favorite quill and tapping her latest keg of butterbeer ("MMmmmmmm"), she sits her butt down in the common room of the safe house and starts to whimsically transcribe the poem into Halfling, Gnomish through her latest acquisition of Abyssal. All in all, there happens to eleven (twelve?) versions of the poem scattered upon the table top when she is finished. "I need fresh ink..." If interrupted, she gladly expounds upon the various meanings and word choices she decided on just for the title. Waxing quite eloquently, she is oblivious of any attempts for you to disengage from the conversation...
Interpet poem Linguistics 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Edit: I really hate my dice roller. It could've been 29 but Noooooo lets go for half that...
Well unless we can track down Audi, we'll have to head to the playhouse, no time like the present. Miro gets his things together and will head out with the others.
Exxor reads over it again but can not discern any hidden meaning in the words or spidery scrawl. He follows the others, quietly pondering how the search for the cache will go awry.
You arrive at the playhouse and are treated like gods. You are invited into a rehearsal that is going on, on stage many of your friends are performing and your nemesis is there as well
Ahem, we have what might be a...code I believe within this copy of Cugney's Wedding. Obviously we will need the aid of a skilled artist to decipher it for us and we immediately thought of the the staff of this fine theatre. Miro holds it out.
Well why didn't you say so! Be right back! He hustles off
1d20 ⇒ 14
He doesn't even get 20 feet before he stops.
Seriously?! You didn't notice that there is an extra syllable every twelfth line.
He runs off and comes back with some paper and before too long you have another poem. This poem describes how to activate the Wave Door at a certain cove. It all makes perfect sense if you are able to sort out the geography of it and the history of the old timey names for things...
Hippa about had an apoplectic fit when that damn Slip offered another production Six-folds. She recovered enough to touch a buried token upon her person and her shadow appearing to gain substance, before she too understood it as a poorly thought out joke. She blinks a few times and consciously make an effort to shake off wisps of shadows.
Taking the actor's insight to regain her composure,
"Extra syllable? It is prose that was a cypher not the actual meaning? I am unversed in the arts, merely technically proficient. In 20 steps, you have revealed a weak spot in my education. Thank you."
He had been mostly quiet on the way to the actors, mostly not wanting to well get in trouble with miss Tarvi. She had the weirdest ability to show up when he was most liable to get into trouble.
ok guys we have a full party, you will note that we do not have an expert because we have two adepts. so yoou might want to make some swapping around for some Disable Device
M Human Adept 1/Expert 4 Init +1, Per +10 HP 27/27, AC 15/11/15, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +9
Let me think on whether I can come up with an angle for Auði to have picked up DD. Maybe stage work of some sort since I think rigging things up is just as often DD as Knowledge (engineering).
Hippa has a healers kit+surgeon tools (+3 to heal), also one each: antiplague, antitoxin and bodybalm (+5's). Swapped out her short spear for a boar spear. Greater dmg 1d6 vs 1d4 and the horizontal bar provides space to better hang all her fetishes and tokens for the gods.
Hippa has a healers kit+surgeon tools (+3 to heal), also one each: antiplague, antitoxin and bodybalm (+5's). Swapped out her short spear for a boar spear. Greater dmg 1d6 vs 1d4 and the horizontal bar provides space to better hang all her fetishes and tokens for the gods.
Nope. However, you got me thinking about a more aggressive familiar than a cat. Perhaps next time. For now she is a larval stage catlady with only one cat. :-)
I figure the boarspear was an heirloom MW weapon of sentimental value. That story has yet to be written and I really wanted her to have a weapon that did more than 1d4. This one had the added bonus of the crossbar to hopefully keep beasties at a distance or more importantly keep her out of their reach.
I have a PFS halfling roughrider that uses an heirloom bastard sword. I wanted a halfling fighter that could actually do some decent damage. He is pretty fun to play. He rides a dog although I really wanted him to ride a crocodile, but that didn't work with PFS.
hehe i dont do much of that sleep thing and technically im retired *grins* i have all the time and energy in the world.. but.. I will try to pace myself for ya
M Human Adept 1/Expert 4 Init +1, Per +10 HP 27/27, AC 15/11/15, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +9
I'll be GMing 6 slots at a con this weekend so if needed GMPC me (try to keep me out of Citadel Rivad). Will try to check in, but you might not hear from me until Sun night/Monday.
Ahh will do. Where in the profile do I put it? I have an entire stat block in the Info about Brannock section. But I am not sure how to post vitals and the like ahead of my avatar pic.
So I was wondering... Hippa (11HP) took 8 points of damage from a hellknight. Leaving her with 3HP. Somehow she lost 3+ HP for taking action. Was there subsequent bleed damage or a no-save poison that wasn't posted?
Gnome minds are inquiring, conspiracy rumors of the "Man" keeping her down.
I have drill this weekend from Thursday morning until Sunday evening. I will have my phone; however I do not know how reception will be. I will post sporadically if I am able and I will return to my normal posting rate on Sunday evening.
On Mondays my wife and I go to birthing class so I will probably post once in the morning and once in the evening when we get home around 10pm est.
I should be good to go, added 7 hp (4+1+con of 2) Bab went up one, fort and reflex up one, took power attack as lvl 3 feat. ( I assume you are keeping the weapon specialization pre-req as a lvl 4 fighter yes?) got to add 8 skill points, increased appraise, bluff (2) diplomacy,intimidate,perception,disguise, and added survival.
Appraise +4, Bluff +8 (+10 to fool someone or pass secret messages), Craft (clothing) +5, Diplomacy +8, Heal +7, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +4, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +6
I'm going to stick some stats in my char sheet and will have to verify with herolab when I get home tonight. I don't trust myself to adjust everything properly plus sleep deprivation plus too much coffee plus dayquil equals maths failures galore.
I assume miss tarvi is something of a wizard? does she specialize? how old is she? when did this attempt happen recently or before he left for the academy in Egorian? I have an idea but i dont want to go overboard.
She has no magical power. Janivan mentioned that some of the recruits have potential to be able w a blade or w magic. But currently she is just a clever jeweler w dreams.. She is 16. The rest is your call. Just remember low powered and low magic