Hippa |

With an appreciative glance at the Maiden warrior statues, ”Carved or petrified?” not waiting for a response she tarries not too long but wanders in the direction of one of the Osirian fountains.
(assuming the others follow or not)
She puzzles over the Osirian hieroglyphs, talking to herself, ”I shall have to come back to fully appreciate this, alas I am unable to properly give this pantheon its due.”. From among her many charms, she ferrets out an old key with chipped gold plating. ”And a poor man’s icon as well”. Standing where she can keep the hieroglyphs visible,
"It is a start."

MiniGM |

It takes a bit but Hippa thinks she has purified the water
Our heroes continue inside the doors creak horribly
1d100 ⇒ 34
A sagging veranda, its columns thick and mildew-spotted with
age, adorns Delvehaven’s facade. Two huge oaken doors stand
in the center of the veranda, a carving of a road receding into
the horizon inscribed within a circle decorating each portal.
A wooden placard above the doors hangs precariously from
rotting joints, its face bearing an inscription.
The circular carving on the doors is the Pathfinder
Society’s Glyph of the Open Road. The placard above
presents Delvehaven’s ancient creed, written in Common:
“To liberate the Past for the knowledge of Today; to live the
maxim that fortune is earned by the bold; to prove there
are no boundaries.”

Hippa |

Hippa admiring her handiwork and sipping the water from the fountain, her fingers tracing the hieroglyphs is suddenly roused...
Ok, move up everyone.
Grandpappy's boar spear in hand, she moves towards where she thinks she heard Miro's voice from within albeit distractedly as with so much disrepair represents much opportunity.
MiniGM |

Our heroes make their way inside.
Wide wooden stairs curl around the outer walls
of this large vestibule, leading to the floor above.
Several cushioned chairs line the east and west
walls, all facing a large but empty display platform
in the center of the room. A bronze plaque bearing
an inscription sits on the north edge of the
platform, while several huge paintings, each six
feet tall, hang on the walls. Most of the paintings
have been defaced and damaged beyond repair,
but one seems untouched—a depiction of a pair
of hunters overlooking the recently slain body of a
horned beast.
Bisby—4599 ar.”

Hippa |

Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Knowledge (Nature) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Hippa's eyes take in the details of the unmarred painting...
"I've heard of these, even come across crude sketches, but this painting... THAT Miro, is a Tri-Cera-Top! Those hunters look mighty proud.
She points at the beast in the painting.

Exxor |

Soooo, be prepared to run into on of those things's skeletons running around the place...great. Exxor looks at the painting, looking at the weapons Bigsby wields, any wounds on the creature, anything hidden in the background, or equipped on the hunters before he follows Miro upstairs.
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20

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perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
"Something used to be on display here in the center of the room.. perhaps the bones of that great beast?"
He pondered trying to keep his eyes peeled for any danger. He was after all the protector of this rag tag bunch.
"Dont wander too far ahead Miro, I can not be in too places at once yet."
He began with a smirk.

Hippa |

Not hearing Miro depart, Hippa wanders over to the over paintings to appreciate the shredded graffiti'd remains. "I wonder who the art critic was? I've always wanted to get into painting."
"Dont wander too far ahead Miro, I can not be in two places at once yet."
I look forward to that day my friend.
"Oh he is spread throughout the city, above and below. Many places. Cackling at her own humor, she catches herself... "And I am grateful for that, as I am still standing here. If I was a betting gnome, (and I am) I stocked up on healing spells. Got something for Miro too. Where did he go?"
Suki the Cat settled onto one of the cushioned chairs, ears flicking irritatingly as she pointedly looked up the stairs.
edit: switched chuckling for cackling, actually a bit of both.

Hippa |

Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
"Ohhhhhh Books. I wonder if there are any maps of the the sewer tunnels or older Westcrown.

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He scooped up the hedgehog as he followed everyone up taking once good sweep of the area before following them in the library. He let the little fellow down once they were there, after all it would have taken the little guy forever probably to make his way back up the stairs.
perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Hippa |

Suki flicks an ear and yawns. Very comfortable on the chair downstairs.
Hippa reaches for and picks a book at random, starts to rifle through pages. "Dibs for me."

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Rushing over only to watch it fall over he huffs in amusement while getting a grip on his halberd.
If its uh.. sleeping that make it coup de gras able right?