LegitName |
Pinehollow started as a small colony. It was primarily composed of Humans from Galorian, but also held a handful of elfs (one of which happened to be the mayor) and dwarves. Through trade, bonds were formed, and a decently sized halfling and gnome population appeared. Today, Pinehollow is still run by the same mayor. As of the time the campaign begins, it has grown into a thriving city.
When first formed, the blacksmith accidentally crafted three very powerful weapons. The wrong man bought them, and nearly wiped out the city. His plan based around a robbery. Things went wrong, and the man was caught. Three master architects were hired to design a safe for the weapons deep underground. The safe was so good that the architects got stuck inside, never to be heard of again. The locals took this as a sign, and stayed above-ground as much as possible. Over time, the tunnels that lead to the safe become inhabited by less-than-good evil-doers with bad intentions, only strengthening people's dislike for the deep.
Notable people:
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 150
Height: 6’6”
Weight: 150 lbs
Background: From birth, Liam was a natural leader. He was in charge of planning all of the activities that went on in or around his hometown. When he heard that the king of a nearby kingdom was sending a voyage to colonize a faraway land, he immediately signed up to be the leader. Despite having no military experience, he outmaneuvered all the other candidates and landed himself an office.
Race: Elf
Gender: Female (LGBT doesn’t exist in my homebrew worlds)
Age: 110
Height 6’4”
Weight: I am not gonna say. (I wonder how many boys are sighing after reading that...)
Background: As soon as she met Liam, she like him. He was a natural leader, and she admired how everybody looked up to him. When he volunteered to lead the voyage, she helped him defeat the competition. He offered to take her along, and she happily accepted. They had the wedding during the voyage. In order to avoid work, she decided to have some kids.
Race: Gnome
Gender: Female
Age: 40 years
Height: 3’0”
Weight: Again, not gonna say.
Background: This energetic little gnome was looking for a job. She heard about a voyage to a new world, and all she could think of was opportunity. So, she stowed away onboard. Due to her size, she managed to make it all the way there without discovery. However, she was found hiding behind some barrels during the unloading process. She was then locked kept in a room with a pregnant woman. When the sailors tasted some of her ail, they built her a kitchen and put her in charge.
Race: Half-Orc
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 164 lbs
Background: His parents died when he was very young. His dad was a young orc that had been cast out of the orc colony due to his short size. His mom was a young girl who happened to be out wandering the woods. It's not what you're thinking, they genuinely fell in love. The girl needed someone to help her sick father run their family forge in Pinehollow, and the dad happily accepted. Pretty soon, the entire Town Guard had been outfitted with a fresh set of armor and weapons. However, there were some in the town who were... disapproving. A few weeks after Davor's birth, his mom and dad were assassinated. The assassin was never caught, and Davor grew up with his grandparents, learning the ways of the furnace.
I will create more npcs as necessary. Please, ask questions so I know what to work on.

Daphne Hermstos |

Ok folks I think we should enter for effect. Big guys in fast, I cover if they attack.
Personally I would prefer to try and get an answer, so intimidate them and if that fails leave someone alive at least.

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Agreed...though my intimidate check didn't go quite as planned.
My gut says that these weapons are being sold to orcs. Hence why they are being taken away from a town that would pay desperation prices.

Daphne Hermstos |

So if this is going combat are we rolling initative and what not. GM how would you like us to handel?

Ebonfeather Sharpclaw |

As long as he is fighting, we need to put him down. If he surrenders, I will naturally stop.
We can always stabilize / heal him in order to question him.
As far as the kids, if we decide we want to track them down.... Well, that is what Mushroom and I do....

Ebonfeather Sharpclaw |

Umberto, I have no issue with you carrying the loot, I simply wanted to have a discussion about it as I am unfamiliar with how groups typically manage such things in PbP.
I certainly don't want the Long Sword, you are free to carry it and I wasn't saying that I suspect you of stealing the money (although Ebonfeather probably would be suspicious).
I'm not trying to offend anyone, I am new to PbP and trying to figure out how this all works.

Daphne Hermstos |

Ebonfeather, it was an excellent question and probably one that needs to be handeled at the start of each game with new people be there PbP, Roll20 or IRL.
I would suggest if no one is going to use the sword, give it to the smith rather then carry the extra load. He can either buy or just hold I am sure.

Umberto Greenfingers |

Treasure division tends to be more or less equal over time, but there will be moments early on when some characters have more and better stuff than other characters. Be patient. Most players are fair minded and will try to address these imbalances.
Umberto has no use for the long sword at this time. Do with it what you will. Daphne's suggestion is fair.

Ebonfeather Sharpclaw |

Sounds fair to me.
If nobody minds, I'll keep holding the whistle. I suspect it may be important.
Drazh or Umberto holding the majority of the loot is probably a good idea. So, let's continue on with Umberto carrying the gold for now. I'll continue to eye you suspiciously but I won't have to worry about roleplaying an honest division of wealth (I have a history of banditry)

Daphne Hermstos |

Not sure if the PMing for combat works that great. You cannot roll in a PM I just discovered. Might be better to each take our action and then the GM just orders from there.

Umberto Greenfingers |

Ideas to speed up combat if speeding up combat is desired:
* All NPCs of the same type have the same initiative and go all at once.
* NPCs passing through the ring threatened by Umberto's Lucerne hammer (such as thieves wielding swords and daggers approaching Umberto to attack him) will tend to provoke attacks of opportunity. I am fine with the DM rolling these on my behalf to speed things up, especially since the result of the AoO may affect the NPC's action. Umberto gets one AoO per round.

Ebonfeather Sharpclaw |

Sorry, didn't realize I don't have gear listed in my statblock.
I will update that tonight.
I am currently wearing Leather. If I can get a suit of MW Studded Leather, though, that would be awesome!

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If you look at my character sheet, you will see that I am tracking party loot separate from my equipment. If you ever see any mistake in it, please tell me and I'll update it.

Ebonfeather Sharpclaw |

If you look at my character sheet, you will see that I am tracking party loot separate from my equipment. If you ever see any mistake in it, please tell me and I'll update it.
There was also 37gp from the second battle as well as a short sword and scale mail (if someone wants to carry it).
Not sure what we ever did with the longsword from the first battle.

Daphne Hermstos |

Wednesday afternoon I will be heading to Disney World until the following Tuesday. For some reason my wife thinks taking an 8 month old to Disney is a good idea.
I will still try my hardest to get on once a day but you know how a vacation can be. Feel free to bot me if needed to keep things moving.

Daphne Hermstos |

So I live near Albany NY and the claim we are going to get too much snow to fly. It looks like my Tuesday evening return flight is now Saturday! I will post as able but who knows.

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GM: You found a room full of barely guarded, unhidden, magical items!
PCs: We're level 1...this is obviously a trap.
NPC: No, it's totally legit. Nothing bad is going to happen.
PCs: But we can't even identify them. Eh...what's the worse that could happen?
The last time I did something like this it was a belt. We tried to identify it. We were told that we think it gives +2 Con. I happily put it on. It was cursed. +2 Con, but -6HP. At lvl 1...

Daphne Hermstos |

As soon as I started to catch up I knew that Daphne would try some of the stuff. If she dies leave her corpse in this room as a warning to others.

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GM: "Ok, everyone switch characters!"
Players: "What?"
GM: "You've all switched minds. Every once in awhile you'll keep randomly switching until you find a way to take the rings off."
Players <crying>

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Well, I'm glad that I've contributed then!
I'll also through this out here. My favorite magic item of all time:
The Dagger of Healing
When you stab someone with the dagger of healing, you do damage as normal. However, so long as the victim/patient doesn't die, he heals 2x the amount of damage dealt. Before rolling for damage, the attacker can choose to subtract from the damage dealt, though this of course also reduces healing. A victim/patient can only benefit from the healing properties of the dagger 3 times per day.
It's a really wonderful magic item. If someone needs healing, you need to think about how hard you want to stab them, because of its' limited daily uses. Stab too hard and you might kill him. Stab too softly and you might not heal all of his wounds. Plus there is nothing in it about negating the pain caused from being stabbed, making it extra-evil.

Ebonfeather Sharpclaw |

"Easy there," admonishes Umberto. "Row the boat gently down the lava stream." He finishes donning his armor.
I literally laughed out loud when I read this.