Iobaria: The Fallen Empire

Game Master Corerue

A group of Mercenaries set off with their Mercenary company into the dark lands known as Iobaria. Braving the fallen realm and what dark history lies therein to make their mark, make some gold and perhaps become heroes...

Ambushing the Raiders!

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Female Centaur Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine tracker) 4

Oh and Rhavenna doesnt speak the language. The compliment I was referring to was the one above where he basically said she lives up to the legends of badassery.

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Its cool, Wallace will translate and is going to try and press the other locals who can speak common into the same service.

I gave Rhavenna plenty reason to blush in my post. Also possibly kick Wallace.

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Stories will be delayed. Work changed my schedule so I didnt get the block of free time I was expecting to do it with.

Its fine, I am current;y bedding down at the airport and heading back to work in the morning so some delays on my side too. :/

Sorry for the block of text, was trying to set the scene. Despite their views Iobarians, at least this hamlet, can be a fairly open group of people. Even when things are tough.

If you guys want me to break it up more then I can just let me know. ;)

Best pic I could find for Elder Grenalf Pretty awesome. :)

Female Centaur Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine tracker) 4


Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Quite cool.

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Its going to suck if that bear dragged itself back to the cave and was waiting for us.

Female Centaur Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine tracker) 4

If I can barely fit here neither can that bear.

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

I Wonder what clawed a cave out of frozen stone then.

Female Centaur Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine tracker) 4

White Dragon?

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

I'd just fill in the blank with "Nothing good for a centaurs health."

Female Centaur Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine tracker) 4

I know, pretty much everything we've faced thinks I'm delicious.

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Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Eh, I'd lean more to you being so excellent at killing everything you meet.
"Hey look a sexy horse lady, I'll eat her first once this is al- *Thwock*"
-flailing at devil horse to get it to go away. Punctuated by more stabbing from devil horse and friends.-
-Is bleeding out-
"Stupid sexy horse...."

Female Centaur Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine tracker) 4

What's funny is that's not even my specialized fighting style.

Charging with Lances, the quickest way to end a ground battle. xD

Female Centaur Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine tracker) 4

There's a reason Cavalry ruled the world before gunpowder

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Eyup. Now to wait and see what Rhavenna and Tidus find.
I'm going to hope it isn't another pissed off dire bear.

Also potentially have our own little venture when the fire we made presses the correct button for Erastil to tell us to get off his lawn.

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Alright, now we get to have awesome super secret spoilers as well.
Fun times.

If its annoying let me know lol. though I am worried that Mai and Livain are missing atm. :/ I will adjust the encounter as needed.

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Oh no, this looks to be amusing. While Wallace will not likely be able to do much combat wise just standing around give his allies a +1 to hit/dam.
Think I need to invest in some more scrolls though. Someday I'll get enough money to give Wallace a Guided spear or something. It should help immensely in his efforts to contribute to the combat.

I'll assume that they are just busy with life at the moment. I know thats what was said recently.
I'm going to have Wallace cover the Will saves needed for the Harpy songs (He gets bardic counter song with his archetype.)*

*Also the first time I have ever had a chance to actually utilize that particular ability.

Female Centaur Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine tracker) 4

I somehow see his Countersong as a Nathan Explosion style rhythmic growl-chanting

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

I do love me some Dethklok.
A shame only two of the four fight-y types in the group can benefit from it or else I'd try to get the cloak that lets you use the Skald's Raging song for a little bit every day.
Break out my best death growl and inflict some good old fashioned violence.

I'm feeling creatively bleh and stuff is crazy as hell right now still here just....tired.

Understood, good luck with Real Life stuff bud. :/ I know the feeling, cuts at work are still continuing, my wage was dropped by over 60% yesterday. I am happy to still be working though. As another 130 were let go this week alone. Oil Prices are supposedly staying at where they are at for 5 years so the Client up here is cutting throats...

So good luck bud I will NPC you both~

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

That sucks, hopefully you and Livain can come back and snark with us soon.
Would it be fair to bot your characters for the combat then?

When I get home tonight we'll get a post up also DM is it ok if I change Maiathreens build severely I think part of Maiathreen's problem is I recreated a character that had his own life and stories and I feel like I'm cutting him short. He'll still be Mai but I may try to tweet him some give him a little different of a personality.

Thats fine Mai, tweek them however you guys need to. Its no fun if you can't feel your character and DMdownrightamazed world was... fantastic wasn't it? I haven't been able to stomach making another Min either lol so I understand how you feel.

I will hold the outside combat to give you guys time to get ready. I will proceed with Wallace and the Elder and assume you two are fighting in the background. ;)

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

The DC to hear Wallace talking normally is a -7 when he wants to be heard. They don't have a number for hearing the sound of a shouting person but as that is part of battle I'd assume it is a -5 DC. (1/2 of the sounds of battle DC which is -10)

Damn that was a lot of text!

The DC to hear you Wallace? Did I miss something? xD I am brain dead from rolling to night shift and back to days after only two days of nights! Lmao!

So small announcement.

I will be restarting the Wrath of the righteous campaign.

For all those interested please let me know here and we will get it going right away. Thanks!

May restart Skyfall as well, need to do some map tinkering. So let me know which you are interested in. My life continues to be a little sideways but I am making time again and trying to adjust. I will be heading home tomorrow so my posts will be less frequent as I will be posting in the evenings alaska time.

See ya all soon!

Female Centaur Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine tracker) 4

Definitely on board for the Wrath of the Righteous, though we're missing like half the group we started with.

Thats fine I was playing on changing it up some, at least we have 4 of you. :)

Which should be enough. People can choose to adjust classes if they want but I am making some adjustments on my end as well.

Off to bed for now! See ya all in 4-5 hours!

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Oh i'd just been saying th er was a chance Rhavenna could have heard me, which would mean she can benifit from my songs.

If we are restarting wrath id consider swapping Jen around a bit i know that there is a bunch of new mythic stuff and lots of options for a holy combat character.
We have a cleric, a sorcerer a Magus and a Paladin' if I recall everyone correctly.

Near the end i'd been wanting to discuss some manner of trade to get the feats that would make a throwing focused character viable.
Really annoying that it takes so many feats when the Long bow is so vastly better as a martial weapon.

Had been considering making her a warpriest as well.
Limitless range mythic ability and Air blessing is terrifying and awesome.

Though assuming the group is alright with it i'd still want her to stick with the bleeding heart tendencies should had. Mercy and redemption are big themes in that campaign and i'd like the chance to have a character to explore those.

I was never in Skyfall' so I dont really have an opinion on that.

Sword master for Jaeger.

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Oh right, the third party class with all the moving parts.

Yep :) what can I say I like complicated that's why I love the kineticist.

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Ah Kineticist, one of the few classes in pathfinder that finds the baleful polymorph spell to be a very potent buff spell rather than the permanent crippling debuff it is supposed to be.

A telekinetic squirrel hurling acorns at lethal speeds is also a very amusing mental image.


We are still interested in both.

So many posts this week has been really fun. Made things interesting that's for sure. :)

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

-munches popcorn- man, Rhavenna is having a wild time in that hole.

That'll just be the thing to finally kill Hawk.

Welp we fought a giant dire bear, it got up and walked away after we killed it though. Not sure where we got off to. Found Grenalf' the legendary explorer and butchered most of a harpy tribe. Then we made frenemies with the remainder.
Fairly sure that letting wallace talk to the bird seer was a terrible idea she's floating off the ground and leaking some sort of creepy glistening oil from her eyes now.

Stats: HP 33/33; AC 21, touch 17, Flat Footed 13; CMD 20; Fort +5, Reflex +7, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +4;

When do you want to get started on restarting Wrath?

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Might consider a trade of class as our party for WotR. We kind of lack someone to notice traps.
Though Jen could just blow them up with her face.
Her ridiculous saves and general tank-y nature would make most threats traps might have moot outside large AoE spells and detection.

I have a halloween party to do tomorrow and will be studying for a crane exam as well. So i will try and start it sometime this week or next depending on schedule insanity. Posts will be sporadic tomorrow will get the campfire group updated then as i am in serious need of sleep. Ugh.

Female Centaur Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine tracker) 4

Rest well.


Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Ill try to have my rehashed concept for Jen hashed out for soon then.
Im really digging the thrown weapons specialist idea.
And do get your rest we shall be here when you get back.

Rhavenna's little side story is quite fun.
-consumes popcorn-
I sense a budding romance on Rhavenna's path. Hrmm.. it would be fun to have wallace threaten Tadis with the good ol' sibling intimidation gag.
-munch popcorn-
Unreasonable as it is I almost feel like trying to bring the harpies with us just to see the look on Hawk's face.

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Dunno, think I'm more of a Strangelove. Yog-Sothoth counts as a nuclear weapon right? Now to just get enough ranks in ride to mount up on a world ending terror.

Female Centaur Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine tracker) 4

Oh Slayer :Deliverer Archetype might work for Jen. It has a Divine slant to it.

There's a Slayer talent that lets you take a Ranger Combat Style (Thrown Weapon) and take Distance Thrower to start.

Then next Slayer Talent you take Deadly Range (Ex): A slayer with this talent increases the range at which he can deal sneak attack damage by 10 feet. A slayer can select this talent more than once; its effects stack. A slayer must be at least 4th level before selecting this talent.

You get the idea.

Female Centaur Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine tracker) 4

And yes, Tidus' display of 300 style machismo might have made her a little weak in the knees.

Male Male Human Evangelist cleric 4 HP 40/44 AC:17/13/14 F+7/R+4/W+9 Init+3 Perception+13

Hrmmm... that will be one to think about.
The existence of the sniper goggles make any sneak attack range increasing abilities set on a depressing timer. Once that item becomes available they are utterly wastedm Though she could output some impressive damage were she in range to use the goggles damage boosting abilities.

I feel that the thrown weapon style just needs a flat out boost due to the way bows are given such a ridiculous amount of love in pathfinder.
Just to keep up a thrower needs to invest two to three feats more.

on Rhavenna's quivering flanks and the reason for such, i suspect Wallace will be quite amused to see this particular screen play come to its finish.

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