DM Corerue |

Apologies for the long break again. This recent drop in oil led upto a long feared layoff of 24 people in my department, despite being new I am the last of the six to remain. This Iran deal isn't making things better with the markets apprehension of their 3+ million barrels of crude oil per day coming into an already saturated market. Sadly this is the life of oil workers, when oil is up jobs are great, when the crash comes jobs get cut. Crash allows companies to trime the fat/trash out of their ranks as well, my department had quite a few sadly. When you have a youtube channel devoted to guys sleeping on the job then its only a matter of time.
Rough enough knowing some 1,000+ people have been laid off since the start of the year and by years end it'll probably top 1500+. My department though is bare bones now. So we'll see if we make it until next year.

Wallace Boyd |

Blah, take as much time as you need. Real life is important. just glad you are still with us.
As to nova with Magi. The bread and butter trick for magus nova is Shocking grasp abuse. by taking the Magic lineage trait a intensified shocking grasp caps out at 10d6 damage and only costs a L1 slot.
It is less useful for a black blade due to your trades but a vanilla Magus with spell recall can trade pool points for intensified shocking grasps at a rate of 1/1.
A high crit weapon, spell strike and the Spell storing quality means a Magus with real intentions to murder you is rather hard to prevent.
More so if they have a round of prep.
Spellstore Shocking grasp, Cast/hold Shocking grasp, Spellstrike with active and add shocking grasp a second time on your second hit.
Assuming L10+ thats 30d6 eletrical damage and an additional 10d6 if either of the sword cast attacks crit.
Unfortunately demons are entirely immune to electrical damage so a rod or burned feat on Elemental spell would be needed. You are better off going the route you already took. Though you might find some fun with a few more of the new spells.
So rather than focus on spell death style you want quality buffs for your melee abilites.
Consider the spells
Magus:L1 Long arm (+5ftreach), Blade Tutor's spirit (Drop combat penalties by 2.)
L2: Browgasher (Save is for weapon far as I can tell. Free action bleed=1/2CL plus penalties if it is ignored.) Stonecall(should be called Mookslayer) Bladed dash (because you as Mythic don't already have enough ways to full attack.)
You might also consider leaving some open slots on your Alchemist spells. They can prep extracts very fast so open slots = options.
L2: Ironskin (great for short term combat.)

DM Corerue |

*Takes notes* Yep I went that route and found out the hard way that Shocking Grasp was near useless. I am feat starved with Alchemist/Magus combo but I may have to dip for the elemental spell. Luckily we are doing something homebrew which allows me to pick additional class features, feats or such eventually. Just takes a lot of time to accrue the needed points for What I want.
I thought about buying the card castor ability so I could add magic to my bombs for added damage to my enemies.
But Being a Magus (Kensai, Fiendflayer, Blackblade) / Alchemist (Grenadier) is a lot of fun. :3 Lots of choices in a fight, can't wait for Holy Bombs!

Movin |
Elemental spell is going to be much better for you in rod form than anything else anyway, I wouldn't bother with the feat.
You also might consider the Mask of conflicting energies if you happen to have someone in your group that can craft wondrous items but not rods.

Wallace Boyd |

Well that must have been the RNG lords informing me they like Wallace better than my poor Argus.
A shame that Wallaces ability is a static number confirming a crit for special knowledge could be fun.
I think I'm going to want to use whatever funds we got from Hawk selling the spoils (That wallace had him convert into to magic/alchemical crafting stuff) to make my referenced Dresskel scrap scarves. Enhance them all with Endure elements (Cold), I'd like to keep my L 1 spell slots open for other stuff than preventing Rhavenna and Maiathreen from turning into horse and elf sized ice blocks.
Oh and Horseshoes of the Zephyr for Rhavenna because cutting our wondrous flying walls move speed to either 1/2 (light snow) or 1/4th (heavy snow) is quite crippling.

Wallace Boyd |

I did not notice the post responding to my own. apologies.
Though the story Wallace was going to tell was just an allegorical tale and not a thinly veiled legend of this guys past.
Wallace isn't much into tempting legends to kill him for knowing too much.
For those who haven't read it the knight in rusty armor is a nice little story.

Wallace Boyd |

So I just realized that the method that Wallace is using the captured soul of Dresskel is very similar in thought process as the Mediums spirit abilites.
It might be amusing to use it as a base line to steal from for coll stuff with the MFin' soul of a dragon.
As I doubt I'm going to find something worthy to use it on magic item wise for some time.

DM Corerue |

I goofed
Rechecking the message I sent and what I have typed up in word, part of the email didn't make it to Livain.
She has Snow vision as well. Similar to Mai's ability but this blizzard is nothing to her, its clear as a bell and she is comfortable in the cold besides.
Please add that to your sheet, it is the same as the White Dragons ability.
Also your idea could would work. Livain would be basically distracted taking all the massive amounts of snow and creating objects out of them. It would some of the snow but require her to take standard actions to do so as it acts like Stone Shape spell.

Wallace Boyd |

Any chance Wallace had the materials to fill his alchemical tool supply back up?
From the hobgoblin Alchemy lab that is.
Considering the monster we are about to fight those are going to be my only method of useful contribution outside of healing/bard song.

Wallace Boyd |

Oi, Livain and Maiathreen. Any disagreements to your placement?
Also I'd advise both of you drop any spells you think might help now.
Maithreen could cast a burning grip spell now so he could channel a second one in a spell combat attack.
Livain I know you use gravity bow.

Rhavenna |

I guess now would be a good time to ask if we're using the Massive Damage optional rule?
Massive Damage (Optional Rule): If you ever sustain a single attack that deals an amount of damage equal to half your total hit points (minimum 50 points of damage) or more and it doesn't kill you outright, you must make a DC 15 Fortitude save. If this saving throw fails, you die regardless of your current hit points. If you take half your total hit points or more in damage from multiple attacks, no one of which dealt more than half your total hit points (minimum 50), the massive damage rule does not apply.
Edit: Actually doesn't matter in this case, I'd have to have done 88.5 to trigger that anyway, but good to know for the future.

Wallace Boyd |

I'd fancy not needing to make a fort/die any time a boss monster gets lucky and lands a massive hit on one of us.
With the sort of beasts we face in this campaign I don't think tempting that would be wise.
Hrmm... I think I'm going to need to take Create soul gem as a spell at L5. I really want to stick the soul of a dire bear into something cool.
Also thumbing my nose at a god.

Wallace Boyd |

for those who wonder where on earth Tims terrifying skill in combat came from.
Search Yak
Yak: These shaggy-haired relatives to cows are more at home in mountainous terrain where they are frequently used as pack animals and to pull plows. Yaks have the same statistics as bison. Price 24 gp; Weight 1,000 lbs.
Search Bison
Bison=Yak. Yak=Bison
Hopefully its enough to divert an attack from my squishy companions.
*considers the damage output on a huge bear claw.*
Hopefully not all the attacks though.

Wallace Boyd |

Wand charges?: 10d8 ⇒ (8, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 6, 2, 2) = 36
Rhavenna took 31
9+3+2+4+5+5+5. So 7 charges for her.
Tim took 25 DMG.
20 healed from Wallaces spell.
7 hp from wand. (1)
Livain took some non-lethal damage. (1)
Falldirk likely got hurt. (?)
Wallace will heal Faldirk as well, let me know if I missed anyone.
Well except the bear, he should probably stay dead.
As to carting it off.
Pathfinder specifically calls out a Dire bear as a Short faced bear.
The Short faced bear
Biggest numbers in mass they had for it was 957KG based on on of the skeletons they found. Pathfinder does pounds though so 2110 or a bit more than a ton.
This bear had a size increase to hit huge. Size increasing magic (enlarge person) calls out a size increase as boosting a creatures weight by a multiplier of 8. Which would put it at 16880 pnds or 8.25-ish tons. Out massing an adult elephant by about two tons.
Heavy load for Tim the Yak under the effects of the Ant haul spell is 9360 pnds. You can typically pull or drag five times your heavy load.

DM Corerue |

Lol. yes, we an call it a dialect of Ulfen. So it applies. My bad for not clarifying in the beginning. Just Add Ulfen-Iobarian to your sheet for the times we run into other Ulfen speaking peoples it'll only be a matter of knowing one dialect from another/roll linguisitic check to make sure you know what words he/she is saying differently just in case.
So Iobaria was explored and mapped by Ulfen explorers who originally settled the region so primarily their language/dialects would have an Ulfen origin.

Wallace Boyd |

That makes sense, Also Wallace has not spoken the language in years so he is likely to be quite rusty.
Ling?: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
EDIT: Well I think that might just suffice.
I had figured that it would be something like that but was unsure.