GM Hmm |

Hello Cosmonauts!
The lovely staff at Paizo gave me 15 ten-dollar gift certificates to distribute across the Cosmic Captive Special. Alas, we have 25 tables, so not every table can win one. In order to pick winners, I’m hosting a Cosmic Giveaway!
The Rules:
You cannot nominate yourself. You cannot pick me. Pick someone else (fellow player, GM, backup GM) who made your experience of Cosmic Captive fun! Tell me why!
You can submit only one name, but you can make a submission on the above link from now until July 9th.
Some names will likely get chosen because of the stories you tell me. Some may get selected in a random lottery. I’ll try to spread the love around to as many different tables as I can.

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All of the teleportation and flight talk is about skipping the current encounter, so that we get to the next one earlier. The current encounter is 15 ft. below our current position, but moving away at 20 ft. per round.
Basically, we are sprinting to jump on the back of a leaving train, so that it will carry us where we want to go.

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I am away at a convention until late sunday so my posting will be limited. If we end up in a fight Logan will haste the group and then get out of the reach of any enemies.

GM Z..D.. |

First is if you are flying down or what not. If you fly down, you will have to avoid giant rocks as they are swirling around. If you wish to climb down, then you will start on the rope 15ft up, but avoid the giant rocks.

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I think us casters have decided to avoid the rocks with our spell and scroll. I'm completely fine with that decision. ;)
Will give us a more advantageous position for the battle too.

GM Hmm |

The Winners for the Cosmic Giveaway have been announced!

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Remember that while it is blind it is flatfooted and attacks against it gain +2 to hit. Not included
Blinded: The creature cannot see. It takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class, loses its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), and takes a –4 penalty on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks and on opposed Perception skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Perception checks based on sight) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance) against the blinded character. Blind creatures must make a DC 10 Acrobatics skill check to move faster than half speed. Creatures that fail this check fall prone. Characters who remain blinded for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of them.
Attackers do not get any bonuses, and the blinded target is also not flat-footed. Flat-footed is a different (and more severe) condition than being denied your Dexterity bonus to AC.

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I was thinking of invisibility. In practical terms it is the same. In this group anyway. No dex bonus and instead if us getting +2 to hit it it gets -2 to it's AC.

GM Z..D.. |

Appearently there are player boons to be handed out.
a 19 or 20 wins.
If you get the required result, send me you email..and apparently GMs can roll as well.
boon: 1d20 ⇒ 4

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Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 18

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boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 17

GM Z..D.. |

Gwynnis and Auri I need you info.
Player Name
Character Name
PFS ID number
For the rest of you, you may reroll day jobs if you have one left. And let me know if you would like anything noted on you chronicles.

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Already used my reroll but I'm happy with my roll of 45.
The only thing of note other then what I'm buying is that I'm getting a new large constrictor snake and taking 10 to teach it 3 tricks.

GM Z..D.. |

Already used my reroll but I'm happy with my roll of 45.
The only thing of note other then what I'm buying is that I'm getting a new large constrictor snake and taking 10 to teach it 3 tricks.
I believe that is 300 gp?

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Normally the cap is 150 gold for a roll of 40. If I had rolled a 50 I would gain 300 gold thanks to my season 6 Exchange card.
However Auriferous has the same boon as me. Adding a +3 circumstance bonus to all of out Day Job rolls and a roll of 45 or higher grants 200 gold.
So I missed my 300 but still get 200 because of Auriferous.

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Alvin is gonna use his reroll (assuming this is about over and doesn't use it before).
Craft (Alchemy) (Ragnar Bonus) (Reroll @ +5): 1d20 + 27 + 3 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 27 + 3 + 5 = 36
Oh wow... another 1. Welp, still higher with stars.

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Player Name : B Viggers
Character Name : Auriferous
PFS ID number 100387-12
Faction: The Exchange
dayjob: merchant: 1d20 + 18 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 18 + 3 = 28 75gp - but will invest it on her FJC
progression: SLOW
I'll ten take my reroll for that making it a 34. If I use up my reroll on the last encounter then Auri would have taken ten on her day job for the guarantee of 75gp.

GM Z..D.. |

Session is already reported. Let me know if the sheets look good.
Everyone also please take a copy of this Free RPG day boon
@Sir Godfrey, you will be getting you boon sent to you via email.
And to everyone, thanks for playing along and being patient with me. I am still getting used to running higher tier scenarios. This one was a beast to run.

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Could I ask a favor? Could you mark -250 gp for scribing Life Bubble on my chronicle? Thanks!

GM Z..D.. |

Could I ask a favor? Could you mark -250 gp for scribing Life Bubble on my chronicle? Thanks!

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Thanks much, and thank you so much for GMing and putting up with out Confusion + Shadow shenanigans. :D

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Thanks Z.. D.. for running. And the rest of you for some great teamwork.
And while I don't regret playing up, There was some close calls there. Poor Hugsy.
Ragnar will grab a few rocks while he is there and see if there is any interest in buying them.
profession merchant DC 24: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35
Meteor rocks are popular. At least until the market gets flooded.

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Thank you for running ZD, you did great and it was tons of fun! You gave us a few good scares, too! So kudos! I think you get to try and murder me again during the gameday, too!

GM Z..D.. |

@Sir Godfrey, yeah maybe.
@Ragnar, you survived a critical hit from a CR 13 huge beast. I was impressed.

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Many thanks for accepting me late as well. And thanks to the other players for making it such a fun table.
Auri is slow advancement. Could you reduce her PP, xp and gp?

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

112 arrows fired. If anyone is curious. Glad I overstocked.

GM Z..D.. |

Many thanks for accepting me late as well. And thanks to the other players for making it such a fun table.
Auri is slow advancement. Could you reduce her PP, xp and gp?
Its been fixed. I remembered the GP. But forgot about the XP and PP.

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Many thanks.

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Hi, I think you have crossed out the wrong elemental conquest option. We only did encounters in the earth region so we cannot have water.
Also the document is set to view only which makes creating a legible copy difficult.