GM Z..D.. PFC Cosmic Captive Special Tier 10-11 (Inactive)

Game Master Z...D...

Monster Knowledge Cheat Sheet

Gravity and Vacuum rules.:
Aucturn’s Tear is tied to the Elemental Plane of Earth and has stronger gravity than other objects its size, but it is still only one-fifth that of Golarion. PCs can jump five times as high and lift five times as much as normal, and projectiles have their range categories quintupled. Reduce the die size of damage dealt by falling to 1d4. Certain effects such as elemental interactions and areas may have different gravity. Creatures in a region of high gravity weigh twice as much, move at half speed, can jump only half as far, and can lift half as much. Their projectiles’ range increments are halved, and the die size of damage dealt by falling to 1d10. A creature under the effects of freedom of movement can ignore the personal effects, but projectiles remain affected.

500 feet above the asteroid, and certain areas inside, are in hard vacuum. Characters that enter hard vacuum immediately begin to suffocate (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 445), and become depressurized, taking 3d6 points of damage each round (no save). Sound is muffled as per a silence spell.

thunderous aid:
Ranginori has sensed his saviors are near and attempts to grant them his power and wisdom. During combat, a PC adjacent to the puzzle orb can attempt an Average Diplomacy check, Average Spellcraft check, or Easy Use Magic Device check to direct the Duke of Thunder’s wrath. If successful, a PC can cast one of the following spells as a spell-like ability, using her character level as her caster level and either her own Charisma or 20 to determine the spell’s save DC. She can use any of the spells listed in her own subtier or in a lower subtier. This ability can only be used once per combat, and any summoned elemental disappears at the end of the combat.
Subtier 1–2: cure light wounds, shocking grasp, summon
nature’s ally II (air elemental only)
Subtier 3–4: cat’s grace, cure moderate wounds
Subtier 5–6: cure serious wounds, lightning bolt, summon
nature’s ally IV (air elemental only)
Subtier 7–8: call lightning storm, cure critical wounds,
summon nature’s ally V (air elemental only)
Subtier 10–11: summon nature’s ally VI (air
elemental only)

The Game Master has not yet connected the recruitment thread for this campaign.