Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |

List of applicants (Revision #1):
Javell DeLeon - Sh'torek - Male Undine Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 1
MightyDuck - Kataran Var - Female Human (Chelaxian) Rogue (Smuggler) 1
Azrael Dukshi - Alwen Gaelarean - Male Elven Ranger (Freebooter) 1
Sai Ling - Bangkha - Male Half-Orc Druid 1
Kor - Chesley "Chez" Saryn - Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter) 1
wolfman1911 - Tolyn Brinely - Male Gillmen Witch 1
Escharid Blackrose - Cadj Nassen - Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard (Evoker) 1
Algar Lysandris - Jake Cassard - Male Aasimar Scion of Humanity (Angel-kin) Oracle 1
Devastation Bob - Chumbeard - Male Dwarf (Saltbearded) Barbarian 1
EdwardNightingale - Dara Seawind - Female Half-Elf Rogue (Pirate) 1
Krumthi - Ayaki Kitsune - Female Kitsune Bard 1
Jeff Baylor - Oliver Tressilian - Male Human Ranger (Freebooter) 1
Cuchulainn - Chumtooth - Male Kuru Fighter 1
Stephan Neufang - Eric Asgalfson - Male Human (Ulfen) Cleric 1
Now linkified, courtesy of my OCD :)

Satinder Morne |

Satinder here, tryint to get on the list of applicants.
My previous crew has run aground up to 3 times, so I'll try my luck here.
She's a rogue that utilizes a long stick as to avoid getting hit in the head too much, as she already lost her leg that way.
She's a tease and likes to sing sea shanties (look at profile) and enjoys cooking, but only because there are the sharp knives she enjoys so much as her back-up weapon.
Depending on the lay-out, I can switch her to fighter or to bard, as it would all fight the concept I have of her in my mind.
All of her information is in her profile, but I'll copy her background right here for ease of reading.
Satinder is no stranger to the sea. She's been on many a ship, more than most people in the Shackles have ever owned gold pieces, and has learned to fend for herself.
Being the middle child, nobody paid much attention to herself when she was a child. She kept to herself at home, but when she got out on the street she truly felt alive. When she was with her family, she felt like a poor girl from a poor family, but when she was on the streets, things changed. Scruffy dogs became sea serpents, old boxes a pirate ship, and everyone was either an obvious friend, or an evil enemyThe people she met became friends, but never for long. She had a way with people, but lasting friendships were rare.
When she turned sixteen, she had to find a job; her father had died the year before, and the slim pickings had become close to nothing. She tried to find work she could do, but nothing that really lasted. Every time she came home after a day's work without pay, the old hags that were her neighbours would say "Twelve jobs, thirteen disasters".
After a couple of weeks she was told to visit Karl Lowerfield, a cook that worked in the lower part of town. Although his methods were somewhat unusual (as were the sources of his meat) he earned a living, and didn't mind sharing his knowledge with a young and pretty girl. Although Karl made her work her fingers to the bone, and she hated his guts every time he threw a heavy pot or pan in her direction, she respected him.
After two months of working in the kitchen, Karl fired her due to lack of funds. The last piece of advice he shared with her was to find the captain of the Sea Wolf, and offer to cook him a meal in exchange for a job aboard his ship. She almost had to stalk the man, but after one evening of hard work in the kitchen, she was hired as cook aboard his trader ship. The words "I've had worse." couldn't have sounded sweeter.
She earned her pay well aboard a wide variety of ships. She wasn't a gourmet chef, but the crew always had something different to eat, and the way she learned to cook they never even questioned the meat. Whenever she got back to shore, she couldn't wait to go to another ship, and experience yet another journey.
Satinder never spended much on one little trinket. Her nickname aboard many ships was "Hamster", since she was always gathering little things and putting them in her chest. She found almost everything too be interesting, and imagined in her mind the stories those items could tell. The places they had been, the people that had used them, she had a story for every one of them.
She met Gideon Stronghand on board of the Wyvern's Tail, and throughout many years and many different ships, they became friends. He was instrumental in her learning to use different weapons, instead of the cleaver, the pan and knife, to defend herself succesfully. She respects him, and that is not an easy position to wiggle yourself into for Satinder.
I wonder where he is right now...

Satinder Morne |

List of applicants (Revision #2):
Javell DeLeon - Sh'torek - Male Undine Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 1
MightyDuck - Kataran Var - Female Human (Chelaxian) Rogue (Smuggler) 1
Azrael Dukshi - Alwen Gaelarean - Male Elven Ranger (Freebooter) 1
Sai Ling - Bangkha - Male Half-Orc Druid 1
Kor - Chesley "Chez" Saryn - Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter) 1
wolfman1911 - Tolyn Brinely - Male Gillmen Witch 1
Escharid Blackrose - Cadj Nassen - Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard (Evoker) 1
Algar Lysandris - Jake Cassard - Male Aasimar Scion of Humanity (Angel-kin) Oracle 1
Devastation Bob - Chumbeard - Male Dwarf (Saltbearded) Barbarian 1
EdwardNightingale - Dara Seawind - Female Half-Elf Rogue (Pirate) 1
Krumthi - Ayaki Kitsune - Female Kitsune Bard 1
Jeff Baylor - Oliver Tressilian - Male Human Ranger (Freebooter) 1
Cuchulainn - Chumtooth - Male Kuru Fighter 1
Stephan Neufang - Eric Asgalfson - Male Human (Ulfen) Cleric 1
Rickmeister - Satinder Morne - Female Human Rouge (Rake)

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Male Human Magus (Bladebound, Hexcrafter) 1
Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +1
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 13 (1d8+5)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Longsword +3 (1d8+3/19-20/x2)
Magus (Bladebound, Hexcrafter) Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Shield, Enlarge Person (DC 14)
0 (at will) Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Spark (DC 13)
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Extra Arcane Pool, Toughness
Traits Touched by the Sea, Magical Lineage(
Skills Acrobatics -1, Climb +5, Escape Artist -1, Fly -1, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (planes) +7, Perception +1, Ride -1, Spellcraft +7, Stealth -1, Swim +6
Languages Common
SQ arcane pool (+1) (6/day), hex arcana, spell combat
Other Gear Chain shirt, Longsword
Special Abilities
Arcane Pool (+1) (6/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Hex Arcana You can substitute Hexes for Magus Arcana.
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
Touched by the Sea Underwater attack penalties are lessened by 1.
I know this is a bit barebones, but some stuff came up that made it so that this wasn't really the top thing on my mind, and I've just gotten around to making the character. Wanted to get this up here so I could get my name on that Big ol' List.
I'll have a backstory up at some point, but I'd like to refrain from making a profile until selection is over.

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Recruitment will begin today and will remain open until Friday, October 25, at midnight CST. Gameplay will begin Monday, October 28. The reason that recruitment will remain open for such a long period of time is that I am taking a vacation from the 19th to the 27th. This gives everyone plenty of time to get their characters in.
The 25th is the deadline.

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** spoiler omitted **
I know this is a bit barebones, but some stuff came up that made it so that this wasn't really the top thing on my mind, and I've just gotten around to making the character. Wanted to get this up here so I could get my name on that Big ol' List.
I'll have a backstory up at some point, but I'd like to refrain from making a profile until selection is over....

Dantes Goldforge |

Here is the submission for markofbane. The stats and background for Dantes are in his profile.
Dantes is not flashy, and will probably be quiet support for the more boisterous members of the pirate crew. Dantes would serve as the sage for the group; he has at least +6 in all knowledge skills, and should have at least +10 in all of them by third level. As a transmuter, many of his actions will likely be buffing party members in various ways, though he will be able to pull out the big spells when they are called for.

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |

List of applicants (Revision #3):
Javell DeLeon - Sh'torek - Male Undine Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 1
MightyDuck - Kataran Var - Female Human (Chelaxian) Rogue (Smuggler) 1
Azrael Dukshi - Alwen Gaelarean - Male Elven Ranger (Freebooter) 1
Sai Ling - Bangkha - Male Half-Orc Druid 1
Kor - Chesley "Chez" Saryn - Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter) 1
wolfman1911 - Tolyn Brinely - Male Gillmen Witch 1
Escharid Blackrose - Cadj Nassen - Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard (Evoker) 1
Algar Lysandris - Jake Cassard - Male Aasimar Scion of Humanity (Angel-kin) Oracle 1
Devastation Bob - Chumbeard - Male Dwarf (Saltbearded) Barbarian 1
EdwardNightingale - Dara Seawind - Female Half-Elf Rogue (Pirate) 1
Krumthi - Ayaki Kitsune - Female Kitsune Bard 1
Jeff Baylor - Oliver Tressilian - Male Human Ranger (Freebooter) 1
Cuchulainn - Chumtooth - Male Kuru Fighter 1
Stephan Neufang - Eric Asgalfson - Male Human (Ulfen) Cleric 1
Rickmeister - Satinder Morne - Female Human Rogue (Rake) 1
Edgar Lamoureux - Howell Davis - Male Human Magus (Bladebound, Hexcrafter) 1
Void Dragon - Stephan Nilian - Human Alchemist (Beastmorph) (Vivisectionist) 1
markofbane - Dantes Goldforge - Male Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter) 1

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Apologies for the long recruitment period, folks. I'm taking a vacation next week, which is why I did not want to make the choices before then, only to have a week's delay before the start of the game.
The recruitment deadline is the 25th of October. If you don't have a full character posted here by that time, you will not be considered.

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A Reminder: I am going on vacation starting Sunday until the next Sunday (the 27th). I most likely will not have the ability to check in during this time, much less post. Recruitment will end next Friday night and decisions will be made over the weekend, with an announcement on Sunday. It's going to be a tough choice, as there are a LOT of very good applications thus far. I hate to leave anyone out, but I have room only for six.

Koningslos Sjal |

Hello, thought I'd cast a line in the water and see if I get a bite...
Here's the submission of (I see from the list...) another barbarian. Not to muddy the waters but I wanted to see how a Viking might fit into the S&S playing field. Besides, what crew couldn't use more than one sea reaver, right?
(Ulfen) Male Barbarian 1
CN Medium Human / Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +5
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 dex)
hp 15 (1d12+2)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0
Armor Studded Leather, Light
Spd 30 ft/x4
Melee Greataxe +5 (1d12+6) 20/x3
Melee Boarding Pike +5 (1d8+6) 20/x3 brace, reach
Melee Morningstar +5 (1d8+4) 20/x2
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
BAB +1, CMB +5, CMD +17
Armor Proficiency (LIGHT) (PFCR 118)
Dodge (PFCR 122)
Intimidating Prowess (PFCR 128)
Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133)
Intimidate +10
Knowledge (nature) +4
Perception +5
Profession (sailor) +2
Swim +8
Rage [6] (PFCR 32)
Armor Expert (Combat) (PFAPG 327)
Besmara's Blessing (Campaign: Skull & Shackles) (PFAP: SkSh PG 5)
Viking Blood (Regional: Lands of the Linnorm Kings) (PFCo: ISP 11)
Languages Common, Skald
Languages Common, Skald
SQ eyes of the storm, marine terror
Other Gear Studded leather armor, Greataxe, Morningstar,
Pike, boarding, Backpack (4 @ 8.5 lbs), Flask,
Iron spike, Signal horn, Traveler's outfit, Waterskin, Whetstone,
39 GP, 9 SP
Koningslos Sjal was born in Bildt, Aegos’ only natural and second only to Kalsgard in terms of the size and quality of its shipyards. Son to a sea raider, Koningslos learned early on the ways of the open seas and to leave any thoughts of mercy on the shores. His father, Raseri, like the port city of Bildt was known for violence. This trait he happily passed along to his son. All nations outside the Broken Bay, even those Ulfen of the north, were considered inferior for their weakness. Only strength prevails, only violence is a fitting end to a discussion.
As he grew, Koningslos found that he desired his life to be more on the seas than on the land. So it was that he won his way upon the longship Helvetet Vantar -Skald for Hell Awaits-, proving himself to be a bloodthirsty and ruthless combatant eager to please the harsh wishes of the ship’s captain. It was in the young barbarian's blood to be a raider, and his youthful vigor had not been tempered by the lengthy bonds of brotherhood on the seas, only set afire.
Following the desires of their king Ingimundr the Unruly, the Helvetet Vantar and her captain Jarn Forslakt embarked on several raids into the southern seas. The weaklings of the southlands would learn again what it means to fear the open oceans. They would learn, or they would perish.
Being blown off course during a horrendous storm hadn’t prevented Captain Jarn Forslakt from maintaining pursuit of galleon sailing to the Shackles. Rain fell in torrents from the skies above as though Besmara herself wanted to claim the galleon before Helvetet Vantar caught her. As the ships rounded the Mediogalti islands, both vessels came under attack. Worse still, both vessels were sunk.
Koningslos was blown from the deck of his longship, clinging to a plank of oak. In the wake of destruction, one of the launches from the galleon managed to escape intact. As it paddled closer to where Koningslos floated, it realized too late that the survivor they’d spotted was that of an Ulfen raider. Bracing against the plank, the Sea Reaver hurled his boarding pike at the launch, hooking the ship and severely wounding one of the two aboard it. Koningslos Sjal boarded the launch, killing both survivors and claiming the vessel.
Above him, the storm continued to rage, matching his own anger with each slam of thunder. Over the next few hours, he managed to find one other from the crew of the Helvetet Vantar, - Kesh - but of their captain and the others, there was no sign. Nor was there a sign of the vessel that had sank both ships.
At the mercy of the storm, the two found themselves forced along the tempest edges of the Eye of Abendego and smashed into the shore near Drenchport. Over the next few months, the two survivors, Koningslos Sjal and Kesh made their way along the lines of islands, finding mercenary work where they could get it. But they never found a crew willing to brave the journey north nor one that would bargain with an Ulfen ship. In a more violent encounter where the two were not being paid their promised wages, Kesh fell to a cutlass in the back, Koningslos fighting his way out into the alleyways of Port Peril.
Now alone, plenty of time for ale and anger, Koningslos seeks out a new ship looking to hire on a mercenary of particular violence. Perhaps if he can’t make his way home to Bildt, then Koningslos Sjal, son of Raseri would teach these southlanders the meaning of piracy.

GM Tribute |

Hello--throwing an arcane type in the ring
Thought xblooded was a little cheesy, until it fit this S&S background perfectly
Warren Redmont
Human Crossblooded Sorceror[Crossblooded=Seaborn/Draconic(red)] Middle-aged
STR=6; IN=14; DX=12; CO=12; WI=13; CH=20; - HP=14 FC bonus(1=hp)
hp rolls = 6(max)
Skill Ranks: 1 Profession(Sailor), 1 Kn: Arcana, 1 Perception, 1 Bluff, 1 Spellcraft
Spells level 1: Burning Hands, Mage Armor (3rd level bloodline)
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Message, Prestidigitation, Daze
Dancing Lights 3x/day from tatoo
Seaborn (+1 caster level while on large bodies of water)
Draconic (red) +1 per dice of fire damage
Water Blast (Sp): At 1st level, as a standard action, you can fire a bolt of water at a foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The foe is knocked prone, and at your option may be pushed 5 feet directly away from you. A reflex save (DC 10 +1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier)[15] negates this effect. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier [7x/day].
Aquatic Adaptation (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain a swim speed of 30 feet.
Spells per day: 4x1,
Spells Known: 4xCantrips, 1x1,
Feats: Spell Focus(evocation), Varisian Tatoo (Evocation)
Trait 1=Magical Lineage Pick one spell (magic missile) when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell's final adjusted level.
Trait 2=Buccaneer's Blood: One of your ancestors was an
infamous Free Captain of the Shackles, whose very name
struck fear in the hearts of those who sailed the seas in
search of an honest living. Piracy is in your blood, and
you've always longed to follow in your forebear's footsteps
and plunder the shipping lanes. You gain a +1 trait bonus
on Intimidate and Profession (sailor) checks. In addition,
you gain a one-time +1 trait bonus to your Disrepute and
Infamy scores (see The Life of a Pirate in Pathfinder
Adventure Path #55 for details on the Infamy system).
Scroll Charm Person
Scroll Comprehend Languages
Cane (1d6 B as club)
The middle-aged man washed up on shore with just a portion of his memory intact. The large tattoo that covered his body was a series of twisted flames that pulsed and glowed when he approached sources of flame. The tattoos were Varissian in origin, and often marks from this type of body art denote and amplify magic talent.
As he tried to piece together his background, he remembered that his father was a great pirate. Although his father rarely visited, his mother made a great deal out of waiting for 'the Captain' to come by and spend his weeks before getting another crew together with his woman and son. It was expected that Warren would put to sea and follow in his fathers footsteps.
But his fascination for fire and flames seemed to be stronger than his desire for the sea. After being rejected by the first two ships that where putting crews together, Warren apprenticed himself to an alchemist and was supposed to learn patiently how to make alchemists fire. Warren's lack of patience led to critical steps being missed and a disaster he was able to walk away from.
Warren's finally was able to go to sea with a pirate crew, but they were captured and most of them were hung. The young man was taken into slavery to mine ore and was treated rather unkindly for many years. Often locked away for hours at a time, the young slave realized he could manipulate the flame from the lantern he was given to light his room. Playing with the flame from the lantern was his sole recreation for many years. When his abilities fully matured, he was able to set a large fire and escape.
The later years are the times most difficult to remember. The pull of the sea and the desire to play with open flames were two constants. His ability to manipulate flames at sea were both respected and feared, and he knew enough of ships to gain a berth. There was the Varisian gypsy who carved the tatoo in Warren's body when he showed up drunkenly demanding a magic tatoo the could make things burn like the Varisian mages could. Unfortunately, uncontained fire at sea is one of the largest dangers. The silent, introverted man would often be the sport of drunken men, and a large demonstration of fire at sea always ended badly.
After recovering from his last incident, Warren made it to Port Peril to find another crew. After a woman actually paid attention to the middle-aged man, he found himself following her to a beating and being stuffed in a sack. How will he handle more forced captivity?
Warren is a complex, silent, brooding man. He is skinny and short, and seems to be always looking to do something. The huge tatoo of flames covering his body seem out of place on the man who often has the docile mannerisms of one long imprisoned. His eyes are constantly darting around. His years of being in captivity subject to others have left him bitter. His studies of magic have been his only way to have a measure of control over what seems to be a series of recurring situations of helplessness. His magic blood, when awakened, became an internal war that Warren is attempting to control. His aquatic magic blood is not mixed with sea dragon blood, no, it is mixed with red fire dragon blood. Which type of magic wins out will be due to a combination of the nature of the man and the environment and situations he is in.

Thanos Maximo RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32 |

Anežka Tzvana |

Character is ready and everything should be in order... I think!
If needed, here's a very quick rundown:
Combat Role: crowd control, summoning, buff-debuffing.
Out of Combat: Knowledge skill monkey, utility spells, party crafter (if craft wondrous items is allowed, and after a few levels of course).
Hope you like her! ;)

DM Yodler |

Rhep'lo Barleo
Male Human Bard (Sea Singer) 1
CN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +3
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Net -2 () and
. . Whip +2 (1d3+2/x2)
Special Attacks bardic performance (standard action) (7 rounds/day, bardic performance: distraction, bardic performance: fascinate (1 targets) (dc 13), bardic performance: inspire courage +1
Bard (Sea Singer) Spells Known (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Hideous Laughter (DC 14), Grease (DC 14)
0 (at will) Know Direction, Ghost Sound (DC 13), Detect Magic, Dancing Lights
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB +2 (+4 Tripping); CMD 13 (15 vs. Trip)
Feats Combat Expertise +/-1, Improved Trip
Traits Barroom Talespinner (1/week), Fast-Talker
Skills Acrobatics +2 (-2 jump), Bluff +8, Climb -1, Diplomacy +4, Escape Artist +2, Fly -2, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (history) +5, Perception +3, Perform (act) +7, Perform (oratory) +8, Profession (sailor) +3, Ride -2, Stealth -2, Swim -1
Languages Common, Orc
SQ bardic performance: sea shanty, world traveler (1/day)
Other Gear Studded leather armor, Net, Whip, Bard's kit, 18 GP
Special Abilities
Bardic Performance (standard action) (7 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Bardic Performance: Distraction (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sight.
Bardic Performance: Fascinate (1 targets) (DC 13) (Su) One or more creatures becomes fascinated with you.
Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +1 (Su) Morale bonus on some saving throws, attack and damage rolls.
Bardic Performance: Sea Shanty (Su) Allies use your perform for saves vs. Exhaustion, fatigue, nausea, or sickening, or can reroll.
Barroom Talespinner (1/week) Make DC 15 Knowledge (Local) or Int to gain +1 to influence Wormwood NPCs.
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Improved Trip You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when tripping.
World Traveler (1/day) (Ex) Can reroll a Knowledge (geography, local, nature), or Linguistics check.
Will have background up tomorrow.

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Here's Jericho Ralestone's (human monk {martial artist archetype}) character sheet for your consideration.
And here's his profile.

Doreen Makgree |

I'll try my luck with Doreen Makgree, gunslinger (mysterious stranger), even if gunslingers are not the DM's favorite. In my defense, this character can also do well without a musket in hand, with a nice selection of skills and decent melee stats.
I really dig this adventure path, I've started two games with this character, and it was really fun. Unfortunately, both games died before long, but hey, maybe third time is the charm.
Hope you like her enough to overlook the class choice. ;)

Adventurer#33 |

I would like to submit this character for consideration.
Ben Sandlock
Tall and well built with long blond hair and blue eyes Ben Sandlock is an impressive figure of manhood, for a Halfling. At three feet and five inches tall Ben is tall for a halfling. He wears his long hair woven into a complex braid that reaches the middle of his back. There are three links of chain woven into the braid at the base of his skull. He wears blue dyed canvas trousers tucked into brown leather gaters. Under his short sleeved chain shirt he wears a linen shirt, and a leather vest over it. He has a red silk scarf wrapped around his waist and a wide leather belt over it. A rapier hangs at his left side and a dagger and his belt pouch hangs on his right. He has two more daggers concealed in wrist sheaths. He has another red silk scarf tied around his head.
Ben is like most free Halflings he loves good food and drink, and music and singing. He hates slavers passionately, and has difficulty passing up opportunities to harm them and their trade.
Male Halfling Rogue (Swashbuckler) 1
CN Small Humanoid (halfling)
Init +3
Senses Perception +6
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +1 size)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +2,
Ref +6,
Will +1; +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee 3xDagger +3 (1d3+2/19-20/x2)
Rapier +3 (1d4+2/18-20/x2)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 14,
Dex 16,
Con 13,
Int 12,
Wis 10,
Cha 12
Base Atk +0;
CMB +1;
CMD 14
Feats Catch Off-Guard
Traits Expert Boarder, Eye for Plunder
Acrobatics +7 (+3 jump),
Appraise +2,
Climb +6,
Disable Device +3 w/o tools +5 with tools
Escape Artist +1,
Perception +6,
Profession (sailor) +4,
Ride +1,
Sense Motive +4,
Sleight of Hand +5 (2xWrist sheath +7 to oppose the Perception check of someone observing or frisking you regarding items in the sheath)
Stealth +9,
Survival +1 (Compass +3 to avoid becoming lost when using this),
Swim +4;
Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Climb, +2 Perception
Languages Common, Gnome, Halfling
SQ fearless
Other Gear Chain shirt, 3x Dagger, Rapier, Belt pouch (3 @ 0.5 lbs), Compass, Flint and steel, Wrist sheath (1 @ 0.5 lbs), Wrist sheath (1 @ 0.5 lbs), Sacred Keepsake: Three links of chain , no money!
Special Abilities
Catch Off-Guard Proficient with improvised melee weapons. Unarmed foe is flat-footed against your improvised weapons.
Compass +2 circumstance for Survival or Knowledge (Dungeoneering) to avoid becoming lost.
Expert Boarder Besmara rewards those who board other vessels and take what they want. While fighting on the deck of a ship, you gain a +1 bonus on all attacks made with one-handed weapons.
Eye for Plunder +1 to Perception to find concealed/secret objects (including doors/traps).
Fearless +2 racial bonus vs Fear saves.
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.

Kiddobunckle |

I would like to try my (or his) luck with a cheerful gnome explorer Kiddobunckle...
Male Gnome Bard (Archaeologist) 1
CN Small Humanoid (gnome)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2; +2 bonus vs. [language-dependant], glyph, symbol or writing-related spells
Defensive Abilities defensive training
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Dagger +0 (1d3-1/19-20/x2) and
. . Morningstar +0 (1d6-1/x2)
Ranged Heavy crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20/x2)
Spell-Like Abilities
. . 1/day—arcane mark, comprehend languages, message, read magic
Bard (Archaeologist) Spells Known (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Silent Image (DC 14), Expeditious Retreat
0 (at will) Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound (DC 13), Prestidigitation (DC 13)
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 10
Feats Athletic
Traits Ancient Explorer (Knowledge [history]), Shackles Seafarer
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+2 jump), Bluff +7, Climb +7, Fly +4, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local) +10, Perception +6, Profession (sailor) +4, Stealth +10, Swim +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Gnome, Polyglot, Sylvan
SQ archaeologist's luck +1 (7 rounds/day), bardic knowledge, magical linguist
Other Gear Leather armor, Dagger, Heavy crossbow, Morningstar, Backpack (empty), 70 GP
Special Abilities
Archaeologist's Luck +1 (7 rounds/day) (Ex) Gain Luck bonus to attack, damage, saves, and all skills.
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs monsters of the Giant subtype.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Magical Linguist +1 effective level for [language-dependent], glyph, symbol, or writing-related spells. +2 save vs. these spells.
Shackles Seafarer +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Knowledge (geography) checks while on the ocean. You also gain a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks, and Swim is always a class skill for you.
Blue hair, green eyes, looks cheerful and naive, fidgets almost all the time
Personal History
He was born to seafaring parents abroad a merchant vessel but cast to sea near a small island during a slaver attack while still a child.
After what seemed like eternity he was rescued by a passing Absolom ship and brought to the center of the world. He lived in a harbor for some time, ever wondering what happened to his parents and siblings.
As an ever inquisitive gnome he was drawn to the Pathfinders with the aim to become a famous explorer. The manners he picked while living on the street - and occasionally on a ship with sailors - did not really made him ready to follow orders and after an ill-fated attempt to explore a part of the Great Lodge not accessible to initiates, he had to flee the organization.
Not ready to give up his dream and still looking for his relatives he hired himself on a ship bound to Sargava. Once there his interest was picked by the ancient cyclops ruins scattered around the islands of Shackles and ended up in Port Peril looking for a contact selling an old map in one of the taverns…

Pedro Coelho RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 |

List of applicants (29) (Revision #4):
Void Dragon - Stephan Nilian - Human Alchemist (Beastmorph) (Vivisectionist)
Devastation Bob - Chumbeard - Male Dwarf (Saltbearded) Barbarian
Javell DeLeon - Sh'torek - Male Undine Barbarian (Sea Reaver)
Song of Chiroptera - Koningslos Sjal - Male Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Sea Reaver)
Krumthi - Ayaki Kitsune - Female Kitsune Bard
DM Yodler - Rhep'lo Barleo - Male Human Bard (Sea singer)
Jetty - Kiddobunckle - Male Gnome Bard (Archaelogist)
Merck - Galego Hans - Male Human (Sargavan) Dirge Bard
Stephan Neufang - Eric Asgalfson - Male Human (Ulfen) Cleric
Sai Ling - Bangkha - Male Half-Orc Druid 1
Cuchulainn - Chumtooth - Male Kuru Fighter
Kor - Chesley "Chez" Saryn - Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter)
Gnomezrule - Reinald Malcoms - Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Tactician)
Pedro Coelho - Doreen Makgree - Female Human (Taldan) Gunslinger (buccaneer)
Edgar Lamoureux - Howell Davis - Male Human Magus (Bladebound, Hexcrafter)
Chuckling Elvish Bard - Jericho Ralestone - Male Human Monk (martial artist)
Azrael Dukshi - Alwen Gaelarean - Male Elven Ranger (Freebooter)
Jeff Baylor - Oliver Tressilian - Male Human Ranger (Freebooter)
Rickmeister - Satinder Morne - Female Human Rogue (Rake)
MightyDuck - Kataran Var - Female Human (Chelaxian) Rogue (Smuggler) 1
EdwardNightingale - Dara Seawind - Female Half-Elf Rogue (Pirate)
Adventurer#33 - Ben Sandlock - Male halfling Rogue (Swashbuckler)
Algar Lysandris - Jake Cassard - Male Aasimar Scion of Humanity (Angel-kin) Oracle
Wolfgang Rolf - Radval Zardill - Male Human Sorcerer (Shadow Bloddline)
GM Tribute - Warren Redmont - Male Human Crossblooded Sorcerer (Seaborn/Draconic [red])
wolfman1911 - Tolyn Brinely - Male Gillmen Witch
Escharid Blackrose - Cadj Nassen - Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard (Evoker)
markofbane - Dantes Goldforge - Male Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)
Thanos Maximo - Anežka Tzvana - Female Human Wizard (Conjurer [Teleportation])
Dividing by role is a little difficult, but this might help sorting the applications.
Wolfgang Rolf - Radval Zardill - Male Human Sorcerer (Shadow Bloddline)
GM Tribute - Warren Redmont - Male Human Crossblooded Sorcerer (Seaborn/Draconic [red])
wolfman1911 - Tolyn Brinely - Male Gillmen Witch
Escharid Blackrose - Cadj Nassen - Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard (Evoker)
markofbane - Dantes Goldforge - Male Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)
Thanos Maximo - Anežka Tzvana - Female Human Wizard (Conjurer [Teleportation])
Stephan Neufang - Eric Asgalfson - Male Human (Ulfen) Cleric
Algar Lysandris - Jake Cassard - Male Aasimar Scion of Humanity (Angel-kin) Oracle
Sai Ling - Bangkha - Male Half-Orc Druid 1
Devastation Bob - Chumbeard - Male Dwarf (Saltbearded) Barbarian
Javell DeLeon - Sh'torek - Male Undine Barbarian (Sea Reaver)
Song of Chiroptera - Koningslos Sjal - Male Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Sea Reaver)
Cuchulainn - Chumtooth - Male Kuru Fighter
Kor - Chesley "Chez" Saryn - Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-Weapon Fighter)
Gnomezrule - Reinald Malcoms - Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Tactician)
Void Dragon - Stephan Nilian - Human Alchemist (Beastmorph) (Vivisectionist)
Pedro Coelho - Doreen Makgree - Female Human (Taldan) Gunslinger (buccaneer)
Edgar Lamoureux - Howell Davis - Male Human Magus (Bladebound, Hexcrafter)
Chuckling Elvish Bard - Jericho Ralestone - Male Human Monk (martial artist)
Azrael Dukshi - Alwen Gaelarean - Male Elven Ranger (Freebooter)
Jeff Baylor - Oliver Tressilian - Male Human Ranger (Freebooter)
Krumthi - Ayaki Kitsune - Female Kitsune Bard
DM Yodler - Rhep'lo Barleo - Male Human Bard (Sea singer)
Jetty - Kiddobunckle - Male Gnome Bard (Archaelogist)
Merck - Galego Hans - Male Human (Sargavan) Dirge Bard
Rickmeister - Satinder Morne - Female Human Rogue (Rake)
MightyDuck - Kataran Var - Female Human (Chelaxian) Rogue (Smuggler) 1
EdwardNightingale - Dara Seawind - Female Half-Elf Rogue (Pirate)
Adventurer#33 - Ben Sandlock - Male halfling Rogue (Swashbuckler)

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Back this morning at 1 AM. Just got up. Give me a day or two and I'll try to post something tomorrow evening.
In other news, had a great vacation in Walt Disney World! Stayed at a resort for a change (Pop Culture) and it made a HUGE difference! The savings in parking fees alone made it worthwhile. We took buses to and from the parks and had anything we purchased delivered to the resort, so we didn't have to carry it around.